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Scammer Reporting (chime in if you suspect a scammer here)

I haven't seen this email or post pop up here, but our flying club just got this sent to our club's email address, and before thinking about it too clearly someone emailed it out to the entire club. bfletc4320 at gmail dot com appears to be a known scam email address according to some google searching. Thought i'd post it here due to it's immediate relevance to our community...

I'm selling all my RV hand tools.

I have built 6 RV's using most of the below tools and yes they still work.
dimple tools and dies, several yokes, hand and pneumatic squeezers,
rivet guns 2x 3x, tube flair, drills, rivet shaver, counter sinks,
deburr and the list goes on.

1. New Lightspeed Zulu 3 $600
2. Bose ProFlight 2 headset with Bluetooth Dual Plug $650
3 . DC PRO-X2 Hybrid ANR Headset w/ Bluetooth $800
4. David Clark Pro X Bluetooth, Bose QC3’s $300
5 . David Clark H10-13X ENC Headset $300
6. DC Pro X 1st gen $300
7. David Clark DC PRO-X2 Hybrid Electronic Noise-Cancelling Aviation
Headset $400
8. QT Halo (in ear) Headset $250
10 . UFly Harmony pro bundle $200
11. Clarity aloft headset $400
12. Bose Aviation X Headset $300
13 . DC One-X Excellent Condition (with Bluetooth) $700

If interested, please contact directly <bfletc4320 at gmail dot com>
I've received two emails from this guy:

Antti 1

Both times he says he recently purchased things I'm interested in from____________. He gave different emails to both.

Smells like a SCAMMER.
Scamming/Fishing alert

Posted a WTB for a vacuum pump cover, as i'm removing the pump off of my 0-360.

Received this DM from "Antti 1"...pointing me to "terrykohler".

Just so happens that Terry is a friend of mine and this ([email protected]) is NOT his email address. I also called Terry to advise his names being used, telling him of this apparent scam.

Spoke with my pal that's in cyber security. This "fishing" is an attempt to obtain personal email addresses "so that" they can then get more information and steal identify and your funds.

Hoping the admin can block Antti 1......(there's alot more i want to say but trying to keep my "thoughts above the line")

Private Message: O360 vacuum pump COVER

Yesterday, 01:59 PM
Antti 1 Antti 1 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: Los Angeles,California
Posts: 0
Default O360 vacuum pump COVER

I recently purchase some items from terrykohler,O360 vacuum pump COVER is among the items he's willing to part out with. You can email him at [email protected] if he still have it available.


[ed. Thank you! I deleted the 'Antti 1' account and added their IP address and email to the never allow database. v/r,dr]
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Brody1 and Frhi8302 are both still active on this site as of 2/8/23. Both are scammer accounts.

[ed. Delete your cache is my guess. Both of those accounts were deleted by me a couple of weeks ago. v/r,dr]
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Scammer reporting

I’m selling my Dynon Touch. I don’t want to get scammed. I plan on verifying the person buying it via an EAA chapter or perhaps a known reference. Does anyone Else have other ideas?
Last I heard Stein will offer an escrow service for avionics.

Maybe. Case by case with Stein now but not a service as open as it was before.

Dated 11.14.2022
Someone called and got a different answer. I decided to call Stein myself.

The answer, if you email you get told they do not do it.
If you call it’s done on a case by case.

Here’s the skinny. They don’t want to sell, switches knobs etc, or ancient avionics. It needs to be a substantial item to be worth their time and yours.

Appreciate that they still do this.
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I got scammed!

I posted a WTB ad here and was pm'd by morrisondarren239. He said he bought some RV6 parts from a guy and this guy would have my part. nnsloya.com... no name. I emailed this person and he said he had what I needed. At first he asked for 5x the cost of the VA-111 I need. I said back,
"are you crazy". He said "OK, no need to insult me, how about $30 shipped". I didn't check him out and I paid via Venmo. After a day or 2, I checked here and I realized it was a scam.

Identity theft? He immediately asked for my address...
How can someone steal your information with only your name and address and a Venmo account?

[ed. That morrison... account is deleted. I'm so sorry this happened. I'll state again that I won't buy a part online ANYWHERE, this site included, unless I can Facetime them and get a recording of their face talking to me. How to do this HERE (link lives on the front page). Again, very sorry. v/r,dr
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Scammers alive and well…

ALL - Be careful out there; scammers are rampant! Just received a text that someone had an engine for sale. Came from a Denver area number. Asked if he had time for a phone call to which he replied yes. When I called the number it went to an automated “Google” assistant asking my name and saying it would connect me. The call sounded like it answered but nobody was there. I tried a second time and received the same response. A few minutes later a lady called me and said she had received two calls from my number. I asked her if she had an aircraft engine for sale and she laughed and said no. A few minute later a “United Airlines Representative” called with some suspicious spiel. Then the original author of the text sent me some very sterile pictures of an engine with a story about it having been his brothers and he couldn’t answer any questions, he is an old man and couldn’t hear me calling, and he was in Alaska. That was the end of our conversation.

Grammar in text was horrible, pictures looked suspicious, lame excuse about being an old man who couldn’t talk on the phone but could text…

Wanted it to be real but it sounded suspicious from the onset. Trust your instincts.
Maybe mods can block him?

User: Pil0tjim77

Sent me a PM for a starter I'm looking for and clearly a scammer right off the bat. Wants me to send an email to [email protected]. zero posts, says he can't email me directly cause of forum rules, ect.

[ed. Account deleted. I.P. address and email added to 'never allow' database. Thanks for the heads up and v/r,dr]
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User: benworthy058

Looks like a similar MO to the previous one. PM'd me about a fuel tank I'm looking for. He name-dropped another forum member (who I imagine has no idea his name is being used) and wanted to me to email "[email protected]". I Googled that email address, and found a thread on a different forum where it looks like the same guy is scamming over there...

[ed. benworthy058 account locked down/banned just now. v/r,dr]
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User: benworthy058

Looks like a similar MO to the previous one. PM'd me about a fuel tank I'm looking for. He name-dropped another forum member (who I imagine has no idea his name is being used) and wanted to me to email "[email protected]". I Googled that email address, and found a thread on a different forum where it looks like the same guy is scamming over there...

[ed. benworthy058 account locked down/banned just now. v/r,dr]

Second that, got the same PN from him
Glad I read this. I got the Same PM in response to my WTB ad for tools. Will ignore all future communications from the email. the message I got is as follows:

Hey, a member of the forum have some Tools for sale. He goes by "jfrank71" here and you can email him at [email protected].

Just got an email from Badger Band asking for $600 for tools. Just an FYI these guys are out there.


[ed. Trust nobody you can't FaceTime or Zoom (and get screengrabs of and a location that is verifiable).
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I think I just got scammed by a guy named Stuart (stuartyeo). New to this site in Jan per his profile.

He wanted to buy several items that I posted and convinced me to allow him to verify me....to prove I wasn't scamming him. He said he wanted to Facetime, etc. before payment which I'd certainly do. Unfortunately, I gave him enough info to check on me. I sure hope he is NOT a scammer as he cancelled the sale telling me he was afraid of being scammed. Sounds VERY shaky to me.
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I’d like to report flyingfinn as a scammer if it’s not already been done. I sent him 135.00 for plugs and then he acts as he’s not the one selling them.

[ed. Account banned. Please read every word of https://www.vansairforce.net/UsingTheClassifiedsSuggestions.htm . Trust NO ONE and don't spend more than you are comfortable loosing. The internet is full of smart scum. If you can't Zoom or FaceTime someone selling something and you can't grab an image of the face, then consider them a scammer. v/r,dr]
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Scammer Lurking messaged me

A person messaged me via a comment on my personal blog that they navigated to from my signature saying they were selling a GPS 175 that I expressed interest in in a thread posted by someone on the classifieds - this thread. The email address they provided in the comment on my blog was "[email protected]".

After a quick back and forth via email, they offered a 50% deposit and 50% after receiving the item. They then proceeded to provide me Zelle information with a completely different email and name: Brandon Olin , "[email protected]".

I then decided to message the original poster of the thread above via a PM to confirm the information was all correct. There was no response from the emailer via PM at the time of the conversation. I then asked if there was a phone number that I could FaceTime or see pictures of the GPS. They provided me a number that was a google voice number (anyone can make one for free). I proceeded to speak to the person on the phone, and when I asked for them to say the name of the original poster, the line cut off.

I did a quick google search for that email address: maritimesend... and half a dozen results came up with "potential scammer" for difference sites including VAF from 2021 (with a different username) , as well as a gun site, and a boat site.

I don't think the OP of the above thread is the scammer, but I think the scammer is impersonating him.

I hope this story complies with all the rules for this thread. Sorry for the long post. Also, I'm glad I'm not out $3500.

[ed. If anyone isn't willing to FaceTime or Zoom you holding the item for sale they are a scammer. Buyer beware!!! v/r,dr]
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Same email

Good on you for doing your due diligence. That’s the same email that was used to try and scam me out of $700 for a headset. Can’t believe he’s still using the same email.

"[email protected]"
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...I did a quick google search for that email address: maritimesend... and half a dozen results came up with "potential scammer" for difference sites including VAF from 2021 (with a different username) , as well as a gun site, and a boat site...
It not always a foolproof method but Googling the email address should be the first step in vetting these transactions.
What is a foolproof way to not become a victom? I opened this account about 3 or 4 months ago to post that I wanted to buy a GRT Mini GA, a very cool little portable EFIS, bought a new one back in 2017 and wanted another one but GRT has stopped making them so used was the only way to get one, so I posted here and fortunately a nice guy replied and said he had one and we made the deal, spoke to him a couple times before money transfers, did it via paypal and he got the funds and I got the GRT Mini. But recently I posted a Dynon D3 for sale and 2 people contacted me, one a scammer and one seemed like a good guy, but because I am not very familiar with paypal or any other electronic transfers and how to recover funds lost through dishonest scammers I was reluctant to proceed. Someone local wanted my D3 so I sold it to him cash transfer in person, for his J4 Cub that had no attitude indicator at all.

Feel bad about not making the deal with the guy that sounded genuine, but I did not want to risk someone sending me money via paypal and than taking it back as soon as they got the D3, can they do that electronically take the money back?

And by the way, attaching a screen of the pm the one I thought was a scammer, never got a reply back from the guy when I asked to meet in person


  • Screenshot_20230607-120810.png
    310 KB · Views: 295
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What is a foolproof way to not become a victom?
I would say that Doug's missive on this answers this question pretty well. Maybe not foolproof but close. I'm surprised people keep getting scammed on VAF related stuff given how many times he posts this, but then again scammers are clever and I'm sure I'm not immune. It's easy to get sucked in by that screaming deal or just in a hurry and not willing to take the time / effort to verify.

EDIT: Admittedly, Doug's thing is mostly for buyers but it does mention PayPal which seems to have pretty good protection for sellers -
worth checking out anyway (link). I wouldn't use Venmo for anyone I don't know personally - (and would also verify it's really them).
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SCAMMER ALERT: Somebody pretending to be Ron Gawer is running scams here in the classifieds. If anybody knows Ron personally, please contact him and let him know to change his password and clean out his PM's.
RVKITS14 and QuintariusGibbs Are Scammers

Both of these new members appear to be the same scammer selling slightly used Headsets and Magnetos. Google has them using the gibbs name and scamming on a cruiser boating site. RVKITS14 says it's from Illinois, but google says Lithuania. Same odd wording and spelling errors from both. Buyer Beware!
scammer alert

Got a pm too

Contact doug to ban the account,why is this scam running on this forum
Got a pm too

Contact doug to ban the account,why is this scam running on this forum

Funny. The scammer is posting in this thead now? Or is the scammer using a lookalike address? I just got a PM from rvkits14 with a scam offer.
Dont click on any link

I think there are 2 users using my username..Someone sent me pictures for a donation link which i clicked and put in my details.

How do i change my password here
scammer still trying to login

i see notification of someone trying to change my password again
I just told him to send me everything and I will pay when it arrives; (Maybe)!
I deleted the rvkits14 and gibbsquintarius accounts. Thanks for the heads up.

Both of these new members appear to be the same scammer selling slightly used Headsets and Magnetos. Google has them using the gibbs name and scamming on a cruiser boating site. RVKITS14 says it's from Illinois, but google says Lithuania. Same odd wording and spelling errors from both. Buyer Beware!
It’s interesting that he’s selling a finished empanage kit a finished right wing but is also asking what’s still available on the “cleaning out the hangar” thread.
It’s interesting that he’s selling a finished empanage kit a finished right wing but is also asking what’s still available on the “cleaning out the hangar” thread.

It was posted just before DR dropped the hammer.
You guys have no respect for a member that joined in 1969...... before the internet and VAF and Vans Aircraft.....:eek:
Scam1.JPG Scam2.JPG
I got taken by a pro...please be careful out there.

I did a post on the B website for a wanted ad. I posted needing a canopy for my RV-7.
Guy calls and gives me a story and he was very literate and I felt so lucky he called.
I bought into it. He said he was clearing his dads stuff out in CA and his father had died of covid a while back. Gives me a story about the RV-7 he had and the previous RV-6 with a leftover canopy still in Van's box.
Says he was just going to toss it and a friend had messaged him about my ad.
The prick was a fast talker and since I was talking to him by phone, I thought it was legit.
These scammers are good and I learned a good lesson at the expense of 550 bucks.
Whatever you do. Ask and verify then verify again.
If they get pissed let it go.
Never again. I just wish I could find the guy... oh how I wish I could find that crook.


Someone using 720-468-0722 has answered my request to buy RV6/7 engine mount, gear legs, tail wheel mount and spring. , but won’t talk, doesn’t answer ,, only text. but has said he has engine mount.
Scammer,, I thinks,,,,