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Scammer Reporting (chime in if you suspect a scammer here)

my first rule is, if they are using a gmail, hotmail, or other easy to setup free email they are out. I know people don't want to use there normal email when selling something but it seems all the scammers use gmail the likes.
Another scammer....Mark Woody. He's using 'vmaxrv7' as a reference. Using an email called Bryan Goofy. Buyer Beware. Almost got scammed because of my WTB posting.
Here's the excerpt from his email to me:

I recently purchase some items from vmaxrv7, TruTrak control head - Rectangle is among the items he's willing to part out with. You can email him at [email protected] if he still have it available.

[ed. That account was locked down several days ago. Again, don't send more money than you're willing to lose and don't deal with ANYBODY that isn't willing to FaceTime and/or Zoom holding the object. v/r,dr]
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I just got hit with a “buyer” scam attempt for the Whelen strobe stuff I have for sale. Got a random text message saying they will buy “the item” (I have several items listed). “will send cashiers check and when it clears, we’ll work out shipping”…. Of course this person needed my full name, address and email. I told him to give me a call and we’ll work it out that way. The person never did call, but hit me up a few days later with a new number and the same approach.

I’m guessing that the scammer is going to try clone my ad, assume my payment identity, and ”sell” my stuff.
Potential Scammer :
This conversation today.. tailwheel steering control arm listed for sale by Sinjin @$100 ..... called the number he sent me and got Dave? who knew nothing about it.....Mike

Edit Star Mark unread Leave

[IMG alt="TnMike"]https://vansairforce.net/data/avatars/m/11/11267.jpg?1705005445[/IMG]


Well Known Member​

Tuesday at 9:03 AM

Hi would you be willing to take $50 for it?
Thanks, Mike

Dues Paid


Active Member​

Today at 9:27 AM

$75 would be fine
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[IMG alt="TnMike"]https://vansairforce.net/data/avatars/m/11/11267.jpg?1705005445[/IMG]


Well Known Member​

Today at 1:09 PM

Great, how do you want to get paid?

Dues Paid



Active Member​

53 minutes ago

zelle or paypal is fine. [email protected]

maybe $5 for shipping ?

Like Reply

Run away!
Thanks Sam, I did run away ... finally figured out how to post this on here hoping someone can check out this email address ...(zelle or paypal is fine. [email protected]) ..
initially responded to an ad by SINJIN, and referred to a number that was Dave (who knew nothing about it) copied from another post ... so hoping Doug can trace it. maybe delete it with that info.
Thanks, Mike
watch out for “Mark Woody”

i posted a need for an oil filter.

received this DM:
"I recently purchase some items from vmaxrv7, lycoming 0-360 A1A oil filter adapter assembly is among the items he's willing to part out with. You can email him at [email protected] if he still have it available.”

Emailed to Bryan to call me. He did but didn’t leave a message then sent me a text (from 234 906 887 3193 saying “Hello Gerald. This is bryan. Tried reaching you. I received the number you sent via email about the Lycoming filter adapter. Let me know if this is you”.

Yah, for fun I hit reply to call him back…it dialed 360 228-0095, but didn’t have a message.

This is the same jackass that tried to scam be before…apparently he forgot me.

Karma will get him. Hope its painful
Scammer alert

Someone tried selling me a rudder for RV sent a picture of a boat rudder.

Did not what know what an airport identifier was.

Probably changed his email already

[email protected]
I was just contacted by "Ricky Fowler" [email protected] regarding me wanting to buy an ELT. His email got the hairs on my neck standing up so I googled his email address and this thread pops up with his info. The first thing he says is that he has an ACK E-01 ELT and wants to know where I'm located. Of course he is in New Orleans, 2000 miles away. I told him that was great because my brother lives in the 9th Ward and I can have him come by with cash, what's your address? Some how I think he won't get back to me.... Be careful out there.

I was just contacted by "Ricky Fowler" [email protected] regarding me wanting to buy an ELT. His email got the hairs on my neck standing up so I googled his email address and this thread pops up with his info. The first thing he says is that he has an ACK E-01 ELT and wants to know where I'm located. Of course he is in New Orleans, 2000 miles away. I told him that was great because my brother lives in the 9th Ward and I can have him come by with cash, what's your address? Some how I think he won't get back to me.... Be careful out there.

Ya should has asked him why he only placed 30th in the Masters? “Ya drive for show, putt for dough”
Anything from phone number 504-383-6103 is a SCAM he tried to sell me a AP servo and sent me a bogus picture of a Garmin panel instead. Be Careful
I told him that was great because my brother lives in the 9th Ward and I can have him come by with cash, what's your address? Some how I think he won't get back to me.... Be careful out there.

A favorite tactic of mine as well! Sometimes playing this game can be fun.
I saw on Fa******* a lot of Garmin equipment for sale that was new in the box. I contacted the guy on there going by the name Grayson Barrows, from Albany NY. He wanted to do Venmo Escrow, but when I told I will fly there and take a look at it and pay cash, and I asked for his phone number, three times. He then blocked me. SO, I found the real Grayson Barrows, who isn't even on Fa******, and he stated it was not him that was selling anything, and he had been contacted several times by people reporting the guy to him for trying to scam them. Do NOT send Grayson Barrows or anybody any money without putting eyes on the equipment!
Mhefty88 has a -9 listed, but one of the pictures is a-10. Looks very suspicious with lack of details

[ed. Shane, I saw pics of a 9A with a painted canopy top (kinda looked like a 10 at first glance). Maybe I'm missing something. v/r,dr]
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Yep, a few more here, one is email [email protected] with a cryptic "$90 shipped" for a servo kit I was looking at, and another from a Matt Gailey ([email protected]) for an autopilot servo, again the usual "I still have it, $100 shipped"....the key here is a third party chiming in to a conversation. Looks like notifying a seller with a "PM Sent" message is not a good plan!
Anything from phone number 504-383-6103 is a SCAM he tried to sell me a AP servo and sent me a bogus picture of a Garmin panel instead. Be Careful
Comes up as a scammer on several other websites too, like v8buick.com, aaca.org - beware of these jerks!
Normally, I don't follow this thread. However, I recently posted an ad here to sell some tools and parts. An hour ago, I get an email from Mario Ferreira [[email protected]]. He asks what I have for sale and where I'm located. Seems to me, if this was a legit query, he would know what I have for sale [photos included with the ad]. I suspect this is a phishing attempt. Reviewing my SENT email folder, I see no email that I have sent to this email address in the past 6 months. Maybe someone has hacked a VAF member's email address???

Charlie Kuss
Charlie I remember receiving an email from the gentleman you are describing with the same questions. Not sure he is legit thanks for warning.
Let me know if it’s from a VAF account. I can’t control some random person emailing you, but I can help if it’s from an account here.

I've had this thought for a while. Whenenver there is a ligit ad here, people reply in the thread "PM Sent", "Contact me at someone@somewhere dot com", or wost of all real phone numbers.

It would be best to just start with the PM (conversation), the software knows the correct order. That doesn't tell the scammer what you might be willing to be ripped off for.

Also, ads that say "Just email, I don't check PMs" should be avoided.

This won't cure the initial fraudster who takes time to place a scam ad, but it will slow the third party scammers using the "sell similar" or "I know a guy who has that" game.
