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Best always,
Best always,
Paul Tuttle said:We flipped the fuselage today ; one of my helpers Lt Col (ret) Earl McCurdy thought we should install the F101 Voodoo seat I have in the shop. My brother (right) and I gave it a valiant effort but it would appear some adjustments are required for a proper fit. Earl flew the F 101 during his career with the RCAF.
KTM520guy said:You are building a plane in you living room!!! You rock!
If I were a betting man I would wager that you're not married.briand said:I must rock too then!
Done deal. Seems to be a common modification among the -8 guys. Simple, yet highly utilitarian.mannanj said:I made a large door (tried to keep it structural) on the bulkhead between the instrument pannel and the firewall......
Mickey:rv8ch said:Rick - the small access panels are a very clever idea - I've never seen them there before.