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Tree Top Flier

I sent the video to a friend an ex Hornet driver and gulf war vet, now airline pilot. He says he wants one . So if our guy gives up his identity there could be a finders fee in it for him. He told me a story of an Air Force pilot who brought a F 104 back to base a little beat up with branches and leaves hanging off it. The pilot's story was that he hit a bird .One of the ground crew types offered that it must have still been in the nest :)

RV 8
Buffett version is still better!

Can anyone comment on the FAA legalities of this type of flying. Not that I don't think its PDG, but just curious.
Hard Knox said:
Can anyone comment on the FAA legalities of this type of flying. Not that I don't think its PDG, but just curious.

Isn't the rule just 500 ft above and 1000 ft laterally from any man-made structure? (Boy, it's been a long time since that PPL knowledge test for me! :eek: )
Hard Knox said:
Can anyone comment on the FAA legalities of this type of flying. Not that I don't think its PDG, but just curious.

?91.119 Minimum safe altitudes; general

Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft below the following altitudes;
(a) ?Anywhere. ?An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
(b) ?Over congested areas. ?Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2.000 feet of the aircraft.
(c) ?Over other than congested areas.
An altitude of 500 feet above the surface except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In that case, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
(d) ?Helicopters. ?Helicopters may be operated at less than the minimums prescribed In paragraph (b) or (c) of this section if the operation is conducted without hazard to persons or property on the surface. In addition, each person operating a helicopter shall comply with routes or altitudes specifically prescribed for helicopters by the Administrator.
With just having the video to go by, I can't see any evidence of him violating 91.119.

I'm sure someone could make a case for 91.13, but if zooming down a river at 50 feet and 200mph in an airplane I built in my garage is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.
Where was it flown?

Hard Knox said:
Can anyone comment on the FAA legalities of this type of flying. Not that I don't think its PDG, but just curious.
You are making the assumption that he was flying in the USA. There are RVs flying all over the world.
Mickey, point taken, but...Buffett is better!

Based on previous posts about the cap and the airplane, I'll stick by my statement. The numbers put the odds in favor of this being a US bird. I meant no disrespect to anyone by my question and never gave a thought to blah blah blah about the guy's country of origin, etc. This is a good thread Mickey, don't hijack it with c**p that was not stated, implied or needed!
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Ok, I don't think it's an RV anything. I believe the plane in the vidio is a pusher. I read somewhere that the plane is a Velocity. There is no prop disk in the vidio and there certainly should be it its a 4 or a 3.

Anybody who has sat in one knows it's a 4. Right down to the cheesy little yellow canopy latch knob. Mmm, cheese.
zilik said:
Ok, I don't think it's an RV anything. I believe the plane in the vidio is a pusher. I read somewhere that the plane is a Velocity. There is no prop disk in the vidio and there certainly should be it its a 4 or a 3.

Another hint that it is NOT a Velocity is that they are four place airplanes. Also, pushers are not known for their acro and that guy did a very nice roll before turning back up river.

Also, you would have been able to see the front wing if it was a canard.

It is an RV-4, just look at the canopy structure above the panel.
FWIW, The original link was connected to a Corvette club in Washinton State I think called the Wiseguys, :cool: when you view the pictures of the members Vette's one of them has the nose of what appears to be an RV-4 protruding into the picture...coincidence? I think not. I don't have the original link anymore but if you do, check out the members cars and you will see the RV nose in one of them.

Rick S.