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Instrument panel less switches

Here's a picture of my instrument panel. The rectangle above the Dynon of for the Zaon MRX, not in my possession yet. I still need to install the switches, intercom, and idiot lights. The Lowrance 600C will mount above the Comm on a Ram mount.

I painted it with one coat of Sherwin Williams self etching primer and about 4 coats of Pewter Grey Rustoleum gloss, sanding between coats. It came out pretty nice.


Kelly Johnson
San Jose, CA
Very Clean and Simple


For Day VFR - I'd do it very much the same.

I have D-10A, EMS-D10, SL40, steam backups and a Trafficscope VRX. All good stuff.

Nice work!
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Literally trucking! My quickbuild wings got forty miles of nice autumn air and are now in my shop. Love my wing cradles.

Thanks to Kelly Johnson and Paul Eastham for assistance above and beyond.
That's a good looking panel! Please let me know if there is anything we can do to assist with the installation of your MRX.
Instrument Panel Plus Switches

A couple of weeks ago I posted a photo of my instrument panel less my switches. Since then, I received a custom switch plate and fuel plate from AV/GRAPHIX (http://avgrafix.com).

I'm very pleased with the way this came out. I sent Denny over at AV/Graphix a rough sketch of what I wanted. I simply did a quick Excel drawing. He then sent me a full size .pdf file that I cut out and played around wtih. After a couple of iterations, I got the finished product.

I had him laser in 1/8" holes for the switches then I simply match drilled them to the panel and then opened them up further with a Unibit. Then, I put some transfer ashesive on the back and stuck it on.

I had Denny laser in only the middle hole of the fuel plate and I match drilled everything else.

Oh, and the price was very reasonable. Denny is good people!

Kelly Johnson
San Jose, CA

Here's the status of my project! I started the canopy in May, made the big cut on July 4th, and finally got everything riveted together last night. Van's is right when they say it may take as long to do the canopy as the SB fuselage kit! It took me five months from start to finish, and I worked on very little other than the canopy during this time! The good news is that it turned out great. The skirts fit so well that there's actually a little resistance to overcome in the first inch or so of aft travel when opening the canopy. Will need to figure something out on that one since my little side handles don't quite provide the grip to open the canopy from the outside very well, though it does open nicely from inside.

Special thanks to Matt Burch, for the great website and generous advice, as well as those who gave me great fiberglass help for my rear skirt. I'm sure I could have done it better, but I am absolutely pleased. Next to putting the wings on the fuselage, this has to be the greatest feeling of accomplishment in the entire project thus far! On to electrical and FWF...

Awe shucks, I couldn't resist! My status: lots of formation flying. The 50mm cannon in the nose malfunctioned, though, so the Swift is still with us.

Oregon RV-9A moves to new home...

It was a big day last Friday for Vans Aircraft employee Daryl Sahnow and building partner Andy Rux, moving their RV-9A fuselage over to Twin Oaks airport (K7S3). Look for a first flight report in the near future from this pair....:)

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One flap done, one more to go!

I just completed the wrestling match this dude and it came nice and straight! I've got the order form filled out for my fuselage and will send it off next week (after payday:rolleyes:).

Rolled the Canoe!!


It seems like it's been forever, but what a great moment for me anyway. The hour meter rolled to 670 as of closing the shop door today. I've had lots of help and much guidance from this site since starting.

Thanks to everyone.
Panel cutout is virtually complete, ready for paint, and all that wiring!

Added to the picture below will be a Trio autopilot (in the lower left 3-1/8" cutout) and a Sirius whiskey compass will be on the glareshield just under the roll bar brace. Those and 2 indicator lights (master on and boost pump on) above the altimeter are, I think, the only additions. (Oh yes, and a real Dynon!)

This is the center section, less the ears of the panel that are separate pieces to facilitate a pull out/tilt feature to the panel. Switch to the right of the mixture is the flaps (close to the standard Cessna location). Horizontal tilt for the Lowrance 2000c is ground adjustable.

The left side (where everything necessary for flight goes):
Switches to right of ignition: alt field breaker and avionics master, then the exterior light group (5), then just left of the tx is the combination boost pump/primer switch. Parking brake is at the upper left (on the ear of the panel). This switch order was based on a sequential right to left shutdown order. The only thing that will be out of sequence on startup is that the boostpump/primer will be engaged prior to ignition.

The right side (where everything unnecessary for flight goes): the two dimmer switches will be for the glareshield strip and the map lights. Cabin heat is on the upper right ear.

The only two other things I need to place are a d.c. power port, and audio input jack, and the headphone jacks, but these will be hidden under the panel or elsewhere.

Notice also the extra $500 I wasted sitting right above the transponder!

For those trying to decide whether to cut the panel yourself or have it laser or water cut, it's a piece of cake to do yourself. Save yourself the money... it was a fun project.
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Making progress during the holidays. Side skins are riveted on and aft top skins are ready to be match drilled. One thing that is bothering me is no matter how many cushions I throw in the plane I still sit too low it seems. Maybe with the extra bolsters under the seats I will be fine, but at 5'7" I need all the help I can get. I am used to flying a 57 straight tail 172 that has excellent forward visibility but I have flown a Grumman AA1-B with no issues.


No pics, but so what?

After a failed five minute attempt at picture insertion, I gave up for now.

Closed wings(and feeling really good about it!). Found single-person riveting no big deal, used own method, but KEPT IT IN THE RACK. Workd in three stages across the panels, from the TE up. Had to use 1 pull rivet in each panel due to reach. Drilled out and reset 6 or 7 total. Very few I'm ashamed of(come on, you know what I'm talking about!), two skin 'doinks' due to gun jump, four others total due to misplaced/off rivet bucking bar. Some colorful bruises, sure, but good. Total panel warp of 1/16" max. Measuring rivet set via the 'indent in tip of finger method' was the best tip I learned!

So at 605hours:
Emp, incl FG- done.
Fuel tanks - Done, cheated, Evan did them, took forever (Feb 2007-Jan 2008).
Flaps and ailerons - done
Wings: closed!
Left wing FG drilled and fit
All parts alodined, incl skins.

UPDATE 2/25/08: Tech inspector visit: my first EAA tech inspector visit was yesterday. Dave Ross (RV-4 flying since '91, RV-7 under constr, local builder assistance, A&P) came out, and perused my work for an hour and a half. The report reads: "Basically an external inspection of tail & wings, as all were closed. Could see in wings through lightening holes . All workmanship looked good with no errors found." I should be happy with this, right? I really did appreciate Dave's insight, lots of good experience there. Anybody have any thoughts?

Keep pounding!

Rick 90432
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Fuselage kit is here!

This box is HUGE!. Totally covered in thick plywood, all the way around and no apparent sign of damage. The ABF truck driver was a great help. He wheeled it right up to the garage door and even helped me shove it inside. That's service! Oregon to Texas for $360 bucks, not too bad.

You guys are killing me here - I'm trying to catch up as fast as I can!

Empennage is complete, and I ordered my wings today - woohoo!! :D

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N345SF engine start



Some specs:
ECI Titan O-320 B1B1N from AERO.
Assembled by me with Kim (the K from KW Aviation) and Jeff H looking over my shoulder and lending a hand. Roland Wolf (RV6) standing by with fire ext and camera.
The oil pressure's a bit high, actually past redline, at 2100 static rpm. No other squawks.

Five Sierra Fox,
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I have a canoe now also

Just wanted everyone to see I'm really building something also and just not posting.

Mike H came over this last Sunday and helped me finish riveting the forward skins on the plane.

My first set of bucked rivets

Sounds like an elementary school story?

Well I am proud to say that I have riveted the doubler of the front spar for the HS. Used a sweet set of tungsten bars and a CP squeezer for some of the flushed rivets. Ended up making my own shop head gage and a vise grip dimpling plier(worked great dimpling the holes on the edge) check it out
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No Smoke, No Mirrors; Panel is Lit

A big day in the shop today; one of those moments that reinvigorates and motivates. I lit up N858JK's (reserved) panel for the first time today since beginning the installation/wiring exercise. So far, so good. Now on to wiring up the engine monitoring harness.



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Wings in progress!!

My slowbuild wing kit for my 9A arrived yesterday, and I completed a good inventory this evening. I'm builder # 91691 (theoretically the 1691st tail kit for a 9/9A) but the wing kit was labeled #1337, so I'm assuming this is the 1337th wing kit shipped. Lot's of tail kits out there that didn't get this far.


I put some hanger brackets on the wall to keep the long pieces out of the way until needed...


...and cleared off a lower level shelf for safe storage of the skins during the construction process.

Picture not appropriate for this forum

Hey guys,

You wouldn't want to see the status of my project because it got real ugly in the shop today. First time I've been able to work on the project in a few weeks, nice hot day to cut on the canopy.

Got the canopy edges trimmed, and clamped to the frame, then drilled the 5/8ths hole for the handle, and then made the big cut. No problems. Then, I took the front windshield inside the garage to polish up the edges when I heard a big crash and a cracking noise. Sure enough, the large section of the canopy bubble fell off my workbench and cracked a large corner off the back side. Completely unusable. In disgust, I threw the first available instrument through the remainder of the canopy, which happened to be a file. For you information, it busted right through, and left a softball sized hole. In case you ever need to bust out of yours. And it was 95 degrees outside where my canopy was.

Anyway, the moral of the story is don't be stupid like I was and you won't have to buy a new canopy bubble. I've requested quotes from Van's, Todd's and the supplier to Van's, the name of which escapes me right now in my frustration. Hopefully, something good will come of this. Maybe I'll up the tint in the canopy or something.

Best of luck with YOUR projects!

Thanks for listening, I needed to vent to the only people in the world that would understand.
instead of beer...

What I really needed was a strong shot of whiskey. Too bad, I was out. Instead, what I did: Remember that scene from Ferris Bueller, when his friend crashed his Dad's porsche, and then jumped in the pool and sat on the bottom? That's what I did. I cleaned all the fiberglass **** off me from cutting, and then jumped in the pool and sat on the bottom for a minute or so. Then I played with my kids. Life's not too bad and if this is the worse thing that happens to me and my plane, then I'd feel pretty lucky.

Thanks for the condolences.

The Light of Day

I needed to re-arrange the shop a bit yesterday to make room for the fuselage to sit on the full diagonal of the two garage bays I rent and use as shop space. This will give me enough room to hang the engine. So, N858JK (reserved) got her first moment in the sun!



It looks good, I will have to make it down there to see your 9 soon before its all buttoned up. I would have made it last weekend if weather and time had permitted but I will get there.


Considering that I only ordered the empennage kit 7 months ago, I don't guess I'm doing too bad - tails done and the right wing is now recognizable.

Bent the Long Johns err.. Longerons

What an wrestling match! I made my wife come look at them after I drilled and clecoed the F-721B's on. She asked me "How did you bend'em without getting a twist in the thing?". I told her I cussed a lot. Neverless, I am victorious!


Here are the details:
Lightening First, Then Thunder

The milestones keep getting bigger, as does the grin. A few weeks ago I buttoned up the panel and lit it up (the "lightening"). Last night, my buddy Jeff and I hung the engine (the "thunder?!). It took 2.5 hours, start to finish and went off without a hitch. The engine is an ECI O-320 that I assembled under the tutelage of Tom Schweitz of AeroEngines of Winchester (VA).
RV Grin (kind of)

Well it is an RV grin of sort. I received permission from the kitchen and got the tail kit. Here I am with builder assistant William.

I know the smile on the other end of the project will be bigger, and that there will be a few frowns between now and then, but you have to start sometime if you are going to finish.

Keep in touch.
Dean Eiland RV-9
Aubrey, TX

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I remember how I felt when I recieved the tail kit!
That was 3-1/2 years ago and I should be flying late this summer!

You and William have fun!

Empennage done, wings finally ordered!

I've been done with riveting for about a month, but had to wait on ordering wings. The wing order is now in the mail, so a progress update is appropriate.

Spending about an hour a week on the fiberglass parts just to keep busy. Should have the tips ready to rivet soon, but I'll wait on final assembly before sealing them up.


Update: Placed the order for the wings! Ship date quoted as September 16.
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After some light negotiations, I have purchased a Van's RV-9A from my father. As you can see from the photos the epenage and wings are complete, and I can get in the fuselage and make airplane sounds. This projects been on hold for a while, infact most of the rivets were bucked by me back in high school!

I hope to power it with an O-320 150hp (low comp) and a Hartzel CS prop. Looking for a good stack of VFR instruments for day and night flying, and possibly a panel mounted full color GPS, but we'll see how the budget goes. My buddies want to install a DVD player with a flat screen :rolleyes:!

I'm in a very fortunate position, as I'm an A&P (soon to be IA) and I work at a local shop with virtually unlimited tools and knowledge availible to me. I've also been taken up on my offer of "will work for hangar space" by a couple generous GA pilots at our field.

I'll keep the forum updated as I progress!



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N99WC Finially Painted

After almost 1 year of flying I finially decided to finish the project and get it painted (Aero Paint @KSEE).


Thought I'd throw in a pic of the panel. Simple but has everything I need for my mission.

N614RV finally flies!!

Just a note to let you all know RV-9A 90970 is finally in the air! She is a slow build with a Superior O-320 and Sensenich metal prop. Engine is cooled with a full pressure plenum, and ignition is dual Slick mags. Panel includes Dynon D100, D120, Avmap EKP-IV GPS, Val INS422 ILS, Garmin Xponder, and ICOM 210. Stereo intercom sports an IPOD for some music, and True Track single axis AP holds the line. Electronic CO monitor, whelen strobes, and full Classic Aero leather interior helped get the weight up to 1141 with paint, fairings and pants
A great flyer so far with 2.5 on the clock. Flys perfect trim (amazing) and a little hot on the CHT's with the break in yet to occur. Painted it in my garage with urethane single stage all except for the wing panels. Those went to a paint booth at a local body shop.
Special thanks go out to my good friend Paul Salerno, an accomplished Race car builder/driver and former speed shop owner. Paul got involved at the fuselage stage, and spent many an hour on this plane. Pauls amazing craftsmanship shows well. He also designed and built the plenum for this bird, and it has received many compliments. Seems to be working pretty well too, but may get some tweaks as phase 1 continues and engine breaks in.
This plane also has a one piece epoxy glass canopy skirt that has really worked out well. No air leaks and nice fit. That mod was well worth the effort.
Many thanks to all of you at the VAF website for your advice and guidance. Really couldn't have done it without you!!




Another Yellow Tail

Congratulations on completion of your 9A. Paint Job looks almost like mine. Enjoy your 9A. She's a fine flier. You'll notice on landing, that unless you her slow down enough, she'll float and keep flying.
Happy flying, keep safe and may be see you at Osh next year?
Looks great. Welcome to the ranks of the 9A fliers. While it's been 4 1/2 years since I launched mine, I'm still amazed at the overall performance and cross country capabilities. Question: Where did you get the seat/shoulder belt pads?

Hi Terry,
Thanks much for the compliments and advice. Seat belts are Hooker Harness, but beware of the quarter turn buckle. It is a very nice set of belts, but the buckle fouls my stick when I flare. I am 217 lbs, and just a little too fat for it. I have tried moving the stick adjustment, but it looks like I will switch to the standard over center harness buckle if I can get Hooker boys to do that for me. If not, looks like new harnesses are in my future...Guess I could put these up for sale to help offset the cost...
Thanks again...Chris
Fitting the wings

Starting the process of aligning the wings and drilling the rear spar and tank attachment holes. I think this assortment of parts is actually going to be an airplane someday.