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HAM radio pilots


Well Known Member
I’m curious how many RVers on VAF are HAM radio operators.

I haven’t been radioactive since I moved 16 years ago but keep my license active.
After I get my build done, I plan to get my HF rigs out and set up my shack.

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Me too

W3MES . . . Held GENERAL since I was 16. That’s 45 years ago ��. Not active since I removed my APRS from my previous -9A.
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N4DLN here...

Licensed 1980. Anymore I'm only active in the truck - no home station or antenna farm, but that may change now that I'm retired and living on 50 acres.

Icom 7000 and Tarheel antenna is doing the job pretty well on the road. Used to do APRS but haven't installed in the -10; ADS-B seems to allow pretty good tracking these days.

Going on 50+ years. The hobby has paid dividends in my professional life, and when I get a call from a local pilot about his radio problems…

N1DLS, Extra class. Active on HF until recently and just getting into VHF/UHF satellites.

Icom 7000 and Tarheel antenna is doing the job pretty well on the road.
Hey Bill, which Tarheel antenna do you have? I'm installing an IC-705 in my truck and still haven't decided on an antenna.

73 -

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Active HAM here - N0JXN.

I've been looking for airborne 2M options, which I suspect are much more available now with the advent of Bluetooth®

Advanced, KB0OBT. Inactive since moving in 2003.
Also got my GROL license along the way.
Used to do VHF contests and meteor scatter.

NO0B 250DXCC and very active on HF. My Flight Design CTSW is mostly rigged for a Yaesu FT857D, just never got around to installing the antenna. Could work 10m and 20m if I did.
Many years ago worked MARS several times on Citation with Collins 80m USB.
Built Rans S-7S in WWII spotter plane livery and considered installing a trailing wire antenna, but decided not to.
KE6DM, no-code-Extra, inactive since moving in 2019. DXCC recipient, former HF contester, and former San Jose, CA, RACES Chief Radio Officer.

W9LYX, been licensed for 53+ years, mostly operate VHF and UHF on SSB and the digital modes, no FM. Have a KW on 2 meters and been very successful on Meteor scatter working into Florida and Texas. 100 watts on 432, 200 watts on 1296. Down for the moment relocating antennas.
KC6VUP and my wife is KD6RHZ.

-Marc and Rita

I’m curious how many RVers on VAF are HAM radio operators.

I haven’t been radioactive since I moved 16 years ago but keep my license active.
After I get my build done, I plan to get my HF rigs out and set up my shack.

KD5NRO here, first licensed in 1966. Now active QRP with WSJTx with the QPR-Labs QDX, a neat little radio - worked Tasmania with it from OK. Thinking about aero mobile from the Woody's Pusher I'm rebuilding.
73 de KO6CD ... sometimes I'm tempted to say "430WB contact approach on 123.45 QSY"
mostly inactive ham since 1996. I have a Yaesu FTM-300DR with a bent ¼ wave from DeltaPop installed in my RV-12..

11 Meter

While I never did the Ham radio thing, I did have fun with the 10-11 meter band for a while, even made it to the UK once. (on 4 watts of course)
Active ham, but not a currently active pilot. Hoping to get back in the air and on the air as air mobile one of these days.

I'm wanting to do Field Day from the air with my little KX-3 one of these days.Think of the the possible contacts, trolling around at about 10K feet and a long wire and a few watts.....

Interesting and not surprising that many builders are Ham's.

I am not, but my Dad was from early '50's. K4IOW now gone silent.

I help put up many antenna, as the climbing monkey. I remember one Christmas eve on the air with a gent in Australia, wishing us Merry Christmas.

I still have a couple of rotors.
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N1DLS, Extra class. Active on HF until recently and just getting into VHF/UHF satellites.

Hey Bill, which Tarheel antenna do you have? I'm installing an IC-705 in my truck and still haven't decided on an antenna.

73 -


Pretty sure it's the Little tar heel 2 model. Replaced the shorter whip with the longer option. Built a linear actuator setup to raise and lower the antenna, situated on a truck bed tool box that serves no practical function on my truck other than to support the antenna erection system and house the Icom main unit and the battery/charger that powers it (all so that I could exploit the 120VAC outlet in the truck bed and avoid fat wires from the vehicle battery to the truck bed). I lucked out in that ground losses make the antenna very low SWR at resonance on the lower as well as higher bands, although 2:1 bandwidth is narrow on 75, 60 and 40 as one would expect. The antenna is lossy - no other way to have a good match unassisted on the lower freqs - but the radio is happy with the match and doesn't fold-back the output power, which is good. I can get about 1.3:1 on the low bands and practically unity on 20 through 10 where radiation resistance is higher and ground losses less.

Sadly I have been unable to work anyone on 60 so far. I've worked Italy on 75 SSB and all over the place on 40 as if from a home station with a good dipole, so not sure of the issue with 60m except that it's relatively uninhabited by hams.

So, given that there are quite a few of us here with shared interest in hamming and RV's, who's gonna be our first net control for the VAF HF net? You know it's coming...
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AA DC-10s had HF radios that bored crews would use on the Ham bands

We used to use the HF radios on some of the KC135’s to talk with the truckers on channel 19.
Had some weird conversations but was fun.

East bound I-10 IIRC

I've had a license for over 35+ years but not real active except for in the winter months here in MI when I try some occasional 2M & HF, so I decided to install APRS in my 9A wingtip as a way to get interested again as well as a dedicated backup VHF antenna that I can use for an emergency com or 2M use.
I had a Novice license I let expire back in the late 1970's. Work got in the way and I let it expire. I worked with RF stuff at work so I was not doing amateur radio stuff. Took the Technician test 5-years ago after I retired almost 10-years. Changed my call sign to the one I had back in the '70's.

Not doing much with the license but I do have APRS in my airplane.
KC2IMH (General since 2011) at your service. Not active at the moment. One hobby at the time. Focused on my RV14A build at the moment.
RV6 Ham

Got my Novice ticket in 1970 while going to Electronics Tech School in Little Rock Arkansas. Got Tech ticket in 1971, General in 1980s, took Extra exam in 2021.
Call is WB0CVB .
Extra, KB1DET. HF mostly these days, maybe every six months or so I'll check in on a 2m repeater. Optimistic about the sunspot cycle, then it will probably be another decade before I use the radios much.
I've been an Amateur Extra Class since I was 17 years old and still active but the recent hail storm took out my Terminated End Fed Vee wire antenna so I'm out of HF for a little while until I can rebuild it. Still up on 144/440 simplex here in East Texas.

Currently AF5R ( Air Force 5 Retired ),
Previously AB5T and KP4JY


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Me too

WB6WMG - Technician since 1976. I think they call it tech plus now. Had to send/receive code at 5wpm, and take and pass the general test.
Thread drift

First licensed in 1963 iirc, but long since lapsed. But still useful: on several occasions I have watched pilots turn up the ID volume on VORs, hear morse code, and say, ‘got it, we’re good’. But I heard [dah/dit/dit dit dit/dah] !!
I little story about how Ham radio is why i am flying today. I am not a Ham. My dad was, including the MARS network. He got his First Phone back in the 60's. The local AM radio station needed an engineer so he moonlighted that in the evenings. I rode with him doing broadcast pattern checks sometimes. The station owner was a pilot that also owned the FBO, school and radio shop at the local airport. A deal was struck to operate the radio shop on Dads license in trade for PPL lessons.
Later, a '65 Mooney was bought. Dad wanted to upgrade the panel so I learned to rivet in the tailcone of that Mooney at 12 years old. He wanted to build a T-18 so off to Osh in 1971. I saw a slew of (from my point of view) geezers with airplanes.

A few years ago, I was one of those geezers when I flew my 7A to Osh.

On a side note, I inherited a lot of gear when he passed. The one piece I am having trouble dispensing is a QRO 1KW linear amp. Working. Contact me if interested. I am down to taking it to recycling so I'm more interested in a home vs the price.
Count me in. KC2DU (Extra) from Clayton, NY. Waiting for the Tail/Emp Kit to arrive to start my build, hopefully in late July. I am getting ready for my Private Pilot Checkride. Enjoy Amateur Radio as hobby. Was pretty active until I started spending all of my time learning to fly.
