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Electronic Logbook


Active Member
Do any of you use electronic logbooks for your flight time? If so, what do you use?

Searching the website yielded really old threads on the subject. I figure there's been advancement in recent years.
I use the log book feature with Foreflight. Prior to that, I used the one in Garmin Pilot. I know a few pilots who use My Flightbook and speak very highly about it. I hope that is helpful,
I use myflightbook.com and also have my students use it. Its very good especially for getting reports on ratings progress.
I use Safe Log and really like it. (www.safelogweb.com) I've been using it for many years. They have apps for your phone and tablet, and everything syncs to the website so you always stay up to date.
I just use an Excel spreadsheet, and keep my last paper logbook for BFR's and ratings. Has worked fine for the last 10 years.
I must be old fashioned when it comes to these things. In my house, I have installed internet connected thermostats, sprinklers, sound system, security systems, cameras, solar power generators, etc. I have a homemade 5 monitor flight simulator. I work for a company that uses various forms of AI for investment management. So, I'm not a luddite....

But for my log book, paper and only paper. I still enjoy writing down each flight and the time components. And 25 years from now, no matter what happens to all the hosted data companies, I will still have my fake leather bound books on the shelf.

Hey kids, get off my lawn.
Myflightbook.com will back up your logbook to an excel file nightly to your preferred cloud drive provider and all your endorsements are included in image files. Once every few months I back those files up to an offline hard drive. Not likely to be lost.
I use the paper logbook as my official record but input everything in ForeFlight as well so there's an electronic backup should something ever happen to the paper book. Might have to look into myflightbook.com
Another happy myflightbook.com user. I run the app on my phone while flying, and everything is tracked and backed up nightly. I have used it for years.
myflightbook.com developer is very active in responding to issues, which are very few and far between. It's a great product.

Personally, I log everything in myflightbook.com and log dual instruction in it and my physical logbook for the signatures. I then take a pic of the sig and upload it to myflightbook so if the physical logbook is ever destroyed, I still have everything. I also print the myflightbook log a few times a year, and if I go for a check ride.

This has worked well for me thus far.
unhappy Logten Pro user :(

About 12 years back bought the iPhone version, don’t recall the price precisely, but was around $75. Then bought the desktop (Mac) for another $135...

A few years later the company probably realized they weren’t making the kinda profit they were dreaming of, and changed to a subscription system.
Having coughed up about $200 and then havin to buy a rip-off subscription... no thanks :mad:

The only positives: the logbook in itself is quite good, especially when flying professionally, AIMS import etc, and my old desktop version still works.

Another myflightbook.com user. I still back it up with my paper logbook though. I like the feature of importing my gps flight track. To start, if you want, you can create an excel spreadsheet to import all the flights from your paper logbook which makes the task easier. You cannot beat the price "free".
I use Safe Log and really like it. (www.safelogweb.com) I've been using it for many years. They have apps for your phone and tablet, and everything syncs to the website so you always stay up to date.

There are many things I dislike about SafeLog but I keep re-upping my subscription each year because of one major feature:

You can set the number of rows displayed on the pages of the logbook view.

I keep a paper logbook as well, because, well...I like to. I keep the electronic one because it makes doing 8710s, tracking my instrument currency and medicals a breeze.

Being able to set the same number of rows on the screen lets me audit both logbooks against each other, which makes it MUCH easier to find discrepancies when I'm adding things up. If I only flew my RV it would be a different story, but I work out of a busy flight school and fly bunch of different aircraft - singles and twins - and it helps me stay organized.

I HATE the look/feel of Safelog, although the mobile is marginally better. I tried migrating to ForeFlight once, and it just wasn't working out the way I wanted. I think SafeLog owns me now and I should just accept that fact.
no way i'm paying a yearly fee for what is really just a spreadsheet. I have one set up in open office that is exactly the same as the jepp professional log, right down the the green colors. I write the info in the book, type it in the spread sheet, and bingo page totals automatically totaled just write them down.

best part is I can search any way I want all 12000 hrs. and no relying on somebody's server to keep my data secure and intact.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB
I keep a paper logbook as well, because, well...I like to. I keep the electronic one because it makes doing 8710s, tracking my instrument currency and medicals a breeze.

Being able to set the same number of rows on the screen lets me audit both logbooks against each other, which makes it MUCH easier to find discrepancies when I'm adding things up. If I only flew my RV it would be a different story, but I work out of a busy flight school and fly bunch of different aircraft - singles and twins - and it helps me stay organized.

I HATE the look/feel of Safelog, although the mobile is marginally better. I tried migrating to ForeFlight once, and it just wasn't working out the way I wanted. I think SafeLog owns me now and I should just accept that fact.

I'm with ya! I keep a regular paper log as well, and always have. But the electronic log sure makes things easy when renewing insurance, renewing CFI, and any other time I need to come up with various totals for different breakdowns of my flying time. Also helps to keep any mistakes from migrating into my paper log, and I have caught a few over the years.

SafeLog has worked well for me, and I love the ability to sync everything between all my devices. I'm sure there are other options out there, but SafeLog has worked for me and I have no real desire to change.
I have an Excel spreadsheet doing the math for me on my paper logbook. Put the flights in Excel, write it in the log book. At the end of the page, Excel has all the totals done for me.

Makes it easy when someone asks an experience question too, just open the Excel file and there's my answer.
I have always logged everything on paper, and plan to continue to do so. A little while ago, though, I found out about MyFlightbook, and have transferred everything to that as well. Why? My son was asking what he should use when he starts training, and since he's under 50-ish I figured he's going to want an electronic option whether he decides to use paper or not. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with it.
I just use an Excel spreadsheet, and keep my last paper logbook for BFR's and ratings. Has worked fine for the last 10 years.
I have an Excel spreadsheet doing the math for me on my paper logbook. Put the flights in Excel, write it in the log book. At the end of the page, Excel has all the totals done for me.

Makes it easy when someone asks an experience question too, just open the Excel file and there's my answer.

I do the same thing except that I have a backup copy and when I have completed 30 flights, I print out those flights and staple it into my paper logbook. IOW a paper version of my Excel spreadsheet logbook.

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LogTen Pro

If you're a Mac/iPhone user and don't mind paying a bit for a service (unpopular with Pilots, I know...), Coradine LogTen Pro is really good. I've been using it for about 9 years now and have no complaints.


$80/year for use on your phone/ipad. A bit more if you want to use it on both your iphone and Mac. iCloud backups and hardcopy backups to your Mac too. I can have it make up a PDF of my entire logbook that can then be printed out if I ever want a paper copy (which I do once a year or so). Lots of neat customizable reports and graph functions too.


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If you have a garmin panel, Garmin Pilot naturally works seamlessly with it and automatically syncs your flight and engine data after each flight to both your mobile device and fly.garmin.com. I’ve used it for years now and very much enjoy it.

As a bonus, if you are buying Garmin databases, you automatically get the IFR package included.
I've been using ZuluLog for quite a while. It's cloud based so I can get to it from any device via web or app. I keyed my paper logs into spreadsheet a little at a time and imported the chunks. Eventually I got it all and don't keep paper any more. It was a big job but I'm glad I did it. One of the hardest problems was finding codes for airports flown to 40 years ago or that no longer exist. I'm a data nerd so love being able to slice and dice my flying history.

I export the data to Excel periodically as a personal backup. I could also import it into another product if I choose to switch. I suspect all the vendors will stay pretty even featurewise, so pick what feels good at the time but keep your options open to export/import and switch products if needed/desired.
Good discussion. Certainly a lot of advancement in recent years. Since it's my first attempt at digital, I may try the free MyFlightbook to see if I like it. I will keep up my paper one as well. I'm too OCD to quit using it, but I'd like a digital version for pulling up times for insurance and currency reviews.

Thanks, guys!
I think most EFIS systems save all your flights dates times and where. I had those on my old GRT HS and saved them to a USB and printed them. Then added to my Log book but kept them on my computer for backup.
I think most EFIS systems save all your flights dates times and where

Another reason I can't wait to fly behind an EFIS system! We got a little taste last year after putting a pair of G5 and a GFC500 in the Skyhawk. I watch all the G3x videos I can find and can't wait to have a full system.
Do any of you use electronic logbooks for your flight time? If so, what do you use?
I use a spreadsheet that I developed years ago. Calculates totals and currencies on types as well. PM me an email address and i'll send you a copy.
Another reason I can't wait to fly behind an EFIS system! We got a little taste last year after putting a pair of G5 and a GFC500 in the Skyhawk. I watch all the G3x videos I can find and can't wait to have a full system.
Most EFBs do automatic logbooks as well. The coolest thing about the EFIS logging is uploading to savvyaviation.com.