My first homebuilt was a Marquart MA-5 Charger N52TX My age when it first flew. Second homebuilt RV-8 N558TX It was completed in 2005 and I was 58 Third homebuilt RV-6 N986TX My son Paul's birthdate since it was his project. L-19 N 194TX ((L) 19 for Texas) If you are having problems figuring that one out... LOL! tom
702DA (Reserved)

Far from my first choice but the only one I could find and sort of liked. My kit number followed by my initials.
825TC Reserved

8/25 was the date I passed my private check ride followed by my initials. I like to think it was a right of passage and worthy of being plastered on the plane.
Good 3 digit numbers are hard to come by. I got lucky with N6GY for RV-6, Greg Young. Easy to say as well with only 4 syllables.
I bet I'm the one with the earliest reserved N number. I'm probably still two years to the start of my project which is really a dream for now. The first three numbers are my anniversary and the first letter of my and my wife's first name, Scot and Lisa, 804sl. Anyone else have a reservation with no project? Am I crazy??
I bet I'm the one with the earliest reserved N number. I'm probably still two years to the start of my project which is really a dream for now. The first three numbers are my anniversary and the first letter of my and my wife's first name, Scot and Lisa, 804sl. Anyone else have a reservation with no project? Am I crazy??

I reserved my number over a year ago, when my build was nowhere closer than "I'm going to do that some day." Now I've upgraded to "probably in the spring."

I figure it's only what, $10 a year? I'm never going to miss that, plus it's a reminder of my goal.
Put one in here for us Canadians:) All Canadian registrations start with a C-, followed by 4 letters, the first of which is either F or G. Considering my name (Gerry), I searched the available combinations, and the one my sons voted for was GERZ (read it as Ger's). I like it; it's my toy and I'm proud to own and fly it, so why not let everyone know who it belongs to?:)
N #

Ill have to say I was inspired by J Pratt when I met him this year at a fly-in at Johnson Creek Id.and he was telling me about his personal planes and called them by there nick names so when i picked up my project in Aug I started thinking about what i would call my plane an RV-6 which I call 6-GUN so my quest for a N# started and as close to it I could get was N66UN which I reserved so now just need to get to work so I wont have to pay $10 next year.
Mine was part of the theme of the aircraft. Mine being 'inspired by' a P-51D from the 78th Fighter Group/84th Fighter Wing in Duxford, England - hence my N number is N784DE.



Wife's birthday...6/5/65. She's the model for some Victory Girl nose art.
The "S" for our last name, plus "Sierra" just sounds cool.

My birthday (Month, Day) and my initials. Been reserved for several years yet, and probably won't be on the airplane for another 3 or 4.:)
Both for my wife:

N146ML - Her birthday, 14th June, plus her initials

N816ML - the day we got engaged, August 16th, plus her initials

I guess I'm just going to have to build two :D

Even though it's only reserved, N911MV will be the callsign I'll register my -8 once it's finished.
The 911 stands for the emergency response number in my city, as in Rescue 911 but copyrighted to our facility in Monterrey, Mexico.

As for MV, are simply the initials in Miguel Vidal

Well, I never built the RV-7 that I had dreamed of and probably never will, and bought a flying RV-6 instead. The builder picked a pretty good tail number for it too.

Since it's a -6 built for two, and is a Texas airplane, the number is N642TX.

Louise found "13PL" in a routine search of the FAA database - we already had a couple of other usable numbers reserved when this came up. "P" and "L" for Paul and Louise (obviously), and we couldn't pass up a two-digit number that ended in "3"...the "1" was a nice unique touch. And getting to paint on the "X" just makes it cool!
Cool man cool

Because saying "two niner Zulu" just sounds cool!:D

Juvenile? Sure, but so what. Gotta make your own fun!:p
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I have reserved N96LV - which is the year (1996) that I fell in love (LV) with my wife Susan. Kind of a sneaky way to get her involved with the project. :)

Reserved N82EW. Last name N EW. Married 19(82). Also reserved as backup N11RV. Liked the small number (11) with RV trailing characters because...well, you know.
N337CW, 337 is my son Lee's name seen upside down, a carry over from a boat he and I built when he was learning to sail. CW are my daughters initials, and getting to say Charley Whiskey on the radio just sounds cool!


98 is the year my wife and I were married

23 is for 23rd Fighter Squadron - my first operational F-16 Sqdn and the Sqdn I was in when I met my wife

"W" for...well...err...Whiskey! Did I mention we were married in Lynchburg TN after touring the Jack Daniel's Distillery? I was on leave from Korea at the time - True story.


RV-7, N9823W
90/90...on its gear, canopy done!
It's all numbers, it's short, it's easy to say. Depending on where you are... Nine nine four, or niner niner four, or ninah ninah fah
The number from the plane in which I learned to fly is open, so I thought about picking it up, but why say 9 syllables when you can say 3-5.
All this talk... So I reserved a new today.
One four for you (me). Pluss I liked all single syllable numbers and a single letter.

I guess N2626C is no more soon. Kinda sad for some reason. I guess cause it was "my" first n number.

my initials (and my brother's...who likes to borrow the plane) are MZ. I graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2001. Wanted 1MZ (taken), 201MZ (taken), and 01MZ isn't allowed. The 8 was my concession to my brother, who graduated USAFA in '98.

The number that came with the plane had personal history for the previous owner, and respect it, but it was not a good radio callsign...7 syllables to say 3 characters and the phoentics just weren't good.
N58XP - my RV-8 (formerly N484JT, jon thockers...): 58 - because I fly OH-58Ds in the army, XP, because I become 8XP when shortened.
The first three numbers are my anniversary and the first letter of my and my wife's first name, Scot and Lisa, 804sl.

I'll bet we're not alone with the rationale of using our anniversaries and first letters of our names, Karen and Mike: N618KM (reserved). I also tried to consider the ease with which it could roll off the tongue when speaking with ATC, though I imagine you'd get used to anything over time.

For HMM-364, the Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron I flew with in VietNam and BT for Bob and Toni (wife of 44 years--we have been through thick and thin and look forward to sharing awesome adventures in our "dream machine").

Easy! The month and year my wife and I were married. My wife's name: Donna D., because I could not believe how quickly she said yes to this project. Also going to name the airplane the "Donna Dee" with appropriate nose art. Will also like saying 776 double d's!;)
We basically looked up every available four digit sequence that was available and had doubled letters. This one rolled off tongue well, I like saying "niner" and the VV will make it hard to resist saying "Vector Victor" all the time. So 95VV was perfect.

There is a three letter number from a plane that will never fly again, I'm still trying to find a way to get though. :)

(I hope I didn't already post here. Didn't see it. :rolleyes:)

it's amazing how often you and I think alike :)

I wrote a perl script that scraped the available numbers database looking for interesting patterns such as doubled letters and numbers, and then spit out a report of them so I could pick the ones that sounded good.

I ended up with N773WW. Three Whiskey Whiskey, "Make mine a double!" :D

The grand daughter of my build partner passed away from a brain tumor at the age of 6, in 2008. Her name was Mara Adams and to my knowledge never got to fly with her grandpa. I picked the number for him and her.
Easy To Say!!!!!!!!

....I chose the numbers as they were easy to say, as in rolls off your tongue. The letters are my initials. .:D

1) Wanted minimum numbers.
2) Had to end in AU. (I'm an Aussie)
3) 6 related to my RV6
4) N6AU was taken so settled for N66AU.
When I call ATC I say "RV6 N66AU" on the first call and 6AU from then on... works good for me.
BTW The "Nose Art" and name will be "Bad Sheila"... that works for me too. LOL :D
In January of 2011 I posted:

"Pretty slow around here...
So I'll pitch in:
I'm building an "8", the wife is building a "9" and sort of petered out, waiting for me to finish it. SE are my initials.
I really wanted a 2 digit, 2 letter N number, shorter would even be better, but 8SE is already taken."

Later I reserved 98SE for the RV-9.
That'll confuse 'em!
"N89SE & N98SE flight of two, inbound for landing!"

I just reserved mine today, 742EL which is a slight copy of the first post. An RV-7 for two with my first initial and my wife's first initial. So, does that make it better or worse than getting a tattoo of her name if things go sour? :D

Lucky for me the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet contains "Mike" , my name. I'll get the personal touch from ATC.

... I really wanted "Alpha Mike", but my wife didn't want to constantly hear my ego stroked on the radio.
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