
one RV8 for Tim & Denise!

we both have been smiling lately while flying it. Heck even the dog on her lap smiles.....well sort of, hard to tell with the mutt muffs etc.


RV-4 flying for 21+ years now...

1- First airplane
53- Last two numbers of my birth year
T- My first name, Tom
K- My (now ex) wife and both my kids thought it was for their first names (Karen, Kevin, Kristen) and I never told them any different. In reality, it was always for my own middle name, Kevin!

This has allowed me to use the same basic outline for my next two kit built planes (without having to think about that ex-wife person!)

N353TK, Rans S-7S Courier, hoping to fly this fall (253TK wasn't available)

N553TK, RV-7A, messing with it on and off...struggling with the tip up canopy right now...

As for my forum name...TomRV-8? Well that kit is sitting in the corner my hangar waiting for me to finish the other two planes!

....is a friend of mines number....Brian and Eilleen. I asked him what would happen if they split....they did....now it's Brian's Experimental:) Gotta have a "Plan B",

My Plan B

As Pierre noted, a Plan B is sometimes needed. I'm a great believer in honoring someone special in your life, so reserved a number for the -4 that included my girl friend's initials and birth year. When she left I reserved a new number which I will transfer soon: N1926C, my mom's birth year and her nickname's initial. I plan to name the airplane "Cookie," in her honor. Since she got her nickname in WWII by being likened to Cookie Bumstead in the "Blondie" comic strip, I plan to use Cookie Bumstead's image for nose or tail art. Besides, "26 Charlie" sounds a whole lot better than "44 November Juliet," doesn't it?! Significant Others come and go, but Moms are forever. Happy Mother's Day!
I like that idea..

Since she got her nickname in WWII by being likened to Cookie Bumstead in the "Blondie" comic strip, I plan to use Cookie Bumstead's image for nose or tail art.


N numbers - 905RG; 906RG

Boy, this is a really popular thread. Guess almost everyone has some
N number story.
We have two: First N905RG for our 1997 RV-6 was devised from the date my wife, Rachel and I met, September (9) fourth (04), plus our two initials, ladies first of course. Next was real easy for our 2007 RV7-A, Just add one number, N906RG:D Keeps it simple.
Giles and Rachel Clark

After 5500 hours in 114PL, by rote 4PL will be easy to say. 2nd in the PL series. P is for Penny of course.:D

It's a "7" and the first buno of a series (I hope) VF is familiar to the Navy & Marines out there... also Vans Air "F"orce. I'd like to think its also "very fast".:rolleyes:
N999ZA. At first, I wanted something that was going to be short and sweet on the radio, but the more I thought about it, I want something recognizable on the radio. "November-niner-niner-niner-zulu-alpha" is long, but very recognizable. ATC will undoubtedly shorten it to "niner-zulu-alpha."

Also, I like ?november triple-niner zulu alpha.? I would never suggest to any of my students that they use unapproved pronunciations of callsigns, but c?mon, it just sounds cool.

As an aside, I got my commercial and CFI-A tickets in N9991B. I always pronounced every character individually, until the controllers in the area started calling me ?triple-niner.?

Is that permission for me to do it, too? No. Am I going to? Yes.

N74ZA. <sigh> I reserved this one because everyone seems to like their model number, followed by a 4, and then their initials (or wife?s initials, or kids initials, etc.). N74ZA was available, so I might as well reserve it while I can. I like the shorter number, but I am still leaning towards triple-niner-zulu-alpha.
Happy Birthday to my N-Number

More importantly, happy birthday to my daughter.
Today - May 17.
My N-number: N517DG.

I chose my n-number primarily because May 17 is my daughter's birthday. I started taking flying lessons shortly after she was born, so both she and my pilot log book are now 9 years old. Half of her life before age 8 was spent watching me build an airplane. Happy Birthday Abby! I learned after my second daughter was born on the 17th of November that 17 must be my lucky number. Never had a lucky anything before that.

D is for me. G is for my wife. The whole family gets a piece of this n-number.

I'm happy to report success so far in programming my kids to share the joy of aviation and rv-ing. Here's a pic of me flying with the 517 kid in the 517 airplane.


Here's a pic of my 3 girls and the mistress. Abby and I flew into Osh together last year. Paul - notice that nice looking -8 in the background?

...speaking of N numbers...

...does anyone know who Bob Nichols is at the SBS Program Office? He has many, many of the cool N numbers reserved for him/or whomever. Does he work for the FAA? What is the SBS? His purge dates are 99/99/9999, and the type of registration says, "no fee". Does he just scoop them up so nobody else can have them? for example, go to the registry and type in N290KT. This is one was reserved 09/11/2003, going on seven years. This is one of the many he has reserved.
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Pretty slow around here...
So I'll pitch in:
I'm building an "8", the wife is building a "9" and sort of petered out, waiting for me to finish it. SE are my initials.
I really wanted a 2 digit, 2 letter N number, shorter would even be better, but 8SE is already taken. :(
Pretty obvious, I would say..

PH-SCP (Not an N-number but please believe me, there is life outside the US :):):))
named by my younger son

for my older son. I asked my younger son, Doug, who is the pilot in training in my house, if he wanted to reserve an "N" number. He thought about it and came up with his older brother's birth year and name, hence N1991M for now twenty year old Mike.
A little bored today too :)

677 = June, 1977 - wedding anniversary
Alpha Tango = wife and my first initials

Hey, don't laugh... it worked!

For dancing in the sky!


Barney in Memphis
RV-3,N234FT rebuilt & flying
RV-4, N44LR, flying

Finally registered! First flight "real soon now".

N3545D was Grandad's airplane. I just replaced the Delta with Bravo for my last name. It's easy to remember and easy to say. I like it.
This has been very helpful to me, looking at N124DG, as in RV12 for Don and Geneda(my wife).
I had not realized how hard it was to find one you want that was not already used. Maybe this re registration will free up a batch of them.

You got a good one David :D.

For mine, I was looking for something easy to say (try saying Juliet, Foxtrot, Foxtrot, Xray ten times fast, for an illustration).

As pointed out by another RV flyer when he first saw it, it also "goes ok" ;).
So high school.


2007 is the year my daughter graduated from Lake Travis High School west of Austin. It's also the year the Cav's took their first 4A state football title. They just took #4.

Also, Charlie Foxtrot is too hard to say, so anything with my initials didn't appeal to me. Seven Lima Tango rolls off the tongue.
Two seat RV 7 N24JT Reserved

2 4 (for) JT mine and my wife's initials
short easy to say

also the 24th day happens to be her birthday and our anniversary

Hope it works out to a pleasant surprise!
our N Number...

my partner built a Pitts years ago with N Number 61RM...rm being his initials. that number is taken, so his (our) second product is the second 61RM, hence, 261RM.

155 are the first numbers of the Cherokee I flew for 600 hrs, and ED are the 1st letters of last names of us co-owners. We put the partner first so we could say "Erectile Dysfunction."
I grew up as a total airplane geek and a huge fan of the USAF Test Pilot School, X-planes, Edwards AFB, NASA Dryden, Mojave, etc. After spending some time around there while flying in the Air Force, plus many other visits over the years, I was delighted to recently reserve a distinct N-number with a historic past.

I was able to get the exact N-number of NASA's M2-F1 unpowered lifting body aircraft, which paved the way for follow-on lifting-bodies such as the M2-F2, M2-F3, HL-10, X-24A, and X-24B, each of which provided valuable research data in the development of the Space Shuttle. The M2-F1 was, I believe, the only one of them to be assigned an N-number, so I feel very lucky to "own" the number N86652.

Here's the Flying Bathtub, in all her glory:


(Photo courtesy NASA Image Archive.)

I have not decided whether to use this N-number on my present RV-8 project, or my inevitable follow-on one. Maybe a sailplane would be a more suitable vehicle... Hmmm. Any ideas?

I have not decided whether to use this N-number on my present RV-8 project, or my inevitable follow-on one. Maybe a sailplane would be a more suitable vehicle... Hmmm. Any ideas?

A sailplane may actually be more applicable since the M2-F1 was constructed by Gus Briegleb at El Mirage, CA.
Gus was the designer of the BG-12 homebuilt sailplane.
91st BG B-17G 42-102504 Times A-Wastin'

My grandfather's crew was shot down on B-17 #504 named Times A-Wastin'. Figured N504TW would be a good tribute to the crew and the plane.
Well those low numbers are hard to find. I finally settled on N461DG, 461 is my RV12 serial number and of course the DG for my wife and my names. Rolls easily off your tongue as well, works for me. I am contemplating an Air Force One paint job, so "One Delta Golf" will be cool for that purpose as well (or if I know the tower or locals on the CTAF, "One Don Geneda".
This has been very helpful to me, looking at N124DG, as in RV12 for Don and Geneda(my wife).
I had not realized how hard it was to find one you want that was not already used. Maybe this re registration will free up a batch of them.
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Finished in 2005, the 100th anniversary of flight.Builder- Norm Taylor
When we bought the plane I wanted to honor Norm and not change the number so the acronym now reads N 100 New Toys. And still adding.
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I was first introduced to RVs back in the 80s when a flaming Red RV-4 showed up at our local airfield. It was love at first sight.

I built an RV-6 empennage in the early 90s and mothballed the project after the empennage was completed.

The passion for RVs and building never faded. After flying tandem aircraft for 10 years, I started building an RV-8.

As a tribute to Vans amazing aircraft I thought it only appropriate to use N468RV.

Getting ready to move the 8 to the airport....
It's pertinent for me to point out that I just got my private cert last year. This was something like a full decade later than I "thought" I'd get it. Truth be told, I hit enough roadblocks in my life during that decade that by the time I turned 30, I was starting to wonder if it was ever going to happen. Then I had a big change in my life that enabled me to finally go and do it.

The point is that that certificate in my wallet is a very special piece of plastic to me. Even though I was nowhere near building last fall, I decided to reserve an N-number as a sort of personal motivational tool. The airplane I soloed in was 391JA... I wanted 391RV, but alas, that was taken. So instead I went with the plane I flew for 95% of my private hours, 546DC... and thus 546RV was born.

Now I just need to finish another big life goal and put that number on the side.
...He was a wonderful dog ...but Hawkeye will always have a special place in my heart.

Transporting rescued Greyhounds in the future will be my little way of giving back for a breed that gives so much.

I understand so much about your post. Thanks for sharing.
Ok Arnie..

I now have two more Greyhounds but Hawkeye will always have a special place in my heart.

Transporting rescued Greyhounds in the future will be my little way of giving back for a breed that gives so much.

....Are you trying to see how many of us you can make tear up?

Very touching story..


3rd month 28th day of Tim(me) and Carolyn's(wife) wedding of 32yrs. An interesting note: this number was first used on a rans s-7 that we built and flew for about 500hrs. Sold it to a person that was in Canada. Plane ended up in an episode of "The Border" mini-series episode #6. The registration was de-regulated because its in Canada now, so I got my numbers back for my rv8! Wish I would have had a note in the bill of sale for the s-7 about movie royalties!! bummer....ha ha

N 130YS

I have three boys plus boys (grown ones) like their toys (planes, bikes, motorcycles, cars, boats, trucks, etc etc). So, slide the 1 and 3 a little closer (1/2" min as per regs) and it looks like a B......hence...BOYS & TOYS.

It took the better part of a day of looking through numerous combo possibilities till I found one I liked. Dave

Here's mine...

Couldn't find a single digit "7" so I took "77". The "X" is experimental. The "V" should be obvious...Vans.
I'm surprised more people dont use their serial number. I wish I had thought to use it before someone reserved it with my initials a few weeks before i thought of it.