No real good reason

Everything that had meaning to me was taken, so I just took something that sounded good and rolled off the tounge easily.


Two Niner Zulu just sounds cool.

Sort of juvenile, but I'm sure most on this site can relate.:D

Same reason my Harley has a great sounding pipe. Can't help but goose it under overpasses!!
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5/31 is my wife's birthday (this way I'll never forget :p)
PK (the initials) is her nickname for me.
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I used a lot of parts from an old, abandoned Jodel when building mine. This one started out in France (F-BMGA), then moved to Belgium (OO-MGA), and so I decided to stick with that when I built it in Holland (PH-MGA).


My birth month 7, my fathers birth month 8,its our 1st airplane, and the first letter of our first names; Trevor Dewey

A father/son adventure!
156PK was chosen because I was fishing around for numbers with my initials and I realized I could paint the 5 to resemble an 'S' and it then becomes 'is 6', which it is (-A model).

When Mom passed away and I decided to build a -10 in her memory, I chose 14MX because 14MAX was not available. It stands for 'one for Maxine', which will be part of the nose art I'm going to have done for the project.
Same reason my Harley has a great sounding pipe. Can't help but goose it under overpasses!!

Since my Honda doesn't sound as good as a Harley, I had to install an air horn for under the overpasses! :D

Other than that, 328SL --- Eight Sierra Lima rolls off the tongue well... too.

L.Adamson --- RV6A

Fell in love with the 4

Started building a 6

Realized I really wanted an 8

Getting to the point where I can say it is almost finished.

Mike Draper
RV-8 TMX 0360 CS
Bridgewater, MA

Born in (1)959 plus my initials seemed good at the time - although I should have realized that introducing myself on the radio as Julliet Sierra sounds wimpy - especially in a broad Scottish male accent! I should have gone with the more butch sounding Romeo Victor :D
Jim Sharkey
RV6 - Phase 1
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Pretty simple really, 907 is the area code for Alaska and is pretty synonymous with Alaska since you see 907 racing, 907 bumper stickers and everything else. And BH is for Bearhawk.

So when I'm flying into Merrill, and I say bearhawk 907BH they will know that I'm the Alaska bearhawk.

514R reserved

the last 3 digits of my engineer license (meaningful to me because it was so
damned hard to get) and 'R' for my last name.

Dave R.
-9A finish kit
Reserved mine yesterday!

423PB. 4/23 is my wife's birthday (year is need-to-know only). PB - my initials. I like the way it sounds when I say it out loud. I know it's a small thing, but reserving the number really made me feel good!
Got my letter back from the FAA today. N124SW. My wife and I were married on the 124th day of the year and I proposed at the Snow White wishing well at Disneyland.
after flying 38LR.........

the builders name LEE RAY for 3,000 hrs, and a bit of a tung twister , i picked out 26ED. short and sweet, RV26ED. my name AND initials. pure genius.:D

1. serial number was NOT available
2. my initials, GC did NOT roll off the tongue very well
3. my wife's initials, did NOT roll off the tongue very well

MC - my son's initials

TWO SIX NINE - all single syllables

TWO SIX NINE'R MIKE CHARLIE sounds pretty cool,

R V Nine'r Mike Charlie

My son's birthday 5/24, our initials AP. And I just bought the temporary numbers/letters to install on the fuselage.

I chose to reserve 214TL for my tail number. My Papa passed away on February 14 which is the 214 part. He built a Pietenpol Aircamper and the tail number was 58TL so I took the TL from his plane. He was the most important man in my life and he taught me how to fly. Every time I make a radio call it will be in remembrance of him.
N523CC - Reserved

While on Active Duty in the U.S. Air Force I had the privilege to serve as the Maintenance Chief for the 523rd Fighter Squadron Crusaders flying and fixing F-16s at Cannon AFB, NM. My radio call sign was Crusader Chief. CC also happens to be the Fin Flash on the Vertical Stab of aircraft stationed at Cannon. So there you have it - 523CC.

Pierre and Larry, after my buddy, Larry, who stayed faithfully by my side while my wife left, helping finish the build.

About 7.5 years ago, met the best lady a guy could ask for. Learned to work the Garmin, read a sectional, and is bummed when she can't help with annual and condition inspections. Married her on the beach on Maui on May 6, 2004. Hence the N# of our RV was changed to 506MM (506 <anniversary> MM <Mark & Melissa>) shortly after we got it.
Sappy? Yep, but well worth it!
About 7.5 years ago, met the best lady a guy could ask for. Learned to work the Garmin, read a sectional, and is bummed when she can't help with annual and condition inspections. Married her on the beach on Maui on May 6, 2004. Hence the N# of our RV was changed to 506MM (506 <anniversary> MM <Mark & Melissa>) shortly after we got it.
Sappy? Yep, but well worth it!

Better make that Melissa & Mark, as it doesn't hurt to give her top billing.;) I met a similar lady (Karen) in December '01 and married her Sept. 4, 2004, thus N904KM resesrved.

No more babies for us
1st Daughter born in 2001
2nd Daughter born in 2005
3rd Daughter born in 2009
Wife's first name is Shantel
Brian is my middle name
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N numbers


Got browny points here

7=day of month
04 =month of year
R= Ruth
T= Tim
Our wedding day!;)
My N # choice

What I came up with was not my first (or second, or third, etc.,) choice but still worked for me - N397V

39 for my birth year - 1939
7 for - hey, it's an RV-7
V-my grandfather's middle name was Victor and I always liked that name and its positive meaning, also - hey, it's an RV

So, RV N397V and I'm in Phase I.

Jack Buschmann
RV-7A, N37V
We basically looked up every available four digit sequence that was available and had doubled letters. This one rolled off tongue well, I like saying "niner" and the VV will make it hard to resist saying "Vector Victor" all the time. So 95VV was perfect.

There is a three letter number from a plane that will never fly again, I'm still trying to find a way to get though. :)

(I hope I didn't already post here. Didn't see it. :rolleyes:)

I was born May of 1961. My fathers initials, EV. (Elliott Vaughan) = N561EV
I bought my kit the year after my father died of colon cancer (You have all had a colonoscopy right??) He and I had talked about building a plane after he reitred. He never did get the chance to retire. I wanted to make sure I built a plane period. My father introduced me to flying when I was eight years old.

Well, November because it has to be.

5 -Our daughter Margaret was born in 2005.
6- Our son Levi was born in 2006.
8- Our son Chase was born in 2008.
A- Aaron (thats me, the chump behind the stick)
K- Kari. My beautiful, sweet very understanding wife who let me indulge in
this crazy hobby!
I wanted a short number to fit on the tail of my Warrior back in 83. I was able to get 17WM. Selling the Warrior, I was able to get the original number back, and was able to reserve the 17WM for use later.

Last year I was searching numbers and found 5WM so now it is reserved also. My 6A has as the n number.... N1601 and it works quite well. I can call in as... RV601 ---:D
Southern Number

Since I live south of Atlanta Georgia I thought it would be nice to have a 'southern' number, hence N1ZN, which is 'Nice one' in southernese.
Jim Crunkleton
Senoia, GA
RV-8 QB N802JD
(Sold due to divorce)
(First flight 3-5-2010)
Last year, in my hometown, I went to look at a very nice RV-4 that had the N number of: N420F. I think many know what 420 means without being involved in the drug culture world, but I was curious as to why he picked it. Surely anyone running drugs or was a user would not go with this number! He was a nice elderly gentleman, and I just had to ask. He said it stood for him and his good buddy: For-4 to-2- old-0 fools-F. I thought that was quite clever, but still couldn’t help but smile. I suppose the 0 was actually the letter instead of the number, but I couldn’t tell. I was surprised the DEA hadn’t took notice, or others that didn’t know him, think he might be up to something else besides recreational flying. Definitely not the # you would want to pick if you were smuggling drugs or was a user. Just glad he didn't also add MJ to the end of 420. :)

8/25 is my anniversary (saves me once a year for remembering it) and SM is my wife and my own initials.
N Numbers

I decided to reserve my number after the company Day Jet dropped several from their records. So, N359DJ is related to my birth month and year, then my first and last initial. I know, very creative but it will do til I can get the 6A built and the numbers on the fuse!

Just reserved it today - N411WH

I wanted 411SB - for 411 W Ortega, Santa Barbara CA. This is a house my friends lived in while in college and we all had a lot of fun there. We still call ourselves "The 411" to this day. The SB, for Santa Barbara.

But that is taken by an Extra 300 in New Hampshire I think it was.

Then tried for 411SR - again the homage to The 411 and SR is my daughter's initials. But that was taken.

Then tried a whole bunch of 411 variants and 411WH was available. No real meaning to WH, I just like the sound of "411 Whiskey Hotel cleared for takeoff runway 21".

Can't wait to hear those words....someday.
Had flown quite a few different airplanes prior to reserving N41HS for my RV6. Decided that certain numbers (multi-syllable like sev-en, nin-er, ze-ro, and FAA mandated "tree") and number combinations (one one, six six) weren't for me. And of course, the shorter, the better.
So I researched the available numbers, and there were none available with a single digit and two that contained only two digits and the letters HS (for my initials). That's how I ended up with N41HS.
Everybody has a different story.
N Number


5 little runts running around for (or as a result of) two Avila's :D

Luckily I'm only 37:eek:

That's also my excuse for it taking so long to complete the 9.

Well worth it though....wouldn't change a thing.

I picked the year I was born, a very long time ago and my 3 grand children call me PAPA therefor N1948P
Anyone who is building an RV is single or has the wifes permission...I have the wifes permission...we met at a Ducks Unlimited Banquet on November 3rd...hence the choice...she has also turned out to be a pretty good riveter...
Reserved a new N number last week. Years ago I had a different number reserved, N74XC, but decided to let it lapse. Getting my paperwork in order I figured I better get a number reserved. 74XC is still available, but thoughts changed.

So I picked out N155BK.
B for Brian
K for Kris
155 because the first plane I helped build was 155MT. 155MT gave me the experience and confidence to build my own.

"Five Bravo Kilo" rolls off the tongue ok also.
Not a terribly original idea, but N164BL = "One -6(a) for Brad & Lynn". It helped to sell the project to she-who-must-be-obeyed :).