frankh said:
Looks nice and symetrical on the tail and "RV484Hotel" rolls off the toungue.

Incidently as "RV" is now an FAA recognised make I NEVER use the term "experimental" when talking to ATC.

Frank Hinde
"RV" may very well be a recognized make, but your operating limitations still require you to "notify ATC of the experimental nature of this aircraft when operating into or out of airports with an operational control tower."
the 7 ton missle magnet

osxuser said:
Love the look of the OV-10, was it a good bird to fly?

Imagine a dirtbike with wings :) Flew all up and down the west coast for 5 years. The ultimate cross country bird, you could haul tons of junk in the back.

And performance wise on the cross country... a very RV like 3 miles a minute!

The subsonic jungle figher, slow and ugly, the only way to go!
N903FY Reserved

9/3 - Wedding anniversarry, less likely to forget it if it's on my plane.
FY - Forever Young, the name of the plane, named after my wife, maiden name Young (and she had to give it up for Gormley)

"November - Niner - Zero - Three - Foxtrot - Yankee"

Not exactly rolling off of the tounge, but not a tongue twister either.
I would have also like N911NF, 9/11, Never Forget - Not available. Something symmetrc like N393N would also be nice
N number

Mine is 642PS

Six for two...Pam & Steve

Steve Hamer
RV-6 Flying
Apple Valley, Ca
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Mine is N41AD. My daughter was born at 4:41 AM, and her name is Alexandra Danielle.

Steve, yours is a great idea!


Wanted to call the tower as "33BC"...I'm a 33rd degree master mason...(my other hobby)....and BC are the initials....

Brian Cutler
N433BC Reserved
Firewall Forward 7a

"3" is for my month of birth, March; "8" is for my Dad's year of birth, 08, and mine, 58; and "CW" is for both our initials, Curtis William... I'm a "Jr." and will ALWAYS be second best... I do miss him...
This was the first F1 with an EVO wing in Canada. When I registered it I did not call it an F1 but picked a new name to reflect the wing. It is listed in the Canadian registry under model as "EVO1". Now when a controller asks what type of aircraft it is I can say it is an "evil one". This is usually followed by a big pause and then a request for more information!

G-MARX - Well, it was available (and G-MARK wasn't) and maybe the dative is more appropriate and maybe there's a hint of the Groucho in its personality.

But, when I've finished the -8, I won't be able to transfer it (UK rules). Any suggestions for my next G-???? ?

I'm a Georgia Tech alum (hence the GT), and 563 is the Georgia historical license plate number for one of the Georgia Tech mascots - the Ramblin' Wreck. I plan to paint my plane in GT colors and call it the Ramblin' Wreck. I have a fairly large WWII pinup / GT themed tattoo as well, that if I ever finish this darn thing I'd like to use as inspiration for nose art.

Plus "three-golf-tango" rolls off the tongue fairly well. :D
I wanted something with a small number of syllables, but at least 4 characters after the "N" so ATC wouldn't think I'm giving just the last 3 on initial contact. Having decided that, 8/19 is our wedding anniversary and "K" is either for our last name or my wife's first name, depending on who you ask.


I'm a workaholic, so they tell me, so I work twenty-four-seven. It is a (an) RV7, and is a 7. It seems also that I think about the project 24-7. It fits!
8 Because I am building an RV8
8 is my lucky number
8 is because I was born in 58, also my father and brother's birthdays are on October 8th and December 8th
J fo Jeff
M for Moreau

Plus I like being able to say Triple Eight Juliet Mike
My plane's not an RV, it's a Cherokee, and I didn't pick the number,
the plane came with it from the factory way back in 1966,
but it's a cool number: N4646R (for sex, for sex, Romeo) LoL :D

Someday I will build an RV-7 for myself and will pick out
a personalized N-number. I wish the following weren't already
taken, because they'd spell my first name: N3AL or N34L
Juliette Whiskey

N920JW (Reserved)

September 20th is our anniversary (9/20/04)
And JW for Joe & Wendy!
Not rocket science, but it works!

Wanted a single number and NM is for my favorite boat, an Orange, Class A
racing runabout named Nightmare.
The racing was over 50 years ago, the RV-8, Nightmare II, maybe 2008.
Family thing

Ours will be F-PSGA.
All experimentals in France have to begin with F-P and then three more letters.
P : Pascal that's me
S: Sabine my wife
G : Guillaume Eldest son
A : Antoine Second son

So we're lucky we have one first name beginning with P.
Our first choice with the same letters was : PGAS , which phonetically in french could have been spoken as Pégase, french for Pegasus but that was already taken.
My personal "Star Ship"...

I can't believe I have not seen this thread before the link from today's VAF home page. Being a fan of Star Trek beginning with my college days in 1966, I could not pass up naming my airplane "Enterprise" and looking for a suitable N-number. I have had N2PRISE on my Florida automotive license plate and now on my second Tennessee plate.

When I saw the last of the Star Trek television series "Enterprise" and noticed an old British wooden war ship in the opening credits with the name spelled "EnterpriZe", I knew I had found a good number: N2PZ. The theme song from that television series also said it all for my project.

Like the earlier poster said, airplanes with short call signs get asked "What is your full call sign" on occasion. November TWO Papa Zulu



6 - because N6AX was not available
6A - because it is a 6A
X - for experimental

Radio Call
"RV 66 Alpha Experimental"
I know that is not the legal call radio call but is does tell that it is experimental and a RV-6A right in the radio call. I actually use the radio call "RV 66 alpha xray"
N number

N80434 is the Doll's builder number. I wanted to put a "Serial" number on the vertical stabilizer as the P-51 Mustangs were painted. Of course, there was no N in the Mustang's serial numbers, but the FAA insisted. My RV-8 was the 434th kit sold by Van hence: N80434
The Monster

With "Cook" for a last name, and a long family heritage of naming boats "Cookie I, Cookie II, Cookie III..." I knew I had to go with "Cookie" somehow, plus it'd had been my callsign in the AF. As the magnitude of the project began to become apparent, I began to think of it as "the monster in the basement" hence: "The Cookie Monster" That nailed down "CM" "Charlie Mike" as the last two, the first three are going to be 838 cause I'm going to paint it like a T-38 I used to fly. So: it's an 8, painted like a 38, and it's the Cookie Monster - 838CM!
Clay Cook
tanks, tanks alot

My wife bought me the -7 empennage kit for Christmas, so her birthday (12/9) and initials were used in her honor. Thanks Babe!!!
N-Number: N192NM Rv-8A LuJaRo

Flew A-4's in VA-192 off Tico and Oriskany in Viet Nam. CAG 19 tail letters were NM. An unbiased opinion: Best squadron and airwing in the history of the USN.

LuJaRo - 3 grandsons: LUke, JAcob, RObby - LuJaRo.

Both the month/day and month/year of Karen and Miles wedding anniversary:9/04/04. I think "Kilo Mike" rolls off the tongue better than "Mike Kilo" (sounds like "my kilo":eek:), but I tell her it's to give her top billing.;)

I first tried to register N942DL. It stood for, An RV-9 For two. DL was for Don and LouAnn. The wife was happy that I was so thoughtful. Turns out that N942DL is a Delta Airlines MD-88. So I went with Plan B. N942DV, A 9 for 2 Don Vosgien.
My wedding anniversary is on August 20 and my wife and building partners name is Lisa.

Just a hint to all the prospective builders out there, this N number made the wife more agreeable to the project. Anyone who is married knows ?if mamas not happy, nobody is happy?.
Momma is still not happy even with my N number


For my reserved N number I too thought of our wedding anniversary date July 2nd (which was handy since it had 7 in it for my RV-7). My loving wife still hasn't warmed up to the idea of me spending all the money and time on my airplane even though its been a 15 yr dream of mine. She thinks of my RV-7 project as an aluminum mistress I'm unfaithful with in our garage.

Papa Lima is in honor of my father who is a retired Air Force Colonel, who flew B-17's in WWII and who gave me many second and third chances growing up (my kids call him Papa Lech), hence the PL.

As Paul Harvey would say "and now you know the rest of the story"!
My Ns

My planes are in a number series

N169BF Acro Sport II
N269BF RV-6A
N369BF RV-4H
Don't know what I'll do if somebody picks N469BF...

And by the way "69" has no "obvious" significance other than it was part of my first plane's number....N6269L (AA-1B)

First RV N17PT Partain Trading Co RV4 (1996)

Second RV N117WT Exwife-Wendy Tony RV7 Sounded cool but.....(2005)

Third RV N32PT Partain Trading Co RV3 under construction (2007)

Kitfox N132PT Partain Trading Co under construction (2007)

Back to Papa Tango!
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I'm an old diehard Star Trek fan & back in about 1990, me & a buddy built a Quad City Challenger clip wing. When it came time to get a number assigned, we called Oklahoma City & asked about N1701(the Enterprise's registration #). They said 1701 was taken all the way thru 1701-L, which wasn't too big of a surprise. The guy on the phone paused & said, "Hey, wait a minute, "B" just expired, you want N-1701-B?" We jumped on it & even after the Rotax powering our Challenger quit for the 2nd time in mid-air causing an off field landing, I held on to it. Hopefully in a few years, it'll be on the tail of something with a little more reliable engine !;)
N number

Nothing was available that I wanted so I used the first 3 numbers of my home phone number & the first letter of my last name. N868B besides being short (68 Bravo)when I get a little more senile I hope to remember it easier
Our First and Last Number

The One Design, which I built and still have is N213JR, which is my birthday, Feb 13th, and my initials. So that was not available.
When it came time for our RV9A which is nearing completion to get an N number, it was an easy choice.
Back in 1971, and newly married, I got my bride interested in flying by having someone at the local airport take us for a ride in his Cardinal which he offered to for $5.00. My wife had never flown before, but used to watch the small planes take off and land as a kid.
She really loved it, and even used her purse as a sick sack so as not to mess up the Cardinal.
Shortly after, I found an Ercoupe for sale at the same airport as the Cardinal, and hired and instructor to instruct me to fly it after I bought it.
Used the Ercoupe for over 500 hours, got my commercial in it, flew to the Bahamas in it twice, and over the course of 3 years, modified it to be a show plane. When we started to build the Vari-Viggen, and had a company airplane to use, the plane was put up for sale, and it went to Canada, at which time the N number became free, and upon checking 6 months ago, it still was.
Our RV9 is now registered as N99552 which was our first, and will be our last aircraft.
p.s. My wife did take to flying, so much that she crossed the Atlantic with me 8 of the 12 crossings that I did in our Mooney!!
Our anniversary date May 1990 so,

N590SC, S=Steve, C=Charissa

Steven Hild
Belenn NM
RV-7 Fuse
(finish kit scheduled delivery 12-24-07, Merry Christmas!)
had to have an 8 in it, and the real Miss Sue and I lived in Alaska when we were married

so N68AK was born
Solo Date

I soloed as an Aviation Cadet on 8-8-58. My wife/co-builder (excellent riveter) wanted all the numbers plus JT on the end. Difficult to say, so she settled on 858T. It works for me!

Jim Thornton
We are both Air Force so we picked the N number to reflect our view on how the airplane SHOULD BE FLOWN. 577SH means our '7A is S#it Hot. I think beer may have been a factor in this decision as well.


I have a -6 and wanted it in the "N" number. Seemed all were used but 666 and that was not going to happen! Do the math.
We're not too vain....


No "good" numbers available, so....

N - US registration (HAHAHAHAHA!)
59 - birth year
8 - RV8-A model
WT - my operating initials at work for the last 25+ years so that when I call ATC, they'll know it's me :)

Besides, after initial contact, "RV8 whiskey tango" says it all.

PS - almost ready to flip the canoe!

I ran out of ideas. Everything I tried got shot down. Finally I picked my birthday (8/21)and RV. And I got it. It must have been the 100th combo I tried, lol. It may change, but I reserved it anyway. I think I'll be happy with that.
"51" because that's my wife's birthday...5/1/51. How special is that? Also, the P-51 is my favorite warbird. office symbol at work is MP51. So the stars seem aligned for me to have "51."

"7" because I'm building an RV-7.

...and "D" because I am Don.

I really wanted N51DH but it's on a P-51 in Oregon, and I didn't have the guts to ask the owner if I could have his N-number.

I also tried the telephone touchpad trick. For example, my wife's name is Bev, which on the phone pad becomes "238," but I'm building a 7. I did buy a cap with an N-number on it of N238DH to see how I would like it.

As an aside, I didn't want any "niners" because my Dad's C-172 which I fly a lot is "November Seven Niner Five Niner Niner." The controllers usually come back with something like "November Seven Niner Five Five Niner." :(

The best reason I chose N517D is because I like it. Short and sweet..."Experimental Five One Seven Delta" and hopefully "RV Seven Delta."

I can't wait. :D

Don --- Like you, I wanted N51DH for my -4 since I'm going to do a military paint scheme. However, since it was taken, I've gone with N151DH. BTW, the -4 flies AWESOME (maiden flight 6/23/07).
Darrell Herk
N 4 6 B

Even the contrllers are tickled to say, " For Sex Bravo " when I am doing a high speed pass in Hawaii................
Hey Paul, have you ever heard of a aeronautical engineer named Julian Wolkovitch? He was involved in the very beginnings of the space shuttle project as well as a lot of other cool stuff. I was able to get my N number from his wife after he passed away. He registered an experimental glider with 9JW for some kind of research and never deregistered the plane even after it was taken out of service or scrapped. It took nearly a year dealing with the FAA and his wife to get the paper work done but it finally worked out. BTW, there was a lady at the FAA office in OK City that worked the worked the whole deal from beginning to end and I wouldn't have gotten the job done without her help. She gave me her extension number so I could check in with her to check on the progress. Mr. Wolkovitch's wife is the sweetest person and seemed to want me to have the N number to carry on a little piece of her husband's history.
N Number Selection


4 -- only number availble that made some sense...vans kit numbers for RV-10s start with 4

23 -- My seconds wife's jersy number

CF -- Intials for childern number 3 and 4, Chance and Chase Felker

Almost flying..........