
I stole this idea from another RVer (RV-6) and added a 9 in front for obvious reasons.


Fortunately echo november isn't too hard to say.

I started flying in Sep. of 2000. When the rental became unavailable after 4 months and only 13 hours I weighed the options and bought a nice '59 C172 with the N-number N6128E. I've now got almost 700 hours on the plane and fly it weekly to keep the enthusiam up for the building of my -7A. I'll hate to let 'er go when the RV is done, but I'll still be known locally as "28 Echo".

rigging wings to fuselage
(May fly next year)

O.K., so watching this thread, I realized I better get mine ASAP------------OOPS, too late, someone already has my first choice, and 2nd, and 3rd, ETC.

Ended up with 210LM------my second aircraft, rv-10, wifes initial, and mine.

Those of you out there thinking of a personalized number, better get it quick--------specially if it is "104**".

Mike, AKA 210LM
Bummer! :(

After seeing the picture of Ben's N-number I started thinking about my N-number and all the help my Wife Nora has given me with the plane. So, off to the FAA web site to see if November Zero Romeo Alpha was available, which it is. Then when I tired to reserve that number I found out you are not allowed to use zero in an N-number. :(

Kind of a bummer because I thought it would be cool not tell her about the change in N-numbers until N0RA was painted on the tail.
Unfortunately, Ben's "N" number isn't legal the way it is displayed. the FARs clearly state that the letters and numbers must be evenly spaced. I know that many of the numbers on aircraft are in conflict with the FARs, but that doesn't make them legal.

Not sure the FARs clearly state the spacing must be even, but Ben's does violate the minimum spacing:

Part 45.29 Size of marks.

. . .

(e) Spacing. The space between each character may not be less than one-fourth of the character width.

(f) If either one of the surfaces authorized for displaying required marks under ?45.25 is large enough for display of marks meeting the size requirements of this section and the other is not, full-size marks shall be placed on the larger surface. If neither surface is large enough for full-size marks, marks as large as practicable shall be displayed on the larger of the two surfaces. If any surface authorized to be marked by ?45.27 is not large enough for full-size marks, marks as large as practicable shall be placed on the largest of the authorized surfaces.

(g) Uniformity. The marks required by this part for fixed-wing aircraft must have the same height, width, thickness, and spacing on both sides of the aircraft.
Its clear that they have to be spaced the same on both sides of the AC, and that they have to be at least 1/4 the character width apart (which Ben's are not). Should I be looking elsewhere in the FARs?
Why not leave N number alone.

Why screw around with the N number? It's there for good reason. Why not support the FARs, DARs, and FAA who are being fairly good to us right now.

If you want to name your plane, name it. Paint the name on the nose along with some nose art.

my .02 worth...
N numbers

Using large "N" numbers seemed like a good thing to do so that we wouldn't have to tape on temporary ones if we cross the borders. The rules were supposed to be changing on using temporary ones for this purpose so the search was on for something that would fit on the side of the short RV's.

It seemed when searching through the database for the N numbers that any attempt that I had at being clever had been thought of years before. My favorite was already taken which was two to tango 22T, and 194BW was taken, which was my initials, and every other witty idea coming from family members were also taken. The search was then for single numbers and a letter, two numbers and a letter, and finally 3 numbers with a letter. Of these I just tried to come up with something that looked good, was easy to say, and that had never been on an airplane before that was wrecked! I don't remember the particulars now, but one of the available choices that I liked turned out flew on a Bonanza that had a fatal accident years ago. How long the time is until they are used again, or the circumstances which they are used again are a mystery to me, but there was one showing as available that was in the accident records. I remember putting it down as a choice but being glad not to have gotten it. No reason to temp fate. So now we have our number which sounds very aviation, but had no significance prior to flying on the side of one of Van's great designs.

Bryan 9A "Flyin the Flag" November Niner Niner Four Whiskey
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N715ab (rv7a)

My kit was number 715, the AB is for my sons Andrew and Brian. This is my second homebuilt, the first was a PulsarXP. The Pulsar was kit number 359 so the tail number was N359AB, thought I would just stay with that thinking.


I have 2 N-Numbers reserved.


Birth month & day (August 27th + initials (CB = Charles Burke)

I also reserved


Month & Year I married my lovely wife Tammy. Thus, T (Tammy) & C (Charlie)

I haven't commited to which RV to build. If I build a 2-seater,
I'll probably use N827CB. If I build an RV-10, I'll use N493TC.
Yahoo! I'm Stoked!!!

I've been playing with N numbers for a month trying create one that I like.
Well, the list was large but then whittled down to a few, and I went to FAA to check again and some lowly rat of a builder had take one of MINE! Arghh! :eek: OK better get the REALLY good one reserved before somebody else snags it. I've been wringing my hands ever since.

I got notification today. I'm N72ME......YeahYa! :D

Just for conversation, I SERIOUSLY considered 245DD. Anyone that knows the character Duck Dodgers will appeciate it. I never went to the trouble to call Warner Brothers to get permision to use the image so.....somebody else is welcome to have some fun with it if desired.

If you have a favorite number... keep trying regularly on the FAA "Numbers Available" data base.


I wanted a short one ending in GA, and they are difficult to get since it seems to be a favorite for Gulfstreams... :)

I kept looking over a year and eventually got N16GA for the RV-6A - it had been deregistered from a plane that was exported to Venezuela... so numbers do get thrown back in the pool...

Also got N12GA for my Grumman Tiger....

...keep looking for that special number .....gil in Tucson

I reserved N781DM for my RV10. I'm currently working on the wings but I wanted to make sure it would be available when I'm finished. 781 is my anniversary, July '81, D is Donna (wife, mine), M, Marshall. It cost $10/yr to keep it reserved. One thing about Oklahoma, is we don't pay any taxes on it til it's airworthy. It just kind of sits "stagnate" in the tax commissions office til we call them & say "hey, it flies", then it' costs us a whopping $10/yr. I think some states, I'm sure I'll be slam dunked if I'm WRONG, don't have a personal property tax or "tag" on aircraft.

Marshall Alexander
I have N516RC reserved for my RV4. 516 for my month and day of birth and Romeo Charlie for my initials. My 4 will be painted in P51 scheme in memory of my father that serviced them in "the big one". The nose art will be "MOONPIE". For the non-southerners in the group," RC and a Moonpie" is a southern thing. As a matter of fact, I have a T-shirt on as I write this that states that. Kind of tongue in cheek, but why not!

RVRC (nickname at the airport)
Robert Cutter
RV4 upside down canoe
N516RC Reserved
:D :) :cool:
I'm doing a -51 paint scheme too. Her name will be "Great Balls 'O Fire" so the N number is N40 B F. I could have done 71BF (RV 7, First one) but I just like the sound of Four Zero Bravo Fox better.
I have N778JL. Pretty simple, 778= two things, my birthday, and that was also the last 3 numbers of the 152 that I soloed and took my check-ride in. JL=My initials.

Army indifferent to FAA

az_gila said:
... so numbers do get thrown back in the pool...

True enough, Gil.
I found one that I wanted (N7WP) that was "REVOKED" but still "Assigned" so I called FAA to see what that really meant. It was revoked in 1977 because of no response by the Army to some FAA official document or other. It was (is?) a 172 from West Point, so from the FAA's point of view it was still off limits. Rats... :(
I have reserved several N numbers over the last two years and will have three or four to release at some point. If others are in the same situation we might be able to help one another get a number that we would rather have. I will list the numbers I have reserved. I'll bet ther quite a few reserved numbers floating around.






69RV was one I wanted badly but Bill Steppling beat me to it. :eek:
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One helpful note

The single digit N numbers don't come up on the search for available. If you are looking for one, you'll have to enter each one seperately in the N number lookup so see if it's available or not. You'll find that some are reserved, not renewed, and will be coming avialable at a release date that listed in the current reservation.

Just something I learned the other day...


RV-10 Kit # 237

237 - RV-10 tail kit #237
V - Vans
X - Roman numeral 10

November - Two - Tree - Seven - Victor - X-Ray (N237VX)
That brings up another question. Does the first kit you order determine the serial number for your plane? My tail kit was 90919. Will that be my serial number when finished? I bought a wing kit from an individual #90662 and registered it with Van's in my name.
OK..How do I reserve my # ???

Hello all.

I am pretty sure I am building a 9 soon. As soon as i finish my hanger :rolleyes:

I found out the N # I want is avail..

How do I reserve it...I could not find a way on the site.. :confused:

Thanks for any help..
Serial Numbers

rv9aviator said:
That brings up another question. Does the first kit you order determine the serial number for your plane? My tail kit was 90919. Will that be my serial number when finished? I bought a wing kit from an individual #90662 and registered it with Van's in my name.

Jim... you are the builder/manufacturer, so you get to pick the serial number.
However, to make it easier for Vans and anyone searching the database, it's easier to use Van's plan number. I would use the one that Van uses to identify your orders....

gil in Tucson

2-14 both my daughter and son born on valentines 2 years apart. M for Madeline and N for Nicholas......... ;)

RV-7 Almost ready to fly...
Attn: Mike S.

So, it's been a long work week and my mind is tired....but why is 104## a tough one to get? Did I miss something here?

I also ask because I have N104GR reserved.

Thanks for the explanation.

Some of the builders of RV-10s are requesting "104" because it implies an RV "10" 4(for) and then fill in the initials.

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What's in the Tail Number?

N681GP. The 6, 8, and 1 represent the birth months of our three sons by order of age. The G is for our last name, and the P is for my wife's maiden name (Paquette). As an added bonus 6/81 is the month and year of our first born. So all five members of our family are represented. I reserved the N number about a year before it was an airplane. After the initial call-up, the abbreviated "one gulf pop" is quick and easy.
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N = do it NOW, not later in life
7 = RV-7
1 = my first homebuilt airplane
4D = for Dan (or how I fly it...not 3D, it's 4D...it's a time machine)

First plane I solo'd in was N714MG (a C150).

I also lived in the 714 area code when I started building (later moved it to 310 and then moved again to 909 before it flew).


214 was the tail number of the AH-64D Apache I was assigned and flying on March 23, 2003 during a deep attack mission when every aircraft that went on the mission came back with substantial damage. I took a round in my #1 engine that should have made it catch on fire, aft fuel cell, vertical stabilizer, and several main rotor blades and she still flew me back arcoss friendly lines.

Palerider 14 was also my callsign.

Kilo comes from my oldest daughter's name Kaitlyn, and Lima comes from my youngest daughter Lily.

Joe Hutchison
RV-10 Tailkit
QB Wings and Fuse sitting in storage

Graduated from Ripon College (yes, located at the most well-known waypoint in aviation) in '78

Graduated from Northwestern University Dental School in '82

Got married 7/82

P= Painless....the knickname the locals have given me.

7/23/2006 was the day that we wanted to arrive in oshkosh for the plane's first show (and we made it) it also happened to be my dads birthday

CT= my initials

Our N number means a lot to us...we picked it at the start of the project
(january of 04) with the goal of completing it by the 2006 airventure. It was a great pace setter for our building and we had a set date that we wanted the plane to be completed!!
N number

We have N9669D reserved - our anniversary and last initial. This year at OSH saw N9669S in parking area S - pretty close! This wasn't our first choice but we like and are grateful to have it. Bill

755-first three digits in my EAA number, also my VAF member number. I had to have a 7 in there somewhere...


Becky and I were both born in August of '44.
WB is for Wes & Becky

The wise acre wife also nicknamed the plane "TUT" for The Ultimate Toy. She really hit that one on the head. What a magic carpet. :)

Wes Hays
0-360 w/CS
Winters, TX
700+ hours

Becky and I were both born in August of '44.
WB is for Wes & Becky

The wise acre wife also nicknamed the plane "TUT" for The Ultimate Toy. She really hit that one on the head. What a magic carpet. :)

Wes Hays
0-360 w/CS
Winters, TX
700+ hours

Daughter's birthday and initials (June 17th Audrey Reeves).

It's her plane.

86 from a Cardinal RG that we owned (2086Q) WD ...my initials(of course) and also from a 150 we owned and Carol learned to fly in... "WD"=..."Wild Devil" and sometimes "Woman Driver"
billy d...gettin close N86WD reserved

The sixth airplane for Vic and Carol. It also happens to be our anniversary date---June 4th.

Vic Syracuse