Simple reason


I wanted something with relative right angles for ease of painting. Echo Echo sounds cool... Get it, Get it. Also my plane is a 7.

Virtually everything with 1's and most 7's were taken.
N462TW is (like William Slaughter's) my
son's birthday, 4/62. Also, 'TW' is his,
his brother's and my initials. Another connection
is that my Van's builder number is 70462.
Tom Webster
N4603X----The 'N' number of the 1966 C-150 I soloed -- the little fellow was subsequently run into the fence at Fullerton Airport, CA. after an individual tried to touch-and-go with carb heat on and full 40 deg. flaps. Last I saw the plane it was being used for spare parts :( Greg RV9A
Not mine, but...

A friend of mine (the sales guy for Performance Engines), has this one of a kind Lancair Legacy (all red, with an IO-580 and about 400HP!).... The registration speaks for it's self...

N54NE - when you see it in paint, you'll know what it means...

177 WD-472742

77- RV 7A
W-Whiskey (Sell it)
WD-(Don't think so)
4-2004 lst year to OSH,4th FG-1944
72742- Kit #
Big P-Last Name
Paint Scheme

Bruce Pauley
RV 7A (177WD res)
EX KC-135A Boom Operator
@ @ | @ @
\ | /
Here's mine--Again







L=L.................No. One Girl!

Mannan Thomason
RV-8 N161RL 54.8hrs
No paint, waiting for the budget to recover
Last edited:
My first choice of Two Two Tango N22T was already taken years ago. I just wanted something that would fit on the side of a short airframe with large numbers. In the airplane lingo we use I kind of like the niners and the whiskeys so I chose N994W.

Do you ever feel for the folks who have to call with something like Cherokee 87423 would like permission to taxi with information Charlie? Not only the fact that their in the Cherokee, but that horrible number that just won't come off the tongue. :D

Got get my # in here some place... N430PM

I wrap up work at 430PM then head out to the hangar to work. Hum....

Hope to change that to head out to the hangar to fly at 430PM.

Zero Papa Mike is a mouth full for even the fastest controler. I should be able to catch it when they call it.
In England tail numbers with a meaning are very common (sort of like personalized license plates are here).

I flew a Pitts S-2A for a couple years with the tail number G-STUA. I always referred to it as G-Stewa until someone pointed out that if you read the letters out it was S-TU-A (S2A). Another clue for me should have been that the other Pitts (an S-2B) on the field was G-STUB which I always referred to as G-Stew-B...

Slightly off topic, but I always thought it made sense to have a tail number that would be easy to punch into the self-service AVGAS pump computer when your fingers are cold. Something like N123N.
627GE (reserved) - wife's idea. 6/27 is my b-day, and the day I passed the checkride for my PPL almost 4-1/2 years ago; GE for my initials. Seems like a pretty common "idea" so I went with it.

898 is the last three digits of my kit number.

DK was my "Thank You" to Danny King for giving so much of his time and experience in helping me when I reached roadblocks with my project. I couldn't believe how giving he was of his free time including driving the 30 miles to my garage and spending a day to help. He never refused a call for assistance, and wouldn't accept a dime even for gas money. This happened more times than I can recall. DK is a true representative of what the homebuilt community is all about. The value of his visits was priceless, so I figured one small way I could repay him was to use his initials for my call sign.

Thanks again DK. It's a great airplane.

Boy, I don't want my wife reading this thread. 66AP, well, Arnold Palmer had all the single digit AP's locked up, and 66 was the only two digit, two syllable one available. Plus, the 6A in the middle is the Van's model I have.

I'm building an RV-9A. My N number is N955J. I used to own a Cessna 172N with the N number of 5155J. For some reason I got attached to the 55 Juliet call sign. Since I am building a -9, I thought 955J would be appropriate.

RV-9A - building VS
RV-10 - Tailcone Complete
N911CJ (Reserved)

My 16 yr old daughter's birthday and her first two initials. FWIW, this N-number was chosen when I bought my tail kit, long before 9/11/01.
N999XP (reserved)

I couldn't find anything I really liked with my initials, or my wife's, kid's, anniversary, birthdays, etc. So I just went with something that I thought would look great on the RV-7 and would sound good... "November Triple-Niner X-Ray Papa", and would also be easily recognizable when called on the radio... "Niner X-Ray Papa". I'm also proud that this is an "experimental" aircraft - hence the "XP". I dunno, is it really that big o' deal?

359 I was born March 59. Sons name is David and His middle initial is Perry. My dads name was Perry so went with DP Delta Papa..
I reserved the number and just checked FAA. Showing its available. They must be behind in paperwork...
Imagine that.
N359DP reserved I think.
N694BP reserved

June of 94 was our wedding day (great way to remember the anniversary!) and BP for Brenda and Paul. My wife has helped build a great deal of this plane and 4 Bravo Pop seems to flow! :)

Paul Czarapata
N694BP reserved
My RV-4 is N311SV. N3115E was my old Champ, the first airplane I ever owned. SV is my initials.

The RV-7 I'm building is N174CV ' one seven for CV', my wife's initials. This plane is going to be a plush machine for her.

52= born in 52, thought I'd fly 1st flight at age 52, not until 54
7 = RV7A of course
DL = my initials

I actually like the call sign:
experimental 7 delta lima
RV 7 delta lima.

N251BR is my Dad's Harmon Rocket tailnumber. It is his 6th RV he's built. He finished it when he was 51 years old. Bravo, Whiskey is for Beryl Rich his name. Mine is 251AR, for Aden Rich. I sold my RV-6 to a guy in Canada so I was able to reserve the N-number again for my Rocket-EVO. Always have to one up the old man ya know!!!
My L-19 is N194TX Get it...

Marquart Charger N52TX I was 52 when it was finished

RV-8 N558TX I wanted N58TX to keep the same idea as the Charger but it was taken. I found 558TX was available and since it was licensed in 2005 and being 58 N558TX was a natural.
18MC & 18KY

I was originally going to build a Cozy so I reserved 18MC because I wanted a short number and MC are my initials but the MC also stands for M for Mike - me and C for Charlie which would represent my late father - Charles. I reserved the number before purchasing the Cozy plans so when I bought the Cozy plans the number just happened to end in 18 - #1318. Spooky

Well now I'm well on my way on building a 9A but still dream of one day owning a Cozy so I reserved another number 18KY. The 18 because I still wanted a short number and it matched my previous reserved number. The KY because I live in Kentucky.

Not sure which one will end up on the RV.

The plane will be nicknamed Fearless - for Fearless Fly the cartoon character - my nickname from high school - just in case you were wondering.

Starting on my wings now.
My RV8 N214TK was named after my wife's birthday and her name. Her birthday is February 14 and her name is Traci Kerns. I always let her know that this project would have never been finished without her.

Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK

I've always liked the way some phonetic names sound on the radio. I'm building a RV8, most of the N numbers with only an 8 are already gone. I was able to secure Experimental 88 Zulu Pop. And ZP is zippy sounding.

Bud Smith
EMp done, hoping for wing shippment this week.
80434 was my RV-8 kit number. Since P-51 Mustangs have a serial number on their VS, and I was copying Col. John D. Landers "Big Beautiful Doll" paint scheme, I decided to put N80434 on the Doll's VS.
N880AT (reserved) for RV-8a

I owned my last aircraft, a LS-6a sailplane, for almost 10 years. The N number on that bird was N880BB. I picked the same numbers because they had some "8's" for the RV-8a and I knew it would be easy for me to remember. Just changed the alphas to my initials.

Al Thomas
RV-8a (fuselage)

22 was number I wore in high school, always lucky for me, when NYPD went to Pmm Glocks, Mine was serial # 22. Since 22 not available went with 122 and E for Ed and F for my wife Fran.

I became a US citizen in April 1999 (4/99). I came from Argentina. The TY stands for "Thank You!" which expresses how I feel about being American.

Also, the word "Tango" is one that many Americans associate with Argentina, and the word "Yankee" is a word that many Argentines associate with Americans.

In Canada we don't use N-numbers. but use registration "marks" that start with C-F*** or C-G*** (each * represents one letter of the alphabet). Advanced ultralights (like the US light sport plane) start with C-I***.

Unfortanately the F- and G- series have been around for a long time, so many of the really cool ones were taken. I didnt' want something random,a nd wanted something that looked cool, and had a nice "pronouncable" abbreviation. I was pleased to discover that C-FUNC was not taken, so I reserved it. I'm a mathematician, and "Func" is a typical abbreviation of "function" (a mathematical object), plus it sounds like "Funk", so I was pleased to get this mark. Now I just have to remember to renew my reservation (for $40) every year... Transport Canada doesn't remind you!

My father destroyed 3200 of the finest airplanes ever to put air under their wings. He was in charge of scrapping the aircraft left in England after the war. He really hated doing that. Later, he helped build many Aeronca's as he was a final assembly welder there. His service number was 35370908 and he marked all his tools with the last four--0908. I used many of those tools in building our 9A. Most of the skills I used in building it I learned from him. "Metal Exercise" hopefully in some small way replaces another of those 3200 dad turned into aluminum cordwood. Since I couldn't start a tail number with "0," I used the last three. I think he would be proud. "BL" is for me and my partner, Larry.

Bob Kelly

Pretty standard stuff here.
Builders # 80"925" "R"andy "G"riffin.

Randy Griffin
Vancouver, Wa.
RV-8 Painting
Hopefully flying before I hit the eight year mark.

The LC are my initials. Send me an email if you know what the 137 stands for.
Leland Collins
mlw450802 said:
one 9 for mike wilson
Hey Mike,
We think alike. I just thought Whisky Mike sounded cooler.

N164WM = One (RV)Six for (Mike W)

Mike W, RV-6A

Guess I'd better reserve my 8 number for the repeat offender phase.

As a ham radio operator I was lead to believe that the shorter your callsign the cooler you were (higher class licensees could get shorter callsigns). So I went looking for the shortest I could find. all of the 1#, 1 Letter are quick to go (I know one lucky RVer has N8X). But I got pretty lucky too and found a quite appropriate 1x2, N7ZS. 7 for RV-7, and ZS for my initials. Now if I could just get N7ZS for a ham radio callsign (currently held by a guy in WA), I'd be set...


I only wanted three characters so its easy to say over the radio and your initial call is the same as all others. I chose W, "whiskey", because I am from Kentucky and love Bourban Whiskey. The 75 means nothing, it was the only one available from 1-99W. I'm hoping 1W opens up one day since its even easier to say.
Forgot to mention what weathers said, too. It's nice to not have to shorten your N-number when talking to ATC...

I reserved my number before I knew what a Rocket conversion was. My hope was that, once construction was complete, the RV7 would perform as advertised and I'd have a "Pocket Rocket" to enjoy. It does and I do. "121" is my birtday. Still grinnin'.

the 808 is from the legendary Roland drum machine, the TR-808. If you want to hear one, go find one of those obnoxious tuned up import cars with the neon and 4-inch tailpipe and listen for the BOOOOM---tik---BOOMBOOM-tik coming out of the stereo. The BOOOOOM is the 808. I grew up in the Detroit area with electronic music, and this is one of my favorite instruments of all time. Trust me, it sounds much nicer when it's not blasting down residential streets at 3am.

FX, because I'm a digital visual effects artist. I work long hours to blow stuff up with a computer.

I named (numbered!) mine in honor of my Uncle who served in the 2756 Engineering Boat Regiment, Company C in WW2. He served longer than most people - from February, 1942 to December, 1945 was in Africa, Sicily, Italy, France and Germany. He had no leave and no rotations stateside for nearly four years. It was a lot tougher than the 2 1/2 years it took to built my RV9A.

This is fun:

My son's birthday - April 84
My first name - Mike
My wife's first name -- Debbie
My wife's profession - MD

Gives us N484MD.
Interesting link


9 = RV "niner"
4 = for
2 = two passengers (or owners)
W = Wiechman, Todd (co-builder)
G = Garboden, Pat (co-builder)


9 = RV "niner"
4 = for
2 = two passengers
P= Pat's (or Pat, co-builder)
T = Tiger (or Todd, co-builder)

I have this desire to paint the 9A in a Bengal Tiger print so I wanted "Pat's Tiger". :cool: My wife tells me I am strange. :D
I knew that.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
RV9-A 942WG (reserved) slider with O-235
RV9-A 942PT (reserved) tip-up with O-320
Reserved N numbers

I think that a special N number can add the last personal touch to your airplane. However, as an air traffic controller, I don't think many builders realize how tongue twisting their call signs are. I know if you are Frank Johnson, you want everyone to know it's yours... but really, N123 Foxtrot Juliette? What were you thinking?
Mine? Nothing with "Romeo Hotel" is ever gonna work so...N67MT... RV6 became an RV7 and I live in Montana (MT). Besides, it is easy to say. Although "Mike Tango" sounds like a private eye....

Robin Hill
2 numbers, same plane.....

There is a lesson in this story......N910KT... became N910TP....
Think twice about using your wife's and your intitial.... unless of course you stay married ;) ....Serial number 22910 Initials TP
Heck, this is easy!

N605RV, 6 05 is June 5th, my (sorry, OUR anniversary) I never forget an N number, so now I'm safe with my anniversary!!

Seriously, that's an important date, as without it, the plane would most likely never been built.


821 - August 21st, my Dad's birthday. A small tribute to the man who introduced me to aviation.

ES - Elizabeth Schmitz, my Mom. Just so she'll be remembered on every flight.

We are a sentimental lot, aren't we?

RV-8 QB Fuse