
My wife and I met when we were on active duty in the Air Force. She got an incentive ride on a KC-135 and I was the copilot. The tail number on the tanker? 313, of course. :D
Now you all know that you have to keep the wife happy and involved in the project or it will be ugly. So N627LT is our anniversary and the letters of our first names. Now if I forget my anniversary I'm in big trouble.

Tom Allen
Flying it for almost 10 years and loving it!

My first RV-4 used my birthday and initials.
When I sold it, the new owner changed the registration, so my number became available again.
So my new RV-7 will have the same N number as my RV-4 did.

It is the 2nd marriage for both of us ... we have 5 kids between us ... and we are 1 big happy family ... Wendy and Mike.
Aussie rego's

On the Aussie register, apart from the previously mentioned VH-VAF, as of last year we have a VH-VAN.
After months of searching I reserved VH-MRV, hoping to surreptitiously
(unofficially, of course) superimpose a small "y" between the M and R .... VH-MyRV.
Without a doubt the best is in Albany, Western Australia ... an
RV-6 ....... VH-JOY .......
N16GN - I wanted a low number with my initials, and I wanted something that rolls off the tongue easily. After having about 35%-40% of the controllers I talk to screw up 2451N on initial callup, I wanted something easy.
318 FIS

My avatar should make it pretty obvious. I was in the 318th when the unit was deactivated. The squadron colors were sheathed on 7 Dec 1989. I was one of the 25-30 present when we literally shut off the lights and locked the hangar door. It will be good to see that tail flash fly again, and besides IMHO it was the neatest tail in all of ADTAC.

Semper Felix

(The 318th was known as the Green Dragons and the Dragon's name was Felix)

My first -7 was bought partly finished by a US Builder, so it's named after him and his wife: B - Bill, A - Ann and Bill's middle name: W- William.

("LN" is the mandatory national country-code for Norway)

My second -7 is named after the three persons who had to say OK when I asked them wether or not they would approve my plans to build an airplane:

A- Alf (when I asked my self, the answer was an easy one... hehe...)
K- Kjell (a friend of mine who where absolutely necessary to have with me on the project)
C- Cecilia (my wife)
I wanted N80566 (my plans/builder number). But, somebody beat me to it. So, I decided to go with the N8XXRV format. And, the first number available was 804.

I kinda wonder if, since there's already a N803RV and a N805RV, did someone else have 804 reserved but gave it up?
First # 246HJ was a contender but my wife said no, we got 421HJ which is the next one after the new Honda Jet N420HJ. Maybe not as fast but a whole lot more fun and cheaper to operate!

442MM Been waiting for this one to open up for two years! Now I can get my favorite classic 1969 Olds 442 hurst to match the N number......:D
First priority is that it is easy for me to say over the radio without sounding like I have a mouth full of marbles. Only then do I start looking for some personal significance. So I found and have reserved 268DM which rolls easily off the tounge and is also the initials of my and my wife's first names as well as the year of our birth for the both of us (both in 68).

Now all I have to do is find an airplane to stick it on.
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N412BR RV12 It was kit number 412 and some other numbers of personal significance have been taken. BRH are my initials, but "Bravo Romeo" sounds better over the radio and is more fun to say than Bravo Hotel, to me anyway. Interestingly enough, the aircraft's first flight was 4-12-12!

Bill started this thread June 2005.
Fun reading all the post about the number choices. And how you decided on # choices.

I have up dated my aircraft TTs a few times over the years.

Still haven't decided what to do with my reserved N6YH. Tempted to paint the Sky Wagon and change it to N6YH.

I can not find another plane better suited to how I fly. Mission, Mission Mission...So building another is not practical.

Maybe another thread about what is the 'prefect' second airplane to complement your RV?? I know several that have built a RV12 as a second

Basically the name "HILLS" upside down and backwards. Not that I will ever be flying upside down in my -9A. :D

Years ago, when everyone was looking for personal domain names to register, my wife suggested "overthehills.com", so this N-number sort of fits with our internet domain -- the Hill's, just turned over.

....The "ninety one", is how old I feel in the morning when I get up! The "A/N" is my initials to help me remember who I am of course! Happy New Year guys, Allan...:D

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I felt that building my RV9A (N421HJ) was the best all around plane. Considering field choices, TOP end speed and fuel economy. I elected to stand next to the new Honda Jet. N 420 HJ.
There's a special ring to ONE HOTEL JULIET! My wife says you are always out there (hangar) you might as well LIVE there. My thoughts of N246 HJ were short lived.
Happy New year 2014
Ron in Oregon
Somethng different!

My Mooney was a M20D S#193 retrofitted to a retract so N193DR. My RV-8 was a 1st for me(Robby Knox) so 184RK. My RV-6A was a challenge from a friend that died with his son in his 6A before I completed the challenge and I while I wanted to honor his memory, his brother asked me not to paint it yellow, so I decided not to use the N number as a reminder as well. I did something a little different in playing with the number. I planned to deck this plane out or to excess so I chose N62XS, an RV-6 to excess(X S).

My better half's (9/10ths) B-day and my initials ... and the "Whiskey" doesn't hurt, either! Bravo!
I didn't choose this registration as I'm not the builder of this airplane. The original builder named it after his wife, Joy. For several years I've been the steward of this fine aircraft and have had the pleasure of giving many people their first light aircraft flight. When I see all the smiles this aircraft has brought, both to me and her passengers, I can't help but think she's very well named indeed. C-GJOY

The registration is reserved for our next airplane, C-GVLF - with VLF representing the first initial of each of our kids names.
N is for being American
5 is for May
07 is for 2007
H is for Hunt
Now for the rest of the story
It is our wedding Anniversary and now I have no excuse to forget it!!!

Less I'd spend the rest of my life living in the Hanger.

Smilin' Jack
Could not make any combination of my wife's or my initials work with any birthday or anniversary.
So we picked 505RV.
505 is my home town area code. ;)
My anniversary and our initials

I chose my N number based on our anniversary, Sept. 27, (28 yrs coming up) and our initials (Mary and Gary). It's the least I could do to recognize my wife who has always encouraged me thru this odyssey of many years!

N Number

Wow Gary, that is a gorgeous paint job! Did you do it yourself?

Mine is N921DF. 9 'cause it's an RV-9. 21 because all the other good numbers were taken, and DF for my initials.

N4RT no birthdays or anniversary dates, just the shortest combo I could find! And thinking of a short ATC call back. Well my anniversary is 9-10-11......
I reserved N69YT because N69WT was taken.

I just started my PPL training after years and years of built up ambition. The tail numbers on the trainer goofed me up a few times on the radio, so I punched in the FAA search tool, found I could reserve the number for my future RV, and found one that was funny and rolled off the tongue. After not seeing it published, I didn't think it would go through. 2 months after submitting the request, they finally processed it and here we are.

Now I need to place the order for the emp kit soon! decisions decisions, 10 or 7...
Thanks, Dale!

A friend of mine, Walt Halloran (who has painted everything), painted it. It is his third airplane. Now I am putting everything back together!

Check my Kitlog site for more photos. I am slowly bringing it up to date.

The "8" is obviously for my RV8 and the JL is my first and middle name..

They wouldn't give me N "Widget"

The only thing wrong with single digit N-Numbers is 90 percent of the time ATC calls me back with "say full call sign"

7 model
5 Started in May
4 the year 2004
R because when the you call atc with experimental
V they expect performance if its an RV

I was shooting for 757 for completion date.... boy would I have screwed that up eh!:eek:

My wife's birthday. I won't show it cuz we just never tell a woman's age.
Sweetie has put up with me for 28 years. She's supported me in everything including our RV7a (Lucy)
Basically her birthday is all "1" and "5".
So 511RV was the closest we could find.
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My initials preceded by my age at projected completion and the minimum syllables I could come up with. Should have been 60DG.

Wish I had 181DG... Cuz that's how fast she goes.... True.


My dad and brother helped to build my 6A. My dad passed before it was done. My brother thought of it. My day was born July (7) 08th. His name was Charlie Mack. Sometimes when I am calling on the radio I will use Charlie Mack versus Charlie Mike

I picked because: 12= birthday day
43 = year I was born
A= first RV airplane

Not original but true
Mine is for my wife/build partner/money maker ;) N143KW

1- one letter in "I"
4- four letters in "love"
3- three letters in "you"
K- her first name
W- last name

Plus I wanted something with whiskey in it :)
And N7W was taken
Home street number with letters consistent with first name/last name of my son (builing partner)and I. Has a good ring.

N353EK (RV7A)

(M)ark and (T)erri married in June (6), 19(78)

She hasn't really helped me on the project, but she hasn't complained either and that says a lot!

My grandpa let me "help" him build and fix stuff when I was little. I doubt I'd have the confidence to take on a project like this without that experience. He died a long time ago, long before I started my project. We always called him Grandpa C. I'm building the RV-8 so my N number is "one eight for Grandpa C" - N184GC. I even have some of his old tools and tools he gave me when I was a kid that I use regularly on my RV-8.

My RV9A is N911WH. My kit was shipped from Vans on Sept 11, 2001, the very day the airliners took down the buildings in New York City. WH for its builders, Watson and Homsley.

Well Done!

My RV9A is N911WH. My kit was shipped from Vans on Sept 11, 2001, the very day the airliners took down the buildings in New York City. WH for its builders, Watson and Homsley.


Very Impressive! I like the idea that you are remembering the date.

May I suggest that it wasn't the airliners that took down the towers, rather it was the radical terrorists that took over the airliners that did so.

Soft language that minimizes what actually happened, and why it happened, will only encourage repeat events. Soft language is a result of our PC world.

Don't be afraid to speak the truth.

I fully expect that this post won't last the day.

RV relevancy: Our flying freedom has been curtailed as a direct result of the 9-11 attack.

I had read that family support or lack thereof was critical to the success of the project. I wanted (needed) to draw the wife into the project early ...
so ...
7/30 is the wife's birthday :)
The 'RV' in the tail number was a must for me .