It's been a while in getting to this point, but the project is really starting to feel like a plane now :). Here's my first installation of all of the electrical stuff on the panel. Of course, like everything else, it all came out while I worked on harnesses on the bench. I have the cool 3-lever throttle quadrant, so left the space in middle as a keep-out zone for when the throttle levers are forward. Several smaller holes are for some very nice McFarlane push-pull cables with anodized/engraved knobs. All of that should be installed this week, and the wiring is coming along (I've even gone so far as to learn how to use lacing tape instead of zip-ties for's very zen-like to make those knots :) ).

I'm trying to have a panel with no labels...everything is self-labelled and the switches are internally lit, etc. I'm after clean, simple and elegant.

(ETA: I had the panel waterjet cut, and then powder-coated to match all the other stuff that Van's couple of hundred bucks ever spent! :)


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Cutting the sub-panel

I just spent a good hour of the companies time reading back about two years worth of post and if the answer is there, it completely blew past me.

My Garmin stack is so deep that I need to cut into the subpanel to allow clearance for this depth. The question is, do I make a hole that allows the panel mounted racks to just "float" in this hole or do I make the hole tight enough to help support the back of the rack in some way? I know I will need to add support to the edges of the cuts.

I am ready to do this so any help from those who have already done this would be appreciated. Photos would help.
My Solution

. . . . . .

My Garmin stack is so deep that I need to cut into the subpanel to allow clearance for this depth. The question is, do I make a hole that allows the panel mounted racks to just "float" in this hole or do I make the hole tight enough to help support the back of the rack in some way? I know I will need to add support to the edges of the cuts.

. . . . . . .

This is a removable tray mounting rack I built for my panel. It has trays for a GMA-240, SL-30, SL-40 and a GTX-327. It is made tall enough to allow replacing the SL-40 with a GNS-430W. The mounting rack is supported off the front panel by 8 #6 screws into nutplates in the rack and the subpanel by 4 #8 screws into nutplates in the subpanel. You can see the LH subpanel mounting flange in the photo. Note the SL-30 and SL-40 trays protrude beyond the rear flange.


Here's a photo of the mount screwed/cleco'd in the plane with equipment installed. You can see how it interfaces to the subpanel. For the sharp eyed among you . . . . . . yes, the two radios are ICOM A-210s. They have had their rear connectors changed out so they fit into the Garmin trays.


Here's a view of the forward side of the subpanel cutout. I had to whack such a large hole through it to provide for current/future equipment that I felt it was necessary to reinforce it substantially. There is an .063" doubler over the opening that also ties into both forward top skin "ribs" as well as a .125" angle across the bottom forward side of the subpanel. I also put a bends in the sides of the cutout to stiffen those edges as well, although when the mounting rack is screwed in place, it does a pretty good job of stiffening that part of the hole.


Hope this helps.

BTW - here's the current state of this panel . . . . . still a work in progress.

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Looks good Dan. My panel is mostly done but not yet set in place. Looks like a week or two before I get there.

Anybody else have any input as to weather the sub panel should help support the rack or not?
Dan - Really like the sub panel

Outstanding! Very clean and uncluttered. Well done.

Did you fabricate the sub panel? Did you document the construction? Metal or fiberglass?

Was it purchased from a vendor? Who?

Gives one a lot of ideas for a truly custom panel. Well thought out, Dan.

Next time, I'm doing sub panel like that!
Thats the panel I intend to install myself,not that I have anything against glass, it's just that I want it to seem more like an airplane than a video game.

Been flying for 130 + hours.
Its great and easy to use.
Love to look outside and fly by the horizon.
Quick scans for the rest.
Did not want to fly the G-??? when I got
back into flying and stayed with the old school.

Build what suits you and you will LOVE it.

Lower Panel Details

Outstanding! Very clean and uncluttered. Well done.

Well . . . . . Thanks!

Did you fabricate the sub panel? Did you document the construction? Metal or fiberglass?

I fabricated it - glass and carbon fiber. Not much documentation of the process however.

Made a plug that I would later use to make a female mold. It was made from PVC pipe, .025" aluminum, wood, and lots of micro and ultimately finished with Duratec surfacing primer. Photo shows the plug construction in progress.


Laid up a female mold over the completed plug and then used the mold to lay up several partial and complete parts before I got one I was willing to use. Photo shows completed plug at the top, mold in the middle, and completed part at the bottom. The part was laid with glass as both the first and last plies with multiple carbon fiber plies in between.


The throttle subpanel is also made from carbon fiber - laid up over a sacrificial male foam mold. Flox was laid up around an .063" aluminum face plate to form the inset. The actual face plate is made from .050". Lots of sanding to get the final product.

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Switch Placards

How did you do your placards; they look great.

Thanks! Made from .050" aluminum, primed, painted white JetFlex, then brown JetFlex, and finally sent up to Aircraft Engravers They engrave through the top layer of paint into the middle of the paint layer below. Not cheap but the work they do is really top notch.

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Thanks for the photos

I've made quite a few molds and kind of had an idea of how you made your plug after I saw your previous posts. I won't embarrass myself by telling you how I would have done the rounded face and switch cut outs after seeing your simple solution with the PVC and metal inserts. Beautiful mold.

Really appreciate you taking the time to post the photos.

Visit us in FL when you finish!!
Wow, tell us about those dual throttle quadrants - I think that is a first! How do you handle that mechanically?
cheers !

thanks Brent, I'm happy with the final outcome although it took a lot of moving things around before I said "enough, just get on with it".
Vent locations

I am finishing the installation of my panel and don't like the looks of the vents below the bottom corners. I have room on my panel above the side rails on the face of the panel to install them there. This would keep the bottom knee area uncluttered and would look a lot cleaner and not look like an add-on. Can anyone think of any reasons why I shouldn't do this? The vent tubes would be uphill from the NACA vents to the cabin eyeballs so water shouldn't be a problem. I also wouldn't have anything below them besides the headset jacks and an aux power outlet.

I could also install the alt air knob and cable below the pilot side panel in place of the traditional vent location. Everything would work out well unless someone talks me out of it.
My reworked panel

Hi all, Wanted to put a few pix of my new/reworked panel on here. History... I'm building a 7A and had "finished" my panel, (post 433 of this thread) a couple years ago. As time passed, I liked that panel less and less so... ripped everything out and started over. This is it and I'm much happier with the results. The plane will be finished by the end of the year with the exception on the leg fairings and wheel pants. Looking forward to that first flight and RV grin.
Happy Holidays to all.


Here is one with everything on. No smoke!

This one is with the dome light on. Cool!

Did I mention that I LOVE the I-Fly700!
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Thanks Ryan,

This panel is going to be so much fun to fly compared to the very old 6 pack I'm used to. Need to re-educatate myself :eek:
7 panel with VP-x pro


Yes, VP-x pro. So far, I really like the control and information. We will see once in the air!

GRT 8.4 Horizons
DFIIVSGV with auto trim
TCVR-2 dimmers
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Bill, how did you do the least THEY seem to have worked OK. :D

Hi Bob,
The labelling was conventional waterslide decals. Stein made the decal sheet from a file I sent him. I tried it on a local laser printer with decal film I got locally but the ink density was not good. Steins are way better.
The decals did fine all around. It was the base coat enamel that wrinkled.

Good guess but both bottom and top were enamel. I think I was in too much of a hurry and the bottom coat was not cured. It happened to me once before on the throttle subpanel ( which I did sucessfully on a redo) some months ago. This time I may be getting the message to slow down a bit and let it cure.

I did not conquer the paint problem, just avoided it.
On second try, my sample wrinkled so I did not topcoat.

Here's the "finished" version (well knowing a panel is never finished)


Digital camera distorts the lighting levels for some reason, making the red flood lights look way out a ballance with the rest of the panel lighting.
Whatever. It works for my eyes in the real world.
Here is a picture of the panel in my -7A:


The panel is about 1" taller than stock, this allowed the radio stack with the GPSMAP296. The AFS-AP location is not ideal and caused me to remove a small amount of the canopy stiffener. The space between the radio stack and the D100 is intended for a hand held Comm (or Nav/Comm), the two screws just to the right of the 430W are for mounting the hand held.

The switches on the left of the AFS-5600 are generally used on the ground. The switches to the right of the AFS-5600 are generally used on the ground and/or when flying.

The panel is powder coated and the lettering is silk screened. The mount for the throttle/prop/mixture/heat controls still needs to be powder coated.

More details of plane and panel at

Newbie. Here is my panel (in the works)

Hi Guys, just though I would throw in my few cents here. I wanted to show my panel. It is not populated yet, but soon. Still missing the 2, 7" Dynon displays, and the radio stack is at the avionics shop for wiring. The panel is water jet cut and the display sub panel is hinged so I can access the VPX pro and other things behind the panel. The map box on the right is also custom. The backup instruments on the lower left will be: electric T&B, altimeter and airspeed. The switches are Aveo RockRack.

Hakan Langebro
Simi Valley, CA
Panel project

Hi everyone,
I bought the licence for Xpanel and I played a bit with the software today.

Here is the panel of my dreams:

Here is probably what I will be able to afford:

Similar, but on the second one the GNS430 is gone and an iPad replaces the 2nd Dynon Skyview.

Tell me what you think.
Important to me is panel symetry, functionality and logic.
On the left are switches for battery, alternator, start and mags. Below the skyview are switches for avionics master, fuel pump and misc switches for lights etc.
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Symmetry is Important!

I agree, Symmetry is important and so is simplicity. A minimalist approach is great if you can pull it off.

So twin Skyviews is my plan. In my mind - cause I'm still dreaming about my RV7 - it is very similar to yours except I would only have the Alt and TAS steam gauge back ups. Looking at yours if its to scale you could perhaps put the stuff under the comms stack around the PFD and put two gauges under the COM stack - exactly in the middle of course. But love the plan - I hope to do very similar

Assembling the Garage; Assembling Tools RV7a