Panel D-EVRV

Hi, my first post here...:)

VFR - Panel with GRT Sport, TT Digiflight IIVS, Garmin GPS 695, Garmin GMA 240, NAV/COM SL 30, COM SL 40, GTX 330, GRT EIS

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Here's my panel that I have been working on for let's say a long time. Steinair's guys did the harnesses for me and helped me bring everything on-line. It went together well. I back-lite the lettering. This is an idea that I got from Bret Smith and Mike Behnke, thanks guys. Clean and good symmetry.

Dual GRT HX, HS; Dual AHRS; Dual magnetometers; TrueTrak Digiflight II, VSGV; TruTrak ADI w/GPS; PMA8000B Audio; GNS430W; GTX330; SL-40 Comm; GRT EIS4000



Love the blue back lighting. Very cool. AHHHHHHHHHHHH, I was just in Destin this past weekend!
OK, Here's mine


I reassembled the panel today for final fit checking with the finished canopy frame. It will come back apart for painting and decal lettering later. There are a couple of holes to drill yet (heater control and map box lock)

This dual screen IFR panel is squeezed into the standard Van's TU panel without relocating the left support rib. The rib was modified but remains as structurally sound as original.

Since nothing is labeled, here is some description:
Ignition toggles (mags + start) upper left. Starter run-on light.
Dual alternator switches at lower left
Modified endurance bus sys that allows 2 power sheds and avionics bus function, one shed for B/U alt operation (main alt failure) and second for battery only.
Further to the right is nav/strobe/landing and 2 dimmers
The last is the flap switch located above the missing throttle
The fuel pump switch will be to the left of the throttle. Complete, just not shown.

The single master caution light is top center. Messaging will be EIS/H1s
The open instrument hole is for airspeed.
2 USB ports left of the EIS connected to H1s

Audio system is a 2 seat intercom with music and cell jacks on the passenger side and an Aeroelectric Iso amp buried behind the panel. One switch to select COM1 COM2. Simple.
12 volt jack on passenger side connected to battery bus so I can trickle maintain battery through this port.

All Illumination is LED.

Panel will be ivory with black lettering.

The fan??

Is the fan (edge shown in the picture) to improve the builder experience of sitting in the seat during construction? Blowing you hair back like an open cockpit?????:)
Oh where you watching that? ...mind if I check the other channel? ?my programs on. :)

Don't laugh...there's not one, but TWO video inputs to that screen, and you can play around with the PIP (in able to still view your moving map along with the video, etc..). :)

G-HUTY Panel - first assembly today

Finished painting the panel yesterday and paint was dry this morning so the long awaited time had finally come to have a go at the very first assembly of all the 'stuff' I've tried to squeeze in. It's amazing how long it takes just screwing things to the panel!!

In the UK it is mandatory to backup glass panels with ASI, ALT and compass. That means there's that extra couple of items to find space for (my compass will be going on top of the glare shield). This layout is the culmination of atleast two years planning so I hope it works out when G-HUTY eventually takes to the air.

The panel is fully home made with all cutouts done by hand (no CNC milling apart from the placards & labelling). The panel itself is about 1.5 inches taller than the Van's standard.

All in all, I'm very happy with the outcome. The only thing I might have a look at is the Garmin 240 audio panel. As it is, it partially masks the labelling of the central switches. I might see if I can rework the 240 so it is flush with the panel.

The only missing item is the remote switch for the ELT. I'm delaying buying an ELT to avoid the battery running down before the plane is finished. The ELT switch will go on the left above the Start Button. I've also got that little bit of space free on the far left just in case there's some super little gizmo that comes along that I just cannot live without :)

Thanks must go to Paul Dye for the inspiration for the home made Warning Light Panel. It's based on the same channel-within-channel idea he documented here on VAF.



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Here's the latest pic of my RV-7 Panel... I just finished up most of the electrical/electronics and am about ready to mount the engine. Everything's going very well and all the components seem to be communicating well with each other.

Very nice, very clean, very good!

Lean mean VFR cruising machine!!! Oh wait, that is an SL-30....swap out VFR and put in IFR, that is if you have the dual AHRS...
Those are the 10" SV's right? Thanks for building that panel, I was wondering how two of them would fit! Add a VP-50 to eliminate the switches and a GNS-430 and I've just built my dream panel!!!
Those are the 10" SV's right? Thanks for building that panel, I was wondering how two of them would fit! Add a VP-50 to eliminate the switches and a GNS-430 and I've just built my dream panel!!!

Yes they are, It's a stock panel too. I was worried that the switches wouldn't fit
but no problems. I would love to put a GNS-430 in there, But no more money!
Sully that's awesome. Exactly the switch free clean panel I'm going for. Why the EIS and the VP200. Kind of redunant isn't it?
My attempt at overkill, still trying to fit the TruTrak:D


Have you looked at the flat pack A/P that TruTrack has?? It will fit right over the EFIS screens.

Here is one installed in my plane.


Sully that's awesome. Exactly the switch free clean panel I'm going for. Why the EIS and the VP200. Kind of redunant isn't it?

EIS is what gathers engine, and fuel info for the EFIS screens, feeds them the info to be displayed graphically ----Take a look at the photo of my panel above, EIS has lines of digits, EFIS has graphics.
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EIS is what gathers engine, and fuel info for the EFIS screens, feeds them the info to be displayed graphically ----Take a look at the photo of my panel above, EIS has lines of digits, EFIS has graphics.

I guess my question is then, why the redudancy. The VP-200 has phenominal capability already... just seems like money better spent on avgas. To each their own, it's a flippin sweet panel.
That is exactly what I was going to try, it's getting a little tight but I think it will fit there. Thanks for the kind comments the panel has been the most gut wrenching in terms of decision making
Sully that's awesome. Exactly the switch free clean panel I'm going for. Why the EIS and the VP200. Kind of redunant isn't it?
My understanding was that I needed the EIS to process the signals from the probes and sensors to feed the VP and EFIS. If not I'll call it redundency for safety, can't admit to the wife that I spent money I shouldn't have;) I will most likely add 2 or 3 switches for back up circuits but otherwise it should stay pretty clean
Here's a shot of this evenings progress. I have yet to flip the switch, though. That reminds me, since I did the "heated seats" systems check the other night, I should probably attach the battery charger before going through a full avionics systems ground check.

For the most part, everything turned out Ok. I took a chance and laid out the avionics stack using only the trays, various measurements, pictures, and documentation. For some reason, the PSE-8000B audio panel sticks out an extra 1/8" - oh well. I do not think it is worth the effort to move the tray back an 1/8". Also, I am suspicious that the unit is truly seating as far as it can go. I'm wording if there is an adjustment for that. Other than that, everything else lines up great.

To all you folks who provided feedback and access to your avionics - Thank you!

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I flipped the switch

I flipped the switch today, and had an interesting moment.
My EFISes wouldn't boot up due to low voltage and soon after that a faint burning smell could be noticed. My bench 12V supply had decided to quit.
After wiring the battery, the second try was the good one.

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Pascal, looks good :D

Battery is usually better choice than a power supply from my personal experience.

Keep up the good work!!
The VP-200 does not have its own engine probes. It uses engine data from the EIS or an EFIS. It displays the engine data and also uses it for other features like determing phase of flight or turning on the boost pump if the fuel pressure gets too low, etc.

My understanding was that I needed the EIS to process the signals from the probes and sensors to feed the VP and EFIS. If not I'll call it redundency for safety, can't admit to the wife that I spent money I shouldn't have;) I will most likely add 2 or 3 switches for back up circuits but otherwise it should stay pretty clean
my dream

This was designed for VFR and IFR with much redundancy. It was built by Aerotronics in Montana and they have provided excellent support, Gary, Jason and others, in the build and follow up. I am Finishing the installation now. Dynon on the right and a 430 in the middle. Cheltons to the left. PS8000B and SL40 above 430. I sit in the cockpit and make engine noises at the moment. Hope that improves next year.

Niice. Is that a jet liner or an RV? Lol. You should have no problem flying IFR in that beautiful cockpit!
RV-7 panel in HD

YouTube video of the panel in the RV-7

Equipment included
GRT hx
Garmin 430
Gramin 327
PS 8000b
Garmin 496 (for XM music)
The wonderful VP-200
Trutrak VSGV
Trutrak ADI

I built a mold to make a wedge that tilts the passenger panel toward the pilot. This works surprisingly good. The VP200 is very easy to operate and see. the long leg of the wedge give something to hang onto in rough air while pushing buttons.
Fun with SolidWorks

Since I use SolidWorks all the time at work, it was a natural for panel design. Except of course that the software is so powerful it lets me do way more modeling than may be strictly necessary to get 'er done.

Here are a few screen shots. My video card isn't the best, apologies for the smudginess. Comments, critiques, random slings and arrows all appreciated!!





Planned equipment (I have most of it now) is

GRT Sport SX, large screen, with EIS
Backup 2.25" altimeter & airspeed
Trutrak ADI Pilot II
SL30 nav/comm
GTX327 transponder
GMA240 audio panel
Garmin Aera in Airgizmos mount
Lots of switches, still need to work on placards/labeling
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Here are the changes I would make. Your going to want your GPS closer to you, easier to see and operate. I moved mine, after I started flying.


Here's mine:
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Here are the changes I would make. Your going to want your GPS closer to you, easier to see and operate. I moved mine, after I started flying.

Helpful information, thanks for that feedback!

That ties in with something I was pondering last night. I don't actually have the Garmin Aera (or the mount) yet (I don't have the Trutrak ADI Pilot II either, but that's on the must-buy list). I do have the GRT Sport SX, SL30, GTX327 and GMA240. The GRT has a built-in GPS and XM weather, so technically the Aera would be redundant.

I am a VFR pilot; I plan to get my instrument rating and will fly the plane IFR, but out west here, for me at least, that means VFR on top of low stratus (fog). I am a certified sissy and will likely not attempt the more manly sort of IFR that y'all in the midwest and back east yawn at. However, there is a lot of complex airspace around here which I have flown in and will continue to fly through regularly.

Sooo... another option might be to delete the Aera altogether and instead go with a second comm radio. Or neither (cheapest) or both (budget busting, but that happened awhile back).


Oh yeah, and Doug, if you see this, thanks for putting my screenshot on today's front page! I've felt fairly confident through much of my build, but the panel is giving me fits. So nice to get exposure and feedback!
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Lars, the internal GRT gps is really good, in fact, I wish I had a third GRT in my plane, so I could have the map up all the time. And, I have the first generation GRT, so I can only imagine how nice the big screen hi-res units are.

As it is, I have the engine stuff on one screen, and the flight stuff on the other.

I have played around with split screens, dont like it.

I am really glad I have the AvMap for the gps mapping as it is always there, no need to switch it around to see a map.

Good luck with the project, a 2011 target date is good:D
Lars, the internal GRT gps is really good, in fact, I wish I had a third GRT in my plane, so I could have the map up all the time. And, I have the first generation GRT, so I can only imagine how nice the big screen hi-res units are.

As it is, I have the engine stuff on one screen, and the flight stuff on the other.

I have played around with split screens, dont like it.

I am really glad I have the AvMap for the gps mapping as it is always there, no need to switch it around to see a map.

Good luck with the project, a 2011 target date is good:D

Mike, you may well cost me a lot of money! :D

Do you have two comms?
Mike, you may well cost me a lot of money! :D

Do you have two comms?

Yes, but one is still in the hangar here at home.

I will be installing it, and an audio panel in the future. The CD player/intercom will come out, the EIS moves up a half inch, and the SL30, and audio panel will go in where the intercom now is.

You need to take the short drive to Lincoln, and take a look at the plane;)

You need to take the short drive to Lincoln, and take a look at the plane;)

I have a BMW R1100S sitting in the garage that's begging to be ridden. Sounds like a good excuse to exercise it. Maybe this weekend. Sunday, perhaps?

I was planning on a Garmin aera too but bought an Ifly 700 the other day and I think I am really going to like it.

Uh oh. More decisions to ponder :)
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I have a BMW R1100S sitting in the garage that's begging to be ridden. Sounds like a good excuse to exercise it. Maybe this weekend. Sunday, perhaps?

Sunday should be fine, call me and lets set it up. I will PM my phone number to you.
Moved a few things. This is scary. I can see space for a second comm without giving up the Aera. My bank manager will not be pleased.

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Lookin good!

Here is a thought. Move your radio stack up, leave enough room for a SL40 to be added later at the bottom of the stack. Get the wiring harness setup now so all you have to do is slide the radio in if and when you decide to add it. Remember your SL30 has the capability to monitor your stand by freq. So you can listen to two freqs.. I fly from a non-towered airport, in an Alert Area with some MOAs, so I'm on Unicom and monitor Campbell Approach when I'm not on flight following with them. I have a SL30 and I have the wiring harness for the VOR control head, but have not added one yet and might not. If I ever do all I have to do is plug it in. Less money now so you can buy gas for your 40 Phase I.
Here is a thought. Move your radio stack up, leave enough room for a SL40 to be added later at the bottom of the stack. Get the wiring harness setup now so all you have to do is slide the radio in if and when you decide to add it. Remember your SL30 has the capability to monitor your stand by freq. So you can listen to two freqs.. I fly from a non-towered airport, in an Alert Area with some MOAs, so I'm on Unicom and monitor Campbell Approach when I'm not on flight following with them. I have a SL30 and I have the wiring harness for the VOR control head, but have not added one yet and might not. If I ever do all I have to do is plug it in. Less money now so you can buy gas for your 40 Phase I.

Thanks Bobby, appreciate the feedback. The layout you recommend is pretty much what I concluded after moving stuff around. Good point too about waiting on radio #2 and saving a few bux. I not only have to get into Phase I, but I have a whole lot of catching up to do before I even begin to consider flying this thing. I had forgotten that the SL30 lets you monitor a second frequency. That removes some urgency. I'm right on the edge of Sacramento Class C airspace, and of course the whole SF bay area airspace is close to the west.
You can buy trays and backplates separate. Build the stack you want with the trays wired up, then buy the radios when finances allow. You will not be digging back behind the panel again.
Nice panel Marc! If I were to do a panel/avionics today it would probably look exactly like that! Too bad it's going to be awhile until I get to where you're at (except that technology advancements might be pretty cool by then).