Rolled the fuse tonight!! 808 hours so far, almost 2 years since I started mangling aluminum.


You are moving right along. I just checked my log and I was at 1156 hours when I rolled mine over.

You are moving right along. I just checked my log and I was at 1156 hours when I rolled mine over.

Yep, I'm trying to get a little done each night. I have averaged 8.4 hours per week so far since I first started. My next door neighbor is the crew chief for the B-29/B25 based here at the Midland CAF, he'll come over from time to time and BS with me while I'm building - he told me a couple weeks ago after I had the center fuse mated to the aft fuse and was drilling the firewall to the frame "Wow, I guess you really will finish it after all." Considering the number of half-started kits that are always for sale, I decided to take that as a compliment.

To be fair, I'm jumping the gun just a bit on rolling the fuse - I don't have the forward bottom skin on yet so it will need to go back upside down for that to be riveted on. I rolled it now to make it SO much easier to fit the rudder pedals on the 719 auxiliary longerons with gravity helping me instead of fighting me. Once the holes are drilled for the rudder pedals, I'll flip it again and rivet the forward bottom skin, then it goes back upright for good.
Wow - LOVE that panel Dave! That's almost exactly what I had in mind for my own, very nice setup. I can't wait to start that part!

I was almost sure I wanted a switch strip across the bottom of the panel, on a small sub-panel running the length of the panel, but seeing the way you have them running across the top may change my mind. That's a very clean install and preserves the bottom range for your knees.
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That's a very clean install and preserves the bottom range for your knees.
Decided that when spending the whole day on a long trip in the plane that the extra 2 inches of room along the bottom of the panel would make for a much more comfortable trip. The space across the top is unusable for much else and with 2 pilots makes access to the switches more accessible to either pilot. They are out of the way of things that may bump them and easy to check without having to look far from the window or flight instruments.
nice panel

Good thinking on the switch placement. Unless you have really small feet, you don't want anything hanging below the panel that could be bumped, hit, kicked, bent, toggled when when you or your passenger enters/exits the aircraft.
Nice Panel ....

...very nice. Your switch placement and related-thinking match mine exactly. I decided I wanted the switches on top when I saw my first Cozy panel and how slick the switches work up there. Once we get flying, most of us don't use the switches anyway; why put them down in the panel's most valuable "real estate"?
Coming Along OK


I started the Empanage kit the end of September and at the end of November all but the left elevator was completed. (I am slow). Then Wife said it's time to leave Maine for the Florida home so there won't be any progress until Spring.
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I was feeling pretty good about my progress until . . .

RV9er, if you are slow, I must be a snail! I got my tail parts in May and still have both elevators to finish. I did have a couple of multi-week periods where I couldn't do any airplane work. By the way, your stuff looks good!
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I was feeling pretty good about my progress until . . .

RV9er, if you are slow, I must be a snail! I got my tail parts in May and still have both elevators to finish. I did have a couple of multi-week periods where I couldn't do any airplane work. By the way, your stuff looks good!

Don't feel bad, I'm retired and except for the honey do list, lawn and walk the Weimer I have lots of building time. BTW thanks for the compliment.

I have a canoe plus. Yes, I built it upside down or is that right side up:D
Doing it this way has allowed me easy access to install crotch strap mounts, aileron trim, seat backs and seat pans done, and lots of the other detail work you either need a rotisserie or rib pads to get accomplished. I haven't done the front floor yet which allows me to stand up and work on almost everything forward of the seat backs. I am going to do fuel lines etc before the floor goes in. I also fit the baggage floors etc before the side skins went on. It's almost a snap together project at this point. At least til I run out of already prepped parts;)




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Wings on!

Got the initial wing installation done.
And the flap motor makes a nice whirring noise as the flaps go up and down!

Wiring and Panel Progress

Hopefully I can figure out where both ends of the wires go. :) I got the panel back from the powder coater and engraved the switch plates. Now if I could just get by a week or so without having to order things I forgot. :rolleyes:



From everything I've read and heard, it's very difficult, at least, if not impossible to raise the canopy in flight. Besides, I seriously doubt, after the first few flights, that I'd be wearing a parachute anyway. I don't think anyone else does either.

Hopefully between construction techniques and regular maintenance I won't have the need to leave the plane in flight.:)

If you consider doing this, I would recommend that the handle be oriented parallel to the wings though. I've had to change it this week due to interference with the canopy frame.
The avionics will be a TruTrak EFIS with autopilot, a TruTrak EMS , a Garmin sl-40 com, a Garmin GTX 327 transponder, an intercom and a Garmin GPS in an Airgizmo holder. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


I started my panel design with the TruTrak EFIS and EMS. After talking with the folks at TruTrak, they sold me on 2 EFIS boxes. When you buy a 2 EFIS system, they throw in the engine data module. You can display the engine info on either screen, and you end up with two full EFIS systems. The extra cost is only about $1,000 more. I will have photos posted shortly of my install. Working on the labeling now. All holes are cut, and I think the dual TruTrak EFIS is looking great.
Painting has begun

Keith at WC Aircraft has started to put his magic touch on my baby. The anticipation is mounting.
Paul, I see your canopy eject handle is on the sub panel. I like it , how do you plan to get to it if you need to in flight?

I did the same thing, not to pop canopy in flight, but to easily remove canopy to work on electronics and wiring behind panel, or the canopy itself. Screwed tab welded on handle to nutplate mounted on subpanel. With the 9, I'm going down with the ship. :rolleyes:
Test Fitting Completed Panel - Builders Grin!

They say the ?RV Grin? comes after your first flight. Well I am sure that is true, you also have many milestone days during your build. Today was one of those days that really put a Builders Grin on my face. As you can see in this shot, all the elements on my panel are in place and fitted to the plane. The GPS is live, the two EFIS screens have paper cut outs of the EFIS display, taped over the actual units. I finished up the switch labeling and put it all together. Like many RV tasks, this is just a test fit. Once I took this photo it was pulled from the plane so I can start working on the wiring runs.

LRI, TruTrak EFIS with Auto Pilot III, Garmin 696, PS Engineering PMA9000EX, Garmin SL30, iCom A210, Garmin 330 Transponder with TIS fish finder display to the 696, TruTrak EFIS Bup for passenger side


Very cool Pete!
Tell us more about those post lights....

Post lights came from a Truck supplier. I think they are designed to go into International 18 wheelers. Anyway, each LED post can be dimmed and costs $18. The control unit for the dimming was $56. I friend of mine bought these, so I was able to get a bit of discount from his employee pricing.
Left wing top skins are on!


As soon as I can line up another session with a riveting partner, the right wing will soon also be sans clecos. Then I can get these wings off the jig and into the cart.
Aileron parts just need to be primed, then they can be assembled. Still have the flaps left to start.
Fuselage kit will ship first week of April.
Great panel, Pete!

Forgive my ignorance, but what is "LRI"? Couldn't read the instrument due to glare. Thanx.
Lift Reserve Indicator

It will aid in displaying the amount of lift the wing is developing. If you are outside of the red area - the wings will not stall - I am installing one on my plane. You do have to set it up properly to know where the stall break is.
XO-320 ECI Kit Engine

Okay, most of it is here (still waiting for tappets) 14 weeks after ordering it. Tappets are due to arrive in a week or two? Of course the most obvious question I had was, "did they send me reworked cylinders from the AD. My SN's are clean!

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Here's the current state. Seems like everything I need is on back-order or just not yet arrived. Engine tappets, Sika, prop. Jamestown can't get the Sika adhesive until the first week of April, so after waiting for 2 weeks to hear that, I found another vendor. I hope get it this week. My tappets from ECI no one knows. Seems ECI "has no idea" when I will get them. My plan is to finish the gear fairings this weekend, Sika next week, then move to the airport and install the wings/controls. Then it'll be a waiting game till ECI coughs up my tappets. I should be looking at a completed plane less FWF by the first week of April. If all goes well by the end of May I'll finish FWF then finish up and inspect by June. I am going to try to fly to OSH.

Big day Saturday - got the wings fitted for the first time! Special thanks to my mom and dad for helping me out this weekend, and my wonderful angel of a girlfriend Amy for putting up with this crazy hobby of mine!

It's finally starting to sink in with my neighbors - I really *AM* building a freaking airplane in my garage!

My mom and dad came up for a weekend visit at my place, and my dad and I used nearly all day Saturday getting the wings fitted for the critical rear spar attach points, and the front fuel tank attach points.

First thing was to temp-fit the gear legs and pad the axle well, so the fuse can stand on it's own, and support the tail with a crate. That's my dad starting the process of leveling the fuse.

After actually inserting the wings and getting the bolts in place, we hung redneck plumb-bobs (bricks/string) from the wings to line up the leading edge in a straight line.

The strings were blowing in the wind a bit, but they ended up being within a strings-width of dead straight after some adjustment.

Measuring and setting the angle of incidence on the wing with the fuse leveled...

The leading edges are straight, the wingtip-to-tail measurements are within 1/32", the angle of incidence is dead on and all measurements are triple-checked, and finally the all-critical rear spar holes are drilled.

Front fuel tank attach points are fabbed and match-drilled.


Dad checking and rechecking, just to make sure. Too late now - the holes are drilled!

N16GN's first RV Grin - dad had to crawl inside the fuse to get the bottom bolts out of the right wing for disassembly.
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Cool pics. Loved your dad's grin! Jane and I remember how special that day was, both exciting and scary. Best of luck with the rest of your building. Bill

Congratulations!! I'm going to be doing this very soon with my 7A, and it was nice to see that yours went well. I will have to take mine outside, too, so I'm waiting for a few days of good weather here in the northwest.
RV 7 Wing Installation


Congratulations!! I'm going to be doing this very soon with my 7A, and it was nice to see that yours went well. I will have to take mine outside, too, so I'm waiting for a few days of good weather here in the northwest.

Bruce: Not that you won't but make sure you trim your aft spar on your "7A" per the plans. There is a 7A flying around Oklahoma with some forward sweep due to this task being over looked. Builder says it flys okay but is readily noticable at all the fly-ins when you walk down the line. :eek:

Doug Lomheim
OK City, OK
9A, Mazda 13B
Got sum Tail!!

Finally got the tail parts mounted, now to take them off and start working on the other end again. Finish kit should be here in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to tie up the loose ends in preparation of it's arrival. It's coming along and the garage is really crowded with the tail on this thing.

Life is good, and keeps getting better! After fitting my wings for the first time this weekend, my finish kit showed up via Partain this morning.


Nice work.... and as to the sex of angels.... In the Bible they are always male and armed .... but other than Ezikiel and Pontius (the pilot) the Bible didn't have much to say about aviation. Your's makes better nose art.

How long before I can fly chase on your first flight?
Jim F.