OK, been here a while and I still don't get the photo link thing, what the..... can someone give me a Barny lesson.....

Bret, when you click on Reply to leave a message or to post here, the window opens up where you start typing. Right across the top of the text box where you type, you should see a menu bar of icons. So you type your message, then click on the icon for "Insert Image". It's a little yellow square with a mountain top in it. Then paste your URL into the window for where your image is located and click "OK". You should see the URL of your image in between some brackets show up in the text box. Then I always hit "Preview Post" down below to make sure it shows up, before posting.

Here's your photo of your fabulous paint job. Wow! Nice work! I only wish mine to come out half this nice:

All the parts and pieces should be going to the paint shop first thing in January, a couple of weeks of paint, a month or so of final assembly and then it should be ready to go. Its starting to get exciting.


Made it to the airport !

This weekend the RV went for its first ride all the way to Paine Field ! With borrowed truck and enclosed trailer, the move went without a hitch. Even though snow flurries started as Bekah and I got to the airport. The plane is now safe in its permanent home and I have a long cold winter of work ahead of me. First flight this spring ? ? Hope so !

More pics: www.704ch.com


That's great Chad!! Drive to Dallas so I can borrow your trailer to take mine!:eek:

(BTW, your flag is backwards. Not trying to be flippit, just didn't know if you knew :eek:)
Rolled the canoe

Last night, I finally reached another of those big build milestones...with my wife's help, we finished some riveting and then rolled the fuselage over. I'm sure I'll be flying in just a few more weeks;)
Your plane is looking very nice. I bet you are really excited. Have a good Christmas!
All the parts and pieces should be going to the paint shop first thing in January, a couple of weeks of paint, a month or so of final assembly and then it should be ready to go. Its starting to get exciting.


Ode to Wing Stands

Today I take my right wing to storage and so end this phase of the build. My fuse kit was supposed to ship this week, but I haven't heard anything from the mother ship, so I may have to make a call to them today.

Since the world didn't end today (so far at least) I was feeling somewhat nostalgic about the wing stands that are left over. They've been a fixture in the garage for a year. I'll probably spend some time this weekend, before family arrives, to take them down. I decided to write an Ode to Wing Stands. I hope you enjoy.


Ode To Wings Stands
Done. Lonely. Mute. There you stand, proud, tall and strong. Your lifes burden finally relieved with the final resonant clunk of the last squeezed rivet. Though Douglas Firs before you have had nobler livlihoods, none before has so executed their charge with your poise and silent grace. Metal?s braggadocio of its strength is often tiresome to bear, but your wooden fortitude and charm were more than a match. Never will those wings remember that it was wood that made them come to life. Your job complete it is time to rest. The only sign of your existence, holes in the ceiling that spackle will hide but never truly fill. Dried and impossible to remove adhesive from the floor that I will trip over each time tread that path. Your body will lie in state stretched across ceremonial attic joists, there to slumber dreaming of what the future may hold secure in the knowledge that wood is not safe to burn in a gas fireplace.
Today I take my right wing to storage and so end this phase of the build. My fuse kit was supposed to ship this week, but I haven't heard anything from the mother ship, so I may have to make a call to them today.

Since the world didn't end today (so far at least) I was feeling somewhat nostalgic about the wing stands that are left over. They've been a fixture in the garage for a year. I'll probably spend some time this weekend, before family arrives, to take them down. I decided to write an Ode to Wing Stands. I hope you enjoy.


Ode To Wings Stands
Done. Lonely. Mute. There you stand, proud, tall and strong. Your lifes burden finally relieved with the final resonant clunk of the last squeezed rivet. Though Douglas Firs before you have had nobler livlihoods, none before has so executed their charge with your poise and silent grace. Metal?s braggadocio of its strength is often tiresome to bear, but your wooden fortitude and charm were more than a match. Never will those wings remember that it was wood that made them come to life. Your job complete it is time to rest. The only sign of your existence, holes in the ceiling that spackle will hide but never truly fill. Dried and impossible to remove adhesive from the floor that I will trip over each time tread that path. Your body will lie in state stretched across ceremonial attic joists, there to slumber dreaming of what the future may hold secure in the knowledge that wood is not safe to burn in a gas fireplace.

Nice Work :)
Looks like you are moving right along. I got all of my tools from Cleveland a couple of weeks ago and 1 toolbox kit is complete. Way ,way ,way, easier than I imagined. Gonna do the other practice kit after Christmas and the order the tail feathers. Getting EXCITED !!!!
So the world did not come to an end today. At least not for us. But for Gil's wing stands it did. And for that I feel bad, yes very bad. :(
still roughing in panel, test fit the side panel that is upholstered to make sure it cleared the panel/fuselage portion and it fits like a glove





electrons are moving

At last the electrons are flowing:

Brian were you able to find someone to engrave your switch covers?
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First start!

We finally did it! Couldn't believe how easy it started. Just like a car, on the second blade!


I have a video but not sure how to include videos
Yesterday we brought the plane back to the airport from the paint shop, all the planning paid off and we got it back with no issues at all.

Heres proof you can fit an entire RV-7 into a 26' Uhaul with lots of room to spare.






Finally starting to build a -7

Hello to all,

I have been haunting the site (as a paid subscriber) for over a year now and finally started working on my RV-7 late yesterday. I have a few questions:

1. Anyone aware of builder log software that will work for mac? I like Kitlog Pro V2.0 but it is apparently not mac friendly.

2. I want to make sure I abide by any FAA requirements. Do I need to advise them I've begun building? Any paperwork I need to accomplish?

3. I've started on the vertical stabilizer and have filed and buffed the outer edges of VS-808PP. Any suggestions on how to accomplish the same on the inside edges of the lightening holes?

I'm sure I will have many more questions as I progress and will spend many more hours on this site.


I'll see what I can do to answer some of your questions.

Build Log Site:
I have found that I like WordPress the best, accessible from anywhere, works on a PC or Mac and gives you some cool stats too on who is viewing your site. A link to my site is in the signature at the bottom.


FAA notification:
When you start the build you do not need to notify the FAA, If you have an N Number in mind you might want to see if its available and reserve it for $10 a year until your ready to register the aircraft.


Lots of options on deburing, the larger size holes a small scotchbrite wheel on a die grinder works quite well or just a simple deburing tool. links below



I was wondering what type of ramps you used to get the plane into the UHaul? I will be using the same method of transporting and was considering building some kind of exotic ramp system and pulleys to get it up into the truck.
Thanks for the info....


Thanks for the answers to my questions. Will check out the builder log software and try the deburring tool.

By the way, very nice looking pics of your -7!!



Your paint looks great. I'm a big fan of black and blue. Can't wait to see it assembled. Congrats!
I was wondering what type of ramps you used to get the plane into the UHaul? I will be using the same method of transporting and was considering building some kind of exotic ramp system and pulleys to get it up into the truck.

I had the same worries as you and we were going to just kind play it by ear and see how it went as to if we would use the ramps or not. In the end they worked out great, what I did was had an 8 foot 2x6 and screwed a 2X4 vertically to one side to give it support as well as a stop so it wouldent go off the side of the ramp. To attach it to the truck i used a $20 ramp kit (LINK) At the paint shop, we have 5 guys, on on the tailwheel pulling, and two on each gear leg and it was a piece of cake, much easier than I had ever imagined. To Get it out, across from my hanger there is a slight rise into a field, and we backed the truck up so the slope from the truck to the ground was as flat as possible and pushed it out, very very simple.

When you get the truck make sure it has the Square wheel wells in it, they work as great chocks so you really only have to strap it down in one direction.

Sorry I dont have too many pictures, it was snowing and hailing as soon as we got the fuse in the truck.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for the info about loading the Uhaul. Thats a lot simpler than I had imagined. I did not know about the ramp kit, that helps a lot.
That blue is fantastic - who makes it?

Just one thing, did you mean for the insides of your NACA vents to remain white?
That blue is fantastic - who makes it?

Just one thing, did you mean for the insides of your NACA vents to remain white?

You had to bring up the Naca vents dident you :) jk, it was a miscommunication between the painter and I, they will get painted black today with a rattle can and I'm not going to worry about them . As far as the color goes its actually a Kia car color called corsa blue paint code HO. You will see a bunch of Kia optimal driving around in this color. It looks even better in the sun, needless to say I'm very happy with the outcome. Here's a pic with the tail on.

You had to bring up the Naca vents dident you :) jk, it was a miscommunication between the painter and I, they will get painted black today with a rattle can and I'm not going to worry about them . As far as the color goes its actually a Kia car color called corsa blue paint code HO. You will see a bunch of Kia optimal driving around in this color. It looks even better in the sun, needless to say I'm very happy with the outcome. Here's a pic with the tail on.



Nice paintjob.

To fix the naca duct use:
plastic paint rattle can. They use this on lawn chairs.
Works great. Gloss black.

Now get her in the air.:D
Your bird is going to look stunning sitting in the sun...please post a pic for us when you get some sunny days. Congrats!
The best way to move any model is with a hired flat bed roll back from a local body shop or towing company....I helped move many aircraft when I owned salvage yard.............Tom HJankamp
99.9% done!

Well almost. Done with the engine runs and done one taxi test to test the breaks and the way it rolls. So far, so good!


Good Luck

Drop me a pm when you are doing first flight. We have a few rvs over in Windsor that are always looking for a fun place to fly. If we can see another first flight and get some cheaper fuel and add a new airport or two to our logbooks...cool.

Enjoy the process, dont rush anything. Fly safe. :)
Interior installed. Moving to the airport in a couple of weeks!


I know lots of this will have to come out again, but I figured that the installed configuration is the best way to transport it. I also decided to omit the FP cover carpet and the center section cap material. Not sure why, I just think this looks cleaner.
Very nice looking interior. I was momentarily concerned about your fuel selector valve until I realized it was in the OFF position. I don't think I have ever turn my valve OFF before. :)
Airport move, Day1!

Got it in the truck! Penske 24' truck with a lift gate. Couldn't be easier. Wooden deck, no wheel wells, no fuel tube hump, plenty of room.

We go to KOXR at 0800 tomorrow, should arrive by 0930.


More pics and photos at the URL in my sig.
Finally making progress

After 2 years of struggling with leaky fuel tanks I'm finally back to making progress. Notice the lack of clecos :D. One down, one to go!

Just got my engine back from overhaul yesterday. Hung it by myself in like 30 minutes! Somebody please tell me there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I started the emp in 2004.
There IS a light at the end of the tunnel - you just have to make sure it isn't an oncoming train.:D

I hope that engine runs as good as it looks!

+1 for tip-up tailddraggers...