Getting closer.

Well I'm back on US ground and have been with the RV since I landed back at JBLM.

-Engine mount went on and then the gear slid in place

-Firewall received all penetrations and battery box

-Engine was delivered today, and looks right at home until it gets mounted.

-Interior was delivered yesterday and is WELL worth it.



I'm loving it and spending every minute I can with her

N324TP weighed in yesterday. Came in at 1080 lbs. IO 360 A1A, CS hartzell, dynon SV, avmap, V6 comm in the panel.

Weight and bal done, paperwork being hand delivered to Indy FSDO tomorrow morning.
Good job Ryan!

You've reached another milestone! Congratulations!
I can't wait to read your first flight report.

A couple of issues have come up with getting this project done. First, there are no empty hangers at my local airport in which to move the 7 into. Second, due to the first issue, I have decided to paint the entire project before I move it to the airport.

Worked on it all weekend and added some photos to the Picasa site in my signature. Making lots of progress :D

I had the same problem years ago when I finished a VariEze. No Hangars. Topeka has lots and lots of T-hangars, but there are two problems. 1.) When someone moves out, they sub-lease it to a friend. After a couple of years they finally tell the FBO who forgives them and lets them continue to rent. The other problem is many rent the hangars and use them to store boats, furniture and RV's (the non-flying type.) I got so pissed off at being number 36 on the list for weeks and months without moving up, that I just started hanging around the airport with my camera. After I collected some pix of boats and RV's moving in and out of hangars, I took them to the FBO and just asked if the MTAA knew about this? I was in a hangar in less than two weeks. Sometimes you just got to do what you got to do!
I'm on the waiting list for a hangar of any kind at SMO. Last I heard it was about 10 years.

It's quite possible that my Escape From L.A. plan will be complete before I ever get one.
Hanger update!

Steve, thats a good idea! I was at the airport this afternoon and had to walk from one end of one of the hangers to the other because the door was blocked by a wing. I noticed that every slot was occupied by a plane. Our airport has a policy against storage of non-aviation stuff and it is even in the lease agreements. I'm going to go through the rest of the buildings this weekend just for a look, with camera in hand.

I was offered a sublease for the summer while a cub is on floats but would have to move out in October. I also have a Cardinal up for sale and can use that space if it sells.

Now for the 7 update; The fuse is prepped and ready to paint. Everything else is done. I plan to get going as soon as the temps drop below 80! Been running in the mid to upper 90's for weeks. My little window unit can't keep up with the exhaust fans :eek: and it gets real hot and sticky in a paint suit real fast.
Steve, thats a good idea! I was at the airport this afternoon and had to walk from one end of one of the hangers to the other because the door was blocked by a wing. I noticed that every slot was occupied by a plane. Our airport has a policy against storage of non-aviation stuff and it is even in the lease agreements. I'm going to go through the rest of the buildings this weekend just for a look, with camera in hand.

I was offered a sublease for the summer while a cub is on floats but would have to move out in October. I also have a Cardinal up for sale and can use that space if it sells.

Now for the 7 update; The fuse is prepped and ready to paint. Everything else is done. I plan to get going as soon as the temps drop below 80! Been running in the mid to upper 90's for weeks. My little window unit can't keep up with the exhaust fans :eek: and it gets real hot and sticky in a paint suit real fast.

Paul, good luck with the hangar thing and to get this back track, I noticed in one of your pix that your rudder and vertical stab appears to be feathered/checkerboard - or is that just reflection? Wish I had the skills and patients to paint mine. Looks awesome!!
tail paint


Thanks for the kind comments. It is actually ghosted red over red. 2" squares. It turned out even better than I had hoped and I am now getting ready to finish the fuse with a ghosted silver over silver twisting ribbon down the sides. I've never done anything like this before so while I am trying to do something really cool for me, I also need to keep the paint process within my ability. We'll see :D
slow progress!

My painting progress has really slowed down! The temps here in Michigan have been in the very hight 90's and into the 100's for the last several weeks. I just can't get excited about climbing into a paint suit and besides I can't get the clear to burn in in these temps! So, very slow going! Everything is prepped and just waiting. Now I am going to take about three weeks off for some traveling and hopefully it will be a little cooler when I am ready to resume.


If your wondering, there is only about 50 lbs of lift on the tail! Very well balanced from lifting just behind the rear motor mount ears. This is how I plan to paint the bottom without crawing on the floor :D. Without the wings, tail, interior, panel electronics, or anything else, it's very light.
Baffles (almost) done!

I cannot tell you how happy I am to report this. With the exception of a couple of fiddly bits (lower connection rods, bottom cowl airseal), the baffles on 313TD are done. I have not run into a more puzzling, counterintuitive task on this project yet, with all its interlocking issues and complications, but like everyone says, once you do it, it all makes sense.

This pic shows the baffles, airbox, and air filter all attached. The oil cooler is attached as well, but probably not visible in this shot. The big dog-ear of baffle seal on the left front by the governor will get trimmed as necessary, but a test fit of the cowl parts indicate it will seal just fine.

Another update, It was a pretty Big day.

Canopy is Glued and the best part is it still fits! A little more work is needed and then its onto the skirts.




Finally the weather cooled down a little so I was able to get the fuse painted. I have never painted anything like this or this large and detailed before and I am very happy with the results. It's better than I was hoping for :D

Just a few photos but I'm not showing the results just yet. Want to wait until the parts are all put together again.



Finally the weather cooled down a little so I was able to get the fuse painted. I have never painted anything like this or this large and detailed before and I am very happy with the results. It's better than I was hoping for :D

Just a few photos but I'm not showing the results just yet. Want to wait until the parts are all put together again.


That's an interesting hoist you have on your roof. How much can it lift?
Finally Complete

After 8 years 3 months and 3 days N754RV is now a real airplane!

I know its missing a prop spinner but it will be on after today. :D

Time to first flight.


For 15 years I've wanted to build. Despite my father being a career pilot, I never had much interest in private planes (who wants to fly a boring aircraft real slow?) until I saw a kitplane magazine. When my wife realized I might be serious, she bought me a book. How to Build a Wooden Boat.

But the kitplane thing would not go away. Then I found Vans through two of my patients who are builders.

When my friend offered me space in his hangar, my wife gave the go-ahead. After meeting several builders at Paul and Louise's a couple months ago, she actually became a little enthusiastic. Last week, she actually suggested I take a day off work and attend the EAA builders class in Waco. Both the RV class and some individual instruction from Paul and Louise were quite valuable.

The previous owner of my QB project completed much of the emp. He left off where the trim is connected to the elevator. That is where I will pick up.


No this is not my current status. It's still in early QB state. The photo is actually Brian's (in South Australia) beautiful RV-7A which I used to photoshop my own paint scheme.

The N-number has no significance, I just made it up. My wife is a redhead and the plane will be named Jolie Rouge--"pretty" + "red". The wave is just a little different and it loops over the fuse in front of the tail. I liked Paul's gold accent and asked him if I could somewhat copy his design, he was ok with it. The tail pays homage to my late father; it is similar to the blue with gold chevron design of the 707/VC-135's of the 89th MAW where Dad was a pilot during the Johnson administration.

And therefore my motivation to stay with this.
Shameless 2 in a row!

Ok let's see if I can make the front page of VAF 2 days in a row.....:D

Thanks to my Test Pilot John "Cool Hand" Bixby I got a first flight today.


I can't describe the emotions of watching something you have toiled over for over 8 years come off the ground and fly perfect. More to come as Phase I progresses and I get My First Flight. Thank you John for being such a Pro and giving me the confidence as we move forward. And Jim Thank you for keeping me motivated all these years with getting to watch you do it as well.

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Oustanding news Daryl - congratulations! You deserve a whole thread to yourself though - not just a note here in the "status" thread....:p

Long time coming - great job!

Outstanding news Daryl - congratulations!


He built a nice airplane... no squawks at all from the first flight; no heavy wing and the XM Radio was working as advertised! Well, there was that fouled spark plug on the run-up, but I'm not pointing any fingers... hehehe.

Congrats Daryl!
Wings in Stands

Thanks to Rudi and his stand design, I have my skeletons hanging in time for some skinning before Halloween. ;)

Happy Labor Day
The last piece painted.

The very last pieces are painted! Finally, now I can take the project to the airport. The big moving day is this Saturday, if it doesn't rain.

Thanks Randy, I've decided that I really like building airplanes! Just wish I didn't have to work for a living at the same time. Then it wouldn't take me almost six years to get to this point. I really like the creative parts of the project and painting is one of those so I really appreciate positive comments about the paint, thanks. Painting is one of the most difficult task but when it goes right, can also be one of the most satisfying.

There is still so much to do. About another month to get it ready for the DAR and transition training at the end of the month. I hope to be able to get it into the air late October.
Video of transporting RV7

I didn't know my son was shooting this video while I was driving the truck with the RV7 on the back. Anyway, here it is, short but interesting.

(Sorry, I couldn't get the video to work so I took it out)

Top speed so far, 28mph :eek:
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Started My 7 Aug 11

I started work on my empennage Aug 11 and am fitting the fiberglass pieces today. Will get the wings ordered next week. My third Experimental, 2nd aluminum one, and the first kit!! I sure am thinking the kit is a whole lot easier than the plans built DA2A. Targeting for a two year build. I am thinking a 7 with the slider and an MGl panel with an 0-320.

Thanks to Doyle Reed for letting me fly his 7A

Keith Rhea N60KR flying
N52VP sold:
Dues paid Aug 11
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UPS and downs

Well, the 0-360 has arrived. I gave up looking for a used engine and got a new Lycoming instead. That is one problem solved, now the other is that I broke my canopy frame trying to get a kink out of the front tube. I'll call Van's tomorrow and see what they recommend, but I'm also pondering having a local shop make a new tube and weld it on for me.

Any thoughts

Lafayette IN
Back to the canopy stage.

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Almost ready to fly


You know it only takes 45 min to mount the engine, why are you showing us a box? I guess I can expect you and Mary to be flying up to WI next year for a visit.:D
Got wings today

Had a great day at the hangar. My brother came out for a short visit and we siezed the opportunity to hang the wings. The end is in sight.


Been on financial hold most of the year (on the pay as we go plan) But, driving up to Oregon to pick up the fuse and finish kit in Jan. 2013
Pics coming soon

I ordered my fuselage yesterday. I hope to get it to the house before the end of the year. Is it just me, or did anyone else have "...what on earth are you doing building a plane..." thoughts when you stroked a check to Vans for a new chunk of the plane?
Still plugging away!

After taking a month off for family stuff, I'm finally getting the last of the to do list completed. If I can spend just another day or two on it, I should be ready to add gas and turn the key.

I ordered my fuselage yesterday. I hope to get it to the house before the end of the year. Is it just me, or did anyone else have "...what on earth are you doing building a plane..." thoughts when you stroked a check to Vans for a new chunk of the plane?

I bought the wing and fuselage kits (both slow build) at the same time. That way I deleted one case of "sticker shock".:D
Tank Parts Ready for Goo!

Been a little slow, but the tank parts are ready for ProSeal. Now the fun begins...right? :D
Right Wing Skinned

I still have a few small cleanup items, but at this point, I'm telling people my right wing is done.

(I feel bad posting next to all these beautifully painted almost finished airplanes.)

Right Wing Skinned.

Andrew, Wasn't too long ago that mine looked just like yours! Keep pounding those rivets, it's worth every minute of it.