Forward canopy frame is on!


Took almost 6 hours, but it fits, AND works!

I installed the Avionics harness from Stark. I am wired up. If it can take power, it has power and works. I still need to wire up the ARINC-429 adapter for the AFS-3500 (once I have it in hand).
The hole on the left will be a Trutrak AP. In the avionics stack will be a 430W, SL30, and a 327 transponder.
On the right, I am reserving room for another AFS EFIS display. It will be added after I am flying.
If the ELT switch is in the way of the engine controls, I will have to move it and replace the subpanel.


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First seat-back done, finally

I think the seat backs have caused me more trouble than anything else I've done so far. Finally finished the passenger one, should finish the pilot seat back tomorrow night.

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RV-7A in Delaware

Hello everybody. Haven't posted a lot yet, but let you know that I am finishing up my tail (riveted the trim tab on the left elevator last Monday). SB wings are on order and should be shipped in the week of April 7. Looking forward to that!

I'm documenting the construction on my website at: Let me know if you have any comments or feedback for improvements, both the website and the plane :)

It's an airplane!

My project has graduated!

Here is DAR Ted Gauthier handing me the paperwork, under the watchful eye of FAA inspector Jim Pratt. Ted was due for an observed inspection, so I'm pretty sure all the proper i's were dotted and t's crossed :D

My first flight will be delayed a bit however. My father-in-law just passed away from Parkinson's disease, so we're leaving tonight for Wilmington DE for his funeral. No doubt he'll be watching my first flight, just not the way I'd originally hoped. :(

Dennis, I'm very sorry to hear about your father-in-law. My prayers are with the entire family.

Congratulations on the sign-off! I can't even imagine what that feels like. I hope to some day. From what I can see the plane looks great and good luck on a safe first flight!
LASAR controller mounting

Couldn't find a place that I really liked on the engine side of the firewall so I am mounting my LASAR controller on the cabin side of the wall. I'll be putting the low voltage harness through the recess that would otherwise have been used for a prop governor.

After spending the last couple of sessions drilling and clecoing the roll bar, I figured I may as well set it in place and stick some cutouts on the panel. Progress, I guess.

Holy cow, Batman!

... It's starting to look like an airplane!

Guys and Gals, if you are approaching this stage and you are starting to get bummed out for whatever reason, let me tell you, I can barely sleep at night as I have so many things going through my head about things I need to do/try/look at, items I need to order, and what am I going to do tomorrow. Man, I'm psyched!


Ignore the signature for now, I'm busy with lot's of little things! ;)

Some notes about what you see: The wooden wedges were used to spread the spar center section just a bit to slide the aluminum spacers for some of the landing gear bolts; I bailed on my formerly nicely bent aluminum fuel tubing after wrestling with them and the gear mounts and went with the Bonaco kit (very nice kit, btw - thanks Craig for working this with Bonaco); ignore the "extra" holes in the fuel valve cover (had one of _those_ moments); I had to file the bottom of the baggage bulkhead tunnel as there was some interference with the push rod; surprisingly, I can recommend the Craftsman 10-pc Crowfoot Wrench Set P/N: 94362 for getting down in between the center section to torque the landing gear tower bolts/nuts (you'll need a skinny torque wrench, too); the little red-handled spring loaded extension tool is worth its weight in gold for positioning washers and nuts so you can get them started (should be available at Harbor Freight); paint is Rust-O-Leum Satin Almond; the forward floor is not painted, that was all over-spray (learned my lesson on that - but that's ok, carpet is eventually going in). See, I told you all I was excited. Now to try and go to sleep.

So, let's see, I'm what.....26% done at this point? :D
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Three green!

Gear is down!


My dad came over to help me get the fuselage off the sawhorses, and to celebrate with a couple of Leinie's!


Hi RVators,

Another Major milestone achieved!
The Instrument Panel has been assembled and installed in the airplane.
To date 2150 Hours of actual building time in just under 3 years.
(for a perspective 2150 hours +/- = 1 year of working 8 business hours 5 days a week)
It is a labour of LOVE!

I also made a short Slow stop Animation Movie of the Panel Install to remember the Milestone.


Now I just have to finish all the wiring and power these 'TV' Screens up!

Kind Regards

Magnificent as usual... We even got it before your website viewers! sweet!

Nice clean well laid-out panel (imho). looking good..

If you ever need a fly-in rest stop in your upcoming world tour, let me know..

wow ..really coming together nicely...

.... been following your (and the other area builders) progress ever since I got here.!


plotting.. saving,...(making excuses:D:D)
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Prediction for Rudi

Wow, Rudi, I continue to be amazed at your professionalism and skills. May I be the first to predict that if you ever bring your RV-7 to Oshkosh you'll be an award winner! Keep up the good work... you have definitely raised the bar!
The garage is empty.... for now...


A few days ago we took the fuse of my QB -7 to the paintshop.
Here's two of my six (!) man building team (they're all retired airforce mechanics) making the shop empty... for now....

The paintshop has finished the tailfeathers, and they're almost done with the wings.

We're copying the beautiful paintscheme of a US-builder: Steve Nyman

Next stop: airport!

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Looks like things are moving along well for you. It looks like quality work. Keep having fun!

Jack Dekkinga
21.8 hours
And the painting begins

Finally, the painting process has begun. The horizontal stab. is the first part to get the House of Kolor Kandy Apple treatment. I will be taking the stab through the complete process first just to make sure there are no surprises. It is the only part that is all kandy apple red. The colors being used are apple red, teal, gold and white.

The stab is mounted to a $31 engine stand from the aircraft division of Harbor Freight. The stab has the first coat of primer. Next will come minor body work and a final coat of primer followed by a metallic sealer followed by the high metallic gold base coat followed by the kandy apple red followed by the clear coat. Yeh I know, a lot of paint but just wait till you see it in the sun!

My Catto prop was delivered last week and Craig painted the "swooshes" on the tips in my kandy apple red and teal.

7A Progress

Working on the wings in my basement. I made an aluminum jig to hold the wings. I was concerned about wood warping. More expensive but sturdy. I will only have to remove a small section of wall at the stairs to get them out to the garage when finished. The fuse will have to be built in the garage. It will not fit up the stairs. Pictures can be viewed at my photo site at the link below. Thanks for looking.

Dave Nellis
7A Slider
Wings in progress
Looks like airplane parts...

I finnaly put all the pieces together for a photo op. Its very cool seeing it all come together.
If I could figure out where my video transfer cable is, I'd post a video but that's not going to happen soon. RV N303P had it's first engine run this weekend at Arlington, WA. Dave Parsons flew his -7A up to provide support for the run. We ended up having a nasty little fuel mixture issue which was causing the engine to run very rough and flood. Post-run, we found the mixture arm on the FI servo was hitting the FI air inlet box and preventing the mixture from going to full cut-off. Thus we had a bunch of fuel continue to flood the engine. Once this was fixed, the engine ran nice with all systems on-line, prop cycled, and mixture cut-off confirmed. Below is the dorky pre-run shot. The list of to-do items is getting a lot shorter these days.

Here's the video link for the proof:

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RE:Way To Gooooooooooooo


You the Man.....You beat me to the beat me to that first engine run.....even after being cut by some saw bones DOC.:eek:

Frank @ SGU....Still in the garage...waiting on the hanger last 1001 details
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Finally, the painting process has begun. The horizontal stab. is the first part to get the House of Kolor Kandy Apple treatment. I will be taking the stab through the complete process first just to make sure there are no surprises. It is the only part that is all kandy apple red. The colors being used are apple red, teal, gold and white.

The stab is mounted to a $31 engine stand from the aircraft division of Harbor Freight. The stab has the first coat of primer. Next will come minor body work and a final coat of primer followed by a metallic sealer followed by the high metallic gold base coat followed by the kandy apple red followed by the clear coat. Yeh I know, a lot of paint but just wait till you see it in the sun!

My Catto prop was delivered last week and Craig painted the "swooshes" on the tips in my kandy apple red and teal.

It is hard to photograph a kandy apple finish but this shows that the party has begun. Since I am painting outside there will be some number of bugs that will be permanently enshrined in the paint job. True to form, there is one small one for all to see.

Probably four to six weeks to finish up all of the paint. So far I really like the House of Kolor system. We will see how I feel about it when it comes to matching the color between panels painted at different times. I don't have a before paint weight but I will post the true weight when she is ready to fly. I know the paint is going to add a bunch but my wife has been great through the whole process and when I asked her what color she said kandy apple red. So, red it is.
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Hey Frank: After almost 6 years I'm ready to get this done, knee surgery or not! Just Git-R-Done!

Bryan: Yep, it's tied to the fire hydrant all right. It was the closest solid tie-down spot we could find tha thad some open space. I'm working wtih my AB-DAR and it looks like we'll do the inspection in late May with the obligatory first flight shortly afterwards.
Interior Painting

I think I spent more time masking then anything else, but it turned out great!

Status Brantel

Since I am down to working on little detail things while waiting for the finish kit, I decided to do as much as I can to the firewall now instead of later.

Do yourself a favor and install the gascollator doubler when building the firewall, as a matter of fact, do all of this stuff while building the firewall. Do it then and later you will not have to drill out rivets and reach on both sides of the firewall while trying to dimple and rivet these doublers. The firewall is very easy to ding and dent when dimpling and riveting solo so be carefull.

The pic makes the bat box look crooked but it is really straight.

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My plan is to leave the wings on until the hassle of walking around them outways the coolness factor. That may be awhile. :D

Great job Jeff, it does'nt take long.... It was more about fear of damaging them or the flight controls that made me decide to remove them....
If you're like me you're having one of those, "I'll be done soon" moments, which is right before the next, "I'll never be done" moment, which is right before the the next, "I'll be done soon" moment....

I think I had the wings on for about a month or longer because I was seeking to find everything I could possibly do while they were on. That ends up being a nice list of stuff that won't have to be done at the hangar for final assembly.

Hi all.

Just wanted to shear another big moment with you folks:
Today we picked up my -7 from the paintshop and hauled it to the airport for final assembly!

We also put the HS on today and one of my six (!) man building team had a RV-grin putting it on! (Me too!)

By tomorrow evening we'll hopefully have the rest of the tailfeathers on!

Then wings, then.... the last zilloin tasks....

Isn't RV-building GREAT??!! :)))

Rudi, interesting trailer you have there, was it purpose built for hauling the plane???

The center rail seems to indicate it is designed for use with a 3 wheeled something.
A-model trailer, right?


It looks like you built the trailer first, when you were still thinking of building an "A"-model, right? ;)

Regards, Tonny.
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Rudi, interesting trailer you have there, was it purpose built for hauling the plane???

The center rail seems to indicate it is designed for use with a 3 wheeled something.

Hi Guys,

I wish I could take credit for the trailer, but can't. A Fellow builder, buildt it purposely to move his modified KR2 airplane to the airfield. He did a pretty good job and the trailer has been used by a lot of other builders since, Nosewheel or Tailwheel, different type of planes.

Left wing is complete, including aileron and flap (not shown here)...


Many thanks to Jim Deas for helping me get this task completed finally, so I can move on to the other wing :). Also, many thanks to my neighbor Alex for his help getting me to this point.

Building on...

1000 hours

Today, our project got over the 1000 hours mark.
To make it a special day we took the canopy out of storage and put it on the fuselage.
You can guess what the next task will be.

Riveted ribs to spar

Last night, I riveted the main ribs to the front and rear spars. I am now working on my wing jig.
