RV-7 Status, preparing for the Big Cut

Getting ready to "Play with Plexi"......

RV-7-72 057.jpg
Getting Closer

Trying to finish fitting the SJ plenum.

If anyone in the Kansas City area knows of any hangar sublease options, I would love to talk with you off-line. I'm hoping to be ready to move to the airport soon but have no where to go (I'm on all the usual hangar waiting lists and have been for over 2 years).


7A Finishing
Status Brantel #72823

Everything is back together and ready to rivet.

The spring mount area was easy this time to go together. I put the bottom skin together with the spring mount skin and then added all the bulkheads and the J stringers. I then put on the side skins one at a time and everything just fell into place. Much easier than trying to wrestle that area together after the side skins are on.


Now for a little fun..
My wife made my youngest daughter a costume and I can't tell if she is now a candy corn or ???

The spring mount area was easy this time to go together.
Brian, Looks great and that costume is cute! I don't know if you read about my F-779 challenges in another post, but I had to order a new one. Sigh. I was amazed to find that Van's has really improved the bends on this part since I received my fuse kit a little less than a year ago. The improved bends made the entire area go together sooo much easier... it was amazing. The new guys got it so easy! :) Take a look at the difference, old (bottom) vs new (top).

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Well, I am finally able to post some progress!

Tonight I was able to flip the canoe!


This means so much to the individual who owns the project and yet it is merely interesting to everyone else.

Thanks for humoring me!


I am thrilled!

Hi John,

Cool, it is a momentous milestone. Now Quickly jump in grab a short broom stick and make airplane noises...or let me guess you've done it already :) I see the seat pans are in...

Seat pans ARE in, but I am waiting until Christmas for the actual sitting and making engine sounds part!

I have the cushions and will be covering them with material soon in order to prep for the "momentous occasion"!

:) CJ
Good Work!

Yep, that's a big occasion. Looks good from here.

Now you have to go down and kick Thermos in the rear and get him moving along!:D

Jim, I am going to do a marathon wing riveting session with him soon!

Thermos will soon be "up to speed"!


P.S. the black RV looks SLEEK!
My first progress pics

Hello All,

These are my first progress pics. The interior was just a "throw it in and see if it fits" kinda thing. She's now up on her legs with the engine and prop on. Wings and canopy are done. It's time for FWF and wiring. I'm starting the panel at SteinAir this week. It'll have 2 AFS 3500s, Garmin 430W, SL30, 327, PMA 8000B, TT DF II VSGV and a few other goodies.... and 7 clocks. I'm shooting for early '08. When I started this I thought I wouldn't like building very much (I just wanted an instant airplane) but I have grown to truly like this, although I can hardly wait to be finished so I can fly again. I have even thought about an -8 after this one is done. I can't believe I just wrote that...:D


totally jealous of your rapid progress....keep up the good work man!

P.S. since things are going so fast on YOUR project, I would be happy to let you practice color sanding on mine. :)

We can work out a trade for legal services to be determined... if I fly like a certain 9.5 fingered friend of ours I might need it. BTW, your fairings turned out nice!
Just completed my wings!

I received my fuselage kit Nov 1 and I'm having fun with that. It's sure nice to be on to something a little different.;)


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Nice work Brantel! I'm not too far behind, but excited to be where you are.

Great job on the Instrument rating too! A ton of work but well worth it.
Getting Real Close


My daughter enjoyed the pop rivets and asked me why she spent so much time helping me do the others the hard way.

W&B - Done
Fuel Flow Test - Done
EIS & EFIS Calibrated - Done
Very minor stuff left to do before inspection day
Well, after a crazy amount of sanding and prep here is my cheap do-it yourself paint job...getting closer. Paint will still need sanding/buffing, and must still finish the wings and lower cowl.


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And I got inspected and signed off today... hard to believe that day has come! first flight soon.
Not that huge of a milestone, but I did learn how to do Pro-Seal last night:


On the bright side of things, I was able to use one of my trashed rudder skins as a great template for drilling the holes in the aluminum angle! If you don't recall, this was "take two" for the rudder for me.

I previously (and inadvertently) purchased the "tube" of Pro-Seal from AS. It worked OK, but I wasted most of it (threw it away) and I think it was the quick setting type, because it started to set up really quick!
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Almost Done With Empennage



Decided to prime the outside of the skins. This was actually a big morale booster. It really makes the pieces look like airplane parts.

Almost done with Elevators and Wings on Order...Can't Wait!:)
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Here is my RV7

Here is my RV7, The pins are not in the cowl that is why you can see the piano hinge. Almost ready to FLY!!!!

Nicholas Montei
Caro, Michigan




Could someone let me know if these pics work?
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Bellcranks and pushrods done, Ailerons (more or less) installed:

finally found my camera. Here's a shot of the qb left wing with bellcranks and aileron pushrods installed.

Closeup of the bracket/pushrod assembly on the aileron. Thanks to everyone for the tips on riveting the pushrods in the c-frame!

these ailerons will have to come off to install the aileron braces, of course. I just wanted to see the linkage working.
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Almost Done with Empennage

Just need to drill the elevator horns and adjust the rod end bearings on the Rudder. I'll do the fiberglass work after mounting the empennage to the fuselage. Wings on Order, should be here the week of 7 Jan 2008... I'm ready. :)

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Status Brantel

Wow what a great long weekend for progress on the RV!

Started by notching and fitting the longerons for the first time, finished riveting the center section bottom skin on, mated the center section to the rear fuse for the first time, clecoed on the side skins, drilled all the bazillion holes in the longerons on both sides back to front, drilled the side skins and bottom skin to the rear fuse, drilled the side skins to the bulkheads and side seat ribs, and made two conical bends and drilled the corner baggage ribs to the side skins.

WHOHOOO no cracks on the conical bends!



I guess I can declare my fuselage kit "done", since I have no parts left to work with until the finish kit gets here.

Here it is, all wrapped up for the winter-




Here's my panel...cut with the precision of a water jet cutter! SWEET!




It's an RV Holiday!

Empennage Complete (Except for Fiberglass...went ahead and started that because I am waiting on the wings).

OBTW: This is Van's new 3 place with an upgraded infinity grip...Just kidding...Happy Holidays!!!;)

Status Brantel

Spent all my time this weekend finishing up the fitting and drilling of all the parts of the forward fuse. I am now complete will the fuse up to the pre install of the brakes.

If I had it to do over again, I would throw out Vans directions on how to fit the lower and aux longerons. If you do it their way, you could and most likely will run into problems with the parts shown here. The spacing between the two longerons is critical to get the gear leg doubler, fuel tank attach angle, and the bulkhead shown here fitted properly. Vans method leaves too much margin for error which causes allot of work to get these parts to fit.

If I were to do it over again, I would use these parts to locate the lower and aux longerons instead of the centerline in the hole method.

N454CH Gettin' Close

Here's N454CH about 3 weeks ago. Since this photo the exhaust hangars are done, all the engine hoses are installed and a prop spacer has been installed.

I can see the light, and now I'm fairly sure it's not a freight train.:D

Not close, but making progress at least.

I selected this photo, not to show the messy side of the shop, but to show Roberta, you can have both an airplane and a mahogany boat.;)
Status Brantel

Now that the LED nav lights are complete, I have moved back to the fuse. Saturday I built the brake pedals and if you have done this, you would agree that this is no small task. It took at least 4 hours solid to get these things ready and rivet them together!

Canopy done

Finished the slider canopy and wind screen last night. I plan to do the fairing strip on the wind screen this Spring. Total time was 215 manhours over 2.5 months. Some pics to share:

the aft skirt:

I polished my handle:

Locating holes for the aft skirt:

My Orchid helping me drill the inside skirts:

Sanding, grinding and fitting the glass:

I dreaded the big cut and feared the horror stories about cracks. I kept the garage at 80 for all glass cutting and drilling and 70-75 for the remaining work. I had plexi bits and a small Uni bit. After the first hole with the Uni bit, I put the plexi bits away. The canopy was fairly straight forward, the wind screen was easy. I estimated the job would take 60-80 hours. Boy, was I wrong!

On to the cowling and baffels.

The 60k free ride has started



This is also a test.... Ty Connel and I are building identical airplanes together... monkeysee monkeydoo?
We think it will take the same time or thereabouts to built one alone or two with help side by side. Any takers to this theory?
Brian Wallis
We think it will take the same time or thereabouts to built one alone or two with help side by side. Any takers to this theory?
Brian Wallis

Me and my buddy Dave have been doing this for the past year and a half, after two years apiece of solo building. Here's what I've come to realize...

1) IF the two are physically in the same location, this approach works up through building the airframe and wings (empennage, fuse, wings). But it's best to let one lag about a week behind.... otherwise you'll duplicate mistakes (and there will be mistakes)
2) Once the first plane hits the engine/avionics/FWF stage, team up and work to get one flying. The main reason for this is that unless you are strictly following Van's plans/instructions for these items you will be charting new water for your team. The timeline for working out problems will extend beyond the week buffer you have and you will end up getting lost between the two projects.
3) In the end, the time to build them both is not much more than building one - even with the above approach. Once you've "been there, done that" on an identical plane with all problems solved for a given part/section/item, it's easy to repeat with few or no mistakes. For instance, the 'Big Cut' on the canopy took 14 days from start to final shape / sanding on our first one. The second canopy took 2 days.
4) Work out some method to vent differences of opinion. Pick a mutually trusted third party to act as a sounding board, and pre-agree to listen to that advice.

Me and my buddy Dave have been doing this for the past year and a half, after two years apiece of solo building. Here's what I've come to realize...

1) IF the two are physically in the same location, this approach works up through building the airframe and wings (empennage, fuse, wings). But it's best to let one lag about a week behind.... otherwise you'll duplicate mistakes (and there will be mistakes)
2) Once the first plane hits the engine/avionics/FWF stage, team up and work to get one flying. The main reason for this is that unless you are strictly following Van's plans/instructions for these items you will be charting new water for your team. The timeline for working out problems will extend beyond the week buffer you have and you will end up getting lost between the two projects.
3) In the end, the time to build them both is not much more than building one - even with the above approach. Once you've "been there, done that" on an identical plane with all problems solved for a given part/section/item, it's easy to repeat with few or no mistakes. For instance, the 'Big Cut' on the canopy took 14 days from start to final shape / sanding on our first one. The second canopy took 2 days.
4) Work out some method to vent differences of opinion. Pick a mutually trusted third party to act as a sounding board, and pre-agree to listen to that advice.



I especially like point 4. I will likely defer to Brian on a lot (he's an A&P/IA), but we'll disagree and need someone to straighten us out.

Brian, do we know any other RV builders? :)

This is my garage. Both emp kits are there. We'll shortly be on the same step in the plans.
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I have a vertical stabilizer


You can see my makeshift "retractable" paint booth in the background. I'm working in a small shop (20'x14') so I have to be kind of stingy with space. I have velcro straps pinched between the wood strips that hold up the plastics walls so I can roll things up and out of the way. There is a window on the back wall of the shop that I use for exhausting fumes.
This is where I'm at

Just finished my first fuel line through the right landing gear strut. Thanks to the suggestions from others on here I left my landing gear struts loose until I finish my fuel lines made this job a lot easier.

Waiting on Canopy until warmer weather, putting thought into instruments and avionics. Engine on order from Aerosport Power New Superior O-360


FIRST RIVITS!!!! 6ea....
now to follow what Ty said.... we are both very cautious guys and we are both willing to do research and talk things out... so far.. building both tails in the same garage has been a great experience... no arguments, great light, great temperature, tons of tools....(combining forces is great) and ALWAYS somebody to double check your work.... I think we will be able to produce 2 rv-7a's in the same or less time than one person working on one... we are taking photo's of every step... we look and pre-read and then do... and then I do mine fairly quickly because we already went through the steps and head scratching on the other... now if I could just find some web-software and hosting for a bank of pictures instead of doing html.... sigh.....