Me too!

Hello Brian

I wrote my own for me and a friend. Then I saw Bills checklist which is also a good example ... so yours would be welcome two, to evaluate my final version.

Thanks alot!

Current up to here

if you haven't worn out ur send button yet, please send me one,
ps i fly over you dwellings in hastings NY alot going into rich revoirs place!
[email protected]

If I have not gotten you, hit me up again.
Hey Fred.... It's great to hear from you! I really miss Rich, He is the best Supercub guy I've ever met in my entire life. I miss my place up there but I'm no longer in the service and the distance was too far. I had two bad renters in a row and was lucky to sell the house. Please Tell Rich and Scott I say hello and please call sometime!
Brian Wallis
Current up to here

Ooooh it's a good day... Got everybody covered up to here. Got a surprise for you all in the works. Daniel knows.... and he is sworn to secrecy. It's gonna involve a TON of people and good times. A white pen, a helicopter and as much food/beverage as everybody on the list wants to bring. ;) Don't ask... I'm not telling... till later ;)
If you please,

I'd appreciate a copy of your checklist. Doing my second condition inspection shortly, and wasn't really happy with the generic checklist I used for the first inspection.

Thanks In Advance:)

Terry @

[email protected]
Current up to here

Hello Everybody. Here you go! I must apologize for being away for so long. It's great to be back. I've had a lot of good changes in my life recently and been very busy. I have departed my regular helicopter job as a mech and the maint test pilot(no benefits at all) and found a job that has medical, dental insurance retirement etc... As much as I love working on airplanes and helicopters full time... not to mention flying :) I had to make some changes in my life. It's been hard making a living in aviation because so many people are willing to do it for free or low cost. I've always been blessed with more work than I can acommidate but buying insurance on your own is getting prohibitive. I now work for a wonderful company that lets me enjoy aviation work in the evening and on the side. I'm now engaged to a wonderful woman who loves to fly and I've found out that planning a wedding is more work than it seems. Since my RV only has one seat... I had to use the helicopter for our engagement. I gave her an hour of dual instruction in the 300 and proposed to her in the helicopter(somebody has to fly while I dig for the ring ;) ). Any volunteers for the flyover at the wedding? ;)
One more please

Add one more to your list, por favor!

PeteHunt (at) earthlink (dot) net.
