Annual Checklist update

Ok Ladies and Gentlemen! Everybody is updated as of 02:12 hrs Monday morning. This includes all PM's emails and forum posts. I apologize for not sending any over the weekend as I was in Atlanta (2nd job is teaching as a Rotor CFI in Schweizer 300's) for the weekend. Mr Mannan Thomason, it was a real pleasure to meet you up at Habersham. You have an absolutely beautiful polished -8! My jaw dropped when I walked into your hanger. I hope to see you soon! Sam had a fantastic idea about posting the file to a sticky... That sounds like a really really good idea... and as soon as I can crank up all three brain cells... I'll certainly take a look at doing that. I don't mind emailing everybody (I LOVE cut and paste).. it seems more personal, however it would be smarter I guess. If I missed anybody, I apologize profusely and if you could just drop me a note and let me know if I missed you I will get right on it. Please have a safe week and I'm always available for questions! (and yes... if you have a spam blocker, I did answer it so you should be getting your copy) :)

Brian Wallis
Zoom Zoom

Brian, You are much more patient that I!! Please include me on your list.

No problem, after the third tour overseas, I've got to say my outlook on life changed greatly. If I'm not subject to harm, I try not to get upset. Over here we get 3 square a day.... 4 or 5 if you want it... We do not have to worry about being shelled.... no landmines.... The locals have both arms and most of their teeth.... either that or they have good dental work. Overseas, my laundry lady looked like Danny DeVito with a dress. She started looking good after about 7 months in country. Usually, the worst thing that happens over here is somebody gets all uptight about something none of us will remember in a year and might want to argue with you.
The time is 22:11 hrs EST, everyone (I hope) who has written me via email, PM or post has been answered. Keep the requests coming and I'll keep sending the checklists out. I apologize for not answering everybody with a personalized message... but I've had a ton of requests. I'm very pleased that so many people have asked for the checklist. If I had been smarter...(i.e. used more than my standard 3 brain cells) then I would of posted it on a sticky...I should be able to do that tomorrow. I hope people will add to it and make it better. I cannot say how happy I am to see people trying to improve themselves and help others. If you received a copy of my checklist and you have not yet donated the yearly 25 dollars to Mr Doug Reeves, this would be an excellent chance to do so... or... if your feeling froggy... call vans and donate towards Friendship-3 (Doug's new airplane project). I wish everyone the best, I'm always available for questions and please be safe.
Brian Wallis
Big Thanks

Big Thanks to Mr. Sam Buchanan for posting the checklist. If you folks do not have a printer or run into any other problems with the checklist, I'm very happy to mail one to you via US Postal mail service.
Brian Wallis
Wow Brian, you really got folks going on this one!

Thanks a lot, I will check yours and maybe get some hints to add to mine. Miss Sue still runs really smooth with that little bolt to balance it all

Here is a link to the document I used on my -9...

RV-9 Condition Inspection

I just completed my first Condition Inspection using this form - modified just a little for my RV-7 and specific equipment on my plane.

I had an A&P looking over my shoulder for most of the inspection, and he was impressed that I showed up the first day with a checklist and plan of attack already in hand. He said that there are too many people who just pull off a couple of access covers, do an oil change, and wander around the plane for a few days. They finally sign off their Condition Inspection without really inspecting anything in detail.
up to date

Everyone to here has been emailed a copy of the annual checklist. We are up do date to here! Have fun!!!

Brian Wallis
updated to here

Tom... I think you are right..... I'm very lucky! I'm surrounded by wonderful people and business is well. If you don't worry about keeping track of who owes you what... life gets a lot easier... give....and watch it blossom.

Anyhow :)
Brian Wallis
Me too please

:) Good for the future...doing 7A rudder pedals today....are we there yet?

Many thanks Brian, Ray
Up to date

This will work fine for everybody... except for Ray.... poor guy stuck upside down in Australia. Really don't see how they keep a hold of their loose hardware... you'd think it fall off the earth down there.... ;)
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Up to date to here

Everybody is current up to here except for 1 person... sent you a PM requesting your email.

I'll take one please

Not flying yet, but I'll take one for future reference.
alanbjackson at aol dot com
Current up to here

You guy's PM me if I don't catch this thread update...
Brian Wallis