Not getting through to Brian ??

I sent a PM and a thread with e-mail address. No response. maybe not getting to the correct place? Would somebody please send me a copy if you succeeded in getting one. Thanks much.
Larry DeCamp
[email protected]
Checklist still available?

I know this is a long running thread. I asked for a copy of the checklist awhile ago but no response. Is anyone receiving the checklist?


Hello everybody, please forgive me for my long absence. It's been a LONG year of 12-14 hr days and sometimes not even the family got a call. I had to make a lot of sacrifices to pay for everything and to pay for the wife's college. I did manage to get my Multi/Commercial/IFR on the 12th (long darn day for sure) and also my King Air Type class is coming up as well. I'll send out checklists to those who have requested it. I just caught up with all the PM requests.

It is with a sad tear in my eye I have to report that I had to sell my beloved RV-3 to help pay for everything. She was my baby and flew better than any airplane I've ever had the chance to caress. I've passed the ATP written and I'm looking to build time/twin also to take the ATP checkride soon as well. My hangar is empty and could use a renter or three if anybody needs a hangar or somewhere to finish their airplane. PM me if interested. SE of ATL by an hour..
Brian, tif you're still in the checklist business, please send me one at jesseb @ firecontrolinc .net. Thanks!
Check List

Could this be added on the front webpage left side for "check list creators" to share on all models?
If anyone wants a copy of my 11 Page checklist for the RV-9, let me know.

This is a highly modified MSWord version of one someone sent me many years ago and includes the consumables needed before you begin, the tools needed for each item and more.

It is marked DRAFT because I edit it every year.

Doug, do you want a copy to post along with the POH's? [ed. Sure! v/r,dr]
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If anyone wants a copy of my 11 Page checklist for the RV-9, let me know.

This is a highly modified MSWord version of one someone sent me many years ago and includes the consumables needed before you begin, the tools needed for each item and more.

It is marked DRAFT because I edit it every year.

Doug, do you want a copy to post along with the POH's? [ed. Sure! v/r,dr]

Bill, if you could edit it for my A model, my engine,prop, and avionics, that would be great. My N number is 376E, so if you could make that change too, that will also be great.

Actually Bill, I really appreciate your POH that I have been using to prepare mine. This list you just posted will really help me do another check before my first flight. Thanks for the work. If we ever meet up, dinner is on me!
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