
Hi Brian. Asking if you could send me a copy of your checklist. With 26 pages so far, it must be good. Flashandco(at)aol(dot)com Thanks!
Condition Inspection Checklist

Hi Brian,
I would like the check list. Inspection due this month.

Didn't see it posted anywhere on VAF.

Thanks and keep adjusting that weight and balance. Your co-pilot looks like he is growing up. 30#'s. Wow. I remember reading about the birth.

GLPalinkas "at"


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Yes Please

Brian, I would appreciate a copy as well, hope your life situation is working out better.


Stump at

Hope you're not too swamped with all of these requests, but could you please add me to the list of eager recipients?

Thanks for your help,

gmalich at
Inspection Checklist


Please include me on your email list for the checklist.

tacaruth at dybb dot com

Thanks, Tom
Guys, just a suggestion here, but I suspect you would be better off sending him a PM, this is an old thread and he may not be following it anymore.
checklists on the way

My new job in AL has had me pretty busy. I still follow the thread. I've also been writing a book on doing annuals based towards the owner that may or may not know anything about the aircraft. It has pictures of most of the items that you look at during the annual. I've also included tons of pictures with problems in them so you know what to look for. I'll have the checklist request list updated here in a few moments.
Keep em coming... ps... if somebody needs to get rid of an RV-9 cheap... let me know :) Diaper fund = 5326 Saffron Dr, Dunwoody GA 30338 at Brian Wallis or Wallis Aviation Inc. if you are so inclined :)
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Count me in as well.

No need to rush and thanks for the generosity. :)
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current up to here

42,363 views!!!!! and 28 pages..... wow! Everybody is current up to here.
Brian Wallis
ps, if anybody needs anything, please let me know! Last weekend was a conditional inspection on a Starduster Too. I have a soft spot in my heart for anything with two wings :) The kid is growing super fast. 14 months old and 30 lbs. I'm the runt of my cousins and I was 6'4" /245lbs at one time. Our guess is he will be a BIG BOY! The RV-3 is in lots of pieces for paint, the avionics upgrade is almost finished. Lots of steam gauges got dropped for the extra Dynon. Giggity!!! The ugly is almost sanded off..... The silver P-51 Mustang paint job with yellow tips is being prepared for. Can't wait to fly it again!!!!
Checklist Request


I would like to have a copy also. Thanks!

romaav8 AT


If anyone is interested, I have a copy of the checklist I use posted as a PDF on my website. LINK. Its at the bottom of the page.

PS: I got this somewhere here on VAF some years ago and have modified it a bit over the years (I don't want to be accused of Plagiarism!)
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Me Too?

Wow. This thread has a life of its own. I thought I would fine your list posted somewhere but requesting seems the only way to get a copy. So, thanks in advance. Could I get a copy of your list? Preferably a word version so I can make it compatible to my airplane.


[email protected]
sure does....

It's not available in Word but I can certainly retype it in word so that you all can change it.
PS: I got this somewhere here on VAF some years ago and have modified it a bit over the years (I don't want to be accused of Plagiarism!)

Walt, I wasn't accusing you of plagiarism over on the other thread. I put my list out on the Internet in 1999 knowing it would be copied over and over. I'm just happy to have contributed something that folks found useful regardless of authorship.

I just didn't want my joke to be misunderstood. :)
When to do the annual inspection?

This may have been covered earlier, but when do you start counting for the first annual? From the date of manufacture, from the date of the pink slip or from the date of the first flight?

Repeat customer

I may have gotten your checklist previously but cannot locate it. Could you please send me a copy to troymillicanmd at gmail dot com. Thank you in advance.
This may have been covered earlier, but when do you start counting for the first annual? From the date of manufacture, from the date of the pink slip or from the date of the first flight?

Mel would know but I'll take a gander.... at the end of the month from when you got your slip. Jan 10th of 2013 (pronounced airworthy) then it's due at the end of January of 2014.
That correct everybody?