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Why did you pick your N Number ?

N number

Triple six , has a nice ring to it . TA are my initials . Far from believing in bad numbers , besides I have 13 lucky rabbits feet to offset the 666!
N #

I work for SWA, our airline identifier is WN. Most of the planes end in WN. The first 700 series came with a N number that started with 703WN. A senior mechanic put his initials on the first two 700 airplane we got It's N700GS. I think SWA paid for my build. My N number therefore is N700WN

I'm building a 10 so I wanted something with a 10 in it. I flew for Eastern Airlines until it died and the B-757 is the most fun airliner I've flown. I found N510EA, a former EAL B-757, and it filled all the criteria. "Five Ten Echo Alpha", I like it. Now all I have to do is build! :)

wedding anniversary is June 5...605
first son named Tanner...T
second son named Tucker...T
problem now tho... we have a third...Tate
The new "low and slow" bird is a Rans S12. I have a partner in it with the last name of Byrne.

So, went looking for something ending in BS or SB. And hopefully the number 12 also.

Found 512BS was out there available-----------quick glance and you might just see it as S12BS.

Got it in reserve :D
I had read that family support or lack thereof was critical to the success of the project. I wanted (needed) to draw the wife into the project early ...
so ...
7/30 is the wife's birthday :)
The 'RV' in the tail number was a must for me .

so who's birthday is in September?

* Wanted numbers/letters with few syllables, easier to say
* Wanted something vaguely reminiscent of California (born and live here)
* Wanted 9RV if possible since that's what I'm building

These wishes contradict somewhat (Romeo Victor is not short) but this is the result.
I wanted the shortest (in syllables) that I could find, and a 10 in there would be good too. So I saw N102FM, and considering 'fox' is an acceptable truncation of 'foxtrot' , it looks like a radio station, and then there's the Flying Monkeys story. Possible tail flash:


RV Four numbers opening up

I had reserved N 442 KS and N 442 M for the nine we are building and to remember the car I had in my younger days. Since that really did not make any sense on the nine I will be releasing those numbers in November and December for anyone interested.

Born & raised San Francisco Bay Area.

Niner fan over 60 years!
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I have N38LA reserved for my RV-10.
My deployment to Iraq was with the 38th Combat Aviation Brigade as the Brigade Standardization Officer, and the letters are my name. Of course the wife whined a little that I didn't include her in the process, but when that combination became available, I jumped on them:).
I have a couple of numbers reserved. My RV-8A will most likely get stamped with 503RV, which represents where I live (503 being the Oregon area code) and then Romeo Victor -- well, you know. Seemed right to do especially given the fact that this is the home of Vans Aircraft and all. And, it was available (much to my surprise).

Other options I have are 503GH (my initials) and 999GH (I thought triple niner golf hotel rolled off the tongue pretty well, but not sure I could put that on a -8A hah).
wife and kids friendly

For our RV-10 I had reserved 109LB which had a 10 in it, wife and I were married September 10th so 9/10, our names Lene & Ben. But... I forgot to re-reserve it one year an the number ended up on a hot air balloon "Lindstrad Balloons" but now is on a helicopter.

Next choice, since I'm on the 8 year plan headed for 10 years to finish the RV-10 we've added 2 young members to the family so I now have reserved N104EE which works out as "10 for Elyse and Eli" and I cannot wait to hear the jokes on the radio "Experimental 4 Echo Echo (Echo Echo)" :)
For our RV-10 I had reserved 109LB which had a 10 in it, wife and I were married September 10th so 9/10, our names Lene & Ben. But... I forgot to re-reserve it one year an the number ended up on a hot air balloon "Lindstrad Balloons" but now is on a helicopter.

Next choice, since I'm on the 8 year plan headed for 10 years to finish the RV-10 we've added 2 young members to the family so I now have reserved N104EE which works out as "10 for Elyse and Eli" and I cannot wait to hear the jokes on the radio "Experimental 4 Echo Echo (Echo Echo)" :)

I recently reserved mine. 927 was my late father's lucky number. What is the process for renewing the reservation? Do they send any kind of reminder?
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99FN because I had a friend who if asked what kind a plane some plane was would always answer "It's an FN99". When asked what an FN99 was, answered "FN near a hundred".

Wanted a number with only 3 characters/letters. Wanted N6AU. RV6 + AU for Australia. 66AU was available.
My website is also AHS6.com. Also wanted AHS.com but is was taken so I added the 6 for my RV6.
I am wanting to get my wife involved as much as I possibly can and get her excited about the project so I picked N773JR. Our wedding date was July 7, 1973 and her name is Jackie, mine is Ron.
I could tell you... but then I'd have to kill you.
(don't have time to go thru all these posts to see if anyone else used that lame joke, so if they did, I apologize for the redundancy)
My primary logic on choosing my tail number was based on something easy to say, so my tongue wouldn't trip as I transmitted it. I could have found something shorter than Alpha Romeo... but my cat's name is Roameow (long story) and he's an alpha male... and I like the car, so...
Quick to Say

I wanted something quick to say, with the fewest syllables possible. I've been in Tampa and Orlando airspace when it's been very, very busy, and quick radio calls are helpful. I've rented planes with long N-numbers and experience both I and the controllers getting tripped up.

In the phonetic alphabet, Golf and Mike are the only one syllable letters. Then with numbers it's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. I couldn't find any three character combinations available (e.g. 12M or 34G), so settled on 535M.

If I'd have gone with some birth date and initial combination, it would have been 465CJ. Eight syllables! :eek:

Hugely important? Probably not, so really just personal preference.
Check wherever you check for such things, but I was taught that the phonetic pronunciation of 4 is two syllables, the same as it was in the south where I grew up: fow-er.:)
I just found this thread being relatively new and just getting started on a RV-9A. I let my daughter pick my reserved N- Number and thought her reasoning behind the pick was worthy of posting here. I never knew so much thought could go into N Number selection, Her email is pasted below explaining her selection. Needless to say N412BM is reserved!

From My Daughter:

Any combination of; 1 4 2 BM
I looked at the link you just sent and I saw the combination 412BM is the only combination of these numbers available.

Here's my reason for the numbers...

B - Bravo

Because every time you take off in this plane or land it, there should be a reminder of how proud we are of you! So yes, this plane should remind you every time you take off and land that "Bravo Mike" and that we congratulate you on not only having this plane, but being the outstanding personal family pilot that you are. It's a thanks in advance for flying us to BFE on short whirl-wind trips and obviously a clear job well done for making it to this point as a pilot!

1. - "BRAVO"

used to express approval when a performer or other person has done something well.
"people kept on clapping and shouting ?bravo!?"

synonyms: well done, splendid, congratulations, brava

M - Mike

Mostly because dad is Awesome and his name made the phonetic alphabet and the rest of us are just too basic...

The number 1 represents dad, being the leader in our family and having the strength to stand alone for us. The confidence he carries in himself and in us as a representation of him and his name.

The number 4 represents the family as the four of us and the four cardinal directions for when we are apart. This plane will bring us together from east to west and north to south, through any of the four phases of the moon, day or night and any time in between, through any of the four seasons because the four of us have a strong foundation of love and we will always find our way together.

The number 2 represents partnership between us as the family and you. This is your plane to fly and love, but emotionally we stand behind you on this plane and fully support it. We are here as a partner that doesn't understand the struggles you'll go through building it, but we are here to be happy with you when this plane flies it's first flight and brings happiness after all the effort and manual work that's been put into it. While we may not represent a physical part in this plane, emotionally we are there through every part of the struggle, and every now and then we are there to help pound rivets day after day for two week hitches at a time.

And I thought it was just picking a number that was easy to say and had a good ring to it on the radio, Who knew?
Check wherever you check for such things, but I was taught that the phonetic pronunciation of 4 is two syllables, the same as it was in the south where I grew up: fow-er.:)

Live and learn - I guess I've been doing my "fours" wrong... :)


And my PAP-AH's, VIK-TAW's and YANK-KEY's were wrong too...
Live and learn - I guess I've been doing my "fours" wrong... :)


And my PAP-AH's, VIK-TAW's and YANK-KEY's were wrong too...

What happened to the "R" at the end of Oscar and Victor? *I* say 'em! :)

And if you say "Oss-cah" or "Vik-tah", why don't you say "No-vem-bah"?

Mine is my birth date and initials. Plus, it's kinda neat to be from Texas and have the initials "JR". Last, those were my operating initials when I was an air traffic controller, and some people still know me as "JR".

The question of when I will ever have an airplane to display said N number on is another matter entirely ;)

791 is my kit number (140791)
I wanted RV but that had already been snagged.
So, Rv Xperimental and my wife and I are both pharmacists.
RX it is.
762G...a tribute to the Corps, a long time ago, in lands far away. Ooh rah.

Plus it rolls off the tongue with easy phonetics.
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First build - Year my wife (financier) was born and her initial- N62KM

2nd build - We always wanted a girl, ended up with 3 boys score 3-0 Boys - N30BY
As a buyer not a builder, I think I have a pretty good N-Number: 184FN (One Eight For Fun). I have a copy of the builder’s letter requesting a reserved number, and this was his first choice.
495 was the last three digits of the Blackhawk I crewed in the 3rd BTN, 160th SOAR.

KL are the first initials of my two sons (Kolby / Logan).

My wife and I lived in Japan for 7 years while I was in the service. In Japan, many numbers are considered as good or bad luck based on other words that sound similar to them. 4 and 9 are considered bad luck because they sound like death and torture. The number 8 is a lucky number because it is nearly homophonous to the word prosperity. In Chinese, it's similar to happiness, and it uses the character 喜. Likewise, 88 is considered double lucky. It has a dual meaning of double happiness because the Chinese character is twice the character for happiness: 囍 In Japan, a person's 88th birthday calls for a huge celebration where the whole village gathers to honor the super prosperous (or double happy) individual. If you recall, the Beijing Olympic Games opened on 8-8-2008.

So the meaning of N884RA is "Double Happiness for Rob & Amy," and like the kanji that inspired it, there are a variety of ways to interpret that meaning.
This is so funny, I thought I was being original by reserving an anniversary/initials mashup, but it seems like about half of the previous replies have to do with anniversaries.
I've noticed that a lot of builders, including myself, have reserved N-numbers early in the project life cycle.

What is your N-number and why did you pick it?
(Can you tell I'm still stuck in a hotel in Dallas and can't drive rivets?)

That should be simple. It's an RV-9 for one William Repucci. Also, my drink of choice is whiskey, so the one Whiskey Romeo thing works too.

Mine are my initials, and the 38 comes from my deployment to Iraq with the 38th Combat Aviation Brigade:).


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Including an anniversary, spouse's initial, birthday etc does help to get them on board just a little bit more and makes them a little part of the process. It isn't just "your stupid plane" any more. Now it's "our plane, honey".