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What is the narrowest runway your RV has landed?

O'Brien Airpark

My narrowest paved runway (in a 172) was O'Brien Airpark in Waxahachie, Texas, just S of Dallas. Back in the mid '80s the concrete runway was a mere 1200' x 16'. As I recall it had grass overruns at each end, but I never had to use them. It was a cool little airstrip with cheap gas and was a bit like landing on a sidewalk. I've not been there since maybe '87-'88 but I see on Airnav that it's been expanded all the way out to 2035' x 24'... huuuuge!

My skinny RV runway has already been mentioned, Westheimer Airpark in Houston at 2500x28. It seems the concrete taxiways there are barely wider than the gear track.

Bellville, TX, Grawunder Field (06R) is a fun one, 2480x30 paved, slopes uphill to the north with the south end surrounded by trees. Also previously mentioned is Sycamore in Fort Worth; 3900x30 with houses and apartments close along the east side with a railroad berm/track running close down the west side... what a hoot. The last interesting strip off the top of my head is Lakeview (30F) N of Dallas; Airnav shows 2800x30 but the pavement is so crappy and grass encroached that is seems much narrower.

Perhaps I'm just weird, but I actually prefer landing at these small, funky strips, it's much more interesting than landing on one 150' wide runway after another. Now if it's a gusty, crosswindy day, gimme the wide runway with clear approaches please!

20' wide runway......(the RV-6 wingspan is 23')


Great homemade pies walking distance from tiedown <g>.

This was my home base for 17 years. Hangared my RV-4 there. I think the homemade pie place is long gone though.
Lumberton Ohio. 2800 X 30’. Used to be a great (cheap) restaurant 200 yards away. Didn’t suck up the seat cushions nearly as much as landing at Ocean Reef Club (4400 X 70’) in a Falcon (wing span 70’) for 10 years. Noses of parked airplanes were 8’ from the runway edge.
Westheimer air park- post #31– 2009

Fond memories: Just saw this thread mentioning Westheimer Airpark. Way back in the mid 80’s I was young and working in Houston and found this little recently built airport. At the time, it was way outa town but they were a Cessna dealer and had all new Cessnas to rent. There were power lines on the western approach and the runway was narrow. Nevertheless, fond memories.
Farias Wheel (NV33) is listed as 22 ft, and I landed there with a 12--15 kt x-wind.

Air Sailing is officially 20 ft, but I don't think it is really that wide.

I've landed at Air Sailing dozens of times and never left the pavement. Not sure I could do that with a 220 lb passenger in the back though.
Southeastern outside of Fort Pierce, Florida. It’s a 14’ wide strip of asphalt contained within a wider grass strip. Southeastern is mainly a privately owned crop duster strip that has an Air Tractor dealer based there. Kept me on my toes!
Farias Wheel (NV33) is listed as 22 ft, and I landed there with a 12--15 kt x-wind.

We spent a good year and a half flying in and out of NV33 a couple times a week when we were finishing out Tundra, which was based there at our partner’s hangar. Never gave the runway width much thought, probably because of the years we spent at Polly Ranch (21 feet wide) and the fact that NV33 has nice wide gravel shoulders, and the hangars are far away from centerline.

Then again, not all “narrow” runways are “narrow”. We flew a Stemme S-12 out of our 75’ wide runway here at Dayton. With a wingspan of 85’, we had five feet of wing overhanging the sagebrush on each side…..

My normal runway is only 24' wide, and it has powerlines running on the east side. You get very good at precisely putting the airplane exactly where you want it.
Brownsville Airpark, 2CL1, north of Sacramento. When I landed there it was still public use and had a different identifier. It's not so much the width or length, but the approach. Big mountain in the way to 24.
Narrow minded

I too enjoyed many forays “off road” in my short gear RV4 which the gear width shared the same width as the “Rut Roads” (Roman Chariot road) Vlad obviously treads as well. The Maule aircraft also share this gear width for the same exact reason.
Much fun!


PS: Nicely done Vlad!
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Brownsville Airpark, 2CL1, north of Sacramento. When I landed there it was still public use and had a different identifier. It's not so much the width or length, but the approach. Big mountain in the way to 24.

I always landed on 06 at Brownsville. My girlfriend at the time lived there. Didn't strike me as especially narrow, and the approach from the west is easy.
Narrow Minded

28 ft, but it was in my C-130 during Desert Shield. 5000ft long by there was about a 10 degree turn to the left at mid field.

Hey Chris, I’m with ya. Can’t compare to setting a Herc down on a goat path (relatively speaking) but I can relate a tiny bit.
Back during the no-fly zone days we operated our F16’s out of Incirlik Turkey to patrol Northern Iraq A bro blew a tire on touchdown during a LFE recovery, effectively closing the single runway. Solution was for us all to land on the parallel (10M wide) taxiway. I just remember on short final at 167 Knots carrying unexpended live ordinance thinking “dude that’s skinny”. Do what you gotta do, again…

Thanks for your service!
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Vlads picture is descriptive of many of the strips in Utah. Dirt roads that are only as wide as your gear. I’ve read that on large airports the white stripes down the middle are 36 inches wide. Therefore all runways are 36 inches wide.
I always landed on 06 at Brownsville. My girlfriend at the time lived there. Didn't strike me as especially narrow, and the approach from the west is easy.

Agreed, in fact landing there demonstrated to me that 20' isn't a big deal. Landing 06 wouldn't have been an option the time I landed there, due to wind out of the west.
PA Butter Valley Golf Port, Runway 34 is 1,535' X 24' and paved. Rwy 16 is a 2,420' X 85' turf.

Land short on 34 the paved area :)


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