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What have you given up or cut back on?


Well Known Member
Things I've given up or cut back on since starting this project:

1 - My truck's parking space in the garage.
2 - Golf. I played 56 rounds in 2005. I've played 4 rounds in 2006 so far.
3 - TV. I watch about 2.5 hours per week now. Before, I watched more than that per day.
Good things!

jsherblon said:
Things I've given up or cut back on since starting this project:

1 - My truck's parking space in the garage.
2 - Golf. I played 56 rounds in 2005. I've played 4 rounds in 2006 so far.
3 - TV. I watch about 2.5 hours per week now. Before, I watched more than that per day.
Wow - just think how much better off the whole world would be if more people built a kit - less TV watching! Sorry to hear about the golf, tho. I hadn't thought about it, but I haven't played since I started the project either.
Skydiving and computers

I used to study a lot for my various computer certifications (several hours each night and most often all weekend). I rarely do any now (though I will be setting up an ISA 2006 server today...).

My personal skydiving has taken a big back seat to work skydiving (AFF jumpmaster). This keeps the cost back from some $450/month last year to around $75/month this year, maybe even less than that. Of course, time is the big issue there, but I tend to skydive Saturday and build Sunday.

Weeknights are generally used for building too. I don't go 'hard out' building though, since my project timeline is based in finances rather than build time, so there's no particular rush for me to go hard...

My TV hasn't been hooked up to cable, an antenna etc. for years. We're building up a DVD collection (Columbo, All in the Family, movies etc..) but that's all we use the TV for. Sometimes it'd be nice to know what the heck people are talking about when they start blabbering about "Survivor", "American Idol" or some such nonsense but I'm not curious enough to actually do anything about it. I DO miss the Discovery Channel, and it's always kind of a treat when I go on a business trip and can tune them in on my hotel's TV.

I've pretty much given up on golf too. Back when I lived in New Hampshire, I owned a place on a golf course and played 2 or 3 times a week (dirt cheap on weekdays....$5.00 or something, and weekends were $15.00 with unlimited replays....SWEET). I haven't played since I moved to California 3 years ago. Just no time.

Ellen and I both have older cars...my '99 Durango has 150,000 miles on it and is still going strong. One day it'll stop running and I'll get something else, I suppose but for now it runs dang near like the day I bought it.
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I stopped street bike racing. Sold my TV and only fly in military aircraft. No more Spam can flying. I bought my girlfriend a portable DVD player and she is happy with that. It is amazing when you get rid off the TV, how much spare time you have to do things.

What a great thread. Two separate issues here. Financial sacrifice and time budgeting. There is some overlap, i.e. Golf is both expensive in money and time. Personally, I think it is important to do other things while working on the plane, especially when you get into a funk. Walk away for a few hours or a day as necessary. Get the batteries recharged.

For me, I gave up golf, and most competitive model airplane flying. I still umpire College, High School, Little League Baseball and even did a few minor league pro games this year. (Certifications require it, or I would have cut back on this too).

What I feel is important is dedicating yourself to the project during every available minute you do have. If it is an hour, use it. Live by lists and what you want to accomplish. If your work allows, then take a day off once and a while for a full day of work.

My neighbor is building a 7A (and has been for 5 years). He is an Air Traffic Controller and has lots of time he can take off and money isn't an issue. He is a scratch golfer and will probably do the Senior tour when he retires. He is more emotionally attached to golf than the airplane. As much as he wants to fly he isn't dedicating the time to the project and won't take time off to work on the plane. I'll keep pushing him!!! I need someone close by to fly with.

I always kid him that Van's will have a flying saucer kit out by the time he finishes his plane.
I gave up scuba diving...well, didn't give it up exactly, but I don't dive as often, that's for sure. I used to do shore dives locally a few times a week and took dive trips to other countries a couple of times per year.

I played in a blues band. We never "made it" in any way shape or form, but we were pretty tight and could play the crud out of our instruments. It was fun. Jammed once or twice a week, played out once a month or so. Not any more!!

I'm still "on crack" with my RV-7. Can't put down the pipe. It's an obsession. Maybe that'll kick back in a few years and I'll get back to some other stuff.
"What have you given up or cut back on?"

Given up on maintaining a running tally of total RV expenses to date, cut back on thinking about it. :D

Being one of those "Failure is Not an Option" guys, it took me quite a few years to realize that no matter how hard I tried, one person cannot make a marriage work if the other person isn't into it....I am far healthier now than before, and all the time I spent doing and building things for her got transfered into airplane time!

Oh yeah...I stopped riding (and maintaining) my jet skis EVERY day, and now just ride occasionally on the weekends with the waterfront neighbors...I let the Ex have the big house on the water with the big mortgage, and I took the big paid-for townhouse on the "hill" (above the storm surge!) - and moved my watercraft to my neighbors houses....

......And all the hours I spent keeping my aging Grumman flying went away when her new owner flew off into the sunset!

Golf? "A good walk, ruined.... ":p

(Divorce is a tragedy, but living with a bad marriage can be worse - and humor is a good way to deal with it!)
I have given up flying for now. Sold the Mooney last winter after a $14,000 annual. My average annual for the past 4 years was around $7,000. But that did include lots of updates also. So I have also given up on paying for someone else to work on my plane. Started on my RV-9 empennage last month and having a blast.
O ya, The starter went out on the Mooney the day after I sold it.
Rick6a said:
"What have you given up or cut back on?"

Given up on maintaining a running tally of total RV expenses to date, cut back on thinking about it. :D

Ditto. I'll add that I've given up keeping track of how many hours spent building. I passed "a ****-load" a long time ago.
Gave up:
1. TV, rolled the cable back to the local channels only.
2. Racing, still keep my licenses current as I may get back in to and the car is sitting in the garage (Plane in the basement)
3. Backpacking. We get out about four times a year now. :(

Golf is the biggest waste of avaition funds I have ever heard of. Back when my friends were learning how to play I was learning how to fly. :D
N941WR said:
Golf is the biggest waste of avaition funds I have ever heard of. Back when my friends were learning how to play I was learning how to fly. :D

LOL...you shouldn't be so hasty. Of course, the bunch I played with were a little "different" than most. For all I know, there might still be a golf cart at the bottom of a lake on a certain course in the north east somewhere (name of the course witheld to protect the guilty....and no, we never played that course again).

It's an excellent excuse to spend an entire day hiking and/or driving through the woods drinking beer with your buddies. Afterwards, you go to the club house and watch a game while...er...drinking beer with your buddies :D Then you go home, and you're all hot and sweaty from lugging 50lbs of golf bag around 36 holes all day long...makes ya' just wanna go on the back porch and pop open an ice cold beer. The price you pay for this is every 5 minutes, or so, you have to hit this little white ball towards a tiny yellow flag way over there =====>>> somewhere. As you improve, you hit the ball farther and more accurately, hence it's longer between shots and fewer of them....this leaves more time for drinking beer.

I really really miss golf.
Sold my 36' boat. Sold my '57 Chevy. Sold the VTX1800.
Gave up Scuba Diving, Fishing (Cabo every two months), hunting/shooting,
and bathing. :(

Now that it's flying, I bought a new bike (two actually) and started bathing
again. :D
Gave up:
1) TV (but I still waste too much time watching it, when I should be building. I watch TV while edge-smoothing, which makes the countless hours of filing and sanding less painful, though.)
2) Reading. I averaged about three non-fiction books a month for years. The last two years I've been building the RV, I've probably read less than 15 serious books.

I still fly the Citabria and soar vintage gliders as much as I ever did. Cars have always just been transportation to me. I drive a faded red 90 Miata with 150K+ on it.

... Bill
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What do I get to do now?

I guess my situation is somewhat unique. I started my project just a couple of months after graduating from college and getting married. So for all of my career and married life, almost 8 years, my life has included an airplane project. We just recently got the thing flying, so for me its backwards. Now that I'm "done", what do I do with all that extra time that I never knew existed?

Maybe I'll start golfing more.

Jordan Grant
RV-6 N198G
gave up on . . .

I cut my flying back a lot. I used to fly on average 20 hours a month. Now I fly about 5 :-( The other big reason for the decrease in flying is we sold our 172. Renting just doesn't cut it.

I also cut back my RC expenditures -- particularly the jets. I have sold several. I will probably keep a couple.

I am sure more sacrifices are to come if I want a new engine and a nice panel. The end result will be worth it.
I guess I can say I gave up golf. I used to play every other week or so, and I have played once since I started this last summer.

I sold my share (basically gave it away) in my last Cherokee 180. Boy do I miss that thing, but this will pay off in the end...someday.

I gave up buying gas every three or four days in the truck by buying a little 50cc scooter that averages 75mpg and riding it to work as long as weather permits.

Wish I could give up cable, but my wife won't have it...

I have sold my Cherokee Six - that hurt, but it provided the money and the time. Sold some stock I had for awhile too, gotta keep this a cash project! I haven't been on a long ride on my Harley since I started, although it does get me back and forth to the airport!

:D I have a gem of a wife that understands my passion for flying and is totally supporting my work, although it comes with an understanding of keeping the time at the airport within reason, so we have an agreed upon schedule and that has been working great and still gives me time to take care of honey-do's at home... my advice, whatever you are giving up --- don't give up the time you need to spend with the missus.

Reminds me of trap shooting...

walter said:
Try shooting Sporting Clays. It's golf with guns. :eek: Way more fun.

When I was shooting trap every weekend, the guy who was showing me the ropes told me "See, this is basically golf for rednecks." That's me...Latin American immigrant redneck! (And yeah, I'm legal. And yeah, I sing the National Anthem in English.)

- Shooting is one of the things I gave up.
- Photography is another.
- Watching a lot of TV is another. I still watch a bit.
- I'll be driving my 5-year-old Subaru for another several years.
- Going for a beer with the boys after work...hardly ever.
- Staying late at work just because something interesting is going on...not as often.
Marriage, also

The ex didn't want me to have the airplane but I realized that she really didn't want ME either, so I took the airplane (after 25 pretty good married years and a great son), and parked it in my hangar next to my Air Tractor 502 turbine, which she really enjoyed the income from.

New wife is a gift from God and loves me and the 6A, crawls under it and wants to know what a 'bellcrank' is. So did I give up anything really? For a short time maybe. Then again, is the glass not half full?
-Shooting, both target and clays. I haven't been to the range since I bought the tail in Dec, but I still have the guns... hope I don't have to sell them someday

-One car, if I wasn't building an airplane, I'd make a track car out of my wrecked 1994 Saturn. Instead, I'm trying to sell it.

-Flying, flew yesterday for the first time in 6 weeks, MAN was I rusty. My dad's airplane is in annual (that I'm doing too) so I'm trying to work on both that and the RV at the same time.

-I may have to sell my '74 Dodge Dart, I don't want to, but might.

-Did I mention I live at home and go to school full time? Thats probably the one thing that I won't give up for the RV, school. Graduation should be sometime around Dec '07 for the batchlors, until then, it's the finances that hold me back.
Skydiving & Flying... Temporarily...

My wife & I made the transition from skydiving to flying over the course of the last year or so. Started loosing interest in one, and gained it for the other. We still jumped while we flew, but not nearly as much. Once we started looking at ownership, we started realizing skydiving probably wasn't gonna fly ;) . Once we made the decision to build, the deal was sealed... skydiving was out. The harder decision to swallow though was not flying during the build. I'm having withdrawls, but it keeps me that much more motivated!
Wow - good thread.

I'll start with the cut backs... time and money wise my huge radio control habit was basically put on hold. Traded my model workshop for a full size one! Also cut back on the spam can flying a lot, too. For a good reason, I believe!

However, I gained... a baby girl along the way. She's the best. So now I try to spend as much time as I can with her and pretty much only work on the plane when she's sleeping (which is happening later and later each day!).

Can't wait for the day I can let her 'skip' school and give her a lesson in aviating... maybe fly down to the gulf coast for a day at the beach.
Great thread !

A short list of what I gave up to RVate....

1. Recording my own music.
Back B.C. (before children) and B.P. (before plane) I used to have a little home studio and would spend a lot of time laying down guitar, keyboard, bass and drum tracks. I hope to get back into it someday - it's just amazing what $1,200 will buy you these days as far as digital recording equipment goes.

2. Cable TV
Don't really miss it. I have a PC with Windows Media Center on it and I 'tivo' all the local shows I like - watching them when I get a minute (NOVA, American Experience, Austin City Limits, King of the Hill, etc).

3. R/C airplanes/sailplanes/helicopters
As others have said...a path to full scale :D.

4. Going out for happy hour with 'the gang'
When I was building I always wanted to go home so I could work on the project - not go out for a brew with some friends. I felt kinda 'off schedule' if I got talked into going. Weird.....but here I am now with a flying airplane, so I guess it worked <g>.

5. A new car (while building)
When the plane was finished my 20 yr old sedan had 350,000 miles on it. I bought a new truck a few years ago and gave the old one to the kid next door as a 'thank you' for joining the armed forces. He wrecked it a couple of weeks later...:(

What I gained:
a) more friends than a person has a right to have
b) more fun than most people experience
c) a RV!

Give Up?

Good to see Trap Shooting & Sporting Clays mentioned. If I had all the money back I spent shooting registered trap I could have an RV paid for.
Guess the only thing to cut back on is sell the house. Cars are paid for

Shannon Evans
9a plans on table
I used to ride my bike to work (not during winter though), but stopped while I was building.

Now that plane is done - just started riding again. :D

No Offense To Anyone or Anything - Just humorous

One day when we were discussing my building/family life, the late and great Bill Benedict from Van's once told me I had AIDS. I said "What" and he replied:

"Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome" -

Like Paul said in the last post "Humor helps" but it still isn't easy.

Now go pound some rivets....

RV-6 QB finishing kit
It appears I have cut back on working while at the office and I spend the time on VansAirforce.net.

I recently relocated?..Unfortunately that made me cut back on the airplane expenses.
I've given up Drag Racing, RC Copters, Dirt Bikes, yard work and eating. I ditched all my old friends and have a totally new group. I basically use the house as a place to shower and sleep. Somewhere in the mix the wife got pregnant. I figure my RV-7A will be an old crusty out dated collectors item airplane by the time first filght actally happens. Uuuuhhh No mabe not ;o)

What did I give up when I started the project?

1) My therapist.
2) Road rage.
3) Kicking the dog.
4) Alcohol.
5) Antidepressants.
6) The shooting sports..........no........just in case all the other things come back. :D
1) TV before about 10pm except sports. Thank God for MLB.tv and wireless internet so I can keep up with my White Sox in the shop. I also dragged an old TV to the garage when I realized that I'd get no work done on weekends during the NFL playoffs. It hasn't been turned on since the NCAA tourny ended though.

2) I haven't given up on a social life, but its greatly reduced.

3) Flying :( . I'm going to get back to that this summer though to start getting myself ready for that test flying.

4) Taking care of the house. The lawn gets mowed, the dishes get washed, but nothing ever gets improved around the house unless its absolutely essential. I basically only sleep there, so who cares.

5) And finally, another common item, my RC airplane habit is on hold too. Mostly because I spend the time building. My Skybolt has collected lots of aluminium dust!
keen9a said:
1) TV before about 10pm except sports. Thank God for MLB.tv and wireless internet so I can keep up with my White Sox in the shop. I also dragged an old TV to the garage when I realized that I'd get no work done on weekends during the NFL playoffs. It hasn't been turned on since the NCAA tourny ended though.
A White Sox fan in St. Louis... :rolleyes:

I put a TV in my garage for the same reason, but to watch the Cards! Other than baseball, it doesn't (usually) get turned on. Other than a few "core" shows, and baseball, I've given up most TV as well.
I've actually given up about 15-20 hours a year of flying (this was before the medical problems grounded me). I'm dumping my cellphone when the year contract is up on it. We really don't NEED cellphones...not at $50 a month. Over the life of the construction project (now at 5 years at my house)...that would be $3,000. The trick is to take the money you save and put it away.

I don't golf much anymore, though I love the game. I've never broken 100 though so it's just as well. I'm cutting back on magazine subscriptions. When the last kid leaves, the cable TV (actually DISH network) will drop a tier.

I drive 55 mph to save money on gas and I strongly recommend anyone whining about the price of gasoline to do the same. Apparently, as near as I can tell on my commute, I'm the only person in the country doing this.

I wish I could figure out a way to cut broadband costs.

The only problem is the kids are leaving the house but need help paying for stuff while they get out on their own -- same thing my Dad did for me. Car insurance, rent, a loan for the first downpayment on a house. Oh, and there's that college tuition cost thing.

I was going to order an engine this year...but now I'm thinking of waiting 'til next year. So I guess I've cut back on engines. With the interest rates going up, it might be time to wait things out a bit on the debt front.
cjensen said:
A White Sox fan in St. Louis... :rolleyes:
Hey, it could be worse. I could have been raised a cub fan. I'm a Chicagoan in StL because there's no where to work designing airplanes in Chicago.
jsherblon said:
Things I've given up or cut back on since starting this project:

1 - My truck's parking space in the garage.
2 - Golf. I played 56 rounds in 2005. I've played 4 rounds in 2006 so far.
3 - TV. I watch about 2.5 hours per week now. Before, I watched more than that per day.

Aviation art. I used to manage around 10 pieces a year. These days I hardly pick up the brushes, but think of the inspiration I,ll have when the RV 8 is up and running


Given up? For me...

Sadly, flying. Not by design but it is just the way it has been. I sold my Citabria last March so that I had the time and the $ to take on this project. I have always had the intention of keeping my skills sharp, even getting my instrument rating while building, but it just hasn't worked out that way. When I have spare time, I would rather be in the shop building than anything else.

Other than that, I've somewhat kicked a nasty wine habit. What I mean is, one of my other hobbies is collecting fine wines. Before the RV, It was a hobby I felt very passionate about. Now, I still like to enjoy a good glass or two, but I have somewhat given up the collecting aspect of it. I would spend a lot of time on wine related online discussion forums, now all that time goes to VAF. :)
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Mine are all covered here...

$2000/year golf club membership...pretty much play once or twice a year now, rather per week. Our house is even on the course, but now it's just nice scenery in my peripheral view as I walk to the garage. :)

3 mail order wine clubs (Brad, we definitely need to meet in person someday). I still buy the occasional NICE bottle or two for my collection, but mainly to keep my sources active. I also let my 2 wine magazine subscriptions run out.

RC stuff.

Still watch as much sports on TV as I can, TV and DirecTV box in the garage help that along.

Hiking and Camping...of course after Colorado, Wash. State and Northern California, Texas just doesn't inspire. No offense to the natives, I love it here--just being realistic (and I just spent last weekend in the Hill Country, but sorry, it doesn't compare).

Reading. Used to put away 2 books a month, now it's AeroElectric Connection-this, Best practices-that, SportAviation-something or another...

All worth it, IMO :D

Besides, my wife is already planning our first trip to play golf and hike the mountains around Napa Valley...I'll probably take a book along, too.

jferraro16 said:
3 mail order wine clubs (Brad, we definitely need to meet in person someday). I still buy the occasional NICE bottle or two for my collection, but mainly to keep my sources active...

Besides, my wife is already planning our first trip to play golf and hike the mountains around Napa Valley...
LOL! We are only an hour from Napa (which should explain part of the problem). Just say the word and I will bring the corkscrew! :)
Aviation art

Paul Tuttle said:
Aviation art. I used to manage around 10 pieces a year. These days I hardly pick up the brushes, but think of the inspiration I,ll have when the RV 8 is up and running

Wow Paul, that's some seriously great work! I'd sell the kit, buy a finished RV8, and keep drawing and painting if I had your talent. I can't wait to see your RV-inspired works! Thanks for sharing it with us.
RV7Factory said:
LOL! We are only an hour from Napa (which should explain part of the problem). Just say the word and I will bring the corkscrew! :)

Ah Yes...location, location, location

4 years in Davis--stationed at Travis AFB--was all it took to set that wine hook in me! Miss it a fair bit, that's for sure.

jferraro16 said:


As we are both fighting through the wing rib pain...I've got to ask which you would rather do--wing rib prep or AeroElectric reading?

Will it ever end?!? :(


I would rather read through the US tax code....in Sanskrit....than debur wing ribs. That has got to be the worst part of the project and is the only thing I haven't enjoyed so far. Luckily, I'm only 4 ribs away from salvation. Next is to flange and flute but that's not so bad (no aluminum splinters, no flying bits of scotchbrite wheel, no grey snot etc..) :D
jcoloccia said:
I would rather read through the US tax code....in Sanskrit....than debur wing ribs. That has got to be the worst part of the project and is the only thing I haven't enjoyed so far. Luckily, I'm only 4 ribs away from salvation. Next is to flange and flute but that's not so bad (no aluminum splinters, no flying bits of scotchbrite wheel, no grey snot etc..) :D
Ah yes, but you still get to look forward to deburring each rivet hole after the skins are match drilled! :eek: That's what I'm getting ready to do as soon as the top skins come off after the tanks and LE's are done...at least there's a nice long break between the initial rib deburring session and rivet hole deburring! :)