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What did you do with your RV this weekend? (9/ 17-18 / 2022)


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...getting it started. I was in the sim all weekend. :^(

Looking forward to PIREPs from Petit Jean.

Did what the RV-10 does best — long cross countries. Flew roughly 1000NM from Tampa to Southwestern Iowa (just outside Omaha NE) for a wedding with one fuel/bathroom stop along the way. We’ll reverse the trip and fly home Monday.
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I did a lot... but the hard stuff was done by Thomas Smith of Beacon Aviation, who solved a lot of minor avionics issues... and went places I couldn't possibly go. :eek: 50 hr maintenance is now complete; looking forward to testing the improvements. (and no, I have no idea why this photo is being displayed upside down)


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Just my thoughts

I have no idea why this photo is being displayed upside down)

If it is an iphone, and you uploaded the picture directly from the iphone, then I believe the information that tells the computer which why is up gets lost. I found the easiest way to keep this from happening is to take the picture with the lens on the iphone on top, and the iphone held in landscape mode. JMHO
Petit Jean…a few photos

First time to Petit Jean. Terrific weather. Beautiful scenery. Cool RV’s. Nice people. We will do it again.

The photos, in order, are:
--Sunset from the Rockefeller Lodging;
--A row of RV's. Not the only row. There were many.
--Runway 03
--One of the participants in the "Balloon Busting." I could not figure out how to attach a short video.
--Map of attendees
--The route for flyers during the balloon busting.


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Saturday was spent enjoying the challenges associated with Phase I and some MAUW tests. As we all know, no amount of fun comes without penenace so Sunday was spent sitting in the office writing up the test results while my RV-6 was back out flying. Despite being completely comfortable that the aircraft is the very capable hands of a good friend and fellow test pilot, Sam, there is something just not right about watching somebody else having all the fun while you're parked up doing paperwork. I'm not sure whether I like monitoring FlightRadar or not?! :)

On the plus side Sam got a good 3 hours completed today. I'm very grateful for the time and commitment he's put in as we've tag-teamed the Phase I test flying. As of today we're 37 hours down, 3 hours to go. Of course if he had any level of serious commitment he would have continued flying until after dark and got rid of that last 3 hours. :D I'm looking forward to us getting the rest done next weekend.

Thanks Sam.


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What a great Fly-in

What a Ggeat four days of flying started in Pennsylvania / New Jersey 3 rv12s as we worked our way across the country to Petit Jean. The fly in was unbelievable, great group of guys. Definitely will be back again. We are now in New Orleans for a few days and then working on our way back up the east coast to triple tree and then back home after a first flight visit.

It was great to see old friend sand meet new ones!


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First in a while

I've been sidelined while recovering from shoulder surgery in early July. Last flight was the end of June. While down I sent my propeller out for tear down inspection and this afternoon we reinstalled it, at least partially. Hope to be flying again in early October. Getting really itchy to fly, but I can't see myself being able to get out of the plane quite yet without pain and/or damage to my shoulder.
Flying with an RV12 from Florida at pattern speed with my 3B 😩

He just got his private last week. It was painful ��


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Took a one hour joy ride at sunset, touring the local lakes. There was a bit of haze, most likely from a forest fire somewhere out west, but vis was still probably 10-15 miles.

Then I had the autopilot fly an approach down to a couple hundred feet just to see if it still works!


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I received this lovely award at PJ. Apparently I am unable to see a balloon smaller than the Goodyear blimp. I don't know why they put Paul's picture on it ;)

Jesse got shot down again, but he likes it.


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AusFly 2022 at Narromine

Traveled on Friday to YNRM to perform as part of “The Stooges” RV display team at the AusFly 2022 airshow.

Lead: Glenn Bridgland
#2: Eddie Seve
#3: Pete Grogan (standing in for Mal Kains, who couldn’t make it)
#4: Mark Newton

We were the only 4-ship air display on the program. Got to share the box with a Lancair, a Mustang, a couple of Pitts Specials and Red Bull Air Race world champion Matt Hall in his MXS-R with Emma MacDonald in the Extra.

(Photos by author, journalist and photographer Kathy Mexted, and Trent Stewart)

The four of us with the display RVs spent part of Friday and Saturday giving adventure flights to kids, doing a little bit of paying it forward.

I rounded out the weekend with a formation flight with a Cessna 140 which I’ll cover in another thread, before flying back to Sydney Bankstown (YSBK) through some of the roughest mountain wave rotor I think I’ve ever encountered. The RV-6 bested it while I had a few “just fly the airplane” moments.

Big thanks to the event’s organizers and sponsors for making it run so smoothly.

Brilliant weekend, should be more like it.

- mark


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Final fitting of the wings to N184WM. Got them both on.
Uncrated the QB wings for N184P. Man, I can't believe how complete these QB wings are. It was a solid 2 years to get to that point on 184WM!


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I received this lovely award at PJ. Apparently I am unable to see a balloon smaller than the Goodyear blimp. I don't know why they put Paul's picture on it ;)

Jesse got shot down again, but he likes it.

Hey now, you need to stop shooting at unarmed victims!
Flew my wife for the first time in our RV8.

She loved it!

You bet Jeff. Chicks dig fastbacks. ;)

(Back story...I took nearly the exact same photo, first trip with Ms. Patti. Whodathunkit?)


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You bet Jeff. Chicks dig fastbacks. ;)

(Back story...I took nearly the exact same photo, first trip with Ms. Patti. Whodathunkit?)


My RV project only saw a little fuel pump re-work this weekend.
The rest of my weekend included a lot of flying. Much of it: 45 up, 1.5 spin, half cuban, loop, comp turn, roll! It is a whole different community. Gotta' start somewhere ;).
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My buddy Tom Doran and I primed first batch of fuselage parts for the new RV-10. As always, the prep before primer is the long pole in the tent.
Enjoyed talking planes and showing off N241VP at the Steamboat Fly-in. Great turnout this year including seven RVs. Four of which were from the Rocky Mountain Renegades formation flying team.


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Returned to home base yesterday afternoon after an enjoyable trip to Bar Harbor ME and Mystic CT. We wore the soles off our shoes but the great sights and food compensated well.
Monday was "Talk like a pirate day" which was appropriate during the sailing trip that day.
Flew the Hudson NY Skyline and circled the Statue of Liberty on the flight leg away from Mystic.

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When I grow up, I want to be Vlad.

Flew to St George Utah on sheriff's dime for S&R Water Rescue training...

Vlad could publish a photo book (or two) of all the places he's been with his 9A. Then all he needs to do is report back to us about the places where he has not been.. and that would be a much shorter list.
When I grow up, I want to be Vlad.

And what makes you think Vlad is grown up? Looks to me like he's having way too much fun to grow up!

"Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional!"