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What did you do with your RV this weekend? (3/30-31/2024).


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...getting it started.

It had been 23 days since my last airport visit. Saturday I drove out and put the last two quarts in, installed the new oil filter and safety wired it. Then I ran out of energy. Back home to rest. Man this flu zapped my reserves. It did feel good to do *something* airplane related!!!! Baby steps I guess <g>.

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 12.26.15 PM.png

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On Thursday we repositioned our RV-6 from Cromwell to Wanaka to be part of the static display at the airshow - normally a 7 minute hop but on this occasion a 25 minute loiter due to airshow traffic.

After a 6 year hiatus due to the complications of COVID our famous Warbirds Over Wanaka Airshow kicked off with a practice day on Friday and formal Show Days on Saturday and Sunday. You couldn't have asked for a better weekend with stunning weather and a mix of both old and new aircraft on display. The three biggest drawcards were the newly rebuilt Mosquito (OMG that thing is beautiful!), the USAF F-16's and the "American Eagles" L-39 demonstration team flying our NZ-owned jets. Those guys were tight - they can certainly be very proud of themselves as their diamond flybys were great to watch.

A selection of photos below in no particular order, but because this is the RV Forum this can be the main picture (although nothing is as cool as that Mosquito).


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Polishing and fulfilling other dad duties the past couple weeks. It’s been 5ish years since the last one, topside compounding has been pretty easy the bottom side never got the same love. Planning on final polish and Ceramic in stages, can’t not fly it for that long.
Look for my youngest pilot to be in the reflection, he skips nap time to hang at the airport with dad. We also exercised the airport transportation, he cried when we had to park it.


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On Thursday we repositioned our RV-6 from Cromwell to Wanaka to be part of the static display at the airshow - normally a 7 minute hop but on this occasion a 25 minute loiter due to airshow traffic.

After a 6 year hiatus due to the complications of COVID our famous Warbirds Over Wanaka Airshow kicked off with a practice day on Friday and formal Show Days on Saturday and Sunday. You couldn't have asked for a better weekend with stunning weather and a mix of both old and new aircraft on display. The three biggest drawcards were the newly rebuilt Mosquito (OMG that thing is beautiful!), the USAF F-16's and the "American Eagles" L-39 demonstration team flying our NZ-owned jets. Those guys were tight - they can certainly be very proud of themselves as their diamond flybys were great to watch.

A selection of photos below in no particular order, but because this is the RV Forum this can be the main picture (although nothing is as cool as that Mosquito).View attachment 59601
Flew 5GA2 (Lyons Landing) to CLT to visit middle daughter and son. Always more fun to fly!!! 😎

Fridays part of an Easter weekend right?

Grandson staying with us for his spring break. He’s been flying with me since he could crawl. He’s 14. Picked him up near our home at Nehalem Bay State and we flew around the valley and along the coast back to the hangar in Tillamook.
Nehalem Bay State
Cape Lookout
In front of the hangar with Blimp Hangar backdrop. IMG_9191.jpegIMG_9195.jpeg

Got my IPC done on Friday, then took a long-ish cross country from Seattle to Spokane to see John Cleese's show.

Had the alternator fail* when about 30 minutes from home, on an IFR flight plan over the mountains. ATC were very helpful, they cleared me early on to do a visual approach, got me the tower phone number just in case I needed to call, but it was all uneventful besides pulling a couple of unnecessary breakers.


* - it wasn't the alternator that failed, but vibrations finally got the better of a crimped terminal. It's possible (maybe even likely) it was original to the plane, but thankfully an easy fix. I had been replacing terminals on things I touched with 3M ones which I trust more, but never had a reason to touch this one.
Bigger than "this weekend", but we did come home on Friday so maybe it counts...

Wrapped up a G3X Touch full panel upgrade -- which really amounted to rewiring most of the airplane -- and got the shakedown flights and new xpdr/pitot-static inspections done in time to make our first visit to the Bahamas, escaping the midwest before the winter's first big snow. This is a trip we've been talking about since sitting in on a forum at OSH several years back, and work schedules finally aligned to let it happen.

We'd reserved a small VRBO on the beach near Governor's Harbour, so the plan was RST-FPR (Rochester MN - Ft Pierce FL) on a Sunday, hotel overnight, and then on to MYEM Monday morning. We ended up changing the overnight to MLB (Melbourne FL) due to hotel availability, and re-filing eAPIS for a departure from there instead. We were given routing over BNA (Nashville TN), and then a shortcut crossing the Disney TFR and directly east over MCO (Orlando FL)...very cool. The trip down was easy, with just a little IMC in middle FL, and no problems crossing out of the US the next day.


The MYEM (Governor's Harbour, Eleuthera) airport has an "interesting" relationshp with security; laid-back but commanding authority, they didn't know quite what to do with us, and everyone from the ramp folks to the terminal folks to the customs agents seemed rather put out to deal with our little inconvenient planeload of first-timers. Nevertheless, we persisted and finally tied down on the far corner of the ramp. After a 90-minute snafu regarding the rental car having been dropped off with the keys locked inside, we were off to the beach!


Everything we'd read about the Bahamas and how gorgeous the water is, was true. The neon blue shallows flying in were stunning, and my wife repeatedly commented on how pretty it was while driving around the island. With the airport security hassle, island-hopping was going to be more trouble than it was worth for a first exploratory vist, so we stayed on Eleuthera and wandered by car.


Four days and several beaches later, plus swimming, canoeing, and kayaking in the bay, it was time to head home. Glad I allotted time for a late departure, because dealing with fuel, customs, and security (yes, I had to go thru metal detector and x-ray every time I wanted to access the ramp...) easily consumed a couple hours. Lingering clouds over the FL coast meant a popup IFR clearance into FXE (Ft Lauderdale Exec FL) where we cleared customs (our easiest experience with US Customs ever) and spent the night with Banyan. I had planned FPR (Ft Pierce FL) but their ridiculous notification requirement (min 4hrs prior to departure) and limited clearance hours (10-5) made FXE a better choice.

Next day, the midmorning rush out of FXE left us sitting on the ground for 45 minutes between calling for clearance and rolling for takeoff. The extra distance and headwinds meant it would take one extra fuel stop, and we would be weaving around some evening storms, without getting a single raindrop to wash off the salt -- but by the end of the day, the plane was in the hangar back home and we were safely tucked into bed.

7 legs, 22.8 hours in the logbook, 0.5 IMC. Longest day (return home) was 10.2 hours, but comfy seats and oxygen kept me feeling good the entire time. My wife gave perhaps one of the strongest reviews yet to a flying trip: "yeah, I'd do that again".

Lessons learned:
- next time, park and secure the plane, unload, deal with customs & cars, then get fuel before leaving the airport, to minimize the security hassles and time spent tracking down the fueller.
- FXE was a good customs clearance, but consider departing right from the customs area and find another airport to overnight at for an easier departure.