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Very cool new Stuff


Well Known Member
I've been working with this company for a few weeks and will be one of their beta testers. Excellent concept, very well thought out, tripple if not more levels of redundancy, and excellent cockpit integeration.

Check em out...

Nice, but needs to do more

I looked at it. A good idea, but needs to integrate into the whole PFD / MFD / Engine control / GPS / moving map /IFR charts more than just being an assistant type device. I like the look and feel of the panel, but it needs to do much more to justify taking up that much space on the control panel.

What I'd really like to see (and I haven't seen anyone do it yet) is to provide a GPS moving map display where the map is an actual VFR sectional and the airplane position being displayed with north up. VFR sectionals are available electronically (and so are IFR charts) so it should be easy to do it.

Just my opinion.

John Babrick
N777XV (someday)
i agree

I want what John wants.. I think we may see it in next couple years..maybe osh this year? Some of the MFD/EFIS/EMD are close, and they do a lot and they are getting better every couple months, (thank you guys) but why can't they have one screen that shows the garmin 396 output on my efis with efis info overlayed on it. I am sure we will see that real soon.

Back to original thread point, there is a nice article on this Vertical Power on pg. 2 of my new kitplanes (march). Interesting to watch.

Nice, but it is lacking one of the really neat things that AFS has----------weight and balance calculator.

Does it do data logging?? If so, how do you download data?? I did not notice any card slots or USB port.

The control unit wiring setup is a very cool thing, others (AFS, GRT, etc) should take note.

Mike S said:
Nice, but it is lacking one of the really neat things that AFS has----------weight and balance calculator.

Does it do data logging?? If so, how do you download data?? I did not notice any card slots or USB port.

The control unit wiring setup is a very cool thing, others (AFS, GRT, etc) should take note.


There is a usb port on the back of the unit and it will take memory sticks or keybords, etc.

Remember this isn't an engine monitor system, it's an airframe monitor system. It still requires some compatible engine monitor for the engine data. But what it does for cockpit workload is pretty amazing.

Think about it this way. It combines all of these functions.
- electrical system monitoring and control (including electronic breakers, switches, etc)
- lighting controller (including dimmers)
- flaps and trim system controller (including flap steps, trim speed, and trim on flaps
- annunciator panel with audio and visual warnings
- integration with engine monitoring/EFIS (if so provisioned)
- flight mode controller (can be overridden simply)

Wow! I'm having a really weird deja-vu moment here. Many years ago, I had a detailed dream about a unit like the Vertical Power VP-200. I also remember laughing about it with my flying buddies, as I joked with them about the far-off day when we'd have auto-sensing checklists, contextual displays and other advanced and unheard-of features in our homebuilts. And now here we are in 2007, and it's real life!

I'll be following the development of the product closely. I wonder about the logistics of getting the display unit shoehorned into my already-full RV-8 panel drawing, but we'll see...

Aren't you happy to be living in this age of technology? I sure am!

Nice job, VP guys! Can't wait to see it.
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Looks cool...and expensive.

<run wallet_search>

!wallet_search returns data value: "$0"!

<end wallet_search>

Darn...just have to wait.

Geek out... :eek:
looks good

This looks like a very useful product. I believe they will sell a lot of these, assuming they are priced right. I'd buy one now if it were available. It's great to see this kind of innovation. Only on Earth! :)
smithhb said:

Do you have any idea of their price target for the -200 system?

Nope, no idea yet... I know they want to launch at OSH this year, so I suspect that pricing and other information will be forthcoming. I talk with them next week (second week of Feb) on how the beta program is gonna work.

I'm pretty excited about this technology. I've replanned my panel and from the looks of things can drop the following components that were originally planned.

- 24v to 12v convertor
- CLA500 dimmer module
- f1rocketboy.com tcm modules (trim modules and relays)
- switches and switch breakers
- Klixon breakers
- Flaps and trim indicators
- lots of wiring that would have run to breakers and switches and then on to the actual thing that was powered

Fun stuff!