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Tailwheel Upgrade

Doug Jr,

Just wondering on the status of orders. I've been waiting for approx 6-7 months on a tail wheel. I'm hoping I didn't get dropped out of the list somehow or are there just a bunch in front of me? Please, don't take this as a complaint, it's not, just following up. I'm about to move out to a grass strip and would love to have the extra clearance before I get out there. Thank you.

Bill Savage
[email protected]

Might be a while. I have been on the list since December of 2006 although I am still building and I believe they give priority to those that are already flying. I checked about a year ago and was still on the list so I am just patiently waiting.
Doug, if you are still taking orders, I would like to purchase your tailwheel unit. I am currently flying an RV-8 (N625WE) and am dealing with a hanger with THREE (yep, I said 3) floor levels in 2 inch steps. It was one of those "portable units" that only an idiot would buy. I rent it...which isn't saying much about my intelligence either. lol.

Getting the RV in and out has beat the heck out of the face of the Van's tailwheel yoke and I am desperate for a taller alternative. I found your information today and would order one of your units the moment you get back to me. I want one. Please let me know how to proceed. Thanks!

Tried leaving you an email through this BBS but your box is full. No surprise! lol
Bell tailwheel


While you were on vacation, I spoke to your father and requested one of his fine tailwheels. He took my info, and said that you would get back to me. My question is the same as some of the others, when could I expect one?

Tail Fork Orders Update from Doug jr.

Fellow Rver's
I have responded to all emails that I have recieved. I have replied to all of the questions posted in this thread about contacting me...so I hope everyone will see my emails.
Thanks to all of you who are using the fork and those who are patiently waiting on one.

Dad did take it easy this summer with a few trips back home to Canada and he never does too much when it gets hot. But he has recently shipped 12 with another 8 about to go so he is making progress now. Funny thing about this shipment....several to the Houston area so we may wait a fw days before sending those out tomorrow.

So we are alive, the golf season is slowing down and I will keep up with responses a little faster I hope from this point forward.

On a side note a good friend of mine from High School just purchased a 60% complete RV-6 kit from a builder in Kentucky and my empty hanger now has another project in 1/2 of it. He'll register soon.

My dad took a look in the hanger last night and smiled...then said to me that it's good to see a project in the hanger again. Their is something to be said for how these things can keep a fire in the eyes of certain individuals.
My Dad makes these things more to help you all out than for any other reason. The kind words you all send back to me or him certainly fire him up.

Keep building and fly safe. My first long flight to Kentucky and back was great and was my longest flight to date.
It was great. I also learned that I need to tweek a couple things and need a better GPS unit.

Thanks again
Doug jr.
tailwheel fork

I have a flying rv6 and need a new tailwheel fork. Can you send one now? How soon can I expect to receive one? Thanks
master piolot request

If your looking for immediate shipment there are a few others making similiar forks that may be able to ship right away.
We can take an order but it will be spring before we can ship one to you.
Try Vince a few pages back on this thread if you need something right away.
If not, send me an email direct at [email protected] with your contact information.
Fork shipping update

Fellow builders and flyers with orders,
Dad shipped out another 16 forks over the lst couple weeks and I believe they are now in hand and on some more RV's.
He is busy on another batch now and I am keeping those in line up to speed.
Just an update
I do keep forks in stock and ready to go. I have 6 on the bench right now, and another 12 waiting for the welder to finish them.

I appreciate Doug's plug for my products. Doug and I might seem to be competitors, but we both have day jobs, so apparently we're not in this for the fame and fortune! We must just be airplane nuts!

I know that there are other products out there too, but here is what I tell anyone who asks me about tailwheels: "Do yourself a favor if you have a Van's type tailwheel on your plane, replace it with one of mine or one of Doug's. They are both superior products."

Any questions?
Aviation Tech Products?

Maybe we've been asking this in the wrong thread. Does anyone know how the Aviation Tech Products compare to the others mentioned here? They look about like the Bell.
Vince is correct...

Thanks for the comments Vince. Trying to help where and as fast as we can.
I am contacting another 17 guys on our order list now as we are shipping more this week. Going as fast as we can.
Alex is making a fork that certainly looks similar to our unit (bell) but I am not sure exactly. He was on a shipping hold for awhile due to some problem but may be back at it now.
Glad we can be of help...sorry its not immediately when the orders come in.
Safe flying....
Maybe we've been asking this in the wrong thread. Does anyone know how the Aviation Tech Products compare to the others mentioned here? They look about like the Bell.

I had an Aviation Products tailwheel and spring on my RV-4 and it worked great. This was the orignal one that Vans used on the RVs until he came up with his own design.
Guess that is a different one too than the Aviation Tech Products tailwheel.
Heres a link to an aviation products tailwheel install I found on the internet.
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Tail Wheel

As some of you already know, Aviation Tech Products had a problem with the location of the locking pin in a batch of Tail Wheel forks. We have remedied the problem and replaced all the affected units in the field, and as of this weekend 12-07-2008 we have resumed shipping new orders.

To our customers that were affected by this, we thank you for your understanding and patience while we made it right.

Alex D
Tail Wheel

Hey Doug,

I would like to put in an order for 2 of your tail wheels. One for my RV 8 and one for my friends RV 6. Can you give me a call so we can talk
337-303-8511 or you can e-mail me at

[email protected]

Thank You,

Blake Broussard
I put one of the homebuilder's special tailwheels on my Pitts S2B (with a field approval) and on my Great Lakes 2T-1A-2. In both cases it was an obvious upgrade from the maule tailwheels that were stock
Tail Wheel debonding....

We have had a problem with the tail wheel tyre debonding from the hub. We have tried refitting this with a slow cure araldite, but after 30Hrs or so, have suffered from the same problem again. Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing the "rubber" to the Aluminium hub?
All ides welcome!
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tire debonding? Ugh.

The deluxe tailwheel tire that I sell is about 5-6 ounces lighter than a standard Van's type tire, has sealed bearings, and performs very well. There are well over a hundred of them in the field with no known problems to date.

I have about 200 hours on the tire on my plane and it shows very little wear.

Price $65
I received my bell fork some weeks ago, here is what I think: First of all, it is real nice craftmanship, so I felt fine to bolt in onto my pride and joy. The fit was great and done in 10 minutes. The feel when taxiing around tight corners is much better, because I need a lot less force in rudder to get the tail come around. The RV sits a little higher and sight over the nose is slightly improved (mainly because I know it has to, I think..). The best thing is the more sensitive, less brutal force when turning on slow taxi. Contact with Doug was perfect, and about delivery situation, here in Germany we say: Wie Bananen in Magdeburg...means word by word: Like bananas in Magdeburg (Ex-German Democratic Republik / East Germany), and means: You can have as much as you want, they're gone in a minute.... Shure worth waiting for it.
Cheers, Dirk
Aviation Tech Products Tail forks

Initially, we did have a problem with some of the tail forks. The machinist had decided to change the location of the locking pin, :(NOT GOOD. We replaced all the units that were affected and have not had any reports of trouble since. We are currently on our 4th batch. At the present we have just 2 in stock and working on our next batch of 25 units. I believe all our customers are satisfied with the product, if not we would like to hear from you.

Alex De Dominicis

New Bell Fork Delivered

Just received my Bell tail wheel fork in the mail yesterday. It is a really beautiful piece of work! IMHO - well worth waiting for! Thanks Doug, as they say, "the check is in the mail"!
Bell fork updates

Fellow builders, flyers and list lurkers,
I wanted to update anyone reading the forums that we are still shipping forks.
My brother Mike is assisiting us now and will be helping Dad in the shop get the forks our faster.
We had a little hickup in supply and have been down a week and likely one more as our supply of steel comes in. Our fault, not the suppliers.

We will be back at it aggressivley and we have a goal to fill all orders on hand
within several months, and then get this....have them in stock!

I want to thank you all for your continued patience and all the interesting comments I recieve when I call you on the phones after so many months on our order list...
THanks again and we are happy to help you all.

On a side note, I am jealous of all of you headed to LOE...one day I'll make it.
Have a great event!
Doug jr
One for Ireland


I would like to get on your list. I will PM you with the details.

Ireland Tail wheel fork

I received your PM and will reply in the morning
You are now on the list

To others from the last week, emails going out to you as well.
Updates in the am
Tail wheel upgrades

Ryan and Master Pilot,
Thanks for the interest.
Please send me an email directly to my [email protected]
email address.
Include your mailing address, phone number, RV model and if you are building or flying.
I'll then have akll your contact info and will reply with a delivery estimate and costs etc....
Doug Bell jr.

Several phone call replies going out today to others who have called.
Initially, we did have a problem with some of the tail forks. The machinist had decided to change the location of the locking pin, :(NOT GOOD. We replaced all the units that were affected and have not had any reports of trouble since. We are currently on our 4th batch. At the present we have just 2 in stock and working on our next batch of 25 units. I believe all our customers are satisfied with the product, if not we would like to hear from you.

Alex De Dominicis


Not to step on any toes, but after being told what the delivery time would be on a Bell fork, I purchased an ATP fork from Alex. Been on my RV-3 for a year and 125 hours with absolutely no problems.

Tail Wheel

Does anybody know if you can replace the bushing inside the tailwheel fork housing that is mounted on the spring? Would it be easier to just buy one from Van's or can you just buy that part?


Could you add me to the order list?

Hi Doug,

I would like to be added to your list, if possible. Is the cost still $185? I only saw one reference to a price and that was a few years ago.

I will email you my info.

Thanks very much!
Another Sale

Hello Doug,
It's been a while. I wanted to let yu know I have been talking with a friend in Belgium. He is working on an 8 and is really interested in a fork as well. Sorry to be passing the good word of a great product but it's true. Only time I have on the tailwheel is towing it to the hanger. Hah!
Anyway his name is David De Ridder. Really nice guy and would be appreciative is you gave him a e-mail so he can be put on the list which is proabably 2 miles long now.

People just know when they see something of quality. Hope things are good with you and the family and your getting time in on the 8. PM me if you like with the details or contact David direct. Thanks buddy.

Bruce Gray
RV8 Fuse
Economic Down Turn Super Slow Build
Bell Reply

Thanks for hte note. I will PM you and you can give me his contact information.
Dad had a little rough winter so far but is feeling better now. He goes in 2 months spurts of tired and then having energy.
he has my brother helping now so it is picking up.
We just sent 20 forks out in the last couple days and 17 more expected to out next week.
We're catching up and the list isn't too long now.
Doug, I hope your dad has more good days than bad. Please give him my regards.

And, at the risk of making him too busy again (since the list isn't too long now :D), I'll chime in here to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying my Bell Tail Wheel Fork. Having pretty much ZERO TW time before flying my -8 for the first time, to say that I was apprehensive about controllability would be a gross understatement. However, I've had nary a scary moment so far, and I think part of that is due to your tail wheel setup.

Thanks! :D
Bell reply

Thanks for the comments Don.
My brohter has started helping Dad and it seems like we just get going and then he tuckers out for a few weeks. But at 83 it is to be expected I guess.
Mom has joined in and its like Rosie the riveter is pushing him along...quite comical actually.
I am glad your fork is preforming well and that your 8 is getting its exercise.
Maybe this summer when mine comes out of winter hibernation I'll plan a trip down to your neck of the woods.
Talk soon
One More Thumbs-Up!


I have now flown over five hundred hours with my Bell fork. I have had springs and a single link to steer it, and both the standard Van's wheel and the Flyboy Accessories wheel on the fork. It has performed beautifully in every configuration.

My prayers for your dad, may he make many more RV'ers happy with this wonderful piece of equipment.

bell tailwheel

Received mine today, looks excellent--fit was tight, just had to polish the pin slightly , otherwise appears to be tough and lite and working well. Thanks Doug and hope pop is doing well.
Doug, I hope your dad pulls through and feels better soon. I sent an email and am just waiting for a price so I can order. No rush, just want to get in the queue while I can.
Thanks for hte note. I will PM you and you can give me his contact information.
Dad had a little rough winter so far but is feeling better now. He goes in 2 months spurts of tired and then having energy.
he has my brother helping now so it is picking up.
We just sent 20 forks out in the last couple days and 17 more expected to out next week.
We're catching up and the list isn't too long now.

Will do! When you talk to your dad send him a big "THANK YOU" from the RV Community. As he already knows what he's started. "Ya know they don't make them like they use to". Probably a statement that rattles through your dads mind when he looks at something today, "I can make that better" attitude he has.
Again, thank you and it's good to see that the whole family is adding to your dad's creation and vision.

Take care,

Bruce Gray
RV8 Fuse
In a hanger for large assebly! (temporarily)
Email sent

Hi Doug,

Email sent to your work address requesting to be placed on the purchase list.

Many thanks,

A work of ART!

Doug and Mike,

Your tailwheel fork is truly a work of art. Beautiful to the eyes, perfect in every regard.

James and I spent at least half the day yesterday talking about your workmanship and, even in old age, your fathers work ethic - its what this country was built on and we're darn proud to have a part of it on our airplane.

Thank you very much, and please do say HI to dad for us.

Bill Wightman
James Clingerman

Oklahoma City, RV8
thanks Bill

Thanks for your kind comments.
I will make sure Dad see's them.
We are happy that you like the product and you can see where these little things are Dad's jewels. He will not ship them unless they are perefect.

Aaron....I sent you a regular email earlier tonight...your on the list.
Another T.W Fork order please

Doug with all the Very High remarks on your Dads Fork how could I NOT buy one for my RV-8 ??? Please add me to the list !
Send billing to ([email protected]) and I will get a ck out to you .
:D Regards, J.R.