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Standalone fuel tank build


I'm New Here
Hi All,

I'm somewhat caught up in the laser cut problem on my wings. Almost all of my ribs are LC. I'm doing one wing at a time, with the left ready to rivet bottom skins, so obviously full stop on the left one until we learn more, and the right wing is sitting, ready to rivet ribs to spars, so, ya.

It occurred to me that even though it wouldn't be as per the directions, I could build the second tank, as I have all punched tank parts. Just a bit concerned that the Z bracket to baffle drilling would have to be done on the "raw" spar, or perhaps clecoed LC ribs and rear spar as placeholders to get the spar straight for the drilling process. Or just cleco the tank together on the jig and drill away?

Side note, I have the predrilled Z brackets, and although I followed the plans for match drilling on the first tank, they seemed to align perfectly and I got the sense that you could just final drill them as delivered.

It would be nice to get one more thing knocked out while waiting for LCP resolution; curious what others would do. Thanks in advance!
I would build the tank on the "raw" spar. As you mention, Z brackets have changed and now come pre-drilled so it should all line up pretty easy every time.