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SL40 / SL30 intercom function - quality - audio inputs

SL 30 intercom works ok, even in noisy RV7A

It actually works pretty well. I had a passenger headset with a crummy mike. Had to set the squelch value for the right hand mike very low (like 8 or so) to get the noise to cut off during cruise flight. Adding a mike muff dropped the noise considerably.

Now that I have better headset for passenger, it's a lot quieter.

It has no auxiliary inputs, you'd have to mix into one of the mike lines (bad idea).

Bob Martin said:
Just some questions.
How well does the SL Comm handle two diiferent headsets with different mics?
Can you input any other other audio inputs like warning signals, etc?

I'm swithing from a flightcomm to a PS PM3000 unit for those features.
Good Luck.
B737NG said:
I was looking at the SL-40 and noticed is has a built in 2 place voice activated intercom.

Is anyone using this feature? If so, does it work well?


I am not going to install an audio panel in the -8 project and I too noticed the SL series has a built in intercom feature. Here's the opinion of John Stark of Stark Avionics when I asked him your very question a few days ago.

"I would not consider the Sl-30's internal intercom. Please chose from the many quality external intercoms on the market."

I realize you are asking about the SL-40, but he gave the same advice about that one also.
Anyone Using Garmin SL40?

I'm wondering whether anyone is using the intercom feature of this radio? How might it compare to an external intercom? I'm looking to simplify my panel and would like to eliminate the old intercom. I would like to hear how this is working for someone first. Thanks.
I have no first hand use experience, but can tell you I was advised by several people to install a stand alone intercom and not rely on the SL-40. Give the folks at Stark Avionics a call and see what they have to say on this. Love my SL-40 by the way

I am using

the internal intercom and it works great. You have to go into setup and set the separate Mic levels, squelch, sidetone, etc. But once set, it works well for me at least.

I have the Clarity aloft headsets (love 'em) and I get my music input thru those. I just put a splitter out of the 396 audio out and I get all the terrain warnings and XM music straight into the headsets. Another plus is the passenger can plug in an Ipod or CD or watch a portable DVD player into their headset while I still get the XM.
Hi Randy,

Ditto for us on Stark's recommendation. The internal intercom works....kind of...and for some people is sufficient, but I think you'll find that most of us will flatly recommend an independent intercom. Of the dozens upon dozens of SL-40's we've wired for RV's, I think that we've maybe wired 4-5 three of them for internal intercoms, and of those 2 or 3 of the guys bought an independent intercom shortly thereafter. I think you'll find that Stark and the other big avionics/panel shops will echo that sentiment almost to a "t"!

If you have an old intercom, just replace is with a good one like a high quality PS Engineering model. Many people don't realize how bad their old audio systems are until they get a new one, then we get a lot of comments!

My 2 cents as usual.

I use SL-30 internal intercom

I think it's the same thing as for the 40. It works but not as well as a normal intercom. It does offer the ability to tweak gain and squelch even in flight, individually for each headset. My problems come when using different sets for the passenger as compared to my HALO. It's a matter of different volume settings and such as well as different mikes. I don't care about music. If you do, put in an intercom. I have no room in my panel for unneeded stuff, so I make do with the internal and a switch to turn it off for less noise when alone or if I can't get the other side to quiet down with settings.

You could always add an intercom later. Go fly it.
SL 40 intercom

I'm using it and its fine for a single comm set up. When I bought my radios from Stark I asked if the intercom was adequate and he said "sure". It's a little hard to tweak on the fly but once it's set up it works great. The only problems I have are if you switch headsets you may need to change the settings and I have some old headsets that don't have external inputs for music so there is no way to listen to that when using them other than buying a Muse or something like that. My Lightspeed has the input it's just the passengers who suffer from the cheapskate owner/operator.
I'm using the SL40 intercom, it works ok, but to be honest I would like to have a separate intercom to allow for easy adjustment of the squech etc.

The SL40 has no external audio input so if you have other audio inputs such as a dynon having a separate intercom with multipe inputs would really help

SL-40 intercom functions?

I'm thinking of replacing my VALCOM 760 COMM with a Garmin SL-40 this winter.

Does anyone have experience with the intercom in the SL-40? Quality, functionality, ....

I have a DRE-2000 intercom already but if the SL-40 does a good job I may just use that. I think the SL-40 does not accept audio in for iPod and such but I'm planning on putting in a Zulu headset that already supports that feature.


My experience of the past year I would sum up the intercom as average. It works but to get it set up takes a bit of trail and error.
As it's voice activated, but not easily adjustable, mine is set up that at full power it usually comes on. But as soon as I throttle back the intercom cuts out. If I don't set it quite like that, I find that it takes too much to activate the intercom.
The intercom when on, works fine. If it had an easily adjustable squelch it would be soo much better.

As for the rest of the SL40 functions: - it seems to be a good radio and I like to be able to listen out on the second freq. Good for getting the ATIS or like the other day when formation flying I could still listen to the radar operator for traffic.


SL-40 intercom function

Sid, I've been flying with an SL-40 for three years and find the built-in intercom to be pretty good, but it has a steep learning curve due to all the computer driven settings. Because it has no additional inputs, I've had to do work-arounds for signals from the AOA and traffic monitor. I definitely wish I'd put in a separate intercom.
I have the sl-40 and the intercom is kind of OK , it works . I have a intercom on the shelf that will go in my airplane when i get enough motivation to put it in .
Quick and easy answer. Put a standalone intercom in it and be done with it. You'll be glad you did. While others have said - the internal intercom is only "sorta" an intercom. Nothing like a good PS Engineering or similar. Over the years we've wired a few with internal intercoms, and almost without fail the majority of the customers end up buying an intercom later....so - just do it to begin with!

My 2 cents as usual.


PS, You'll love the SL-40, it's a great radio.
Quick and easy answer. Put a standalone intercom in it and be done with it. You'll be glad you did. While others have said - the internal intercom is only "sorta" an intercom. Nothing like a good PS Engineering or similar. Over the years we've wired a few with internal intercoms, and almost without fail the majority of the customers end up buying an intercom later....so - just do it to begin with!

My 2 cents as usual.


PS, You'll love the SL-40, it's a great radio.

Not wanting to punt anything but I'd like to mention that the intercom in the V10 is definitely not an afterthought. It also boasts all of the features including dual scan of much more expensive radios.
In addition, it has been designed by somebody that actually flies and uses it.
In a noisy aircraft using only PNR headsets !

CEO MGL Avionics
How about X-Com?

I'be been thinking about using an X-Com. It's a little cheaper and has all the SL-40 features, plus a few, like weather channels. It also has a music or second COM input.

The downside is that it only comes in a round 2-1/4" form factor.

Anybody have any experience with it?

Hi all,
we have had an A210 fitted to our Jabiru for 5 months now, and find it is a beauty.Intercom squelch (VOX) is easy to set up, The dual channel function works perfectly, and when installing cradle there are 3 spare audio inputs available for connecting ipods, mp3 players,cd players etc to.

I would recomend the Icom A210 over anything else on the market.
SL30/40 Built in intercom

I bought a SL30 Nav/Com. Getting ready to install it and see that it has a built in intercom. I had already purchased a Flightcom intercom. I see lots of installations where others are using a stand alone intercom instead of the SL30

Is there a reason people are not using the built in SL 30 intercom? I may sell my Flightcom if I don't need it.
Here's the short version:

The truth is that the "internal intercom" really isn't very good at all (that's being kind). To get any use in a typical RV, put in a separate intercom. The PSE stuff is about the best, but even the flightcomms are multitudes better than the "internal intercoms" in the SL's and Icom's.

My 2 cents as usual!


Just make sure your intercom has a stereo input. When taking long trips we grab both of our iPods and switch them back and forth as we have much different music on them.
Seems like somebody has used the SL30 built-in intercom with some satisfaction. I have a flightcom stereo intercom that I can use, just seems like redundancy if Garmin has a built-in intercom.
Seems like somebody has used the SL30 built-in intercom with some satisfaction. I have a flightcom stereo intercom that I can use, just seems like redundancy if Garmin has a built-in intercom.

You're right...some have used it, and I suppose it's kind of like cars - if the only thing you've ever been exposed to is a unicycle you'd think it would suffice as transportation. Then you try a bicycle or a car and see!

Indeed over the years I have people who say they've "heard/read/saw" that people use it and it's ok, so they steadfastly and stubbornly swear that they don't need a separate intercom and have us wire it up that way. I can say over the years and the dozens of times we've done it, all but 1 or 2 end up calling us back and buying an intercom. It's almost a universal guarantee...I even tell them up front that they are wasting time, money and aggravation but they still persist!

I'm telling you JUST FORGET IT! Do I need to fly down there and slap you silly?!?! :) Do you not believe me or what?!? I do have a fair amount of experience with these things.

There are a lot of other reasons as well. I mean, come on, you're building an RV9. The external intercom is NOT redundant (redundancy would indicate multiples of the same thing - which this the SL intercom is NOT). Next, you'll probably have something else in the plane besides the SL30. Like an EFIS or Engine Monitor, or Music, or Traffic or a Garmin Handheld or someone sitting in the passenger seat that you actually want to converse with. All of those things mean you need an intercom or audio panel because they all talk to you. The Icom is only marginally better, and my experience is that Raniers intercom is good...at the opposite end of the spectrum from the SL or Icom. XCom is somewhere in the middle.

If you're a glutton for punishment, keep asking the same question and I'll keep posting the same answer! :) Don't even think of the "SLxx Intercom" as an option in an RV...then go start building and quit wasting mental energy on this particular subject - save it for engines/primers/taildraggers/sliding canopies! :D

Okay, I give in Stein, I am installing my stand alone Flightcom. I just spent an hour "ringing" out the connector from my prefabbed harness from Van's. Seems in their wisdom they marked the wires to coincide with their own "secret" wiring diagram and not the official flighcom one. I should have bought the harness from you. I was a bit preturbed with them. Not a big deal to remark the wires, just unnecessary. Anyway I am over that.
SL40 intercom

A few quick points to summarize this long thread and clear up some inaccuracies in earlier posts. Facts first, followed by experience and opinion.


1) The SL40 has a fully functional intercom. It can be configured for pilot-only transmitting, it works when using the second frequency monitoring feature, and it has many adjustments to tailor it to the installed conditions. It can be configured to be always on, so no button pushing or switching is necessary to operate the intercom. It does not have additional audio inputs. Overall, the performance and operation of this intercom is very similar to any basic, low-end 2 channel VOX intercom, but with a much cleaner installation. Audio quality and clarity is not as good with this system as with a high quality separate intercom.

2) If you need additional audio inputs or switching capabilities for multiple radios, you need a separate intercom or audio panel. If you want much higher audio quality and "hands free" squelch adjustment, get a PS Engineering intercom or audio panel.

3) Many pilots have have been disappointed with the "in-flight user experience" of the SL40 intercom. Some disappointment has likely stemmed from improper installation or configuration. Whatever the issues, most experienced pilots and avionics experts recommend a high quality intercom to supplement the SL40 because they believe the buyer will he happier that way. An SL40 intercom that isn't installed and configured perfectly will have a high likelihood of delivering disappointing performance.

Opinions and experience:

I have used the SL40 intercom in my moderately noisy, basic VFR Cessna 140 for a few years and nearly 500 hours of flight time. It has delivered trouble-free service. For perspective, i think this combination is much better than than the handheld com, portable intercom, and rat's nest of wires it replaced.

My RV4 is a bit more sophisticated than the 140, and I NEEDED an audio panel for the audio panel to manage all the audio channels in my panel. I WANTED a PS Engineering audio panel because of the universal praise I have heard about the quality and performance of the equipment and the company. This system is much nicer than the basic SL40 intercom, and the audio quality is superb.

Overall, I am satisfied with both installations for their suitability to their intended application.

My recommendation:

Use the SL40 intercom if:
- you are satisfied and comfortable with a basic intercom system
- you are comfortable making adjustments to parameters like sidetone, mic levels, and squelch in the settings of the radio
- you are comfortable operating an aircraft in your environment with less than perfect audio quality (e.g., operating in an ATC environment with some occasional background noise)

Use a separate intercom if:
- you need additional features
- you want premium audio quality
- you don't want to tinker with parameters and settings to optimize performance
- you are uncomfortable operating your aircraft in busy communications environments with less-than-optimal audio clarity and quality.

Objective builders would likely be prudent to choose a separate intercom on the basis of the last point alone.
Last edited:
More on SL-30/40 Intercomm, Stein

You're right...some have used it, and I suppose it's kind of like cars - if the only thing you've ever been exposed to is a unicycle you'd think it would suffice as transportation. Then you try a bicycle or a car and see!

Indeed over the years I have people who say they've "heard/read/saw" that people use it and it's ok, so they steadfastly and stubbornly swear that they don't need a separate intercom and have us wire it up that way. I can say over the years and the dozens of times we've done it, all but 1 or 2 end up calling us back and buying an intercom. It's almost a universal guarantee...I even tell them up front that they are wasting time, money and aggravation but they still persist!

I'm telling you JUST FORGET IT! Do I need to fly down there and slap you silly?!?! :) Do you not believe me or what?!? I do have a fair amount of experience with these things.

There are a lot of other reasons as well. I mean, come on, you're building an RV9. The external intercom is NOT redundant (redundancy would indicate multiples of the same thing - which this the SL intercom is NOT). Next, you'll probably have something else in the plane besides the SL30. Like an EFIS or Engine Monitor, or Music, or Traffic or a Garmin Handheld or someone sitting in the passenger seat that you actually want to converse with. All of those things mean you need an intercom or audio panel because they all talk to you. The Icom is only marginally better, and my experience is that Raniers intercom is good...at the opposite end of the spectrum from the SL or Icom. XCom is somewhere in the middle.

If you're a glutton for punishment, keep asking the same question and I'll keep posting the same answer! :) Don't even think of the "SLxx Intercom" as an option in an RV...then go start building and quit wasting mental energy on this particular subject - save it for engines/primers/taildraggers/sliding canopies! :D


So are you telling me that in an RV-3 where I only want to mix audio inputs from a Dynon D100 and an AV8OR Ace that the intercom feature would likely not be satisfactory? What small/light/low current alternative would you suggest if it isn't suitable?

Bob Knauff

Hi Bob,

In a single seat aircraft you obviously don't need an intercom at all (or an ELT), except for the fact that many times you may end up having a bunch more inputs thatn your radio will handle. That being said, there are some other alternatives. Vern Little (VxAviation) has a neat little audio mixer that would work brilliantly in a -3 installation without an intercom. If you want to listen to music and enjoy the quality in stereo (or XM or such), the a stereo intercom is really your only option...even though you don't technically need it.



You may want to consider our AP-60 audio mixer for for $89.


Mine's smaller than yours!

The following audio mixers are designed to work with any radio, intercom or audio panel, even those without auxiliary inputs:

Below: AMX-2A 10-channel audio mixer with 4 variable level inputs, ASX-2A stereo music adapter (with music automute), AL-1A alarm tone generator.


Below: ASX-2B stereo music and cellphone adapter (with music automute). Customer testimonial.


Below: AMX-4A and AMX-4B stereo audio mixers with five cannels, two of which have variable audio. One (4A) is for PS-Engineering intercoms, the other (4B) works with any intercom that needs input amplification. These mixers do not provide automute.


<end shameless promotion>

Vern Little
Vx Aviation
SL40 intercom

I used the SL40 built in intercom during a ferry flight. Nothing but problems the whole way despite attempting to adjust the internal settings to make things tolerable. All the problems went away with a PS Enginerring 4000.