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Show Us Your Rocket Panel!

Finally got my new (third) panel finished. Not the best pictures in the world, but I'm hoping they will be adequate. I wanted steam gages AND glass; I really like the looks of round gages in a modern reincarnation of a WWII fighter (?), but some of the refinements and information available with a moving map system are hard to turn down. Otherwise, I have an approximation of Tom Martin's IFR setup.

It's fully IFR capable with a PMA6000MC, Garmin 530W, SL-40, and a Levil 8" display running Anywhere Map Pro/Pocket Plates and XM Wx. It will eventually also take a feed from the bullet camera mounted in my right wingtip but I don't have that operational yet. On the pedestal is a Garmin 327 and an EDM 900.

I really had to cram the steam gages in there, they take up a lot more room than glass would, but I just like the looks of them. The Levil would not fit any where but in or close to, the center. The flap switch is on the left just aft of the throttle quadrant (can't be seen in these pictures) and there is a single row of switches on the right fuselage side-panel. I'm running a Plane Power 60A alternator and a B&C 10A b/u off the vacuum pad. It's wired up very close to the Aeroelectric Z-13 schematic including a main bus/endurance bus configuration and dual mag switches (no key).

A big PC925 battery (in the back) helps with W&B and provides a third heavy duty source of power (thru #2 braided welding cables). I don't have any c/b's, just fuzes under the floor (where I can't fiddle with them in the air). Everything in the panel except the SL-40 is multi-purpose; there just isn't enough room for round gages and single purpose avionics if you're going to have reasonable redundancy in a "single-wide".

This is probably more info than anyone wants to hear, but I guess I'm just trying to be helpful to the few guys out there who are still building. The guys ahead of me are the only way I got mine built, so I figure to pitch in a little too.


and, After:

Still working on my upgraded wheel pants. They are giving me a fit (as are the 100+ degree temperatures in my hangar!). Next up is a trip back through the cockpit with masking tape and an airbrush to spruce things up again. I've managed to scratch up a lot of the interior with two different panel upgrades. Huge thanks especially to Homer, but also to Dennis and Tom for all their help with this project. That's my friend Dennis in the front seat handling the switches for the photo. I'm still learning how everything works!


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This is not a great shot of my panel. It is not even a great shot of the EFFIS but it does tell the EVO wing story.
13,000', 4C, 218knots TAS on 10.6 gph.

Note the wonderful tail wind and a ground speed of 251 knots.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]
Wow Tom, that sure is impressive! Looks like WOT and 2300 RPM (2290?). Were you running LOP or ROP? Can't tell that from the display, but boy-howdy, that IAS and TAS are amazing at that altitude and FF...at least 15 kts better than I can get at those settings...maybe more. No wonder you become a dot on the horizon so fast during races! ;) Very nice indeed!

Bob, congrats on your Reno success this year! There is a big difference with this tapered wing at higher altitudes. I gain at least 10 knots TAS going from 7000 feet to 13K and I save almost 1 gph.
Yes the rpm is 2290 and I run on the rich side of peak. I was a very early adopter of LOP operation, 1998, and ran that way for quite a few years. Although this engine has the injectors balanced it just does not like LOP operation at altitude. Besides that I have found although I do save fuel with LOP operation I also loose at least ten knots. This is roughly a 5% loss in speed, or to look at it another way a 5% increase in engine time for the same trip. Thus any fuel savings should really be balanced against a decrease in engine life. Or to look at it another way; I fly 100 hours a year, assuming a 2000 hour engine, I will get 20 years with ROP operation and 19 years with LOP.
Tom, a while back you posted that modifications you?ve made to your EVO have resulted in just about maxing out the high speed end of the performance envelope for racing (i.e., near redline speed in level, low altitude flight). As a result, you mentioned that you were going to focus on improvements that would enhance performance in the speed ranges most typically associated with cruising flight. Is the truly impressive performance shown in the above post a product of such targeted efforts?
Bill, I have made only some minor changes to the aircraft that have not likely made any significant improvements in speed. I have a new spinner to mount on the plane that has much smaller inlets then the chrome Hartzell spinner. The Hartzell spinner is very attractive but you could shove a cat in the one size fits all cut outs! For racing I have been using the Rod Bower air inlet and I am going to experiment with my own filter box design that will provide filtered air all the time. The plan is to be able to swap the boxes to see what the MP differences really are. For high altitude cross country work I do not want to lose any MP but I would really prefer full filtered air.
The most significant change to my cross country endeavors have been directed at self improvement and to that end I now have an IFR rating. All summer most of my flights have been filed IFR and I am finally starting to feel comfortable, and even a bit secure, within the system. With all the nice weather this year I have very few IMC flights but at least when they come I will not be trying to learn the system at the same time. To complement this type of flight I have upgraded my ADI II autopilot to an AFS pilot that interfaces with my AFS 4500 EFFIS. This has also been quite a learning experience and one that should not take place in the clouds!
I will be taking the plane back into the shop this winter with the goal of more airframe cleanup. One proposed mod is to make an elliptical wing tip to replace the current flat tips. This should help my high altitude speeds.
Here is my Harmon Rocket II Panel


Sorry, it wont do 218kts TAS, but it does fly nice.

Harmon Rocket II
Dual Dynon Skyviews

That it does indeed (fly nice)! As for the speed...it could! ;)

Congrats on the Rocket and the panel!

you might address the pedal extensions

May I respectfully suggest that you please rethink and CHANGE your rudder pedal extensions to the cables. The 'z' brackets as you have designed will absolutely positively bend and it will ruin your day the first time you need them in a good crosswind :eek:.
Harmon Rocket II Panel

Hi Brian

That's one nice panel you have there.

I haven't started the installation of my KLN-90B as of yet ( Being flying too much at work ) but first chance I get, I will get to it and hopefully it will turn out as nice as yours...

Have you flown approaches with the KLN-90B hooked up to your Skyview yet, if so how hard/easy was it??

I thinking about replacing my -4 for a nice Rocket so I may copy your panel in the future if you don't mind...;)


[email protected]
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May I respectfully suggest that you please rethink and CHANGE your rudder pedal extensions to the cables. The 'z' brackets as you have designed will absolutely positively bend and it will ruin your day the first time you need them in a good crosswind :eek:.

I agree, the tabs on the pedals will bend which could cause the rear seat rudder pedal pushrods to bind.
Rick and Pooner,

Brian's out of the country a lot (long-haul freight-dog). Can you guys post or send me pics of a preferred method. My addy is rvmills(at)sbcglobal(dot)net. I'll make sure he sees them, and discuss the issue (your concern is the z-bend collapsing, resulting in that channel "accordianing" and the rudder not moving, correct?) Makes sense. I'll also look at local 8s and Rockets to see how they did it with that pedal geometry. Any advice is welcome...will pass it all to the owner. Appreciate the concern and the suggestion! Geometry is different than my S6, which uses straight extensions, so I've learned a good one here! Thanks!

Different approach

I hadn't seen the rudder ped arrangement before - yep, that one has a few traps built in. It is OK without the rear pedal arrangement attachment, however. The constant flexing of the Z bracket should be addressed, if this arrangement is to remain.

Could the two-extension setup tangle in a pants leg or shoe lace (due to lack of return springs - none are normally installed in this design)? Maybe...that could also be exciting..

Correct length rudder cables would help by getting rid of the both extensions.

The F1 used 2 pc rudder cables, the the rear rudder pedals were part of the chain from the front pedals to the rudder horn. Not bad, but not ideal - Jim Winings, Inventor Extraordinaire, came up with a second rear pedal arrangement that used a small chain to attach to a one pc rudder cable about 18" aft of the rear pedal pivots, but that was not optimal either as the leverage was not quite right, and placement was restricted by fuselage dimensions.

1 pc cables. eliminating the rear peds, were an option. I did not sell too many of those.

As for the panel, I prefer the radios on the left so I don't have to switch flying hands to tune the radios. That Skyview is enticing....

Where are the A/C controls?:D

Carry on!

Carry on!
What's one to do after 25 flight hours on a new Rocket? Redesign the panel, of course:





This required purchasing a new SV-D700 and pedestal mount compass. I moved the intercom, changed my system access connector to separate audio and data connectors and added a second USB port. Barely got everything to fit. There was no room for any extra Dynon knob thingies, so this is it.

This is a VFR OTT/Night panel, but Aera could be removed and a GNS navigator inserted. Has heated pitot plus alternate static, so IFR upgrade would be 'easy'

I also added a Ram pedestal mount for my iPad mounted to the tunnel. The iPad mini sits just below the panel center in flight.

Awesome layout.. better than the Jet I fly for a living.. :)
Im a new guy..to this forum.. good buddy has an F1R Std Wing, which I love..
Finally getting around to posting a panel pic. Finished the Rocket construction in early DEC 2015. Still trying to sort out a few details.

I'm very happy with the PMA-4000. Great audio panel/intercom. I was even able to install a separate volume control in the rear seat. Perfect for any tandem aircraft! :D:D:D
New Panel in #160

Not done with this install yet, but it is now operational even if not fully sorted out. Here are some shots from yesterday returning from Columbus, GA.

2250 and 20.6" (WOT) at 11,500' and truing 190ktas on 12.9 with a Slick on the left and CPI on the right. You can see that the three right side EGT's are reading way low (no idea why). You can also see my wingtip camera in action (used principally for safer taxiing). And yes, there is a discrepancy between my steam gauge ASI and altimeter and the same displays on the AF5600 (they use different static sources). I still have some "tuning" to do there too.






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Mark: In the leading edge of the fiberglas wingtip. I did't want view to be through the prop arc in order to avoid the shuttering effects.

Works pretty well, even though it is offset.

I made a blister on the left gear leg that seems to work okay, but I still see the prop at times. It's displayed on one of my Dynon Skyview displays. What kind of camera did you use? The automotive backup camera I'm using is, again, ok but I'd really like something better. I think I paid $25 for it. You get what you pay for.

Mark: Your Rocket is so cool looking---you've done a beautiful job on it.

My camera is a "Weatherproof Camera". There is no model number or name on the one piece of documentation I have on it. It is a so-called, color "bullet camera", 12v, 3" long and 3/4" in diameter with something like 450-550 lines of resolution.

You can Google them or start here: https://www.amazon.com/ePathChina?-...=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B00OQ0Y2A4

There are a lot of them to choose from, just get color and about the size I got and you should be fine.
For N76TR I've installed a Garmin GNS330ES. The Dynon remote was not available at the time I did my panel.
F1 Rocket full panel upgrade


The panel was overdue. Clean work and outstanding service from the avionics shop. Sold the TruTrak AP to have everything match with Garmin. I did not want any CB or switches on the panel. Wanted it clean and efficient. All switches moved to the right console and all CB moved to the lower console.

Infinity grip is nearly HOTAS with fuel pump, starter, trim, flaps, comms and AP cw switch. Only thing I wish I could get is a dual comm switch on the throttle.
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Very nice. Pretty much the same equipment I installed in mine last year :)

Thanks. Replaced the TruTrak for Garmin and also changed the VM1000 engine monitoring for the Garmin EIS. The GMA 245 and GTR20 are both remote.

Are you using the GNX 375? In Canada we ned dual independent navigation source which is why I needed the GNC255 and GNX375
Yes, I have the 375. I?m not IFR rated but I?ve been thinking about it. It seemed a good idea to go with the 375 since I was redoing everything else.
F1 Rocket full panel upgrade

Yes, I have the 375. I?m not IFR rated but I?ve been thinking about it. It seemed a good idea to go with the 375 since I was redoing everything else.

It is a pretty nice unit, just wish it has full functionality with the G3X. I added the 255A to make it IFR.
It is a pretty nice unit, just wish it has full functionality with the G3X. I added the 255A to make it IFR.

Curious what functionality it lacks. I?ve only really used it as a transponder and ADS-B related functions.
Curious what functionality it lacks. I?ve only really used it as a transponder and ADS-B related functions.

It would have been nice for the GNX375 to have full functionality with the GPS portion. It does do everything for the transponder, the GNC 255A and the GMA245 but not the GPS.

Once you have created a flight plan on the G3X and sent it over to the GNX375, you can no longer modify it or go direct to, unless you revert to the G3X internal GPS. The G3X also cannot load an approach in the same fashion as a GTN or GNX, it does not load up via an Initial Approach Fix (IAF). The procedure is always via vector transition or straight in.

Ideally the G3X could do every function the 375 does, except on a much bigger screen.
Thanks for the insight. I?m just starting to learn to speak IFR. Right sound it sounds a lot like Greek 🙄
Just redid the panel. Works great.


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lookin great titanhank, love the CF look :)

Now, comin from a foreigner, a genuine query: my ship sports 2x G5s as well, along with a magnetometer and OAT sensors... and backup battery on each of them. Accordingly I ditched the obsolete analog stuff altogether. Not even a wet compass anymore (the whiskey tasted rather sour).
Local rules being what there are, why are most if not all panels in the US still having these relics displayed, legal requirements?

lookin great titanhank, love the CF look :)

Now, comin from a foreigner, a genuine query: my ship sports 2x G5s as well, along with a magnetometer and OAT sensors... and backup battery on each of them. Accordingly I ditched the obsolete analog stuff altogether. Not even a wet compass anymore (the whiskey tasted rather sour).
Local rules being what there are, why are most if not all panels in the US still having these relics displayed, legal requirements?


No legal requirements that i am aware of. The panel is the original one from the plane and i needed something to fill the holes that made sense.
thanks for the reply titanhank :cool:
Nice to see that John’s original is still around and given some TLC. Sure like the exterior paint as well, nice job 👍🏻
Very nice. I have 2 Skyview D700s and have thought about upgrading them to HDX. I don’t know whether it’s worth the effort. Also I have an iPad Air 2 mounted about where your mini is. It’s on an X-naut cooling mount. It’s wider than I wanted, but the mini is just too small for my old eyes to see, especially if you have the attitude indicator and map showing at the same time. With the split screen, the map is on one side of the stick (when centered) and the Attitude Indicator/Synthetic Vision is on the other.
Team Rocket F1