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Show us your inflight self-portrait!

Not in *my* RV, but...


...close enough. Mine looks just like this one (N87DA, Dave Abrahamson), and we've each bucked more than a few rivets on the other's airplane. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Subie Power

Here's a shot of myself and girlfriend from a few years back near Medicine Hat, Alberta in the RV. I'm the good looking one.;):)

Very observant, yes, matching USAF issue nomex flight suits. You can't see the VAF or Subaru patches in this photo. Plenty of pockets to hold stuff and they make you look a little more professional when you step out at a fly in. (I need all the help I can get).

Kalei really loves to fly but I have to juggle who gets to fly in the 6A with only 2 seats- my Dad loves to fly as well and is now checked out. The RV10 is in the pipeline so everyone gets to go plus all your travel stuff.:)
Here's a shot of myself and girlfriend from a few years back

O.K., a little clarification needed here------is the photo from a few years back, and the girlfriend still current???:)

Or ex-girlfriend from a few years back???:(
Dan, as always your humor is appreciated- made me laugh.:)

You guys need to build more and gawk less! :D:)

My RVs are configured to fly from the right so the correct hands are on stick and throttle. Hope that clears up who is PIC in the photo. Photo is from '05, Kalei is current.

I'm fortunate to be able to fly an RV and have people to share the experience with. We are planning more trips this year. I have a short business trip this weekend to help a client with his EFI then the airplane will be trapped in the hangar for the next 2-3 weeks for taxiway construction unfortunately. :(

Guess I get to spend more time on those RV10 doors- 29 hours and counting... not enjoying that part.:(
Me and my girls

Here are a few pics of me and my daughters, Amy (12) and Erin (11). They are both enjoying learning to fly our RV-7.


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We choose well or was it just a lucky pick

In looking at all of these self portraits, there are a couple of things I have noticed.

1. Really nice looking aircraft
2. Great scenery
3. Cute kids and grand kids
4. And this is the big one, all the pictures of the RV women in our life are all very cute. How did such an odd bunch of guys get so lucky in getting picked by such lovely ladies?
Here are a few pics of me and my daughters, Amy (12) and Erin (11). They are both enjoying learning to fly our RV-7.

Just wanted to let you know my 13 year old son and I checked out your plane about 18 times at Oshkosh! That is one hot RV and our personal favorite of all time! My son wanted to know of your wife looks like the nose art picture, he was very intrigued. But now that I see the pics of your daughters I am glad we didn't run into you with the family, I am sure my son's attention would have quickly drifted from the nose art to your daughters. Boy you are in big trouble in a couple years, better keep those girls REALLY busy!
That is one hot RV and our personal favorite of all time!

Wow! Thank you!!!!!!!!!

My wife and daughters were very flattered by your post. Needless to say their looks didn't come from my side of the family.

Also, thanks very much for the compliments on the plane. Oshkosh was the first fly-in that I have flown the plane to since it was painted. As personalized as the paint scheme is, I didn't know how people would react to it. It is great to hear the good feedback.

It's been a while...

I haven't been around here in a while...and haven't posted any new flying videos in even longer. I finally shot some new video yesterday. Here's a video frame from the flight.


Condor- as you can see, I also tested your headset. Similar in feel to the Bose X. It stayed in place well up to 5 g's (slightly better than the Bose for staying put).
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Condor- as you can see, I also tested your headset. Similar in feel to the Bose X. It stayed in place well up to 5 g's (slightly better than the Bose for staying put).

Grocho is talking about trying out the new Lightspeed ZULU headset. You can see them in the frame from his latest video. His other videos shows him wearing BOSE X headset.
In Flight Portrait

Wish I had a picture of me in my RV but I don't so I show you what I look like at work .

This is what Scott Penton looks like at work LOL


I will shortly take a pic in the RV !!!!!
First Solo XCountry

I'm new around here and figured I'd jump in by posting a pic.

This is me on my first solo cross country flight in a Tecnam Sierra.

Short hop from Ellington field to Bay city and back, but, I still had a blast!


You'll learn a lot about RVs here Phil - it's an invaluable resource in my opinion.

Congrats on the cross country solo too! (I'm looking forward to mine in the near future)

Since I don't have my RV-8 built yet, I guess this will suffice:


Bored over Nebraska at FL240 on a ferry flight one night so I decided to throw the mask and smoke goggles on.
Flying With Friends to Dinner

The wife and I joining my friends. Flying from KROA to K22 (Big Sandy) for dinner. #2 in the slot with a Cherokee in the lead.

New Member Intro

Hello RVators!
Thought I'd introduce myself here. This is me flying in the family's Cessna 140A, "Chuck," on my way to the $100 hamburger with my brother in the passenger seat.
I hope to upgrade in payload and speed to an RV-8 once I'm out of college. It'll be tough to upgrade the sexy factor though, as a polished aluminum 140 is pretty good lookin'. Guess I'll just have to get polished aluminum on my -8 as well. :D

Rudi + his Wife in RV Zulu 7

A photo on our recent Coast to Coast trip in South Africa, looks like we enjoyed it.
Everyday should be like today

Cruisin above The Big Muddy without a care in the world.

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Tom & Bonnie over Tx

A week ago 3 RVs flew up to Lake Murry for lunch and took this picture of us enroute.

last week

I am in the white RV-4, Jim Stone is in the Rocket. We are on the wing of a German FW-149 flown by another pal named Pat. Taking advantage of a brief break in the weather. (between ice storms and wind storms and power outages... :-/ )
Falco F8L over northern Italy

Me (pilot) and my friend Alessandro (owner) over Trento (Italy).

Hey, this airplane has a central throttle, no place for my left hand during a roll.


(sorry for resolution, it's part of a video)
RV Grins

My lovely bride, Melissa and I enroute to California from Ohio.


The focus is not so good, but it is the only inflight pic that I currently have!
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Getting a break thanks to Dean Carswell (RIP), who spells the young student for a few moments and shows him how to properly center a thermal.


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Good day at the races

My son and me on the way home from an air race in Alderney in the UK Channel Islands to our strip in Ireland. :)

RV-grin, biker style!

I was going back through this thread for nostalgia's sake. I have no recollection of what this photo was supposed to be and the URL does not belong to me (www.flion.com) or mykitlog. I'm attaching the photo I think it was. However, I see a lot of missing images, photobucket watermarks, and a few that were blocked by my anti-virus. I hope some of you will review and refresh your images, especially now that we can host on VAF.


  • DSCF6521.JPG
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Here I am with my wife in the back. Enjoying the view of Lake Pend Oreille and the Selkirk Mountains :D


In Flight Photo

I've decided to build some flight time, as I continue working on my RV9A. This photo is taken over So Cal., flying in a light sport Gobosh 700S. Notice I am wearing my 'Roll Your Own In Ear Headset'. I found the plans on an earlier thread.
