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RV-8 Skyrunner on tour


Well Known Member
Today I started a major trip from Europe to the US - Oshkosh will be one highlight. I am already in Wick/Scotland and tomorrow I try to make it to Iceland and may be Greenland. The weather this time is not perfect for the crossing but not really bad.
I am heading towards Alaska, flying around there for one week and then will fly to Washington State from there. Idaho is a must, then will see what the weather brings. Utah, California, Arizona and many more places are on my list before I reach Oshkosh. After the show the eastern part of the US is planned. From there the route goes nortbound into Canada, then Greenland, Iceland, UK and back home.

Here is a link of my satellite tracker:

Plan on a stop at Triple Tree Aerodrome in Woodruff, SC (SC00) We'll treat you to a good meal and you'll get to see the most beautiful airport in the U.S.. Be careful though, we only have 7,000 feet of the most perfect grass runway ever.


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You sir are awesome….an adventure and claim to fame crossing the North Atlantic once in an RV, but what’s this now, your 5th? Legend status!!!

Safe travels and hope to meet you in Oshkosh!

All the best Hermann !!
Hoping and looking forward to meet you in KOSH
Santa Rosa, CA

If your flying through Northern CA, (north of San Francisco) let me know. Need hangar space, tools for an oil change, dinner or a bed for then night would enjoy meeting someone who flies RV over the Atlantic!
Herzliche Grüße aus dem wilden amerikanischen Westen! Ich fliege auch einen RV-8 und habe mich von Ihren Reisen viel inspirieren lassen.

Leider ist mein Deutsch etwas eingerostet, aber wenn Sie in der Nähe von Wyoming oder Colorado sind, kommen Sie bitte vorbei (KHSG oder KBJC).

[Warm greetings from the American Wild West! I also fly an RV-8 and have been very inspired by your journeys. Unfortunately my German is a bit rusty, but if you ever find yourself in the vicinity of Wyoming or Colorado, feel free to drop by (KHSG or KBJC).]


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Excellent! We'll both be at OSH with our RV-8s this year. Hope to catch you there, and if your tour stop includes Brighton MI again I'll see you there too!
Wow…that’s an epic trip! I’d love to do a trip like that one day. What’s the longest leg between fuel stops? Did you have to incorporate any auxiliary fuel? I’m building my -14 with the SD fuel tanks, and it’s trips like this where that extra two hours of fuel will really expand the adventure envelope.
Today I flew two legs: Wick to Reykjavik and Reykjavik to Kulusuk. A very long day planning, preparing - and flying of course. Only the weather over Iceland was tricky, approach, refueling and departure in rain. Kulusuk in Greenland was a bit cloudy but the clouds gave the impressive landscape a special touch. I flew around low for a couple of minutes and at one time at 1000 ft I experienced severe turbulence, 30 kts of wind around the mountains is always reason to keep distance. At one time I thought if this goes on during the approach I might divert back to Reykjavik. But it smoothed out on the other side of the isle and on final the reported wind was down the runway with 20 kts gusting 30. So I made it - it is 10 pm now and calm like nothing happened. I wanted to upload a few pics but it doesn´t work from here, will do this later with better internet access - promised.
And thanks for inviting me - I´ll get back to you when my path is nearing you. I sure need a place for maintenance when the time comes up.
Good luck on your trip. Keep an eye out for the smoke from the Canadian forest fires on the US east coast. Looks really bad smoke cover over many states.
When you are getting close to Eastern Washington and North Idaho, feel free to give me a call for a place to stay, local places to visit, tools, etc.
Steve 509-991-8915. KDWS, WT21, 67S
Safe Travels Sir! Your videos are awesome!

Looks like you hail from the Munich area. We plan to visit Germany in Mid August. Perhaps we can meet on your side of the water:)

V/R, Walt
Wow…that’s an epic trip! I’d love to do a trip like that one day. What’s the longest leg between fuel stops? Did you have to incorporate any auxiliary fuel? I’m building my -14 with the SD fuel tanks, and it’s trips like this where that extra two hours of fuel will really expand the adventure envelope.

The longest leg so far is from Wick/Scotland to Reykjavik/Iceland. Even this could be shortend landing in Egilstadir. But with the additional fuel in the -14 this is easy and you don´t lose baggage space having fuel in the wings.
Safe Travels Sir! Your videos are awesome!

Looks like you hail from the Munich area. We plan to visit Germany in Mid August. Perhaps we can meet on your side of the water:)

V/R, Walt

That would be cool, although mid August might be a little early for me. Hope my wife doesn´t read this!
Today I made it to Nuuk on the westcoast of Greenland. Kulusuk had clear weather with a good westerly wind. I didn´t want to fly a direct route over the icecap because there were low clouds forecasted over Greenland extending quite far to the South. And the actual ceiling over the ice can be quite low so in case of an engine failure I could have run out of options. So I planned a huge detour along the eastcoast to the South, then westwards and up the westcoast under a solid overcast. I don´t regret this as the coasts in Greenland are so impressive that I don´t find the right words.

Also unable to upload photos here so have to delay this again. Might be a problem with imgur perhaps.
Fair enough Hermann. If you're in the San Diego area on your trip, let me know. Or Big Bear. Perhaps we can meet there. Of course, lately VFR weather in the So Cal area is very poor. So we'll see.

Take care, Walt
Fair enough Hermann. If you're in the San Diego area on your trip, let me know. Or Big Bear. Perhaps we can meet there. Of course, lately VFR weather in the So Cal area is very poor. So we'll see.

Take care, Walt

Big Bear is on my schedule - the airport restaurant serves breakfast until 3 pm.

I think I found the problem with the pics, I tried another browser:


Approachin Kulusuk


Parked in Kulusuk


Arrived in the hotel - just a quarter mile from the airport


Playing with the icebergs on the way to Nuuk


Glad to hear Big Bear is on the list! Please advise on your ETDA and we'll try to be there! The RV-14 build is in progress so we are rental rats!

The restaurant there is one of the better fly ins in the area.

Thanks, Walt

Hey Hermann,

Where do you plan on going when you get to Canada? If you are coming through the Toronto area, I can help out with maintenance and a place to stay.

I’m at CYOO and am more than happy to assist you in your travels! Have access to everything you would need to do anything on your 8.


Hey Hermann,

Where do you plan on going when you get to Canada? If you are coming through the Toronto area, I can help out with maintenance and a place to stay.

I’m at CYOO and am more than happy to assist you in your travels! Have access to everything you would need to do anything on your 8.



Good to know - thanks a lot.
My plan is Rankin - Yellowknive - Dawson depending on weather of course.
On the way back I might pass the Niagara Falls and be close, we will see. Always good to have options and help when needed.

CAVU Wünsche aus North Carolina von einem alten Dornier Ingenieur. Hab die Infos an einen Fliegerfreund vom Bodensee weitergegeben, der wird eventuell in OSH sein. Viel Spaß auch bei meinem Freund K.Krueger.
North Idaho

I am in North Idaho, Coeur dAlene.
Just a message to let you know that you can contact me for any assistance needed.
208-758-6685, [email protected]

RV-8, flying and sold
RV-10, just starting build
Why not take the -7 on these trips? I love the -8, but the -7 is easier to access things in flight..
Why not take the -7 on these trips? I love the -8, but the -7 is easier to access things in flight..

You´re absolutely right. However my -8 is prepared for the flight, foam in wings (could easily transfer it to the -7) and most important an aux tank installed.
I really would prefer another 15 or 20 Gal in the wings which would free up space in the baggage area.
In Nuuk it was quite windy, but the airport staff was as efficient and helpful like everywhere in Greenland. I met Jens whom I already met last year in Ilulissat. Late evening in the hotel I saw my plane had moved slightly due to the strong winds and I was nervous. Jens helped out and picked me up early to the airport. My small chocks (aluminum angles) were laying around and the airplane was held in place by the tiedowns connected to concrete blocks. Luckily the ropes were short enough so the extended flaps did not bump into the concrete blocks. What I learned is when parking in strong winds is: Flaps up, into or out of the wind whatever you prefer, locking the flight controls (forgot to lock the rudder) and of course solid tiedowns including the tail wheel and chocks with rubber bands to hold them in place.

The weather to Iqualit in Canada looked not perfect with strong headwinds and icing forcasted. I thought I can safely make it and had two good options for a go. I could descent below the freezing level and even the forecasted cloud base was favourable or divert to the south to CYVP were all was good. Third option return to Nuuk as I had enough fuel. Only one level change was necessary to keep me in the clear and I had no real issue with the weather except the headwind. Flight time was 03:33. Canadian customs was informed prior departure and I was not on time but as usual 5 minutes early. A friendly officer was waiting and entry formalities were easy.
So now I am here in Iqualit. Yesterday evening after a long time studying the weather again I was really really tired an fell asleep with my Ipad still in my hands. Four days of intense flying took their toll. I saw extreme headwinds for my next flight and called the Frobisher FBO that I now intend to stay another day, relax and prepare for the next one without pressure. It was not the flying what made me tired - at least not the flying alone. It is the constant alertness for everything, preparing the flights which I don´t want to mess up with less than perfect weather, looking for alternatives, for accomodation and food, for fuel and forwarding arrival messages. After all that call the family and close the day.

Tomorrow I plan to Rankin, checked they have fuel available and then to Yellowknife. This will be a long day again but I get another 2 hours due time zone differences.

Here a a few more pics:


Loop - this was when approaching Kulusuk the other day


Rolling over icebergs


Northbound along the Greenland west coast to Nuuk below a high overcast


In the middle of the Davis Strait ice starts forming


Arrived in Iqualit/Canada
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You´re absolutely right. However my -8 is prepared for the flight, foam in wings (could easily transfer it to the -7) and most important an aux tank installed.
I really would prefer another 15 or 20 Gal in the wings which would free up space in the baggage area.

Like Howard Hughes, you could fill the wings with ping pong balls! Tell us more about your ferry tank and your longest legs needed for this trip. Do you encounter maintenance on the road besides oil changes? How is it to arrange for 100LL at fuel stops?
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Like Howard Hughes, you could fill the wings with ping pong balls! Tell us more about your ferry tank and your longest legs needed for this trip. Do you encounter maintenance on the road besides oil changes? How is it to arrange for 100LL at fuel stops?

Once I was thinking about ping pong balls. It is an alternativ, but not lighter than the foam I have installed. And they don´t fill all the free space, on the other hand hardly accessible bays in the wings could easier be used.
The longest leg so far was from Wick to Reykjavik, something like 660 NM. Wrong, it was from Mannheim to Wick, 800 NM, but passing one airfield after the other.
Of course when leaving for a trip like this it is good practice to prepare the plane with fresh inspections. I installed new tires, brake pads and plugs. I hope there will be no extra work required, in the remote areas I´m flying it will take some time to get the parts and work done if special tools are required. Next will be a 50h inspection, basically an oil change and a lookover, this will probably happen in Alaska.
Best is to check in advance if fuel is available. Usually it is on my route. Iqualit gets fuel drums once a year and they last until sold out. Greenland is easy and reliable. Rankin is the first place I especially asked. Intend to go there tomorrow with a positive reply.
My aux fuel tank is in the rear baggage compartment and takes away preciuos space. When full I have to respect the max baggage load. Light things like sleeping bags are no problem. The tank is easily removable and feeds the engine directly and holds 15 USG. It works perfectly.

And people tell me that I'm crazy!

'Hope to see you at Oshkosh and I kook forward to another great video when you get around to it.

If you need an overnight stop in the UK on the way back, give me a shout.

It should all seem nice and easy Quebec and beyond.
Safe travels...
Fantastic and inspirational trip report. I still remember watching the video from your trip last year, with the awesome low level sequences over Greenland.
Today I left Iqualit. First I got a very expensive bill for the airport services. Things sounded like just helping but everything had it´s price. A hangar place is as expensive as a good hotel room, per day, and pickup just prior regular opening times is extra. I wished the FBO would communicate this before but they handled me like a business jet and they are paying any price anyway.
The flight to Rankin was easy despite the forecast with little icing on departure. Not one cloud touched but strong headwind all the way.
Rankin: Flightplan filing on the tower was easy with foreflight. But then fuel - asked two days before but it was not ready. The staff not helpful, made uninterested impression, one playing games on his computer. Luckily a nice guy showed up willing to help a stranger. We had to bring the drum from the other side of the village to the airport and then refuel out of the drum by myself. I knew it is this way but my helper saved the day. Took at least one hour extra time on this already long day. I gave the unused Avgas my friendly helper and some extra. This I did happily, not so paying in the morning in Iqualit.
The second flight to Yellowknive also was uneventful, no weather and the landscape basically the same for three and a half hours. In Yellowknive I parked the airplane and was stranded again. Some guys operating helicopters there helped me out and one even gave me a lift to the hotel.
Will see what tomorrow brings.


boring landscape - only the ice was replaced by water towards the west


Picking up a drum of Avgas - sure not my job


Refueling with a hose out of the drum, luckily I was prepared
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Very impressed with your arrangement and trip. I was in the beginning stages of planning a cross country from NC, USA to Barrow, AK and then down to LA and back home to NC. I see I may actually need a ferry tank. All my fuel planning allowed for 1 to 2 hours divert fuel but some legs would never allow me to divert to my point of departure in case of icing. That’s something I was very concerned with but figured I could just forward divert. You bring up a could point about being forced to return to point of departure if encountering really bad weather. I also didn’t think about filling up from 55 gallon drums. I may bring a hand pump. I was definitely thinking survival gear like cold weather items, life raft, LPU, water, emergency signal devices, inReach.

We are also going to Oshkosh, if we see you I would love to ask about your trip and see your ferry tank.
Yellowknive to Dawson was today´s flight. Forecast again not at all perfect, had to cross the Mackenzie Mountains so gave it a try. This time it didn´t work out as hoped. Started under a low ceiling and cruised at about 1000 AGL. After one hour climbed 8500, 10500, 12300 - clouds climbed with me and when coming over the mountains I didn´t feel this is right anymore. So seeing the ground through the hazy clouds just a little I descended again as a diversion on top to the North also seemed no good option. I followed the valleys down low through rainshowers with for me still acceptable visibility. A good half an hour concentrated "low level" through the valleys with obscured mountains later the weather cleared and I could climb again and fly high through very bumpy air towards Dawson. Flight Plan was filed last evening with an EET of 5 h and in the morning with the then actual weather I thought I might have to adjust the flight due weather and so amended the flightplan with an EET of 6 hours - and that was good.
In Dawson no fuel, the guy in charge not here - no - not again. A C-180 pulled up unloading two Pax and when done with them I approached the female pilot and asked you just landed? She: "Did we met before?" Me: "No I just want to ask something". She: "Yes we met before a couple years ago in Johnson Creek!" I was surprised she remembered me and still knew details about my plane. She arranged somehow the fuel and drove me to the hotel in the village together with a brief tour of Dawson.


Arrived in Dawson after a demanding flight


Sara - thanks for taking care!


Dawson is an impressive small village with - there might be some gold left...
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We traveled to Dawson City last year during a 12,000+ mile trip from Atlanta to Alaska and back. This picture is us waiting for the ferry to cross the Yukon River into Dawson City.

And in keeping with the rules - the picture is of an RV and a German one at that. :D

This morning I was standing right there watching the ferry over the Yukon River.
Withe the help of Sara again and her husband I got to the airport, no taxies in Dawson and no hotel shuttle taking others than their own guests.
CBP manifest was filed and called customs in Fairbanks and announced my arrival. I was cleared so off I went on a bumpy flight westwards. I didn´t have radio contact until 80 NM prior Fairbanks, but no complaints. Two very friendly CBP officers were waiting and we were done in 5 minutes. Then I taxied to the next FBO hoping to get fuel. It started all over again, didn´t expect this here in Fairbanks. Nobody showed up, nobody in their hanger, shouted for somebody-nothing. Called Ground, then after I started up again a lady showed up and invited me to their office to do the credit card thing for their handling - what!! I said for what handling? She said this is a private place and parking up to four hours is $75 - parking, not for fuel. I didn´t say but showed that I´m upset paying for nothing even when this is their place, nobody told me and there is no sign. I somehow got along with the lady and she waved the fee and called a fuel truck. Asking where are all these airplanes are doing their fueling - no answer. Later when taxiing to the east ramp I saw a self service fuel station. Anyway I finally taxied to the Airpark and the fun can begin.

Good to know - thanks a lot.
My plan is Rankin - Yellowknive - Dawson depending on weather of course.
On the way back I might pass the Niagara Falls and be close, we will see. Always good to have options and help when needed.

I know a guy with an RV10 and a 4 that would probably be willing to take some pics of you flying over Niagara Falls. He did my first flight then met up with me a few months later for some air to air shots. His pics came out really nice.
I know a guy with an RV10 and a 4 that would probably be willing to take some pics of you flying over Niagara Falls. He did my first flight then met up with me a few months later for some air to air shots. His pics came out really nice.

That would be great. I keep this in mind and when going there we have a plan!
I made good use of the weather in Alaska. Next day after arrival I made a day trip to Kotzebue, from there to Bettles and back to my new home base in Fairbanks. Weatherwise the flights were easy. In Kotzebue an airport employee drove me to THE restaurant, I ordered breakfast and when paying I was told cash only. Forgot to bring cash so no breakfast - and I was to lazy to go pick some up. So only some sightseeing there, some chat with other pilots and on I went to Bettles. There I was too early for the airport restaurant, they say open from 6pm - again no food - I´m living from snacks and drinks stored in the airplane. No money spent and my airplane made the round trip with one fuel load.
Next day a day trip to Nenana were the main runway was closed according to Notams. I called the airport manager and he said the grass strip is still open so no problem for me. There was a courtesy car available and the small village looked the same as 20 years ago when I was there the last time. Only the walls and the floor in the local bar were further away from being straight as 20 years ago.
Sundays I was invited from a local pilot to fly with his floatplane to his cabin some 100 miles west of Fairbanks - and that was cool - thanks Dave.
I have to correct myself. I lost track of which day I´m living but made another trip to Wood River Lodge. This was on Sunday and the flights before each one day earlier. As unlucky as I am with the food supply these days the lodge was closed. But the friendly owner prepared a burger anyway and valued my long journey to there. I cannot suggest the strip for RVs, there are quite some stones laying around potentially damaging the wheel pants.

Yesterday was the last day for now with good weather anywhere close. Another day trip was planned to Seldovia, Homer, Talkeetna and back to homebase.
On the way to Seldovia I made a detour up the Ruth Glacier which was spectacular. At the northern end several big single engined airplanes were making ski landings on the glacier, they were coming from Talkeetna with tourists as I later learned. Then on to Seldovia, the approach on rwy 34 is spectacular as well and the village is just beautiful. There is the smell of nature all around, only in the village itself some cars are disturbing this and lifting dust.
Homer was just a fuel stop. When departing Fairbanks I only filled up the main tanks and so I topped of with 5 Gal of 10 dollar fuel to be on the safe side to Talkeetna. Talkeetna is a very nice village again, but filed with Tourists. At the airport I met the airplanes again from the glacier and learned here is their home base.
The flight back to Fairbanks was in moderate weather. Clouds were moving in quickly and I had drizzle the whole flight until just prior Fairbanks. When I taxied to the Airpark two other RV´s parked there, an RV-8 and a RV-6A. When I opened the canopy I was greeted with "Hi Herman" and was really surprised. It was the pilot of the B-17 which I met in Skagit in 2019, you can see the messages exchanged back then still in the old thread. They are on a day trip today and back in the evening.
I myself decided to stay a little longer here as weather is moving into Alaska from the South. Will see how it develops and were I end up the next days.

Here are a few pics:


Wood River Lodge Airstrip




Ruth Glacier


Parked in Seldovia


John and Craig leaving for their day trip
Alaska Flying

Today I started a major trip from Europe to the US - Oshkosh will be one highlight. I am already in Wick/Scotland and tomorrow I try to make it to Iceland and may be Greenland. The weather this time is not perfect for the crossing but not really bad.
I am heading towards Alaska, flying around there for one week and then will fly to Washington State from there. Idaho is a must, then will see what the weather brings. Utah, California, Arizona and many more places are on my list before I reach Oshkosh. After the show the eastern part of the US is planned. From there the route goes nortbound into Canada, then Greenland, Iceland, UK and back home.

Here is a link of my satellite tracker:


Not the best year for flying in Alaska. Today was rain and fog all the way to work and then again on the way home.

Forecast shows rain for the next 10-days.

Alaska has FAA webcams in the passes and at most airports, good idea to check them. https://weathercams.faa.gov/map/-220.29878,30.9721,-65.69917,73.02071

Where do you plan to fly while in Alaska?

I live in Nikiski, near PAEN. Feel free to contact me by PM if you want.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Not the best year for flying in Alaska. Today was rain and fog all the way to work and then again on the way home.

Forecast shows rain for the next 10-days.
Boooo. Well that stinks! Craig and I arrived yesterday to FAI from Whitehorse, then today we did a lunch run up to Bettles and Coldfoot before returning to Fairbanks; we had better luck than Herman and a scored decent chicken sandwich at Bettles Lodge. Man, it's beautiful country to see up here, quite a nice change of pace from the usual "scenery" in Texas...

Our plan for the next day or two is Unalakleet, Talkeetna, then down to Homer, but the weather does indeed look murky... hoping we can make it work, but we're going to come up with a plan B in case the weather really shuts it down to the south.
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