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RV-8 Formation Mirrors


Well Known Member
If you want a no hassle snap it on and go solution then order a mirror from FlyboyAcessories:


I know you can probably make them but this is an quick and easy solution for those of us without a 3D printer. I suppose one could also visit the PVC section of the local Aviation hardware store but this is a really nice professional looking mirror. I bought one and I like it. It has a picture of the RV-8 roll bar on the website but it may fit others as well, I’m not sure what size roll bar is on the 6, 7 & 14s.

Is it cheap? NO but c’mon you own an airplane, you can afford it. You know what Stein says, “We aren’t happy till we have all your money”. I’m sure Blake & Vince wouldn’t mind some of that either.
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If you want a no hassle snap it on and go solution then order a mirror from FlyboyAcessories:


I know you can probably make them but this is an quick and easy solution for those of us without a 3D printer. I suppose one could also visit the PVC section of the local Aviation hardware store but this is a really nice professional looking mirror. I bought one and I like it. It has a picture of the RV-8 roll bar on the website but it may fit others as well, I?m not sure what size roll are the 6, 7 & 14 uses.

Is it cheap. NO but c?mon you own an airplane, you can afford it. You know what Stein says, ?We aren?t happy till we have all your money?. I?m sure Blake & Vince wouldn?t mind some of that either.

Not much of a description on the web page.

Is the mirror mounted to the roll bar clamp with an angle adjustable connection? Or is it rigid with the Roll bar clamp?

If it's adjustable that would be ideal.
Formation Mirror

it's adjustable two ways. There is a decent size gap in the plastic on the back so you can rotate it around the roll bar. Its a nice snug fit that stays where you put it. The mirror is mounted on a shaft that you can also rotate parallel to the roll bar. It has a good range of motion that I can always see my wingmen or watch my smoke trial. Since it's black it leaves a bit of a black mark on my gray roll bar but it cleans off easy.
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I like the idea but they look a bit big in the picture. I'm looking for something a little smaller.

I was just about to ask if those pictures are real or did they just superimpose the mirrors on a picture of the roll bar because they do look pretty big.
If you want a no hassle snap it on and go solution then order a mirror from FlyboyAcessories:


I know you can probably make them but this is an quick and easy solution for those of us without a 3D printer. I suppose one could also visit the PVC section of the local Aviation hardware store but this is a really nice professional looking mirror. I bought one and I like it. It has a picture of the RV-8 roll bar on the website but it may fit others as well, I’m not sure what size roll bar is on the 6, 7 & 14s.

Is it cheap? NO but c’mon you own an airplane, you can afford it. You know what Stein says, “We aren’t happy till we have all your money”. I’m sure Blake & Vince wouldn’t mind some of that either.

These appear to be the same as those made/sold by Dan West sold here on VAF a while back. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/member.php?u=8380 I purchased a few of them - the are injection molded and fit quite nicely.

Search on mirror or RV8 mirror and you will find quite a bit of info and alternatives.
Formation mirrors

One of the downsides of formation in an RV8 is the roll bar. This mirror may be great if you are the lead, but would create an even bigger problem with forward vision if you are wing (or forward vision in general)

The best mirror fits in the profile of the roll bar with no additional impairment to forward vision.

Mine is made from a piece of PVC which clamps on the roll bar with a piece of double stick tape added to keep it even more stable. One section of the PVC is flattened on a belt sander and then a thin mirror is attached. The mirror is best if it has a swivel base such as this one from Amazon.


I have had little luck posting pictures on this site, but I have a second mirror not yet installed that I can take some photos and send if you submit an email address.

[email protected]
It looks crowded in the picture because they have 3 mirrors mounted. I only have one mounted and its not too big
On the sides it wouldn't be bad.

I made some at home and they are handy to keep an eye on formation wingies. But I don't have a universal joint on mine. I'd like to find some way to incorporate one.
Can't say I'm too fond of those from the photo. My ideal solution would fit more within the "footprint" of the roll bar as seen from aft, rather than sticking out into the cabin like these do.

Here's an interesting take on the idea I found from a quick Google search: http://www.rv8-hangar.com/rear-view-mirror/

Main downside to this is that you have limited adjustment of the mirror, but I like how they have a much lower profile.
Here's a pic of the Flyboy mirror in my Rocket. I had to replace the 'clip' because the roll bar diameter is bigger on the Rocket. You can see how it turns to maximize forward visibility when not in use.

Here's a pic of the Flyboy mirror in my Rocket. I had to replace the 'clip' because the roll bar diameter is bigger on the Rocket. You can see how it turns to maximize forward visibility when not in use.


Oh that rear seat display looks awesome !!!
Why not get some car backup cameras and put the monitor in as spot that doesn't hinder forward visibility....................
Why not get some car backup cameras and put the monitor in as spot that doesn't hinder forward visibility....................

Not a bad idea... but mirrors don't require wires, WiFi, batteries, adaptors or monitors...
Why not get some car backup cameras and put the monitor in as spot that doesn't hinder forward visibility....................

Because every little pound here and there that you add to the plane keeps adding up and soon you can't fly anywhere.
I just bought a pair of blind spot mirrors off of Amazon and stuck them on the roll bar with some velcro: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PNJK8Z...9Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

Not as nice as the mirrors under discussion, but significantly cheaper. They get the job done for me

:D:D:D:D:D When I fist opened your link I almost spit out my cereal! You installed those big things? Then I noticed the little stick-ons below it. It's too early for me, went to bed too late last night :)
I have some of those small mirrors that fit on the footprint of the roll bar, so that don't impact the view out. I used the click together/industrial strength velcro to attach them. It has worked fine for several years now.