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RV-14 Wing Kit Order Form Now Online

Posted in the great RV-12, model specific thread...? :D

[ed. Ooops! Just fixed that (thanks for the heads up)! dr]
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How many wing orders received today?

What is ur guess? I'd be real curious to know.
Ordered my -14 wing kit yesterday, signed-up with VAF and made my donation (sorry Doug, I've been lurking for a couple of years), placed an order for tools . . . here we go!

Dave Mc
And those of you who race to get your wings done first are doing us all a favor by being the guinea pigs for error checking the plans, instructions , and parts ! :)
I am in no big rush myself.
As most of you know, part of my job at Van's is being a beta tester. Therefore I received an RV-14 wing kit some time ago and have completed the assembly. Empennage too. I hope you RV-14 builders don't find any errors in the plans, as I went over them best as I could during my build. But then again, these aging eyes are by no means perfect, and if I missed something, I'm sure one of you guys will find it. Bless you if you do.

That being said, both kits went together pretty quick, mainly due to the "matched hole" design, ala RV-12. It really cuts down on the tedious work. Plus, the assembly instructions are every bit as good as the RV-12.

One note to pass along for you guys who have built RV3s, 4s, 6s, 7s and 8s with bent trailing edges on flight controls: The RV-14 has riveted trailing edges. There's a different methodology to get the ailerons, flaps, rudder and elevators straight, without a twist or warp. Read Section 5 in your plans very carefully on this subject before you build these assemblies.

The quality of these kits just keeps improving. I don't know how they do it.... but they do.

Thanks to all the new folks and the "repeat offenders" for jumpin' in on the RV-14. It's gonna be fun!
Build Time


Could you give us an idea how long it took you to build the wings and empennage? I know you are probably faster than the majority of builders around here, but it would still be useful to know. Or, since the instructions are similar, could you compare the build time of an RV-12 wing to the 14?


Empennage kit completed too?

Mitchell, the tail assembly had full working directions? They've got more done than I thought. That's great to hear.
Fernando & Erik,

It took 300 manhours to complete the wing kit, including sealing the fuel tanks and installing the wiring. Wingtips have not been installed.

Empennage took 100 manhours. Tips not yet attached.

The RV-12 is a less labor intensive project in that it largely uses blind rivets. The RV-14, not only being a much larger aircraft, has mostly driven rivets. Other than these differences, its remains largely an assembly process, just like the RV-12. It will surley take longer than the RV-12. How long? I'll let you know when I'm done.

The empennage plans, as I understand it, have not gone thru a final iteration, even with me building the structure and combing for errors. Please remember that the RV-14 emp is essentially an RV-9 structure that has been beefed up for aerobatic loads. Therefore, this plan set was not done from basically a blank sheet as were the wings. Yes, the RV-14 wing appears to be a shortened version of the RV-10 wing, but there are unique differences to both designs thus necessitating a new set of plans be drawn.
What Mitch said......

But I will add my own personal guesstimation on the build time. If a mechanically inclined builder builds the airplane using all of the standard kits and makes no modifications or deviations, I predict the build time will be in the neighborhood of 1200 hrs.

My original guess for the RV-12 was pretty close, we will have to wait and see how close this guess is......
RV-14 Plans

Thanks for the info guys. Will we be able to get the plans electronically or will we have to get them on paper? If in computer form can we get them in advance of the kit shipping?
Thanks for the info guys. Will we be able to get the plans electronically or will we have to get them on paper? If in computer form can we get them in advance of the kit shipping?

Electronic based plans (all models) for end use customers is in work (as time allows)...
Welcome to VAF!!

Ordered my -14 wing kit yesterday, signed-up with VAF and made my donation (sorry Doug, I've been lurking for a couple of years), placed an order for tools . . . here we go!

Dave Mc

Dave, welcome to the good ship VAF:D

As you continue the RV14 build, just curious if your status as a beta tester allows you to post any pictures of the construction process?

I'm sure I can post some photos from time to time. Don't want to spend too much doing this however, as my job is to get it done so we can get the kits out best way and as fast as we can without compromising standards. I'll leave the real photojournalism to you guys who would be better at it than me.
Solo build?


How many of those build hours require a helper? Any of the hours so far on the tail and wings?
I had a helper for three hours to help back rivet the top skins on both wings. When he arrived, I already had the rivets installed in the holes, riveting taped them in place. We just had to wail away on them.

All the hours are on the wings and tail. Haven't received the fuselage kit yet.
Hi Mitch,
Could you list the similarities and differences that you have found so far between the RV14 wings/empennage build and the RV12 build. Thanks:)
They are similar in that they both are matched hole, aluminum structures assembled with an unbelievable set of construction plans and a stepped process.

They differ in that they assemble with different types of rivets and are completely different designs for two completely different airplanes.
Mitchell, when people talk of match drilled holes, (I'm not familiar with the 12 construction) are they refering to what the RV-10 has? The holes are a little under sized and you cleco the parts and then drill the holes to finish size (match drilled), or are the holes prepunched to finish size and no drilling required, just light deburring?
Thanks Ron
That's exactly right Ron. Skins, ribs, etc. have all holes punched to final size. As far as deburring these holes, on the 14 as well as the 12, I would run my finger over a line of holes on the skins to see if any seemed like they needed it. Very few did. The ribs, maybe because of a thicker gauge material, generally cold use a slight debur. So eventually, I made it standard practice to debur all rib and spar web holes, but just on the side where the punch exited the material.

For anyone who has built an RV with just prepunched holes, this is a HUGE time saver.