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RTV? Newbie Q


Well Known Member
I'm bending the rudder on an RV8. Does this pass for RTV?

Thanks in advance.

RTV stands for Room Temperature Vulcanization------referring to the process by which it cures, and not what the product actually consists of.

What does the verbiage in the plans call out for??
I always look for the "Sensor Safe" RTV.

The regular stuff has a strong vinegar smell. That smell is acetic acid which does not play nicely with aluminum.
Are you looking for the stuff that 'glues' the trailing edge? If so, I don't think this is it. This is silicone gasket material and won't provide any strength at all. I bought the same stuff but ended up not using it. I used the 2 part epoxy type version from Aircraft Spruce.

YMMV but I am happy how mine turned out.

Lars D.
Are you looking for the stuff that 'glues' the trailing edge? If so, I don't think this is it. This is silicone gasket material and won't provide any strength at all. I bought the same stuff but ended up not using it. I used the 2 part epoxy type version from Aircraft Spruce.

YMMV but I am happy how mine turned out.

Lars D.

I don't think the -8 has glued trailing edges (at least my circa 1999 RV-8 empennage doesn't).
Section 5.7 recommends it for all bent trailing edges. Doesn't appear to be model-specific. It does appear, however, that I've already given this issue more time than it deserves! No wonder it takes a decade to build these things.

You can get in the habit of looking at the SDS or MSDS on the RTV types. It will tell you if it has acetic acid in the consist. There are hundreds of brand names and formulations. Later in the build you will pay more attention to the temperature rating. In fact, the vans recommended rtf for baffle sealing is acetic based. Just don't use it to pot electrical connectors.

Just opinion, but if you can get some pro seal - use it as it will be stiffer and the bond better than RTV, especially in this application. Spruce now carries 3M brand polysulfide sealants. Just put your inventory in the freezer as soon as it arrives and the shelf life will be greatly extended.

The glob mentioned slightly stiffens rudder by bonding the opposite ribs together. It is a good thing.
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If using Permatex/RTV, go with the Ultra Black version. Sensor safe and stronger bond than the standard stuff, IMO.