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Personal opinion: More moderating and new/combined sub-forums?


Well Known Member
Ok, it seems the poll-question rised up many good things but eventually the clear answer (which might been just "yes" or "no") seems to remain mystery. Ok, maybe there was too many saying kind of "No", so I won't trying to get that idea futher -- today. ;)

However I would have another idea, how this VansAirForceForum might become easier and more efficient to read and use. As you can notice, there are many sub-forums (~50 pcs), but even though the one - RV General Discussion/News - is no doubt most popular. Two things I'd like to see: more moderating. IMHO there are many discussions in this sub-forum, which might be moved to another more specific sub-forum already existings. In case you are not able to handle all these post anymore, get some extra moderators to help your work Doug? It's better done before all gets messy.

Now, if you really want to search for a tools for example, I would defenitely make a search from General discussion and Tools -sub-forums to get true results. If I want to do search for the tools, I really would expect to find the answer from that particular place.

The another suggestion would be few new sub-forums which would move messaging out from General discussion... hopefully and eventually. Under the avionics, there are many sub-forums, but how about just one combining rest of avionics: "general"? Now most of the discussion already goes under "Avionics/Instu..." forum, but the rest is written to the "General discussion"... This would combine all avionics etc. related discussion under same forum and sub-forums.

I think that also popular forums might be: "modifications" including all kind of modifications (ER tanks etc.) from every RV model. This might be combined with sub-forum of Bulding tips and techniques.

Also some kind of WorkShop -related sub-forum might be useful. It could be also combined with something like "Tools", but is that never ending debate anymore after that.

Is there now two things I'm asking? :D Summa summarum: more moderating for general discussions. Perhaps few new sub-forums.


What do you mean by "moderating"?

  • Do you mean accepting/rejecting posts?
  • Editing the posts?
  • Moving the posts to different topics?
  • All of the above?
Personally I don't have a big problem with the way things are now, I usually read using the link Today's Posts and only glance to the right at the "forum" or topic. If someone wants to go in and sort of quietly move posts of a particular topic to a more appropriate forum, that wouldn't bother me at all, but it wouldn't help me much either.
rv8ch said:
What do you mean by "moderating"?
  • Do you mean accepting/rejecting posts?
  • Editing the posts?
  • Moving the posts to different topics?
  • All of the above?
Ok, moderating wasn't maybe the correct word as you are defining it pretty versatile. I think that generally post are ok so no need to accept/reject either edit them, but they should be in right places as it would really help finding things. Also if you are not interested reading some topics/forums, you could easier skip it. Now the general is pretty mandatory due it has discussion about everything. I'm using "New Posts" every time I visit the site...
We Don't Need No Stinkin Mods!

I think one of the benefits and unique characteristics of this site is that the forums are NOT strictly moderated. And it's because they don't NEED to be moderated - at least by any official moderator. We have such a high quality of participants here that most correct themselves if they stray off-topic; and if they don't they get a little friendly prod by the general readership to change the topic or move the post to a new sub-forum.

I've only been a member here since December, so I'm still learning my way around the place, but I kinda like things fine just the way they are. I wonder Doug, since this site began, just how many posts have you had to delete due to their inappropriate content - I'll bet it's a pretty low percentage of total posts made.

As for extra forums, well again I think Doug has done a good job at logically breaking things up. The only thing worse than "not enough" is "too much". However, in my NOT so humble opinion, I think things are just right... Wait! I already said that...

I know! Maybe we need a sub-forum for redundant and verbose posts!

Doug, You're doing a great job. Pirkka, this is Texas; somewhat wild and untamed, but a civil democracy for the most part. We don't need any socialist agenda to affect the way things work here. You are entitled to your opinion and are free to express it, but as they say in these parts - That dog don't hunt.
rv8ch said:

What do you mean by "moderating"?
  • Do you mean accepting/rejecting posts?
  • Editing the posts?
  • Moving the posts to different topics?
  • All of the above?
Personally I don't have a big problem with the way things are now, I usually read using the link Today's Posts and only glance to the right at the "forum" or topic. If someone wants to go in and sort of quietly move posts of a particular topic to a more appropriate forum, that wouldn't bother me at all, but it wouldn't help me much either.
Same here. The Todays Posts link works for me as well. You get to see every single post and can quickly make a decision whether it's of interest or not. The fact that these are not moderated makes them very much like 'chat' in nature, unlike the moderated posts in the yahoo groups where it might take minutes to days to get your input posted.
Pirkka said:
...get some extra moderators to help your work Doug? It's better done before all gets messy.
From the bottom of each post list:
Moderators: 8
Kahuna, Rosie, randylervold, Danny King, Sam Buchanan, robertahegy, Ironflight, dan
Honestly, I think there's plenty of moderators, and not all that much for them to do. There's only been a few posts I've seen touched by a mod. since I've been here, which admittedly isn't all that long, but for the most part we seem to be able to self-moderate. Of course there's the occasional exception(s) to that, but they seem to be rare.
As far as posts being in the "wrong" forum - IMO, as long as it's not totally wrong (like trying to sell stuff in the General forum), leave it alone. Again, that's my opinion.

Pirkka said:
I think that also popular forums might be: "modifications" including all kind of modifications (ER tanks etc.) from every RV model.
I like this idea, but personally I'd prefer a single "Modifications" forum as opposed to multiple model-specific forums.
JoeG said:
<snip>.... I wonder Doug, since this site began, just how many posts have you had to delete due to their inappropriate content - I'll bet it's a pretty low percentage of total posts made....<snip>
Hmmm. Good question. Let's see...

I've probably deleted less than 10 posts in the 41,000+ in here due to their inappropriate nature. A few of those were spam.

Probably changed a curse word (by adding stars i.e. 'as***le') five times in the past year?

I have moved maybe 30 threads to more appropriate areas (i.e. a post on the RV-8 in the 'General' forum gets moved to the RV-8 forum).

Any of the current moderators (Kahuna, Rosie, randylervold, Danny King, Sam Buchanan, robertahegy, Ironflight & dan) can edit posts and move them to more appropriate forums at any time if they feel the need.

I (like most) use the 'New Posts', 'Today's Posts' and 'Search' links almost exclusively.

I try to pause before I start typing just to make sure I'm posting in the right forum and to make sure I'm adding some kind of value to the knowledge-base. This works best for me...

Best always,
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As one of Doug's "toiling moderators", I can honestly say I have never touched another person's posts...the general population keeps things (and other members) pretty well under conrol in my opinion!

Now my own posts? Constantly having to go back and fix typos and spelling....great feature!

As for which forum, I am like most - get in through "Today's Posts",and really don't pay attention to which category I'm reading, unless I am starting a new thread. Works great for me!

Pirkka said:
Ok, it seems the poll-question rised up many good things but eventually the clear answer (which might been just "yes" or "no") seems to remain mystery.
Which poll question? I missed it.

mlw450802 said:
The Todays Posts link works for me as well. You get to see every single post and can quickly make a decision whether it's of interest or not.
I believe that moderators should move topics to the appropriate forum, if required. Yes, the New Posts, and Today's Posts functions work great when you want to keep up with things. But, if anyone wants to find out what has been posted on some subject, they will naturally look in that forum. They may miss relevant info that was posted in the General Discussion/News forum.

Anyway, what is the point of having separate forums for specific subjects if we don't use them for those subjects. We might as well just have one forum and do everything there.
Do the sub-forums actually help anybody? Like (apparently) everybody else, I use New Posts, Today's Posts, and Search. I almost always post in the General forum. I rarely bother to notice the forum of the posts I read, unless it's an RV-4 post. The -4 is like a great-great-uncle compared my modern pre-punched machine. :)
Davepar said:
Do the sub-forums actually help anybody? ...snip
Personally, I think they do in at least one area: the newbie just getting into the hobby. Example, if you're a newbie and smitten with the RV-8, you can go into that specific area and run through the posts one at a time to get a feel for what unique challenges face builders of that model.

Example 2: Someone hoping to find out what RV activities go on in a regional area (N. Texas for example) can get a feel for where people tend to congregate (sp) by checking that area's history.

At least for me, if I were brand new to the hobby and stumbled upon the forums, having everything in one folder would stiffle the discovery process for me :confused: .

My .02 and best,

I'm not quoting anyone directly, but trying to answer quesions risen above.

As said, too many (sub-)forums is even worse than not enough -- that is the reason I said that maybe combining some sub-forums might be better than creating new forums.

I didn't look, how many moderators there were already, but it seems there are plenty. And as Doug said, the need for moderating has been minimal, which is great of course. Quality of discussion I've been following has been high (or at least I'm not expecting more) and hopefully I'm eventually able to share tips and tricks relating directly to the plane constuction rather than developing this forum. I will likely ask also many questions in the future (if I don't understand why something is done as it is, I will want know why -- and the answer has to be more than: It has always been like that.) so don't yet get pi**ed off me. :p

About the "modifications" (sub-)forum: I tried to say as Jarhead that single forum which would cover all the models. Due currently many of the modifications can be converted to any model.

William Weesner: I won't answer your question. :D

The Poll-question: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=7033

Somebody mentioned, that this is Texas: I was in Dallas about two moths ago -- 2 day bussiness trip. I was able to get a ride with Pulsar XP, but due limited time and actually not so great weather forecasts I didn't use much effort to find ride with RV. However, now later I think I should been visited Hicks airfield... :mad:

Finally, I think my suggestions didn't go far. However it's nice to have comments and such to prove whether change is needed or not. Even I would consider my suggestions "superior", I respect the others opinions and count that the democracy and Doug will solve this. ;)

to Doug: I've seen many forums growing from a small to big. Eventually all them will have the same problem: how they would serve newbies that they wouldn't post same issues monthly to the forums. How they would learn immediately how to use search. Newbies ain't bad thing at all, but when people start repeating things too often, the oldies often get tired and then the discussion has become nasty and the answers for the newbie posts will be links to the older threads... Hopefully we can do difference here!
Honestly, I think it's great that Doug and others have done very little moderating. It says volumes about the caliber of individuals that participate in this forum. :D Trust me, I?m involved with a couple other forums for other interests and childish flame wars, and people acting their shoe size instead of their age is the norm. :mad:
As for the content and the way it's arranged. I think it very easy to use and navigate this site. For 'Newbies" we've all been there, a learning curve is normal for anything, internet forums included.
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DeltaRomeo said:
Personally, I think they do in at least one area: the newbie just getting into the hobby...

Good points. I agree the regional and model subforums are useful. However as Pirkka pointed out there is a lot of cross-over between models. At some stages I've gotten more help from -9A builders than -7.

Also there are a handful of subforums that have seen very little activity (Interiors - 2 threads, Caribbean - 2, Share a ride - 1, VFR - 4, Mountain Flying - 3, etc). Having 70-odd subforums on the front page could also be confusing for a newbie. Ultimately, the ship is being steered by an able captain, so I'm happy either way.

Pirkka said:
Eventually all them will have the same problem: how they would serve newbies that they wouldn't post same issues monthly to the forums. How they would learn immediately how to use search. Newbies ain't bad thing at all, but when people start repeating things too often, the oldies often get tired and then the discussion has become nasty and the answers for the newbie posts will be links to the older threads... Hopefully we can do difference here!

Agreed. It's tough for new builders to get involved when every conceivable empennage/tool/primer/workshop topic has already been discussed to death. But we want the new folks participating. It keeps the forum dynamic. I remember when I started out I wanted to join the discussion, but didn't have anything interesting to discuss. I tended to just read along.

There are probably 20X more empennage builders on here than people at the finish kit stage. I've noticed that wing/fuse-stage builders seem to jump in and help the empennage guys, so I think that works out well. I usually check on the discussion just to make sure nobody's getting led down the wrong path. Or if somebody asks a question that was just discussed last week, I'll point them to the prior discussion so they see that info as well.

if it aint broke.....

Before being made redundant by the emergence VAF forums I was ungainfully employed by Dreeves Inc as one of several who moderated the old RV7 forum on yahoo :),

I think I dealt with 2 maybe 3 issues in the whole time.

The forums work well as they are, if it ain't broke don't fix it seems to apply.
