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Oshkosh - HBC Beer Tasting - Sunday 7/24

Are you interested in HBC Beer Tastings?

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Just mentioned this to a friend who is a builder but is camping in the grounds. He started getting excited as I was telling him about this event and asked if he can attend. Willing to bring our best local brew! Not an RV guy but what do you think?
Wow, I never thought this event would get this many willing participants! I severely underestimated how many beer connoisseurs are out there in VAF!

The following list should cover all the details of the event.

  1. Location - We will set up in the West end of HBC.

  2. Jerry Fischer is going to provide us with some large buckets for everyone to chill their beer in. I am aiming to have these buckets set up by 3PM. If you bring bottles, please bring a plastic grocery bag to keep your bottles together as they chill off.

  3. Volunteers - This event is getting too big for me to handle alone. I could really use some people who can help get ice and get things setup. In exchange for this favor, you will get priority tastings of the good stuff! PM or email me (mike at rvplane dot com) if you are willing to assist. Thanks!

  4. Start Time - 5pm!

  5. Cups - I am bringing 100 Solo Cups, which should be enough for everyone. If someone wants to pick up another 50-60, I'd really appreciate it!

  6. Ice - Please bring ice if you can. My biggest concern not enough ice leading to WARM BEER! I will try to buy as much ice as possible, but I know it has run out in the past.

  7. How the tasting will work - Starting at 5pm, I am looking for 5-6 people who think they brought the best beers from around the world. Make a quick speech to why you think it's the best (let the trash talk start!), and then all attendees get a sample of the beer they want. Whatever beers out of the current samples don't get drank go into a community bucket for the end.

    After the first round, the volunteers will grab 5-6 random 6-pack from the ice buckets in 10-15 minute intervals. The providers of the selected beers will be asked to present them (this should get FUN as the evening progresses!), followed by tastings.

    After all of the beers have been presented and sampled, it's a free-for-all.

  8. RULES 1: Let's have fun! I can easily see this becoming an annual event!

  9. RULE 2: You've got to pay to play. Please only attend if you've brought (good) beer.
Just mentioned this to a friend who is a builder but is camping in the grounds. He started getting excited as I was telling him about this event and asked if he can attend. Willing to bring our best local brew! Not an RV guy but what do you think?


Sure thing, the more the merrier...We're not wine snobs!
Dumb Question about bringing beer in

I am parking in home built parking. Parked there several times. Can I bring a cooler and beer in my plane and leave it in HBP?

Can you hang out by your plane and have a beer in that area? It is technically inside the gate, right?

Home built camping is technically inside the gate as well, as opposed to the north 40 where you go through a gate to get in the grounds. Correct?

Just trying to follow the rules, at least kind of.
Another request

And if anyone was coming from Scotland and wanted to bring a Brewdogs Tokio, that would be ok too.

I mentioned this event to some folks at work and I was inundated with suggestions about which beer represented Oregon the best. Opinions were passionate. I'm gonna need a bigger plane...
I think this is the ONLY time in my life that I wished I liked beer. I can't even stand the smell of it, but what you guys have cooking here sounds like a blast. I know you'll have a great time.
Wow, I never thought this event would get this many willing participants! I severely underestimated how many beer connoisseurs are out there in VAF!

The following list should cover all the details of the event.

  1. Location - We will set up in the West end of HBC.

  2. Jerry Fischer is going to provide us with some large buckets for everyone to chill their beer in. I am aiming to have these buckets set up by 3PM. If you bring bottles, please bring a plastic grocery bag to keep your bottles together as they chill off.

  3. Volunteers - This event is getting too big for me to handle alone. I could really use some people who can help get ice and get things setup. In exchange for this favor, you will get priority tastings of the good stuff! PM or email me (mike at rvplane dot com) if you are willing to assist. Thanks!

  4. Start Time - 5pm!

  5. Cups - I am bringing 100 Solo Cups, which should be enough for everyone. If someone wants to pick up another 50-60, I'd really appreciate it!

  6. Ice - Please bring ice if you can. My biggest concern not enough ice leading to WARM BEER! I will try to buy as much ice as possible, but I know it has run out in the past.

  7. How the tasting will work - Starting at 5pm, I am looking for 5-6 people who think they brought the best beers from around the world. Make a quick speech to why you think it's the best (let the trash talk start!), and then all attendees get a sample of the beer they want. Whatever beers out of the current samples don't get drank go into a community bucket for the end.

    After the first round, the volunteers will grab 5-6 random 6-pack from the ice buckets in 10-15 minute intervals. The providers of the selected beers will be asked to present them (this should get FUN as the evening progresses!), followed by tastings.

    After all of the beers have been presented and sampled, it's a free-for-all.

  8. RULES 1: Let's have fun! I can easily see this becoming an annual event!

  9. RULE 2: You've got to pay to play. Please only attend if you've brought (good) beer.

Wait, I'm already lost, what day is this :). Toss me another please.

I can see Tanya "presenting" her beloved "Devastator Double Bock". She has a story, that spans at least a thousand miles out to sea in the RV, as to how she found it. Every few weeks she has to scour the town to find who got a few six packs. Distribution is definitely thin.
I think this is the ONLY time in my life that I wished I liked beer. I can't even stand the smell of it, but what you guys have cooking here sounds like a blast. I know you'll have a great time.

Don't worry, I think there will be some local spirits that show up as well. ;)
Will be there with some Montana microbrews. Sounds like fun and will be willing to assist in the show if needed. Woody.
Mike...not to worry

Wow, I never thought this event would get this many willing participants! I severely underestimated how many beer connoisseurs are out there in VAF!

The following list should cover all the details of the event.

  1. Location - We will set up in the West end of HBC.

  2. Jerry Fischer is going to provide us with some large buckets for everyone to chill their beer in. I am aiming to have these buckets set up by 3PM. If you bring bottles, please bring a plastic grocery bag to keep your bottles together as they chill off.

  3. Volunteers - This event is getting too big for me to handle alone. I could really use some people who can help get ice and get things setup. In exchange for this favor, you will get priority tastings of the good stuff! PM or email me (mike at rvplane dot com) if you are willing to assist. Thanks!

  4. Start Time - 5pm!

  5. Cups - I am bringing 100 Solo Cups, which should be enough for everyone. If someone wants to pick up another 50-60, I'd really appreciate it!

  6. Ice - Please bring ice if you can. My biggest concern not enough ice leading to WARM BEER! I will try to buy as much ice as possible, but I know it has run out in the past.

  7. How the tasting will work - Starting at 5pm, I am looking for 5-6 people who think they brought the best beers from around the world. Make a quick speech to why you think it's the best (let the trash talk start!), and then all attendees get a sample of the beer they want. Whatever beers out of the current samples don't get drank go into a community bucket for the end.

    After the first round, the volunteers will grab 5-6 random 6-pack from the ice buckets in 10-15 minute intervals. The providers of the selected beers will be asked to present them (this should get FUN as the evening progresses!), followed by tastings.

    After all of the beers have been presented and sampled, it's a free-for-all.

  8. RULES 1: Let's have fun! I can easily see this becoming an annual event!

  9. RULE 2: You've got to pay to play. Please only attend if you've brought (good) beer.
I have an unlimited supply of Ice. right on site in a huge box
I have also obtained for the first 15 ir so participants, some assorted Oshkosh glass mugs (brand new in the box or NOS) for you to keep. we are gittin' er done'
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[*] Start Time - 5pm!

[*] Cups - I am bringing 100 Solo Cups, which should be enough for everyone. If someone wants to pick up another 50-60, I'd really appreciate it!

[*] Ice - Please bring ice if you can. My biggest concern not enough ice leading to WARM BEER! I will try to buy as much ice as possible, but I know it has run out in the past.

[*] How the tasting will work - Starting at 5pm, I am looking for 5-6 people who think they brought the best beers from around the world. Make a quick speech to why you think it's the best (let the trash talk start!), and then all attendees get a sample of the beer they want. Whatever beers out of the current samples don't get drank go into a community bucket for the end.

After the first round, the volunteers will grab 5-6 random 6-pack from the ice buckets in 10-15 minute intervals. The providers of the selected beers will be asked to present them (this should get FUN as the evening progresses!), followed by tastings.

After all of the beers have been presented and sampled, it's a free-for-all.

[*] RULES 1: Let's have fun! I can easily see this becoming an annual event!

[*] RULE 2: You've got to pay to play. Please only attend if you've brought (good) beer.


I'd love to attend, but this is the same time as the RV10 Cookout in Scholler...
I'm bringing the TRUTH from Cincy.


87 Reviews
Read the review

Brewed by:
Rhinegeist Brewery
Ohio, United States | website

Style: American IPA

Alcohol by volume (ABV): 7.20%

Availability: Year-round

Notes / Commercial Description:
Rare are moments of truth, when you've struck the last match, belting out tunes with your friends, staring deep into the campfire-times when you feel infinite. Our truth is found in the scintillating brilliance of hops. Brewed with a nod to the pacific, hops sizzle with tropical fruit aroma, grapefruit & mango notes and a dry finish.
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Went to Rhinegeist in April when we were in Cincy for my niece's wedding.

Rooftop was awesome.

Great town for micro's. Went to Christian Moerlein down on the river, as well as some small place that was part micro/part brewer's supply house over by Xavier that was pretty dang good, too.

Will probably bring some Austin Beerworks "Black Thunder" for sampling from my ex-hometown, if I can get it up here in DFW.

My RV-7 has KHAO roots, the guy I bought it from flew it out of there, Jon Thocker did the pre buy and Mom and Dad live just down the road in Harrison...

Looking forward to sampling "Truth" again!

Rob S.
If you can drag it out until Tuesday evening, I'll bring some "Homebuilt" beers I brewed in Cincinnati. Not getting in early is tough......
My supply of Heady Topper is dwindling but I promise to have a taste for the early birds!

I also have Tribute and sip of Sunshine.

See you all there!

;) CJ
I have it on very credible authority...

That we will have some very Special Guests at our event so needless to say we will all be able to show what a fun group we are in HBC:rolleyes:
Any suggestions as to where to purchase beer upon arrival. I'm thinking easy to get to without wheels...

What brands are popular, I like dark, smooth, low bitters...
Sunday weather!

Watching the weather and it's not looking good for a Sunday arrival! Monday looks more realistic. This event was beginning to be one of the hi-lights of the trip I was looking forward to. :(
Will try my best to be there with a homebrewed chocolate bock and a bottle of this:

Yo JC,

I have it good authority that Mortimer Mortician has it loaded via special shackles to the bottom of RV-18 (Bent-Wing 6).

See you tomorrow!
Since I drove in this year, does anyone know if I'll be able to bring my supply of IPA's into HBC.? I'm residing in Scholler this week.
Hi everyone, I'm at gate 32 (Wakau Ave) with my contribution from germany. Is anyone with an airplane close and can pick me and my goods up? US customs was no easy, EAA gate people not so much, won't let me in since my airplane isn't here andmy campsite is in Camp Scholler.
Please let me know, I'll be waiting for couple of minutes over here
Had a great time meeting everyone at the tasting tonight. Even got one of the coveted chocolate chip cookies! Looking forward to the social on Monday and a night without thunderstorms and driving rain.
The beer tasting was a complete success! Many thanks to Jerry Fischer who generously supplied us with the abundant amount of ice we needed. Also, none of this would of been possible without the fabulous group of hard working volunteers. Many more pictures to come from my complete writeup, but here's a fun teaser!

It was a fun event and I enjoyed meeting and talking with folks. Thanks to all who organized and pulled this event off.

Given the heat and humidity, those big tubs of ice cold brews was very appreciated.
I finally got around to getting my Oshkosh Beer Tasting pics online. I hope everyone had a good time, and I look forward to next years event!


It's tough to tell from these pictures if the event was a success?








The beer tasting was a complete success! Many thanks to Jerry Fischer who generously supplied us with the abundant amount of ice we needed. Also, none of this would of been possible without the fabulous group of hard working volunteers. Many more pictures to come from my complete writeup, but here's a fun teaser!

Great picture of the group.
These are all the guys we spent time with during the early week.
Canadians, New Yorkers & Floridians. RVers are great!
Hey Mike...

You John & Dan are very welcome to come back next year & we will try to have everything ready to go for you guys. Everyone really had a great time & new friendships are formed. We in HBC really appreciate the fact you left the grounds spotless...well done :p
From Jay Pratt, Rich Emory, Jerry Folkerts, Carol Beth Beaird, Jack & Anita Hunt, John Morgan, Steve Ashby, & The Fish:D
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