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New (March 1, 2016) Garmin aera 660 Portable GPS

I have an AERA 660 sitting on my desk connected to my home Wi-Fi, and I am seeing "internet weather", i.e., METARS, Forecast, Radar. I do seem to be missing Winds Aloft (which I do get in-flight via a GDL 50 ADS-B IN receiver). What is the "known issue" Garmin tech support specifically acknowledged?


Supposedly reported on some units that internet weather does not work. Probably the reason why no rush on a software fix.

There was no attempt to troubleshoot my unit just its a known issue and wait for a fix. Doesnt feel good to be out a lot of money on something that should work as advertised.
Bought the Aera 660 and GDL52 from Spruce at SnF. Brought it home and connected it to the WiFi at the house with no issues and updated the firmware to 3.50. Connected to the GDL52 with no issues.

No internet weather!!! I rebooted, reconnected, connected to phone and still no luck.

Called tech support and its a known issue with NO timeframe for a software fix.

One of the main reasons I wanted this unit over my Aera 560 was the internet weather.

Please Garmin provide a fix ASAP!!! Thanks
Hello Brian,

We apologize that you are having this issue. We want to assure you that our engineering team takes this seriously and is attempting to find a solution.

So far, we have been unable to reproduce this issue, which makes it difficult to find a solution, but we are continuing to try.

In fairness to the folks at Garmin, after talking with their tech support I discovered the problem with slow downloads was due to an error on my part, not theirs. With the correct settings I completed the data updates with no complications.

Just wanted to set the record straight. Thx

sorry if I missed it somewhere in this long post, but will the 660 or the 795/6 drive an AP? I was thinking buying two 660 and showing map on one and with the GDL 39d using the other for the attitude (like the G-5) but larger picture.
what am I missing here?
sorry if I missed it somewhere in this long post, but will the 660 or the 795/6 drive an AP? I was thinking buying two 660 and showing map on one and with the GDL 39d using the other for the attitude (like the G-5) but larger picture.
what am I missing here?

Hello 49clipper,

Yes, the Aera 660/760/795/796 support an NMEA RS-232 output that will drive a G5 based autopilot or several 3rd party autopilots.

With a G5 based autopilot, you can even couple vertically to the Aera output and fly a coupled VNAV descent from cruise altitude to pattern altitude. In this example, the Aera 660 is configured to provide autopilot guidance to descend from cruise altitude to 1800 ft MSL at 3 nm before RIPON on the way into Oshkosh.



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Thanks for the info, Steve, I am warming up to this 660. I cannot find some of the prices on your website for things like the gmu111. What is a typical list price of the setup you just described with the G-5? Is the AHARS built into the G-5?
Thanks for the info, Steve, I am warming up to this 660. I cannot find some of the prices on your website for things like the gmu111. What is a typical list price of the setup you just described with the G-5? Is the AHARS built into the G-5?

Hello Jim,

Yes, the ADAHRS and all the flight director (autopilot) smarts are built into the G5. Here are some links with prices.

G5 (non-certified)

GMU 11 Magnetometer

GMC 507 Autopilot Control Panel

The GSA 28 servos are commonly priced at $750 each.

Please feel free to email us directly if you need more details.

I have a question about the Track Log in the Aera 660.

The "Active Log" contains full details of the aircraft position, speed, altitude at whatever interval you set (mine is set to 1 second intervals to measure takeoff/land distance).

But if you save the Active Track all the time data is lost and with it the fine detail of the flight, that I am looking for. I'm importing the data to Mapsource.

Is there a workaround for this?
Hello Chris,

Nothing special needed. Just connect the G5 and Aera 660 RS-232 interfaces together like shown on page 7-5 of the Rev. 4 G5 installation manual.

If you ever decide you want to expand this system to the next level, add a couple of servos and a GMC 507 autopilot control panel, and you have everything you need for flight planning, navigation, and autopilot. The GMU 11 magnetometer is optional.


Please contact us directly by phone or email shown below if you have additional installation questions.


Hi Steve will the GMU 11 allow for synthetic vision on the 660 as I am about to get a G5.
I have a question about the Track Log in the Aera 660.

The "Active Log" contains full details of the aircraft position, speed, altitude at whatever interval you set (mine is set to 1 second intervals to measure takeoff/land distance).

But if you save the Active Track all the time data is lost and with it the fine detail of the flight, that I am looking for. I'm importing the data to Mapsource.

Is there a workaround for this?
Hello Bluebeard,

Sorry, but we don't know of a work around for this.

We have other products like G5 and G3X that perform the 1 Hz logging to SD card that would do what you wish, but not currently the Aera 660.

Hi Steve will the GMU 11 allow for synthetic vision on the 660 as I am about to get a G5.
Hello TC,

The Aera 660 needs attitude information, not heading, to show pitch/roll and slip/skid information on the 3D Vision page.

The G5 doesn't output this information, but the GDL 50/50R/52/52R does along with ADS-B traffic/weather if you want to add one of these to the installation.

Internet Weather

Hello Brian,

We apologize that you are having this issue. We want to assure you that our engineering team takes this seriously and is attempting to find a solution.

So far, we have been unable to reproduce this issue, which makes it difficult to find a solution, but we are continuing to try.


We have been able to reproduce the issue with Internet Weather not working on some Aera 660 units and have a solution.

Affected customers will not need to change software or otherwise take any additional action. The Internet Weather feature will automatically be restored once a weather server modification is in place. We expect this to occur early next week.


We have been able to reproduce the issue with Internet Weather not working on some Aera 660 units and have a solution.

Affected customers will not need to change software or otherwise take any additional action. The Internet Weather feature will automatically be restored once a weather server modification is in place. We expect this to occur early next week.


This is awesome news! Thanks so much! Another reason to be planning a full Garmin panel for my RV-7!

We have been able to reproduce the issue with Internet Weather not working on some Aera 660 units and have a solution.

Affected customers will not need to change software or otherwise take any additional action. The Internet Weather feature will automatically be restored once a weather server modification is in place. We expect this to occur early next week.


I can confirm INTERNET WEATHER is working as of this morning!!!

Thanks g3xpert and Garmin!
Another question for g3xpert.

I am about to install my Aera 660 and GDL 52 into my panel.
I have the Air Gizmo and bare wire cable for 660 and GDL52. I want to hardwire the 660>GDL52. Both bluetooth/wifi connections will be used for 2 iPads.

Looking at the interconnect drawings I can see Aera 660 - RS-232 TX/RX 1 Blue/Yellow to GDL 52 TX/RX White/Green. Red/Black from both devices to plane power bus.

Question #1
Both the 660 and GDL52 have Audio out wires. I want to connect to my Flightcom 403mc intercom as I currently have my Aera 560 for XM audio/alerts which works great.
Will connecting just the 660 Audio Left(brown) to my intercom and Audio common to ground provide XM music/Alerts? or do I need to come from the 3.5mm jack from the GDL52?

Question #2
Can you confirm connection to my JPI 830 is 660 - RS-232 TX 2(orange) to JPI 830 data in? Would you know the settings on the interface setup page?

Another question for g3xpert.

I am about to install my Aera 660 and GDL 52 into my panel.
I have the Air Gizmo and bare wire cable for 660 and GDL52. I want to hardwire the 660>GDL52. Both bluetooth/wifi connections will be used for 2 iPads.

Looking at the interconnect drawings I can see Aera 660 - RS-232 TX/RX 1 Blue/Yellow to GDL 52 TX/RX White/Green. Red/Black from both devices to plane power bus.

Question #1
Both the 660 and GDL52 have Audio out wires. I want to connect to my Flightcom 403mc intercom as I currently have my Aera 560 for XM audio/alerts which works great.
Will connecting just the 660 Audio Left(brown) to my intercom and Audio common to ground provide XM music/Alerts? or do I need to come from the 3.5mm jack from the GDL52?

Question #2
Can you confirm connection to my JPI 830 is 660 - RS-232 TX 2(orange) to JPI 830 data in? Would you know the settings on the interface setup page?

Hello Rikochet,

The music comes from the GDL 52 and terrain/obstacle/traffic alerts come from the Aera 660.

The JPI 830 manual shows a GPS interface, but I couldn't find any format specified. I am sure it needs NMEA, but not sure if it uses 4800 or 9600 baud. The Aera 660 can supply either. There is no reason to connect the Tx on the JPI to the receive on the Aera 660.

Hello Rikochet,

The music comes from the GDL 52 and terrain/obstacle/traffic alerts come from the Aera 660.

The JPI 830 manual shows a GPS interface, but I couldn't find any format specified. I am sure it needs NMEA, but not sure if it uses 4800 or 9600 baud. The Aera 660 can supply either. There is no reason to connect the Tx on the JPI to the receive on the Aera 660.


Do the GDL52 bare wire harness I have have audio out like left/right common? or do I have to use the 3.5mm jack and make a new cable?

Also please check your PM.
Hello TC,

The Aera 660 needs attitude information, not heading, to show pitch/roll and slip/skid information on the 3D Vision page.

The G5 doesn't output this information, but the GDL 50/50R/52/52R does along with ADS-B traffic/weather if you want to add one of these to the installation.


Thanks for the reply.
Is there a chance Garmin Could incorporate Attitude out on the G5 for us paupers, Here in Australia small aircraft are not required for ADSB unless we are doing a new install of our transponder.
Situational awareness is good but I only fly Class G.
aera 660/G5 interconnect

G3 expert:
Perhaps I missed it in this huge long thread, and I didn't see it specifically in the G5 or Aera 660 interconnect drawings, but I am running a very simple single G5 PFD with a panel mount Aera 660. From what I gather, only the blue wire on the Aera 660 (Serial 1 TX) needs to be connected to the G5 serial 1 input. Is there no benefit to connecting the yellow wire (Serial 1 RX) so the G5 can transmit back to the 660?

Love the Aera. Cant wait to get the G5 installed and connected to it.
G3 expert:
Perhaps I missed it in this huge long thread, and I didn't see it specifically in the G5 or Aera 660 interconnect drawings, but I am running a very simple single G5 PFD with a panel mount Aera 660. From what I gather, only the blue wire on the Aera 660 (Serial 1 TX) needs to be connected to the G5 serial 1 input. Is there no benefit to connecting the yellow wire (Serial 1 RX) so the G5 can transmit back to the 660?

Love the Aera. Cant wait to get the G5 installed and connected to it.
Hello bigbillyboy,

Glad to hear you like your Aera 660 and G5.

No, there is currently nothing that the G5 transmits that the Aera 660 can use, so connecting the navigation data output from the Aera 660 to the G5 is all that is necessary.

Oh, and welcome to VAF!

796 support

With the 796 being discontinued will software updates similar to the 660 update mentioned above continue where relevant (database changes/updates, ADSB feature updates etc.) for a while.

Is there a document that compares the complete 796 and 660 feature set?

With the 796 being discontinued will software updates similar to the 660 update mentioned above continue where relevant (database changes/updates, ADSB feature updates etc.) for a while.

Is there a document that compares the complete 796 and 660 feature set?

Hello Figs,

Yes, we continue to support the Aera 795/796 with updates when necessary. We released new V5.60 software in March and released a new Pilot Guide last week.

I don't think there is a feature comparison document. The Aera 660 has a faster processor, more memory, and more wireless capabilities like WiFi, so it is able to support more features (like internet weather and internet software and database downloads), but there is a great deal of overlap and shared core capabilities between the two models.

The Aera 660 has a faster processor, more memory, and more wireless capabilities like WiFi, so it is able to support more features (like internet weather and internet software and database downloads)...

With all that extra capability, wlll the Aera 660 ever be upgraded to allow connecting to a Stratux over WiFi for ADS-B in? Or will Garmin publish the protocol necessary for a third party to set up a Stratux to work with an Aera 660?
hello, my Aera 660 software update appeared on my device last week... i deferred to another day ... can't find that update now. i've used Webupdater, nothing. like in the past and previous updates, i've searched in the 'software downloads' in the Aera... nothing available.
i'm on ver3.5 now.
hello, my Aera 660 software update appeared on my device last week... i deferred to another day ... can't find that update now. i've used Webupdater, nothing. like in the past and previous updates, i've searched in the 'software downloads' in the Aera... nothing available.
i'm on ver3.5 now.
Hello swixtt,

Some customers were experiencing problems downloading non-Garmin Nav and Chart data when using V3.60, so we removed V3.60 from the web.

We are testing V3.70 now, and will make it available soon if no issues are found.

Great, thanks for the update on the update. will stay tuned for the new release.
on a side note, is there anyway to increase 'tracking log line, breadcrumb' size on the Map or perhaps have 'tracking log line' or custom way-points appear on the Enroute Charts?
Clear recent tab

Hello Steve,

I have a bad recent point on this tab and I can't delete.
Do you know how to clear all point on Recent Tab ?

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Aera 660 V3.70 Software


Aera 660 V3.70 software was released this morning.

Changes made from version 3.60 to 3.70:
  • Increase access to the symbol keyboard (e.g. for waypoint searches)
  • Fix Flight Log storage
  • Fix Navigation Database issues
  • General improvements to system operation
  • Includes GDL 39 software version 4.81
  • Includes GDL 5X software version 2.12
  • Includes GPS software version 3.30

Support of Century IIB Autopilot

Hi Steve,

is there a possibility to use the area 660 in combination of a G5 to steer with a GAD29 a Century IIB Autopilot? While the area 660 should be able to control the flight route?


Kind regards
Hi Steve,

is there a possibility to use the area 660 in combination of a G5 to steer with a GAD29 a Century IIB Autopilot? While the area 660 should be able to control the flight route?


Kind regards
Hello gFlyer,

While the Aera 660 can act as the navigator for a G5 based autopilot, it does not provide the A429 GPSS data needed to drive the analog outputs on the GAD 29B to provide this steering signal to old analog autopilots like the Century.

The minimum Garmin navigator for an installation like you describe would be a GPS 175 (or any of the GNS/GTN WAAS navigators).

Won't boot after new software...?

I finally got around to installing this new version of the software today. Once installed it now won't boot up and shuts down after the startup / spinning garmin logo screen. Is there a recovery mode or do I have to now send this somewhere?
I finally got around to installing this new version of the software today. Once installed it now won't boot up and shuts down after the startup / spinning garmin logo screen. Is there a recovery mode or do I have to now send this somewhere?
Hello Flybipe,

It would be best to contact us directly for assistance of this type. If you haven't tried updating from a USB connection, you should try that first.

SL30 Serial Connections

Hi Steve,

My SL30 serial data is currently connected to my Dynon D100 for nav info on the HSI screen. I would like to connect the Aera 660 serial out to the SL30 for frequency changes.

Can I connect the Aera 660 serial out to the SL30 serial in AND the SL30 data out to the Dynon, simultaneously??

I doesn't look like the SL30 needs any data from the Dynon D100

Mark Klepper
Hi Steve,

My SL30 serial data is currently connected to my Dynon D100 for nav info on the HSI screen. I would like to connect the Aera 660 serial out to the SL30 for frequency changes.

Can I connect the Aera 660 serial out to the SL30 serial in AND the SL30 data out to the Dynon, simultaneously??

I doesn't look like the SL30 needs any data from the Dynon D100

Mark Klepper
Hello Mark,

If the SL 30 RS-232 input on pin 4 is not used in your installation, you should be able to connect this to the Aera 660.

Aera 660 External Antenna MCX Jack

Hey Steve,
I use my 660 in a panel dock in my RV-4 and since I added an external antenna it has been a great performer with 3 years of flawless service. Recently my AERA 660 started having problems locking into satellites and losing them mid-flight. I unplugged the GA 25 external antenna and there was no difference in performance so I figured the antenna had failed. Ordered a new antenna but no difference but while plugging in the new antenna I noticed the 660 mcx jack was loose in the unit ! It rattles around pretty good. What are my options at this point ? 1. Open the unit and attempt to secure the jack. 2. Send the unit to Garmin for service. 3. Buy a replacement unit as the cost of Garmin service would exceed the value of a 3 year old 660. Really appreciate any guidance you might offer.
David Duffer
PS Merry Christmas !
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Hey Steve,
I use my 660 in a panel dock in my RV-4 and since I added an external antenna it has been a great performer with 3 years of flawless service. Recently my AERA 660 started having problems locking into satellites and losing them mid-flight. I unplugged the GA 25 external antenna and there was no difference in performance so I figured the antenna had failed. Ordered a new antenna but no difference but while plugging in the new antenna I noticed the 660 mcx jack was loose in the unit ! It rattles around pretty good. What are my options at this point ? 1. Open the unit and attempt to secure the jack. 2. Send the unit to Garmin for service. 3. Buy a replacement unit as the cost of Garmin service would exceed the value of a 3 year old 660. Really appreciate any guidance you might offer.
David Duffer
PS Merry Christmas !
Hello David,

It would be best to contact us directly to discuss the repair of your Aera 660.

Happy Holidays,
I have 3 aera 660's in docks. Two in a Husky (front and rear) and one in an RV-8 rear seat. I often swap one into a dock in my RV-3B. External GPS antennas are used in the RV-3B and front position in the Husky. I purchase the aera 660s when the model was first released.

In the Husky I often forget to detach the MCA antenna connector before I pop it out of the dock and that results in the aera yanking and pulling on the connector dramatically. In fact the connector on the lead has one of the gold colored ground brush contacts busted off. But it still seems to work fine. I find the units to be very sturdy.

So my point here is that I move my aera 660s around a lot as a fumbling idiot and have found the unit and external antenna connector to be very robust without any issues. Based on my experience if you to have a loose and rattling antenna port on the unit, especially in a more static install, it might point to a defect or the lead somehow twisting the port loose over time.

I think the aera 660 is the finest portable GPS navigator currently sold. Especially when paired with a GDL 5X external ADS-B and/or SXM "in" device. I would love it if a larger version were made to replace the discontinued aera 796.
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I would love it if a larger version were made to replace the discontinued aera 796.

+ one on that! I'm really surprised that Garmin hasn't released a larger version to replace the 796. There is definitely a need.

Originally Posted by jliltd View Post
I would love it if a larger version were made to replace the discontinued aera 796.
+ one on that! I'm really surprised that Garmin hasn't released a larger version to replace the 796. There is definitely a need.


Ditto - a 796-size version of the 660 would be awesome!:)
+ one on that! I'm really surprised that Garmin hasn't released a larger version to replace the 796. There is definitely a need.
I'm not sure many people could justify buying what is effectively another tablet. Most of us already have an iPad, Android tablet, or some such. Put Garmin Pilot on it and you'll have effectively the same thing as a "larger 660".
Don't think for a minute Garmin isn't working on it. They always have something in the works. But they NEVER divulge such information until it is ready for prime time. You won't see it coming, it will just be one of those happy announcements out of the blue. Or not. That's how they are. 😉
I'm wondering if the garmin 660 interfaces with the MGL N16 Nav radio razor head? Will it show its display on the 660 or dynon touch?
area 760


I saw the new area 760 coming out a couple of days ago. Looking very similar. Is the software compatible with the area 660 or a complete new release?

I currently have a Garmin 396 panel mounted in my 8.

I didn't build this airplane, but my understanding is that the 396 sends flight plan info to my Advanced Flight Systems 4500, which controls my tru-trak autopilot.

How would I go about replacing the 396 with a 660? It seems that the panel mounts are the same size, but will it talk to my AFS4500?
I currently have a Garmin 396 panel mounted in my 8.

I didn't build this airplane, but my understanding is that the 396 sends flight plan info to my Advanced Flight Systems 4500, which controls my tru-trak autopilot.

How would I go about replacing the 396 with a 660? It seems that the panel mounts are the same size, but will it talk to my AFS4500?

I thought it would be more complicated but it's as easy as changing the Gizmo mount (pretty much the same size hole in the dash) then connecting power and ground then that 1 wire (Data Out) that goes from the 396 to the AFS4500 is the same 1 wire you'll connect from the 660 to the AFS4500. DONE !!

Aero News Net is running a story today that the Connext interface is being rolled out for the benefit of FltPlan.com and FltPlanGo users... Allowing connectivity to Garmin devices to transfer ADS-B info, etc.

Will that connectivity extend to connecting a FltPLanGo tablet to the Aera 660?
Will the Aera 660 receive and display ADS-B data from a FltPlanGo tablet that's getting ADS-B info from a third-party device connected to the tablet? Stratux/Stratus, etc.

Never did get an update on this did you?


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