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Need first officers - 777 and 747


Well Known Member
Check out the requirements, namely >3000 total time, >500 turbine PIC on fixed wing aircraft, home basing, 16 on, 14 off flying the 777 or 747.

We’re adding 10 converted B777-300SRF in the next two years and need a couple hundred pilots.

We are much smaller than the mainline passenger airlines so we operate more on a personal level. Currently about five years to upgrade to wide body captain. Check out the airline pilot central website for more details.

Requirements and more info on the recruiting website:


If you’re an RV builder and/or owner of a flying RV hit me up for info and my experience. I’m a 777 captain and RV-7 owner, EAA Flight Advisor and GA instructor, including transition training.

Kalitta Air is a different company, let’s chat.

PM or email through the contact link here on VAF.
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I’ve reached out to Doug with an invite. I think he’s still working toward the mins…gonna snag him sooner or later if I can!
Too bad the job is not open for Canadian… I wouldn’t mind flying the triple again..

Flew that big Seattle RV for 11years and loved every min…Doug will love it I’m sure..;)

With those minimums, wouldn't someone be just as competitive with FedEx and UPS? I've always found K4's mins to be rather high vs pay and schedule for a wide body.

With those minimums, wouldn't someone be just as competitive with FedEx and UPS? I've always found K4's mins to be rather high vs pay and schedule for a wide body.

Great question. Here’s an honest answer.

There’s good reasons to work for different companies. If you can make being based in Alaska work for you and your family for at least a few years, until your seniority can hold a base closer to where you live, or move to your FedEx or UPS hub, then those companies might work for you IF you can get hired.

At least 1/3 to 1/2 of each new hire class at FedEx and UPS seems to be getting assigned to Anchorage Alaska right now.

Home basing is worth a lot. I just finished building a house and settling down, finally. My wife and I are a retired military family that is done moving, not interested in commuting, crash pads, etc.

Make sense? :cool:
It’s a jobs board. What makes you think my post will be taken down?!?

I like to fly with other like minded pilots, how about you?

Hey, if the moderators are OK with this, I really don’t care. I just thought it sounded odd for a VAF post, especially the title of the post, as did a couple other “experienced” VAF’ers. It seemed to me to violate the posting rules. Don’t really see the RV related nature of it, but honestly, I don’t care. I just hope this site doesn’t become some sort of ‘job board’. There are other places for that.
60 years old, 32 years in medicine, flew FO in SF 340 then FE on to FO in 727 with TWA a lifetime ago. Oh how I wish there were time to make another change.......
A job board is strange

Hey, if the moderators are OK with this, I really don’t care. I just thought it sounded odd for a VAF post, especially the title of the post, as did a couple other “experienced” VAF’ers. It seemed to me to violate the posting rules. Don’t really see the RV related nature of it, but honestly, I don’t care. I just hope this site doesn’t become some sort of ‘job board’. There are other places for that.

Yeah, I noticed the job board here, read the description of the thread and decided to post.

I’m literally looking for fellow RV builders and pilots to fly with. I found it odd there were so few posts on the jobs board. Beating the bushes for good pilots like every other company out there!

If it’s not allowed or in poor taste I guess it will get deleted. Better update the description of the “job board” to include only working on or making RV related tools, parts or accessories I guess.
Yeah, I noticed the job board here, read the description of the thread and decided to post.

I’m literally looking for fellow RV builders and pilots to fly with. I found it odd there were so few posts on the jobs board. Beating the bushes for good pilots like every other company out there!

If it’s not allowed or in poor taste I guess it will get deleted. Better update the description of the “job board” to include only working on or making RV related tools, parts or accessories I guess.

I need 6 years to retire from my current job and 480 hours PIC turbine in the mean time…….
Don't remove

I like to see these posts, not RV related but interesting to see from an avation industry perspective.

Also a good opportunity for members (I didn't click the link so no opinion on the workplace but I am sure people can profile it for themselves.)
I need 6 years to retire from my current job and 480 hours PIC turbine in the mean time…….

Trying to figure that step out myself currently. I sure would like to keep my current job somehow and gain real pilot work experience at the same time. Not sure it's possible with zero ME Turbine time. Once you get the time, anything is possible.

One option is to fly at a regional for $50/hr. Depending on how busy the schedule is, one could potentially get 100 hours a month maybe? I dont know. However, that is a FT schedule and job flying 4 to 5 legs a day maybe? Even my current cushy job working only a few hours a week, I couldn't do both, though.

Or just dive in head first, quit current job, join the other kids, and only eat cup of noodles for the next 1 to 2 years?!?! Im sure I can do that again. ;)
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If I was flying commercial, I'd much rather have a crew up front that has RV time and experience.

Apologies, Mods, but I hate to see people going "If only..." when there is an incredible hiring boom going on at all levels.

60 years old, 32 years in medicine, flew FO in SF 340 then FE on to FO in 727 with TWA a lifetime ago. Oh how I wish there were time to make another change.......

Apply and see. United hired a 59 year old pilot from SWA who wanted to fly heavies before he retired. At the very least you could easily retire as a Q400 Captain, probably a RJ Captain. You still have 4 years left, plenty of time to scratch the "Fate is the Hunter" itch.

I need 6 years to retire from my current job and 480 hours PIC turbine in the mean time…….

Trying to figure that step out myself currently. I sure would like to keep my current job somehow and gain real pilot work experience at the same time. Not sure it's possible with zero ME Turbine time. Once you get the time, anything is possible.

One option is to fly at a regional for $50/hr. Depending on how busy the schedule is, one could potentially get 100 hours a month maybe? I dont know. However, that is a FT schedule and job flying 4 to 5 legs a day maybe? Even my current cushy job working only a few hours a week, I couldn't do both, though.

Or just dive in head first, quit current job, join the other kids, and only eat cup of noodles for the next 1 to 2 years?!?! Im sure I can do that again. ;)

You may find that regional pay rate has changed, and you might even be hired over the phone with a $10-20,000 signing bonus. https://www.airlinepilotforums.com/airline-pilot-forums/

FAR 117 changed the work/duty rigs, you can average about 90/month, many companies won't let you go about 95 to allow slack if you run over on a leg outbound, don't want you timing out downstream and not be able to get back to the base. I LIKE flying airplanes (and getting paid to fly them), and average about 900 hours/year. I was hoping to hit 10,000 hours in the 787 before I retire but it looks like I'll have to settle for about the mid-9,s. Not bad for a college dropout with no military flight time.

If I was flying commercial, I'd much rather have a crew up front that has RV time and experience.


Funny you mention that, many years ago we had a "sporty" approach into EWR 04L, I had never flown with the Captain before and he was (understandably) guarding the controls a bit. I looked at him, said "Tom, trust me." and he backed off a little. I nailed a perfect crosswind landing, as we were turning off the runway Captain Tom said "Sooo...... how much taildragger time do you have?"

I think it's really nice of Al to post this, and for the Mods to let it go, it's the ultimate Pilots helping Pilots. (Al, tell Jeff P that his classmate Steve K from CoEx says Hi!!!)
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Great question. Here’s an honest answer.

There’s good reasons to work for different companies. If you can make being based in Alaska work for you and your family for at least a few years, until your seniority can hold a base closer to where you live, or move to your FedEx or UPS hub, then those companies might work for you IF you can get hired.

At least 1/3 to 1/2 of each new hire class at FedEx and UPS seems to be getting assigned to Anchorage Alaska right now.

Home basing is worth a lot. I just finished building a house and settling down, finally. My wife and I are a retired military family that is done moving, not interested in commuting, crash pads, etc.

Make sense? :cool:

That's a fair point. I give you props on the 16/14 schedule, I'm not sure it's not something I could handle. Like many others, the best way to get hired at FedEx is to know someone. All the guys I know who were hired within the last couple years got the MD-11 in MEM. But none of them live in base and have a significant commute.

If I decide to take the plunge one of these days I'll either live in base or have a very short nonstop commute. There's a few benefits to living right very close to SFO, LAS, LAX, and SLC.

How is it working your way up through the smaller Kalitta companies? I've heard plenty of horror stories, mostly concerning maintenance..
Trying to figure that step out myself currently. I sure would like to keep my current job somehow and gain real pilot work experience at the same time. Not sure it's possible with zero ME Turbine time. Once you get the time, anything is possible.

One option is to fly at a regional for $50/hr. Depending on how busy the schedule is, one could potentially get 100 hours a month maybe? I dont know. However, that is a FT schedule and job flying 4 to 5 legs a day maybe? Even my current cushy job working only a few hours a week, I couldn't do both, though.

Or just dive in head first, quit current job, join the other kids, and only eat cup of noodles for the next 1 to 2 years?!?! Im sure I can do that again. ;)

I’m so busy with job A I really can’t wait the 6 years to retire to a cushy job B for fun. I’ve got to see job A out first, 500 hours turbine will be cake after that. Problem is I’m not sure I’m willing to put up with the schedule/cup o noodles to make it happen.
Kalitta is different…

Apologies, Mods, but I hate to see people going "If only..." when there is an incredible hiring boom going on at all levels.

I think it's really nice of Al to post this, and for the Mods to let it go, it's the ultimate Pilots helping Pilots. (Al, tell Jeff P that his classmate Steve K from CoEx says Hi!!!)

I’ll say hi to Jeff P for you, I flew with him last week. I’ll send him a note.

That's a fair point. I give you props on the 16/14 schedule, I'm not sure it's not something I could handle.

How is it working your way up through the smaller Kalitta companies? I've heard plenty of horror stories, mostly concerning maintenance..

We have some of the best maintenance in the business and do work for other airlines in our Oscoda Michigan maintenance hub (tires/engines). Old days and old stories die hard. Kalitta hasn’t always been as successful as we are now.

The other Kalitta companies hold on to their pilots. Kalitta Charters and Charters II fly their own unique cargo, like high value race horses and prototype auto parts. Check them out too, I know very little about them however.

We fly a lot of US military contracts which have limited hiring foreign pilots in the past to those who also have a US passport.

Having 14 days off in a row is highly attractive to me because I get a lot done at home building, flying, raising my kids, time with my wife, without stopping and starting. Momentum is my friend!

Stick and rudder skills are absolutely important for us. We fly boxes into lots of places, some passenger airlines don’t go. It can be challenging and fun at the same time.

I think this thread is relevant because Kalitta needs a different kind of pilot. If you want to move in base and fly short hops Kalitta isn’t for you. I’m reaching out to mostly corporate jet pilots and regional captains who are part of the RV community and are looking for a great place to call home that allows building, attending Airventure, small company atmosphere and a decidedly different flying culture from the majors.
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Opportunity open, letting this thread run its course

Any more folks meeting the minimum requirements want to avoid the passenger airlines?

This thread will close, but we will perpetually need pilots that are looking for something different than the domestic passenger scene as we grow.

Build on. I’m bidding three weeks off in a row, no vacation used to do it. :cool:
A point for someone considering a second career flying. Regional salaries have soared and they have no issues hiring 60 year old pilots. Several regionals now start at 90.00 a flight hour. Captains are currently earning 212 an hour and check airman can get a 100% override for 424 an hour when doing check airman duties. You can move to the left seat very quickly! If you have 1500 hours and 25 multi there is a job for you.
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Hey Al. I would be all over this! I’m a 757/767 training Captain flying cargo in Canada. Would love the home based, 2 week schedule. Unfortunately don’t have a green card.
Hey Al. I would be all over this! I’m a 757/767 training Captain flying cargo in Canada. Would love the home based, 2 week schedule. Unfortunately don’t have a green card.

No card no problem. I can direct you where to go in Huntington Park Kalifornia...:D
Opportunity open, letting this thread run its course

Any more folks meeting the minimum requirements want to avoid the passenger airlines?

This thread will close, but we will perpetually need pilots that are looking for something different than the domestic passenger scene as we grow.

Build on. I’m bidding three weeks off in a row, no vacation used to do it. :cool:

Hi Al,

Still flying for Kalitta? What's the hiring outlook currently?
Hi Al,

Still flying for Kalitta? What's the hiring outlook currently?

If you aren't based near their hub, travel is on YOU! 14 day schedule can end up being 16 days and that cuts 2 days off your 'off' time.
Pay is so-so, hours flying is not what I would consider worthwhile.
Check out the requirements, namely >3000 total time, >500 turbine PIC on fixed wing aircraft, home basing, 16 on, 14 off flying the 777 or 747.

We’re adding 10 converted B777-300SRF in the next two years and need a couple hundred pilots.

We are much smaller than the mainline passenger airlines so we operate more on a personal level. Currently about five years to upgrade to wide body captain. Check out the airline pilot central website for more details.

Requirements and more info on the recruiting website:


If you’re an RV builder and/or owner of a flying RV hit me up for info and my experience. I’m a 777 captain and RV-7 owner, EAA Flight Advisor and GA instructor, including transition training.

Kalitta Air is a different company, let’s chat.

PM or email through the contact link here on VAF.
Al….is this a 121 ops with age 65 requirement? Jeff
If you aren't based near their hub, travel is on YOU! 14 day schedule can end up being 16 days and that cuts 2 days off your 'off' time.
Pay is so-so, hours flying is not what I would consider worthwhile.
Isn't travel to and from the hub provided by the company? How many hours are typical in a rotation? Thanks
I’ve been an A&P for over 25 years. I have worked with plenty of KALITTA people. If you haven’t got the balls or the budget to say no when it is not safe to fly. I have heard too many stories where the mechanic was given the option to sign it off or get fired. Same with their pilots. Fly it as is or look for another job.

As a mechanic and a pilot, I have a set things I will never do. KALITTA will test those limits.
Isn't travel to and from the hub provided by the company? How many hours are typical in a rotation? Thanks
Negative! Also, a 14 day schedule ends up being 16 days due to having to get a 'jump' seat or buying a ticket to where ever they expect you to be for your rotation. Flying hours vary considerably.