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N Number Choice?

Tav and Betty were my grandparents and both WWII veterans and I wanted to honor them as they both passed away early in our build. We chose 543TB because we (two pilots) thought it rolled off the tongue easily. So far, ATC has screwed it up every time. Go figure.
A friend of mine has N113UD on his RV8. The one and the three are painted very close to each other……. his name is Bud….
November one BUD.
Forty-one years ago to the day...went to the Lexington, KY fireworks show with friends, met up with a girl I knew from high school...married her 4 years later...still together, despite me putting the mental in experimental aviation.

So, 7/4/1980, Patricia and Kurt
thinking ahead

So now I am thinking what my next plane's numbers would be. It will be an RV 15, so I was thinking something with 15 in the title.....
Unintended Meaning

Without a lot of thought, I asked the builder of the RV-6A I was considering purchasing why he selected N30YD as the registration number for his airplane, was he a bowhunter? (as a bowhunter. a 30-yard bow shot is on the far side of a typical shot with an arrow.)

He responded, "BOYD, Boyd is my name." Feeling a little dim, I didn't carry the inquiry any further.

Several months later I was checking into Charlottesville Ground, "Charlottesville ground this is N30YD, clear at Charlie, ready to taxi to the south GA hangars."

Ground responded enthusiastically, Hey 0YD, welcome to Charlottesville. You must be a bowhunter!"

...at least I'm not the only one.
Mine N205EN for Rosen

My favorites
Bill Boyd
RV-6A - N30YD - Built '98 / sold '20
RV-10 - N130YD - Phase 1 flying

Between this and John Andre's s post above, I'm not sure there's much more to say on my behalf. :p. I'm considering taking a little liberty with allowable spacing between the 1 and the 3 when we go to paint next month, make it more suggestive of a B. Maybe I can play with shadow outlines a bit on those two characters.

Sometimes I wish I could get my RANS S-12 tail number back. N44WB was pretty cool.

My friend Jack likes certain adult beverages - he's "one for tequila, whiskey." His RV-10 is N142KW.
I'm considering taking a little liberty with allowable spacing between the 1 and the 3 when we go to paint next month, make it more suggestive of a B.

Be careful. The reg (Part 45) requires equal spacing, and there is a minimum space between characters. (1/6 the height.) I know you see all kinds of N numbers that don't meet the reg, but do you want to be the one that the FAA decides to pick on?? Just sayin'....
When I choose an N number, I don’t like the idea to make it personalized to myself for resale. Both my RV tail numbers ended in “Romeo Victor”. Most anyone who hears that knows it’s an RV. I got lucky and snagged a short number “Romeo Victor” to reserve for my -9A. Van’s may want that number in the not to distant future!
We inherited the one on the -6a, N28RV. The original paperwork shows the builder's own handwriting on the registration application, with a note that says, "It would be nice if I could get a number that ends in RV." And 8 minus 2 is six, so there's that.

Back when I first looked for appropriate numbers for my desired airplane (the -8) I found N84M sitting dormant on an old Beechcraft. I tried a little bit to contact what I figure was the family of some deceased owner, but no luck. I did not win the midnight clicky-click lotto when it got released back into the wild, and so short N number man got it and sold it to a Velocity builder (I did ask, the price was mid-four figures).

So when we actually got an -8 from Canada and had to get a number, I came up with a lot of xx84M options, but eventually decided to be chivalrous, and appreciative, of M'Lady Karen's willingness to spend some of our money:

short N number man got it and sold it


I'm not dissing a free market, but for such a scarce resource as tail numbers I'd be open to the idea that taking ownership of one might ought to come with some kind of bona fide requirement beyond the nominal fee. Some proof of ability and intent to put it on an aircraft for instance. I don't know what that would look like, probably messy.

This thread reminds me that I ought to get one reserved for my 9A though. Build is chugging right along, first flight will be here any day now. I have no schema in mind, but smooth is better than lumpy so to speak.
Bible verse

Reserved N413PL
Sorta code for Philippians 4:13, which has special meaning for me and my family. N413PH was already taken.

The G is for Gawer. The 762 is a homage to the tool the Marines issued to me back in the Carter era.
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We just registered “N66EV” - I really didn’t care what the numbers were, but we wanted it to end in “EV” because it doesn’t have a fuel tank - it has a battery…

Lesson Learned - I sent in the reservation request back in November, and it wasn’t until late February that I got the letter saying it was ours. But….I could have just sent in the registration with a request for three choices, and they probably would have had it back to me in ten days - that’s how long the registration took once I sent it in.

I chose N469MT because I was looking for something easy to say on comms (369 was not available) and the "MT" is a tongue-in-cheek allusion to "Magare Technologies" which manufactures a great many of the products I own from aircraft to computers to firearms.... Hoping that if it's shortened on comms I can just say "Niner Mike Tango" - easy peazy lemon squeezy! :rolleyes:
My kit number is #230. I think I'm supposed to list myself as the builder, so "Travis Rocket". So, N230TR seemed fitting and it was available. The advertised speed is 230mph and the vendor is Team Rocket. So, pretty cool all the way around.

The current number on my Baron is 3653A. I'd say 1 out of 10 controllers, including at my home field get it correct on first announcement. It's always something like "Baron 3563 alpha" or "Baron 36 ... repeat call-sign?" Such a crappy n-number. I reserved N365XA which is so much easier to say and remember. Now... if I can just figure out how to change one character without destroying my paint.....
I tried to find one that had 7s for RV 7(A) and I tacked on my initials on the end, RT. I ended up with 177RT. The only thing I would say is its not as easy to as some other suffixes. Just a Tango at the end might have been better. Worth considering as others have mentioned.
To RV or not to RV in a call sign

I, like a lot of builders use RV as my last two digits call sign. Looking back, I wish I did not have this as when listening to ATF (And with my older hearing) I seem to hear half the call signs as possibly mine. For the 10 I'm going with something else. Probably something triple x and then two digits. Anyone know what date the FAA is up to answering N number requests? I had the link and can't find it now where they update this.
I wanted a 14 in the number for the model. Luckily I grew up in Wyoming at 914 Lane 11½ and then I used my initials = N914RS.
They save the easy number for some of us who had a hard time in school and can't remember what to.....oh nevermind. I forgot what I was gonna say

5 months for our FAA for what seems a very simple data base query. I'll keep waiting (Submitted Feb 10th)
this has been an interesting thread to read.

I've never owned a plane and I'm not currently building so it's not something I've ever gotten into. I have though thought about this topic quite a lot when I'm daydreaming about getting or building a plane....but really only from the perspective of having something easy for me to say. I've rented a few that have had real tongue twisters

Reminds me of the trouble I've had in coming up with a 'good' gmail address.
I'm not really all that much into personalized and vanity plate type stuff, but for email I'd like to find something that's easy for other to remember and is short...like so when I tell someone the address they don't have to write t down because it's just my name...something like that...but every single thing that I've ever thought of that fill both easy and short have been taken. Extremely frustrating. I keep hoping that they will open up a new bank of addresses.... such as gmail.net, gmail.xx, whatever....

I suppose in a way these N numbers are the same. I'm generally a very free-market kind of person....don't much buy into the opposition to hording and price gouging most things, but I really don't see the point of reserving multiple numbers unless you have multiple planes. So I sort of agree with the sentiment that it seems that it would be a good idea to require an active build or proof of ownership in order to reserve one number.

Regardless, when or if I ever do start my build or buy something I doubt I'll care much what the numbers are except that it needs to roll off my tongue nicely. (and what rolls of my tongue won't necessarily be what rolls of someone else's, so there's that too)
this has been an interesting thread to read.

I've never owned a plane and I'm not currently building so it's not something I've ever gotten into. I have though thought about this topic quite a lot when I'm daydreaming about getting or building a plane....but really only from the perspective of having something easy for me to say. I've rented a few that have had real tongue twisters

Reminds me of the trouble I've had in coming up with a 'good' gmail address.
I'm not really all that much into personalized and vanity plate type stuff, but for email I'd like to find something that's easy for other to remember and is short...like so when I tell someone the address they don't have to write t down because it's just my name...something like that...but every single thing that I've ever thought of that fill both easy and short have been taken. Extremely frustrating. I keep hoping that they will open up a new bank of addresses.... such as gmail.net, gmail.xx, whatever....

I suppose in a way these N numbers are the same. I'm generally a very free-market kind of person....don't much buy into the opposition to hording and price gouging most things, but I really don't see the point of reserving multiple numbers unless you have multiple planes. So I sort of agree with the sentiment that it seems that it would be a good idea to require an active build or proof of ownership in order to reserve one number.

Regardless, when or if I ever do start my build or buy something I doubt I'll care much what the numbers are except that it needs to roll off my tongue nicely. (and what rolls of my tongue won't necessarily be what rolls of someone else's, so there's that too)

E-mail........Your first name, po box, and available number @XX.com

N number...... All numbers. Easy to enter at fuel pump. Easy to say. Easy to hear.
That's not good news...

You better reserve it early. I reserved one in January and the FAA has still not processed it.

I know that they took my money but still waiting to hear. The receipt says to allow approximately 3 weeks for your reservation request to be processed. But it's only been a month for me. I'm wondering what others are seeing?
I know that they took my money but still waiting to hear. The receipt says to allow approximately 3 weeks for your reservation request to be processed. But it's only been a month for me. I'm wondering what others are seeing?

Four and a half months for me over the past winter for an N-Number reservation for our motor glider project. However….you could have gamed the system (if you’re not TOO picky) by simply sending in the registration paperwork, on which you can put in for a first, second, or third choice for an N number. Initial registrations are given priority in OKC, and currently seem to take about ten days.

I didn’t find that out until I had already put in my custom N-number request, and then I wondered if my two requests would collide if I tried the registration with that same number requested…..
Thanks for the tip. As soon as my bill of sale is received, I am going to proceed with this method instead of waiting for the confirmation of the N number reservation
I changed the N number on my Warrior in 1983. At that time, you could chose three numbers in the order of preference...... nothing new.

Syllables are the enemy....

N970RJ = 12 syllables (excluding the N).
N356MG = 5 syllables (excluding the N).

There are only six single syllable numbers available. And only 2 letters that are single syllable.

Make your N number as simple, or as complicated as you want. Less communication confusion = happier flight.....:)

As far as reserving N numbers, I think the FAA should charge $50.00 the first year, and DOUBLE IT each year there after.
And no one can reserve more than 5 numbers for no more than 5 years.
As far as reserving N numbers, I think the FAA should charge $50.00 the first year, and DOUBLE IT each year there after.
And no one can reserve more than 5 numbers for no more than 5 years.
WOW that is a bad idea. I reserved my N number when I started my project and it took 8 yrs (job change, cross country moves, etc). So by your estimate:
$50, $100, $200, $400, $800, $1600, $3200, $6400 = $12,750
Actually it would be $13,050 and I would lose my N-number after 5 years. Yeah great idea? Not.

How about this.
Individuals: Limited to 5 NUMBERS. Period.
Airlines (FedEx, United) no limit if for reserved plane purchases.
Yep! Use it or lose it.....

Maybe after five years, you could only retain one number at $50.00 per year thereafter.
WOW that is a bad idea. I reserved my N number when I started my project and it took 8 yrs (job change, cross country moves, etc). So by your estimate:
$50, $100, $200, $400, $800, $1600, $3200, $6400 = $12,750
Actually it would be $13,050 and I would lose my N-number after 5 years. Yeah great idea? Not.

How about this.
Individuals: Limited to 5 NUMBERS. Period.
Airlines (FedEx, United) no limit if for reserved plane purchases.

I'm not into the idea of punishment money for things like this. realistic limitations, ok maybe....but punishment in the name of discouragement...no thanks.

If a person is that against people holding, hording, etc.... why not just make a rule something like you get a number when you get your airworthiness cert..... at that time...pick one of the then available numbers? (not saying I'd want this either)

How about this....
what does it cost to renew your registration number? Is it an annual renewal?
Why not make THAT the fee?
you're building an RV-14 and want to pick a particular number that's available now. Plane might be 2 years out form completion, 8 years, whatever....
so you register the number for the RV-14, pay that fee. Pay the renewal as required.... then if down the road you choose to change to a different number...either before the build is done, or after....then you pay whatever it would coast to do the same as if you'd bought a 40 year old cessna and wanted to change it. One kit or one plane = 1 number...either now or when it's ready to fly.
Just keep it simple.
What would be wrong with that???
If a person is that against people holding, hording, etc.... why not just make a rule something like you get a number when you get your airworthiness cert..... at that time...pick one of the then available numbers? (not saying I'd want this either)
How about this....
what does it cost to renew your registration number? Is it an annual renewal?
What would be wrong with that???

Renewal is $10/year.
You can't ge an Airworthiness Certificate until the aircraft is registered.
I paid my $10 three times to reserve at the time available N-Numbers, all three times I did not get it. All three were two number and two letter numbers. Two of the three were taken by Textron/Cessna…. Conspiracy???? I am not a believer in coincidences.

I finally got N678C for my Bearhawk Companion


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I don't have a problem with an aircraft manufacturer reserving numbers. At least they probably plan to use them on aircraft.

I have a problem with people reserving numbers for the specific purpose of selling them for huge profits.

And government agencies: My EAA Chapter is 168. A few years ago all N numbers containing "168" were reserved by SBS PROGRM OFC in Washington DC.
For what purpose can this possibly be?
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Yep! Use it or lose it.....

Maybe after five years, you could only retain one number at $50.00 per year thereafter.
That is a random arbitrary suggestion with no practical or ligament reason and ineffective. Sorry, it's not the rule. Boohoo too bad I RESERVED my number and you can't have it. Ha ha.... :D

Look there are a lot of N-numbers, unlimited combinations. It is too bad you did not get your choice, and your idea wouldn't guarantee your top choice. Would you then want to change the rules again to benefit you. Life is not fair and is difficult at times, and the only guaranteed is death and taxes. A personal N-number is not a right. So relax. Authoritarian rules will never help.

This is classic wrong think. Example criminals and crazy people abuse a freedom and a right, so the authorities want to strip those freedoms and rights from law-abiding citizens. Make sense? NO!

So, one individual, reserving one N-number for a year or 10 yrs is not the issue. It is people who are buying up many desirable N-numbers and predatory that ruins it for the rest. These N number flippers track reserved N-numbers that are not renewed. Sometimes a person forgets to renew, and when they realize it, too late. The N=number flippers got it and hold it for ransom.

Suggesting things that are PUNISHING individuals who are using the system as intended is wrong think. It would be easy to see who is transferring N-numbers for profit or at least see who reserved many numbers and is often transferring them.

However I'm not for more regulations and more fees. So please stop suggesting this as a solution as it solves nothing and hurts individuals. I LOVE HOW SOME PEOPLE ARE SO QUICK TO SPEND OTHER PEOPLE's MONEY. Up the fee after 5 years. NO! I pay bookoo taxes and the Gov wastes it. I am not giving them more. I am sure people whining the most are not even building a plane or going to buy a plane anytime soon if ever.
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Sometimes a person forgets to renew, and when they realize it, too late. The N=number flippers got it and hold it for ransom.

Quite a rant. Unfortunately, this isn't true. If an N-number is not renewed, it's not even available for *5 years*.

I hate the guy who snaps up all the desireable N-numbers and resells them at exorbitant rates, too, but let's at least stick to facts here.

Oh, and it's "beaucoup", not "bookoo". From the French. :)
That is a random arbitrary suggestion with no practical or ligament reason and ineffective. Sorry, it's not the rule. Boohoo too bad I RESERVED my number and you can't have it. Ha ha.... :D

Look there are a lot of N-numbers, unlimited combinations.
It is too bad you did not get your choice, and your idea wouldn't guarantee your top choice. Would you then want to change the rules again to benefit you. Life is not fair and is difficult at times, and the only guaranteed is death and taxes. A personal N-number is not a right. So relax. Authoritarian rules will never help.

However I'm not for more regulations and more fees. So please stop suggesting this as a solution as it solves nothing and hurts individuals. I LOVE HOW SOME PEOPLE ARE SO QUICK TO SPEND OTHER PEOPLE's MONEY. Up the fee after 5 years. NO! I pay bookoo taxes and the Gov wastes it. I am not giving them more. I am sure people whining the most are not even building a plane or going to buy a plane anytime soon if ever.

You missed the point..... I HAVE my N number. I just don't care for greedy people that work the system for profit. My first post was on purpose... way out of line, to encourage comment..... and it did. I hope the FAA gets the hint.

disclosure.... I try to make my point with minimum key strokes.......:eek:
You missed the point..... I HAVE my N number. I just don't care for greedy people that work the system for profit. My first post was on purpose... way out of line, to encourage comment..... and it did. I hope the FAA gets the hint.

disclosure.... I try to make my point with minimum key strokes.......:eek:
"out of line", "min key stroke", "FAA gets the hint". Not following you. I disagree raising the cost of annual renewal fee is the answer to anything, and you are entitled to your opinion. Peace.

I doubt this will ever happen but, make it so reserved N-numbers can not be sold or transferred! Done. You could limit reserved N-numbers to individuals to ONE. To get additional reservation(s) you have to apply for an exception. Large flight departments, airlines and manufacture will get exceptions.

"Hope FAA gets the hint". Minimal key strokes again? FAA has better things to do I assure you. Their service has gone down hill since they started working from home. N-number selling is not illegal and may be supported by people high up in FAA or Gov. Bottom line FAA does not care and profits from it. PLEASE stop telling FAA to raise the rate. Inflation is bad enough.

BTW FAA now aggressively purges N-Reg airplanes not renewed since 2010. You can lose your N-number even after it's painted on your plane.
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