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N Number Choice?


Active Member
Starting to think about reserving a number and wondering how others decided on thier tail numbers. Birthdays, anniversary, initials? What's your story?
N168TX......Long time EAA Chapter number. Can't remember exactly why I chose the TX!
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Second plane, RV10, Laura and Mike.


Third plane, Rans S21, Laura and Mike

My top 3 choices belong to old bonanzas...


and the one I settled on N110XL was snatched from me when the FAA didn't process my renewal payment correctly...

The 526 is the beginning of an old C-180 I used to fly and remember fondly.

The RM is the initials of my wife's and my first names...plus I like how Romeo Mike rolls off the tongue.
A clever n-number is n1x4yy where x is the RV type and yy are the initials of your name, like n184jb for an RV8. Spoken: one eight for joe blow. Sadly, other RVers know this and you may not be able to get the initials you desire.
Started with the old birthday and name initials. But that got old real fast. Now it's sweet and short - N8ZN.

A buddy who works for NASA has N 594CE. Looks pretty good from a slight angle.
Mine N205EN for Rosen

My favorites
Bill Boyd
RV-6A - N30YD - Built '98 / sold '20
RV-10 - N130YD - Phase 1 flying
My tail number was on the airplane - 167CW - when I bought it and I liked it so I didn't change it.

"I'm flying Charlie Whiskey" sounds like a good song lyric so I'm happy with it.
I tried to find RV7A related numbers and my initials at the end so, 177RT.

Another consideration would be something that is easy to say. I'm not sure my initials are the best for the point of view. I don't like zeros either.

My RV-3 was born in 1980 with a unique tail number, RV3 in reverse. It blends my aircraft type and N number together when I announce on the radio: RV-3-Victor-Romeo.
10-4-initials worked for me

When I started the 10 project it was just me and the wife. I had reserved 104LB which was "10 for Lene and Ben" (wife and I) but somehow one year it didn't get re-reserved and ended up on a LINDSTRAND BALLOONS hot air balloon.

Fast forward a few years and having two kids while building I was able to reserve a similar n number 104EE which made it on the plane. 104EE is "10 for Elyse and Eli" my kids' names. At the time I didn't realize it but it is quite funny to hear "RV 4 Echo Echo". Echo Echo is a bit of a mouth full at times though but the meaning and the echo joke makes it ok I guess.

Yes airplane builders can be pretty geeky!

When I started the 10 project it was just me and the wife. I had reserved 104LB which was "10 for Lene and Ben" (wife and I) but somehow one year it didn't get re-reserved and ended up on a LINDSTRAND BALLOONS hot air balloon.

Fast forward a few years and having two kids while building I was able to reserve a similar n number 104EE which made it on the plane. 104EE is "10 for Elyse and Eli" my kids' names. At the time I didn't realize it but it is quite funny to hear "RV 4 Echo Echo". Echo Echo is a bit of a mouth full at times though but the meaning and the echo joke makes it ok I guess.

Yes airplane builders can be pretty geeky!

OK so I am going to reserve 104E, that should be fun to be in the same pattern with you.
Lucky number

I have two reserved. Both related to my wife's lucky number.
511RV. Probably use this one cuz One Romeo Victor sounds cool.
5115. Still deciding. One One Fife doesn't ring! :D
N819PR = My birthday and where I was born. August 19 in Puerto Rico. Besides, NINE PAPA ROMEO is easy to say and understand as a call sign on the radio.

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My last Navy squadron VFA-151 followed by La Chica’s first name initial and then mine. One Tango Kilo rolls off easy.
A clever n-number is n1x4yy where x is the RV type and yy are the initials of your name, like n184jb for an RV8. Spoken: one eight for joe blow. Sadly, other RVers know this and you may not be able to get the initials you desire.

The builder of my RV-8 did something similar in choosing N184FN, so it is One Eight For Fun. His initials were LS, so I don’t think he was trying to personalize the N-number. I have a copy of his letter requesting N-numbers from the FAA and N184FN was his first choice.
It's an RV (-6) and my first name is Randall. So when I was able to procure N6R I was pretty stoked! Long story how I managed to get it (Pat Hatch, you reading this?)

There is a minor downside which is exemplified by the following (typical) exchange when I call ATC:

ME: Center this is RV November Six Romeo that's my full callsign, 15 SE Astoria 7500 request.
Center: RV calling say full callsign.
ME: My full callsign is November Six Romeo, that's all of it.
Center: Roger RV November Six Romeo Victor squawk XXXX.
Me: Sigh.

I did get a guy once who said it's not a valid number and refused to accept it. After some negotiation I tacked on some extra numbers just to get him to cooperate. I called his supervisor after I landed, and he assured me that would NOT be happing again (righteous smirk).

Regardless I love having that number and so far the multiple (and not insignificant) offers I've received have not been enough to get me to part with it.


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Starting to think about reserving a number and wondering how others decided on thier tail numbers. Birthdays, anniversary, initials? What's your story?

You need help here? : :)

My favorite number and initials.

*The issue you might find is availability of combinations you want. Not only do commercial manufacturers and individuals have many combinations already registered or reserved, there are companies or individuals that buy up many N-numbers in speculation to sell. Last I heard going rate is thousand's of dollars. It's not illegal but I think it should be stopped by the FAA. You're not building an airplane you shouldn't be able to reserve multiple in numbers. At minimum you can't reserve more than one number unless you can justify it.*

My other criteria is to keep it short and use letters in phonic alphabet that I like, Bravo, Delta, Echo, Golf, Kilo, Sierra, Tango, for example..

Nothing wrong with these letters but I don't prefer Quebec, Hotel, India, November, Papa, Uniform for example. If my name was "Quincy Underwood", I wouldn't use initials for my N-number.
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I don’t yet have a plane. But while dreaming and lurking I saw on TailNum.com that 881PC, 882PC, 883PC, and 884PC were available. So I grabbed them (in case I ultimately end up with 4 aircrafts :eek:).
Why 88? Because I’m Chinese, and 8 is our luckiest number (and the more the better).
Why PC? Because my name is Charlie and I’m a dad.
Now I just need to get some planes…
781DM, rolls off the tongue easy and is easy to say. July '81 is my anniversary (same/only wife for 40 years :)), DM is wife's and my first initial.

The next one I have reserved is 159MM. Mine and my brother's birthday (we're twins) and our first initials.
I don’t yet have a plane. But while dreaming and lurking I saw on TailNum.com that 881PC, 882PC, 883PC, and 884PC were available. So I grabbed them (in case I ultimately end up with 4 aircrafts :eek:).
Why 88? Because I’m Chinese, and 8 is our luckiest number (and the more the better).
Why PC? Because my name is Charlie and I’m a dad.
Now I just need to get some planes…
Did you reserve direct from FAA or buy them from some one who had them reserved.

No offense "grabbing up" N numbers creates a shortage and limits choices for others, You don't have one plane and not building or actively buying a plane anytime soon?

and buying them encourages these N number speculators. Pick one and let the others expire.
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I have reserved N517D. “51” has special meaning because my wife’s birthday is May 1, and the P51 is my favorite WW2 fighter. ”7” because it’s an RV7. “D” because that’s the initial of my first name and “Delta” is easy to say.

“Experimental Fife-One-Seven Delta” seems easy to say…and understand.

And it might be shortened to “RV Seven Delta.” :D

My RV-6 kit number was 24556. I used the last three digits and added RV.
Six-Romeo-Victor fits nicely for an RV6 even if someone else own it someday.
What did you pay.

No offense "grabbing up" N numbers creates a shortage and limits choices for others, and buying them encourages these N number speculators. Pick one and let the others expire.

FAA charges $10 each per year.
My intention is to have more than 1 plane, which is why I got these.
Speculation is when you buy and hold in anticipation of appreciating value, which is not what I’m doing.
I’ll definitely let all of them expire if $10/year becomes a financial burden (since I wouldn’t be doing any flying at that point).
Not to add insult to injury but after seeing this thread I went back to TailNum and saw N1492 is available, so I grabbed that too. :D

I reserved an n number a month ago. The website says it is available, but the faa database said they have only caught up to may21 2021 processing these. Hopefully i am still the owner. They took my money so i assume it is mine.
I reserved an n number a month ago. The website says it is available, but the faa database said they have only caught up to may21 2021 processing these. Hopefully i am still the owner. They took my money so i assume it is mine.

When I go back to check after I paid, the site lists the number I paid for as “Requested”, so in theory no one else can request it.

...but if someone else requested it prior to you and the FAA is just getting to him, it will end up being unavailable to you...

I thought computers were supposed to make things better!...
...but if someone else requested it prior to you and the FAA is just getting to him, it will end up being unavailable to you...

I thought computers were supposed to make things better!...

The web interface, as I encountered it, was such that I could not pay for something that was already in the “Requested” state. So I’m trusting the situation you described could not happen.
If, however, there are other ways of making reservations, eg by mail or by phone, then perhaps you’re right.
N6GY - RV-6 and initials. I got it 20+ years ago for my first RV and transferred it to this one. I was lucky even back then - N1GY thru N5GY were already taken. Three character numbers are unobtainium or $$$ these days.
*The issue you might find is availability of combinations you want. Not only do commercial manufacturers and individuals have many combinations already registered or reserved, there are companies or individuals that buy up many N-numbers in speculation to sell. Last I heard going rate is thousand's of dollars. It's not illegal but I think it should be stopped by the FAA. You're not building an airplane you shouldn't be able to reserve multiple in numbers. At minimum you can't reserve more than one number unless you can justify it.*

FAA can simply take away the ability to reserve ahead, or disallow renewal (ie use it or lose it within the first year). Both options save them administrative overhead. Or they can generate more income through very high renewal fees. These are simple options if FAA wants to discourage the behavior you are finding objectionable.

You should write them a letter.
I did the online N Number request probably 2 months ago on my number of choice which was shown as available by them and have yet to hear anything back. They did take my $10 and I can still go through the same steps and request it again. Any idea how long it takes to get the original request approved?
N49DD - Was on the plane when I purchased, but builder was Dan Davis.. I decided to keep the call sign since I’m okay with double-D’s. :)
FAA charges $10 each per year.
My intention is to have more than 1 plane, which is why I got these.
Speculation is when you buy and hold in anticipation of appreciating value, which is not what I’m doing.
I’ll definitely let all of them expire if $10/year becomes a financial burden (since I wouldn’t be doing any flying at that point).
Not to add insult to injury but after seeing this thread I went back to TailNum and saw N1492 is available, so I grabbed that too. :D
I know reserving is only $10. You can get as many N-numbers as you like. I don't care. It is not a money issue. However you must be rich to plan a fleet of planes. I'm not poor, but the care and feeding of one plane is a lot of $$$$. Good for you and your future fleet of planes.

How many planes have you owned in the past & present? (Rhetorical no need to Ans.) "Grab" all the N numbers you want, no insult or injury to me. Just saying how realistic are you. Give others a chance to reserve one number. I have one N number and one plane. Just like toilet paper shortage of 2020, hording does no one any good. Up to you. :D

"Speculation is when you buy and hold in anticipation of appreciating value, which is not what I’m doing." I did not accuse you and know definitions of English words. However there is a whole cottage industry of buying up N-numbers and speculating. RV builders have had N-numbers reserved and forgot to renew before annual renewal date. When they went to renew (or re-reserve) it was taken by a speculator. The cost to get it back was a few grand. Now that you reserved it, if you let it expire it most likely will be grabbed by these opportunist. This is why you don't "grab" up N-numbers. Nuff said.
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I've since read some other threads and noticed the sensitivity some here have with businesses like what you described. I have no problem with it. Let's agree to disagree.
I like the numbers I got, and even if I never end up using it I'm already enjoying couch flying with imaginary ATC chatter (all in my head, so my wife doesn't make fun of me). But I'm not married to these, and I'll be fine if I lose them. All of these took me no more than 30 minutes total to dream up, research, and reserve. And if someone else got there first, good for them. I'm sure I'd fall in love with some other numbers and be just as happy. It's really not a scarce commodity.
People who pay thousands to get the numbers their hearts are set on are willing participants in a free economy.

I did the online N Number request probably 2 months ago on my number of choice which was shown as available by them and have yet to hear anything back. They did take my $10 and I can still go through the same steps and request it again. Any idea how long it takes to get the original request approved?

Days after I paid TailNum.com still shows the numbers as available, but FAA shows them as "Requested". Are you not seeing that?

Here's an example of what I see:


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my first plane, a warrior 41870 was totaled in the hangar in a storm in the eighties. that number was on a helicopter when i did my first build so i went with the birthday, initial thing.
2 years ago i went for a number for my second build and 41870 was available and it's mine again.