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My last day at Van's...


Well Known Member
It is with very mixed emotions to tell everyone that today is my last day with Van's Aircraft. :( As you may or may not know, I've been battling advanced stage cancer since January. So it is that decision that prompts me to make a hastily planned retirement move at this time. It's not really the way I was looking to retire, but nonetheless it is what it is and certainly a fait accompli... We?ll make the best of it anyway?

I just want everyone to know that I've really enjoyed my time here and consider you all my friends. I will miss the day to day banter, the camaraderie, and also working to make the best dam kit airplane in the history of aviation! I will truly miss working here since it has been one of my goals since getting into aviation years ago. Despite having to leave, I deeply appreciate the opportunities provided to me during my time here and I am very grateful for everyone's assistance along the way.

My future is undetermined at this point, but my wife and I plan to try to get me healthy, continuing the cancer fight to the best of my ability, however daunting as that may be. When I beat it, I?ll be back?

Take care and stay healthy...
Health and happiness

Be well Joe. My thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery. Be well and thanks for all your help.
Keep up the fight Joe. There are a number of us here who have and continue to fight the same battle. Thank you for your contribution to all of us that allows us to pursue our dreams. Godspeed and fair skies ahead.
Godspeed Joe

Joe, wishing you many years of better health. I have really appreciated working with you on the many RV engineering issues I have been fortunately or unfortunately faced with. Your professionalism was always second to none. Retirement is a blast and wishing you and the Ms many blessings.
Best wishes, Joe. I have enjoyed "RV-ing" with you here and on Facebook. We'll be pulling for you.
I little (well, not so little really) bird told me of this a few days ago, and I'm sorry to hear that you won't be the voice on the other end when I call to consult on some nefarious plan involving the factory.

You've got an entire world of RV'ers pulling for you and ready to help if we can Joe - I'll definitely miss seeing you when I drop in at Van's, but hopefully you'll beat this and we'll continue to run into you in the future.

:( I'm so sorry to hear this, Joe. Thanks for all you've done for our community and best of luck with your health battle. We're all pulling for you!
Words can not express the shock I just felt reading this. We all wish you the best and hope it will all work out. They are making such great strides against this stuff lately. Hopefully you will benefit from the progress.

We are praying for your healing

Joe and Tricia, Gail and I are praying for you both and pray the Lord has your healing in His plan. Thanks for all you have done. This really is the best kit plane ever and it is you and your coworkers that have made that happen. Thanks,

Robert and Gail Cutter
Sorry to hear about the cancer, but I'm always happy to hear about retirements. Prayers for You and your family in this next stage of life.
I'm just 1 of the thousands of people that want to Thank You for your work at Vans, over the phone/email and behind the scenes.
Thank you,
Joe, best wishes for the fight, lots of people here are sending thoughts and prayers your way.

And congratulations on the retirement.

You'll be back. Until then, enjoy your retirement. (Warning, retirement doesn't mean you don't work.)

You're accomplishments are many. Thank you for your outstanding service, dedication and commitment to our past time.

Prayers to you and yours.
Best wishes Joe!

Congratulations on your retirement, but we are so sorry about the circumstances. You and Tricia have been in our thoughts and prayers a lot this year.
Beat it!
And thank you for all the help with my building, inspections, and flying! I am lucky to have you face to face rather than bantering over the phone. :)
Bruce and Katie
I've been thinking about you an awful lot these last several months, but I must say I'm glad to hear that you are "retiring" so you can concentrate on your health full time. Do what you need to do and know that I'm on a jet in one hour to come up there anytime you need me.

Thousands of people have you in their thoughts and prayers.

If you stop emailing me stupid jokes I will take it as an insult. :)

Buds forever,
Take care of yourself, brother! If there is anything that Lisa and I can do to help, just let us know. We're just a short drive away.

I've already been praying for you and will continue to do so.

Get well. Go kick cancer's a$$. Come back. We all look forward to your return!
I'm going to miss hearing your voice and expert advice. Sending you prayers Joe. Get well soon.
Joe, it was always a pleasure talking to you. You will surely attack this medical problem with creativity and some humor as all the thousands of our RV "problems". Keep asking about alternatives and getting other opinions. There are some fantastic things than can happen in medicine these days and Portland is top notch. Keep in touch if you can, Joe, thousands of prayers are going out for you and your family.

Best wishes on you retirement, and hope to see you back at Van's one of these days. You will need the break--retirement is really tough. God bless, and know you are in good hands. I know. My wife was one of those miracle workers, an RN-OCN, for over 30 years.

Thanks from "down under" your help has been greatly appreciated. I wish you a speedy recovery and a long and happy retirement.
Thank you for your work and keep up the fight, prayers coming your way! God bless.
From my first RV-10 demo flight to the phone calls for help to the EAA pancake breakfasts, you were always such a great ambassador for aviation and for Vans Aircraft. I hope our paths cross again soon but in the meantime, take it one day at a time and know how many people are pulling for you.

Joe all the best in your fight against cancer. Enjoy your retirement and stay strong. Will be thinking about you.
Godspeed Joe

May you be "smiled upon" from On High during this "retirement".
Our prayers are with you and family as you take this fight to the next level.

As others have said, if there is anything I can do ......

Man, this is terrible news .... you've been a marvelous face and voice for the Mother Ship for a long time .... we're going to miss that! You were a wonderfully gracious host when Kris I visited Aurora a few years back and you took us up in the RV-10.... great day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and family - and we expect to see you back at Vans in the near future!!!
Get well!

Joe, you have been a special bright spot on a great team. I will miss you at Van's and I know that they will miss you. Go after the cancer full time and beat it! I am looking forward to more formation flying with you. If I can help in any way, I am ready to go. Best regards, Dan

Sorry to hear of your cancer challenge. We pray this goes well for you. Special thanks for the email advice you have written me in answer to questions.
God bless you.
Best wishes for a recovery, Joe. Thanks for all the help and for not laughing at my silly questions.
Wishing you and your wife all the best in getting your health back Joe.
It was communications with you that finally gave me the confidence to start building an RV 14 , of which I am enjoying the journey so thankyou. I hope your journey turns out well!!
We have been praying for you Joe since we first heard about your fight on your FB some time back, still praying. We are hoping the best for you and your family.

I'm really sorry to hear about your cancer. As you said it's not the way you wanted to go into retirement! However, one way to look at it is that you're not really retiring.................your just leaving your job at Van's so that you have more time to devote to your other job, which is battling this cancer. And hopefully have more time to do some of the other things you want.

You gave me my first ride in a RV (RV12) back in the spring of 2012 and got me started down the RV path.

Wishing you and your wife the best as you both deal with this present challenge.

Best Regards, Jim

Every message in this thread is truly heartfelt and inspirational. You have an army of support out here in the hinterland. Don't give up the Fight! Thank you for ALL of your contributions. Aloha! Greg

I've been thinking about you a lot and I'm sure that your positive thinking will help into the fight. Tons of prayers, good thoughts, hugs and energy are coming to you, worldwide. Now take your time to win Joe.
I'll stay tuned, praying every day.

ps: I remember when I was in the middle of my 8 building time, avid RVator reader. I saw your face thinking "hey, this guy will help me to finish my plane". And you did. ;)

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I will pray for your battle. I am sorry that cancer has hit you but grateful it hasn't knocked you down.

Last September you took me up for a demo ride in the 14A and it was one of the most memorable flying days of my life. I gave you a hat and you insisted on making it a trade. You made the factory tour interesting. I could tell you were happy to be a part of such great products. I am sorry you have to set it aside for a while. Get well.

Joe, we wish you the best and hope your road to recovery is a quick one! Keep the faith!

Rick Weiss
RV-7A nearing completion
Chairman, EAA Homebuilt Aircraft Council
EAA Board of Directors
Hang in there and live for the Lord


I don't know you personally, but I have seen you at Van's booth at Oshkosh in recent years. Live for the Lord even in these difficult days of your life and leave the rest to God. I pray that God would strengthen you and your wife in going through this situation.

Thank you for all that you have done to Van's RV community.


...We just became aware, and are saddened to see you having to deal with this freighting thing. Keep the faith and all will work out. Best to you and yours from all of us at Anti-Splat-Aero. Allan & staff

Joe to you and your family...very sorry to hear of the battle you are facing. Thanks for all your work and contributions..best of luck with what lies ahead and our thoughts are with you.

Tough time for sure but your a tough guy. Keep us updated. Seems you have a lot of fans and buds out her in vaf land.

Joe to you and your family...very sorry to hear of the battle you are facing. Thanks for all your work and contributions..best of luck with what lies ahead and our thoughts are with you.

Tough time for sure but your a tough guy. Keep us updated. Seems you have a lot of fans and buds out her in vaf land.