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Lurker Comes Clean

Hello - Very Long Time Lurker...out of the shadows to introduce myself to this community.

I follow quite a few 'forums' and always seem to find my way back to this one and seem to spend hours. :D

Ironically ? I saw the Dan C was building an -8 I had to jump on board. My experiences are very similar to Dan ? I have owned 2 Mooneys [sold] and find the quality of service is generally ?scary? and incredibly expensive. In looking (and flying) a bunch of different experimental, including a gyrocopter, I always seem to gravitate back to the RV.

Anyway, looking forward to officially becoming a part of this community, not sure how much I can contribute since my journey is just starting (first job is to convince the spouse). Thanks for reading.


Welcome to the group. Jump in the water or is that the riveting is fine.

Oh ya the spouse...let her know how many wonderful places of her choice you can visit so easily in an RV.......... :D

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY"
THAT'S why!

For the longest time I've been having this strange feeling...like someone's been watching me. :eek: Now I know why! :D

Welcome aboard, Jack.
Try this trick


Back when I started building I put a map of the US up in my shop with concentric circles centered on our house. The circles had one hour spacing and a string in the middle.

I can't tell you how many times Nora has come into the shop and played with that string. 45 minutes to the beach, 1:15 to her parents, etc. She keeps pushing me to get the thing finished.

Since you have owned two Mooneys, she may be aware of the magic carpet effect of airplane ownership but it never hurts to remind her.

Good luck and welcome aboard.