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I'd like to open this issue to the Wider Maintenance Community


Well Known Member

The missing photos:

Metal Chunk:

Other stuff:

I also got them directly uploaded in a later message below.

So I pulled the oil screen during my first 50 hour oil change since buying the bird (a/c has 824.9 hours on the IO-360 engine), just getting the safety wire off was the biggest challenge due to the access being quite limited! Not quite sure yet, how I am going to effectively put that safety wire back on, perhaps you have a hint?

In looking at the debris inside of the screen, which was limited to about 6 total small pieces, 5 of the 6 were organic in nature, in my opinion inconsequential. However, there was one small piece of metal which has me concerned. Since I am prepping for my condition inspection right now, I showed it to my A&P, we are going to insert a bore scope in the hole in the crankcase where the screen goes and see what we see, we are also going to be cutting open the filter to see what we see, as well as do the standard compression test and bore scope the cylinders to see what we might see. I am also sending in an Oil Sample to ALS.

Assuming we find nothing of concern through all of this, I am going to return the aircraft to service following the CI and continue to monitor. For what it is worth, The engine starts, idles, runups, full power departure and climb, cruise, descent, all without issue, works without a hitch. CHT and EGT are normal. Oil temp and pressure are normal. Last compression test indicated 74 75 74 75 over 80.

To the "at large" Maintenance Community - Thoughts?
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Got a picture of the chunk of metal? That would be helpful here, as would be dimensions and metal type - steel? iron? aluminum?
Photo of metal, etc.

I owe that information. Not quite sure how to get a photo on here. I think I have to share it from my own network space, which I dont yet have... I will see if I can share from my icloud space if I put in a public folder.

I will check it with magnet, to my naked eye it looks like aluminum, it is small, perhaps .4 cm long by .1 cm wide. I will get a more exact measurement when back at the a/c today.

Edit: I did find I can share a folder on my icloud space, will have them up shortly.

Got a picture of the chunk of metal? That would be helpful here, as would be dimensions and metal type - steel? iron? aluminum?
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Like this?

Any chance it looked like this? I found this in my screen, pulled a neighbors screen and found a nearly identical one in his too.. turns out the Millennium sumps that Aerosport uses have a thin cast/machined area that breaks off in the screen area..


  • 23726DF7-44A7-41B4-B6F7-D62C98461423.jpg
    342.4 KB · Views: 189
Hi Tom,

No, not at all like that, more like a small chunk/piece.
I am heading out to the hangar in a few minutes, will take a photo and make it available using the "image insert" tool (I understand I have to share the photo in my network space and then insert the URL to it.)
Hi Tom,

No, not at all like that, more like a small chunk/piece.
I am heading out to the hangar in a few minutes, will take a photo and make it available using the "image insert" tool (I understand I have to share the photo in my network space and then insert the URL to it.)

Nope, go here and follow instructions to upload. If the file is too big open the picture in Paint first and click save. That will usually make it small enough to upload.


  • Capture.JPG
    47.8 KB · Views: 182
Nope, go here and follow instructions to upload. If the file is too big open the picture in Paint first and click save. That will usually make it small enough to upload.
While you're in Paint, crop it to just the part, and resize to no larger than 1280x1024. Don't need anything larger than that online.
I would also ask the previous owner when the screen was last pulled. You might find the answer is never. I would relax at that point since a bit of metal can be normal in a new engine.
Another try at uploading the images directly...

Sorry, lets try again.

Metal chunk: (Not Magnetic)

Other Stuff: (none Magnetic)
He's unavailable, my humble opinion is that you may well be correct.

I would also ask the previous owner when the screen was last pulled. You might find the answer is never. I would relax at that point since a bit of metal can be normal in a new engine.
repost from your other thread

There are a whole bunch of aluminum parts with casting flash that can break off. Often when critical parts break off, at least one surface is machined flat or round. Can't really say don't worry about it, but encourage you to examine under magnification and look for signs of machined surfaces vs very rough surfaces or at least irregular shaped. If the piece bounced around the pan for 1000 hours, it may be smooth - think rock tumbler.

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Aluminum Flashing

On further review with 10x magnification, it appears to be just a tiny piece of aluminum flashing. :)

After looking at it with magnification, I am not nearly so concerned! :)