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How did VAF help you during 2022?…and an update.

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doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope this finds you enjoying family and friends, relaxing.

If you would do me a favor this last week of December, please consider taking a moment to post in this thread how this site helped you during the past twelve months. Maybe you sold your airplane, bought an airplane, found a new friend, found an engine, solved some problems you were having with your build, or just stayed entertained a bit in a chaotic world.

With your permission, I would like to keep this thread open until the end of the year.

I ask because donators are down 12.5%. My goal is to at least have the same number of donators as last year. These donations basically are the deciding factor on whether we make or loose money as a family. Yeah, it’s that tight. Some very kind folks sent more than the suggested $25. Others sent touching notes that I’ll save forever.

So, there are 33,140 forum accounts. Many additional thousands of unregistered ‘lurkers’.

Where things stand - the update:
1,847 people have sent in an honor system donation in 2022 as of today. 2,107 donated in 2021.

On the rules page I ask that folks not create threads in the vein of ‘people should donate’. I ask this only because of how terribly, terribly uncomfortable it all makes me. I don’t enjoy having to ask for donations AT ALL, but it is looking like maybe I should have asked more frequently. I’ve tried over the years to not be too intrusive, as I know how much *I* don’t enjoy that when I’m on the web browsing. Most every site I visit outside of VAF has a pop up ad to work through. Some of the aviation associations I belong to seem to snail-mail me a request for money weekly - others email every other day. It seems every business on Earth wants my inbox to know about some new sale or discount regarding something I don’t want and didn't ask about.

I never wanted to do that with VAF, and still don’t, and I thought maybe I had struck a nice balance of raising awareness on donations two or three times a year and not bugging with emails or pop-ups at all, etc. I think now I shot low.

Some caveats:
- No, I don’t ever want there to be a paywall. I have my reasons. I hope you can respect that.
- The mobile app of the forum software is purchased and hopefully will be running in a few months.
- 95% of my time is spent behind the scenes doing maintenance and admin work. Glamorous is not the word I would use.

The donate page is at https://www.vansairforce.net/yearlypledgedrive_value.htm if you feel so inclined. You can use a credit card. You can mail a bag of pennies. I'll use it.

Exempt from donating:
* any United States citizen who has EVER been in no-s h i t, bullets coming at you combat.* You know who you are, and I will never be able to thank you enough for protecting my way of life.* Please enjoy the site free for the rest of your life.
* anyone currently serving in the United States Armed Forces
* police officers (past or present)
* current Kindergarten thru grade 12 teachers.
* firefighters (salaried or volunteer - past or present)
* anyone employed by Van's Aircraft
* anyone acting as a moderator in the forums
* anybody currently unemployed
* the (2) renters at 'theVanCave'

I would like to keep VAF as my main job, but I’m not kidding it’s getting hard. The simulator side work I did this year won’t cover the health insurance increase we just received.

Thank you reading all this, thank you if you donate, and thank you letting me put up this one post until the end of 2022,

Doug (your VAF host)

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How did VAF help me in 2022? I'm still sane - VAF helped me get through another year! :D

If I didn't have VAF I'd be watching even more kitty cat and dashcam videos!

I think much of the value of VAF for me is knowing that there are 1000s of you out there dreaming, building, and flying these amazing machines. I know some of you in real life, but most virtually. Just knowing you are there, and the brief interactions we have, means a lot to me.

Thanks for the site, Doug!

How did it help me?
I bought a Vans kit because of VAF.

It kept me sane during the early build.

Created lifelong friends with other builders.

Filled in all the gaps in the factory instructions as I got closer to the end and especially firewall forward.

Introduced me to the advertisers who I would never have known about. ( Even got a shirt from Steinair)

Couldn't have done it without VAF.

Always send in extra, but that is not an excuse for others to skip out. Really dont understand whynit happens.
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Condition Inspection

I have been flying my RV-6A for 16 years so this year was my 15 condition inspection. Still, there were may items I needed a bit more information on and used VAF as place to learn. Questions like I had a small leak in my brake master cylinder so is that common? Can I rebuild it? I have not replaces hoses in a while so how long do FWF hoses last? Where can I get new hoses made? I wanted to start borescoping my engine so what borescope should I buy? what should a valve look like? Needed a new alternator belt and old one is a Dayco TopCog but wanted to buy local so is anybody using Gates belts? Why are there no oil filters in stock? What’s up with the newer Odyssey batteries and what batteries are people using now?
So even after 9 years of building and 16 years of flying and maintaining, there is always a reason to search VAF for some pretty good info.
How did VAF help me?

Because of my initial exposure to RVs and introduction to VAF, I made the trip to the Mothership, got my RV-7 ride (with Joe Blank, RIP), and took the plunge!

When building KELLI GIRL (and to this day), before I ever called Van's Tech Support for answers to any build problem, I searched VAF first. 99% of the time, I found that I wasn't the first builder to face my particular problem...somebody else had already developed the solution. My fellow VAF-ers have always been very willing to help.

As I monitor this site, I see how other RV-ers are finding more and more exciting uses for their RVs, expanding the portfolio of really cool things to do flying KELLI GIRL.

Through VAF Classifieds, I have bought and sold five figure$ worth of props, avionics, hardware, interiors, smoke oil...you name it. VAF is a wonderful sales node for all things RV.

Finally, VAF introduced me to some of the very best RV friends, particularly Doug and Susan Reeves. Doug, I hope this thread works as you hope. I'll keep contributing (exemptions be danged).
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How did it help me?
Kept me sane during Covid and beyond.
Learned more about airplane building from this site than I did in my Aircraft Maintenance Engineer course.
Been working on my RV-9A since 2004. Many periods of unemployment during that time. Back in 2010 during one such period, Doug posted that he was collecting pens and people posting on the site could barter a pen for a donation. Did this twice, but after I was re-employed started sending the recommended $25/year.
As time went on, the value of this site exceeded my donation and I started sending double. More than worth it. Just over $4/month or 13.7 cents per day.

I always remember that my birthday in September is VAF donation month.

Reminding people to donate might work better if it was done quarterly.

And finally, just today I was researching mounting Infinity stick grips and remembered a discussion from 2009 regarding the placement of the cable exit hole. Did a search and read through 14 pages of discussion, engineering analysis and recommendations. This made the placement of my cable exit hole much easier. As the ad says....PRICELESS!
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Let me count the ways

1) General interest and inspiration.
2) Great ideas for places to fly and things to do.
3) Lots of 2nd checks and/or continuous improvement of my annual process/checklist etc.
4) Exposure to the “witches brew” cylinder wash brew and process, which at 1150hrs tack time brought oil consumption from about 1qt/10hrs back to 1qt/30-40hrs.
5) Bought a few “upgrades” and sold some surplus stuff.
6) Recognition that some are even more CDO than I am…and though vigilance is good, worrying yourself ill will shorten your ability to aviate. (BTW, for those who have not heard of CDO; similar to OCD except in alphabetical order)
7) An almost daily laugh with the “off topic” of the day.
8) Being part of a genuinely great community where folks listen, debate and mutually respect each other and where folks help each other learn and develop.
9) Virtually meeting many awesome folks!
VAF gives me a LOT every year. But this year's many benefits include providing numerous ideas and solutions for our new plane, pointing out a couple of suppliers that would not be known otherwise, and the sale of our old plane in four hours (I had only listed it here). I am exempt, but I donate, and I covered a few of you that just can't manage a donation this year, which we understand. All the rest of you regulars with money in your pockets, well, 'nuff said.
After a decade at building my RV-3B, I have to admit that VAF helps keep me motivated. And that motivation is at times, rather badly needed.

This year, I started mentoring at a local high school's RV-12iS project. What do I know about the -12iS? Not that much at first, but VAF's model thread helped get me up to speed. More importantly, VAF was instrumental in locating some of the other mentors, without whom that project would have limped along worse than it is now.

We here have a broad community, and I've met people that I never would have, otherwise.

Can't thank Doug enough, really. And yes, I donate.

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I'm no Engineer and never stay in Holiday Inn, but I try to help builders avoid the mistakes I've made. That keeps me sharp because it helps me focus. Thanks.

Donated plus a little for quite a few years.
Donation in lieu of sale

LOTS of ways, and without going into detail, I can say that just one of them saved me more than $200 (and possibly more than $1000). Certainly worth throwing in some $ to keep VAF going.

Now and then I see someone cleaning out their hangar or having surplus parts and asking for a donation to VAF in lieu of payment. Seems like a great way to support this site, hopefully we will see more of that.
I really appreciate being able to draw on expertise on subjects I know a little about, but benefit from gaining more knowledge from others. Among the subjects I have benefited specifically this year are:
1) deeper understanding of engine performance, including combustion dynamics and the effects of timing, mixture, breathing dynamics and the effects of induction tube length, plenum volume.
2) aeroelastic/structural dynamics - being able to draw on expertise off line
3) help with non-RV aircraft maintenance, which had to go off-line, but still very helpful to be able to tap into others' experience.
4) torsional engine-propeller harmonics

I hope, and I try to, add content and knowledge from my own expertise, and ask questions whose answers are hopefully as interesting to others as to me.

I'm about to become a repeat offender, and will benefit from knowledge and experience as I contemplate an electrically dependent airplane this time, or not.

In a nutshell, VAF is a one-stop shop for a huge pool of expertise that we can all draw from.
In 2022, VAF helped me: adjust and fix my idle mixture, adjust my governor to allow a full power static run-up, do my first weight and balance, register the airplane, get through the DAR process and airworthiness, find a Qualified second pilot to help with first flight, and begin phase 1 testing of my newly finished -7A. To say it's been a helpful resource is an understatement!
SB's are the first thing that comes to mind. We get to hear from Vans about why and from members about how to - it's great! :)

The main thing though is that in this little corner of the world we get to unify with a shared interest and help each other out while leaving all that divisive stuff behind. :)
QR does not work for me
Is there a email to PayPal ?

[ed. vansairforce 'at' hotmail 'dot' com will work if you want to manually enter a PP email address. Kindest,dr]
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Where do I start?

Thank you for this forum, this has been a challenging year for my hobby.

In August I stuck a valve that ultimately lead to an engine tear down and cam replacement. Since all of the shops were months behind, I decided to learn what I needed to know and do the overhaul myself.

That’s where the fine folks on this forum stepped up and have been very generous with advice that has proven to be priceless. It should fly again in January.

Over the past four years, I bought my -10, upgraded the panel, repaired a major fuel leak, done all of my own maintenance and now this motor issue. All of this was done with the help and collective wisdom of this forum’s group.

Thank you very much and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
donated... sometimes i just need a reminder.

in recent years i visited VAF more frequently, just to read something that doesn't pulls you down.

VAF is much better for mental health than checking the news.

Thanks for that VAF. :)
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Access to knowledge and experience

Most of us are nearly experts at something we do or know. Otherwise you couldn’t afford an RV. Having quick access to That range of expertise is so valuable I don’t have terms for it.

VAF is morning coffee for my passion for airplanes. First thing I do everyday.

Not getting specific here, just think about the value of information here compared to another article about how to get back to the runway after an engine out. I have been paying to get that article sent from a monthly subscription for 40 years.

Maybe we need a VAF volunteer division in charge of revenue management so Doug doesn’t feel bad about poking the bear ?
Gosh, I'm sure VAF has saved me time and money in more ways than I can recall at this point.

The biggest benefit is the camaraderie that I get when I come here. People genuinely try to be helpful and supportive of each other and you rarely get the down-in-the-weeds finger pointing that's so common in other special interest sites.

Coming here gives me an emotional boost when it seems like whatever thing I'm working on is insurmountable of otherwise just not very fun (canopy frame anyone?).

The suggested $25 donation to VAF is literally less than the sales tax on a daily cup of gas staton coffee. I get a lot more value out of this site than I pay for and you do too. Cough up some cash.
I've been a supporter since '04 when I started building my -9A. Over time I've learned the following:
- VAF is a clearinghouse for Oshkosh info. It tells you what to see, hear, taste, touch, smell and do while at the big show.
- The classifieds are a big help buying and selling RV stuff.
- The technical advice offered here is top notch, for the most part.
The list is too long for a post but suffice it to say that without VAF from 2003 I would not have built, test flown, maintained, and updated my -7. I also learnt a lot about technology, systems operation, aerodynamics, flying, places to visit (and places not to visit), and have met a terrific group of people that make certain in person events (Oshkosh, Petit Jean etc.) some of my most anticipated events every single year.
As a pilot with a RV, you simply cannot find a better forum or better value than VAF, run with an operational philosophy that is the antithesis of every other web site model that monetizes via intrusive pop up adds and allows commentary to degenerate into non relevant and non-helpful posts.

I am not done flying or tinkering yet (reorganizing my panel for better IFR ergonomics as we speak) so I for one hope Doug keeps it going.
Mostly I just like being here. It's a positive window out into the world, filled with friends. It's good for the soul.

Merry Christmas everyone.
How did VAF help me in 2022?

How did VAF help me in 2022?

All the great ideas! Sometimes it's a tool. Sometimes a technique. Maybe a name or link to a vendor I haven't heard of. Always useful.
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If I go more than a few hours without just glancing at “Today’s Posts” I get the jitters! It’s great to just check in and see what’s happening in the RV world, and this place is the RV world.

If the collective we lose this because we won’t donate a smidge over 2 dollars a month to support the vast amount of good this site does it would be a crying shame.

Thanks Doug. I think one line in your OP here was meant for me.
How has VAF helped me this year?

I'm going to make a statement and say VansAirforce is JUST AS IMPORTANT AS THE BUILDERS MANUAL!!! Both during and after the build is completed, the importance of the collective information available here continues to grow.

Mine use of VAF started over 10 years ago when I was building the 7A. Long ago completed. I simply would have never even finished had it not been for this site. FF 10 years. These days VAF still answers many many of my questions and concerns regarding our wonderful airplanes. It also helps me to get lucky and sometimes help others. I learned from those before me and hopefully I've passed on some useful information to those following behind in their builds... No since in reinventing the wheel.

Pray for Gods miracle of love to fill each and every VAFer home today and wish
each of you a very merry Christmas.
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VAF supplies the collective knowledge/experience base of the entire builder/owner community in one, easy to use format. You, as a builder/owner can literally have a solution to every problem encountered to-date at your fingertips. I've used it a thousand times over the years of RV ownership. You just can't ask for more than that.
Let me count the ways...

I get withdrawal symptoms if I cant read the forum one day. Every morning I get my coffee and sit down to go over the new posts. I built my Sonex, but at my age (79) I decided to buy my 9A but I would love to have built it. I do all my own work and have learned so much about the details to look for on my inspections. I also had the left tank off four times and the right one off once to fix tank leaks. I got the background and hints and methods from my research on VAF. I learned about really great vendors like Tom Swearengen of TS Flightlines and Scott Card, of headset fame.

Doug, I can only say the site has been great to me and well worth my exempt donations. It is hard to believe only 1,800 of 32,000 have seen fit to support it.
Mostly I just like being here. It's a positive window out into the world, filled with friends. It's good for the soul.

Merry Christmas everyone.

If I go more than a few hours without just glancing at “Today’s Posts” I get the jitters! It’s great to just check in and see what’s happening in the RV world, and this place is the RV world.
Ditto what these fine fellers just said. Even if I can’t fly my RV today, I still gotta get my fix…
Thanks Doug

Sanity and helpful discussion- a safe place to post about your mistakes, and how to fix them. Really appreciate Doug’s emphasis on civility in the forums! (Oh, also sold a plane here and have met lots of friends)
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It’s a Community!

Like others are saying, this forum put me in contact with people more knowledgeable than I‘ll ever be and has allowed this non-builder to benefit from their experiences and expertise. It’s through this forum that I’ve learned how to work on my RV, met new friends, find products and services to maintain it, enhance my airplane’s capabilities, and experienced the fellowship of this community.

People like Pat Hatch, Bob Turner, Steve Ingram, Dan Burdette, Jerry Calvert, David Figs, Paul Dye, Vic Syracuse, Walt Aronow, Mike Vacarro (his excellent training syllabus) Vlad (his travels ), and so many others who’ve willingly shared their knowledge and experiences through this forum so that folks like me can enjoy their RV at an affordable price. Thankfully because of this forum and those who financially support its continued existence we’re able to enjoy a truly great community. A proud supporter - even though by the rules - I’m exempt. It’s a community obligation!
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“You know what makes your airplanes go up?”

“Well…..the aerodynamics alone would take so long to….”

“Ideas! Ideas is what makes your airplanes go up!!!”

Although I am obligated to keep up with what is going on throughout the entire E-AB world, I come back to VAF several times each day to see what is going on in the 70% of the market represented by the RV line - and to get ideas. And while I throw in a (hopefully) helpful hint now and again, what I take away is ideas - ways of fabricating or assembling things that I hadn’t thought about. Sure, there are people that think I have a certain level of knowledge and skill - but the real skills necessary as a builder (and a writer) are learning new things!

We’ve got so many VAF participants with elegant problem-solving skills that share them on these pages - its the place to be if you’re building metal airplanes or those powered by anything other than a rubber band!

I told Doug a while back that it was here in a PM on VAF that I was offered my first paying aviation writer’s gig, and that set me up for my entire second “career”. Do good things, write well, be interesting….and you might just get a PM from someone in the magazine business asking you to share your thoughts to a wider audience.

VAF is a breeding ground for ideas - and for sharing those ideas with the world!

What did I get out of VAF in 2020? Ideas!!
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This year, VAF provided:

Thought-filled discussion.
Wise counsel.
Good humor.
Useful, usable solutions.

And gratitude.

Thank you, Doug!
Even though I fly a Europa not an RV I learn something every time I log in.

The RV community is so big that this site is the best source experimental aircraft information of all sorts, technical, travel, motivation and experiences. It’s surprising how much is applicable to me! I am even able to contribute sometimes.

I use the weather tab for my first look at weather each day.

The “What did you do with your RV” thread is such a good idea I copied it to the Europa Forum. Thanks Doug!

Jim Butcher
Motivation and Inspiration

Merry Christmas, Doug, thank you for all your work on this website!

I read through all the posts today and was pleased to see that I am not the only builder with a -9a project started in 2004 or so. I had to share this with my family this morning if only to prove that I am not the only builder taking a long time, again, thank you! Ditto to all the other positive comments.

I visit this website almost daily for ideas, inspiration, the classifieds and general knowledge. There are a lot of people on this forum that are a lot smarter than me, with great ideas. I do appreciate the discussion of various ideas and methods; and always appreciate comments from the Mother ship, Paul Dye, Vic Syracuse and all the other very knowledgeable contributors.
Thanks Doug

In addition to the chance to help others in the ancient land of RV-6/6A building, and picking up maintenance tips, this year VAF gave me the chance to do something I had not set out to do.

My father passed away in August. A few days after he died, I was wrenching on a friends -8A. While doing that, I kept thinking about my Dad.....and eventually had enough thoughts running around my head, I decided I had to do something with it. So I wrote it all down over the course of a couple of sleepless nights. I thought about posting it to VAF while writing it, but initially I wrote it for me. I did decide to post it here after it was finished. I think Doug put it up on the front page for the following day.

To make a long story short, what started out as me dealing with my Dad's death, ended up as something I read at his memorial service a couple of weeks later. I was truly amazed at the response I received here on VAF, and after reading it at his memorial service. Thanks Doug, and to all who responded to my post about my Dad.

He's still with me every time I fly.
“You know what makes your airplanes go up?”

“Well…..the aerodynamics alone would take so long to….”

“Ideas! Ideas is what makes your airplanes go up!!!”

Wait, wait… I’m confused. In “The Right Stuff”, Gordo and Gus said “Funding makes this bird go up. No bucks, no Buck Rogers.” But now it’s ideas? Maybe it’s a combination of funding the ideas, that’s gotta be it. :p
I've forgotten there are other websites

I started following this forum back when it was a yahoo group. I was a broke graduate student, and the idea of building a plane was nothing but an unobtainable dream. VAF kept me dreaming though, and 23ish years later, I'm finally building! The collective experience on VAF is priceless. There are so many hurdles hit while building, but being able to have a singular place to come to and find the answer nearly 100% of the time saves a tremendous amount of frustration. I'm not sure I'd enjoy building as much if VAF wasn't a resource (usually an immediate resource to boot). I dearly hope that Doug is able to keep the site operating for many, many years!
VAF - An invaluable resource

I am so thankful to you and all of the moderators and contributors that make this site such an important resource to the RV community. This year has been another great year of flying Dr. Roger Mell’s wonderful RV7 and the highlight had to be flying her to Airventure for the 50th celebration. Bottom line for me is, I would not be enjoying my RV grin without this forum. For that I will be eternally grateful!

Below, myself on the left and Roger on the right on the happy day in February of 2020 that I took over as caretaker for Dr. Roger Mell's aircraft.


  • A4B00307-8B0F-400A-8631-8043316B0AB8.jpg
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Great thread

I was going to type a long list of the many benefits that I get from VAF, but I'd be typing for the rest of the day.

I check things on the forum multiple times a day. I've bought and sold many items using VAF. I've learned a ton and have tried to share what I have learned. If VAF were to go offline I'd would be very sad.

This site is without a doubt the biggest bargain in Aviation. So I think I'll make a 2nd donation for 2022 and make another one January.

Merry Christmas Doug.
How has VAF helped me this year?

I work alone, in a garage.
I put in some long days, and screw up regularly.
While I have a supportive family, they are not interested in helping me with this crazy endeavour. It’s long hours with only myself for company. When I have finished a sub assembly, I celebrate on my own. When I screw up, I panic on my own.
It can be a fairly lonely experience.
With VAF here I don’t feel entirely on my own. I can celebrate my small achievements, and come to terms with or even fix my screwups, with the help of like minded people.
Without VAF I wouldn’t be building.
I donated because I learn something every time I peruse these pages. Lots of smart folks sharing valuable, hard won information. That is more than worth the price of admission. Thanks.

These are the topics VAF helped me with in 2022 alone.

  1. Canopy fit to windshield fairing
  2. PNW test pilot search
  3. Filling the weave on fiberglass with primer
  4. -7 vs -8 rudder transition
  5. Rudder balancing
  6. Baffle install help
  7. Fiberglass techniques
  8. Axle cotter pin install issues
  9. Elevator stop issues
  10. Heat muff install
  11. Skybolt Install help

I've been doing this for 6 years...theres no way I could have built this -7 without VAF.
Every time I visit here, I instantly become part of a wonderful community of RV Brothers and Sisters. This alone is priceless for me living halfway around the world from the Mothership.

Every time I need information or help on technical matters, I go here first and usually the answers are there in the form of previous posts or gets answered by those who have been there before.

After being involved in seven builds this is the place where I can so often pass on lessons learned and building advice to the new builders.

Merry Christmas and happy 2023
Countless Ways

We benefit from this site tremendously as we build. The knowledge, expertise, skills, and ideas presented here allow us to think through challenges with greater ease than otherwise possible. We have been able to learn ideas and plan ahead for longterm ease of maintenance. We are equally grateful for the lack of vitriol for which the web is famous.

Please support the site! Donate to its longterm health! Visit its venders and let them know how you arrived on their site!

Merry Christmas!
I couldn't even begin to count the number of times I went to VAF to search something this year. My planes first flight was this month so over the last 7 years I've been on this site daily. I've told people that without this site I probably wouldn't have even attempted to build.
I needed obsolete Van's gauges to replace failed gauges. Vans
Air Force generous members supplied them. I couldn't have found them otherwise.
I needed motivation to keep working on my RV-3 when there is two feet of snow on my runway. Dan's fabulous travelogue, " YLL on Tour" motivated me.
My 3 had a gear shimmy problem. Paul Dye's resurrection of the aluminum bar stiffener and David Paul's explanation of how it works gave me a winter project. (When the snow is gone in March or April I'll get to see if it works.)
Then there is the daily entertainment reading everyone's experiences. It makes my life better. Thanks Doug.
I've been in several communities in my 56 years. After I started flying in 2014, I discovered that the aviation community has no equal. There is no other community that I know that will drop everything to help another aviator/builder out. VAF is a fantastic microcosm of this cooperative and helpful group of people with their eyes pressed skyward.

I used VAF a lot while building and a lot more since I got my -9A airborne in 2018. One of the most powerful forces here is the collective wisdom, especially when it is the majority. It's been so helpful for both the building/maintaining and the flying. I'm a better builder, maintainer and especially pilot because of my involvement here. I'm here daily, sometime more often and it is a valued part of my existence.
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